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Illicit Inheritance: The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica)

Page 9

by Anya Merchant

  “I need to get a keg out of the backroom,” she said. “John, can you help me move it with your big, strong, muscles. You could get the job done, couldn’t you?”

  John opened his mouth blankly, not sure of how to respond, or what to say. The woman in front of him was competing for his attention, running one of her hands through his hair and encouraging him to take things further with her.

  “I.;. don’t think that would be a good idea,” said John.

  “Are you sure?” Amelia pushed up against his side, and moved one of his hands from the woman in front of him onto one of her own boobs. “I’ll make it worth your while.”

  A look suddenly came over Amelia’s face, and she jerked back. John looked in the direction of her gaze, and saw Chad on his way into the bar. Amelia smiled reassuringly at him, and then leaned in and gave him a friendly kiss on the cheek.

  “What’s this all about then?” asked Chad, as he approached the group of them. “I thought I saw-“

  “It’s a girls night out, Chad!” cried Amelia. “You can’t be here.”

  The bar owner smiled, and then nodded to John.

  “You heard the lady, Count John,” he said. “Let’s go.”

  John followed him to the bar, harboring a strange mixture of anger and gratitude towards his new friend. The two of them sat side by side on bar stools, and Chad waved over the bar maid.

  “Two shots of whiskey, for me and my friend, if you don’t mind,” he said.

  “Of course, Mr. Dorsky.”

  Chad clapped John on the back and then gestured to all of the people around him.

  “You know John, on Blackthorn Isle, we’re a very close knit community.”

  John nodded, feeling a little anxious about what was coming.

  “Yeah, I’m really starting to get a sense of that,” he replied.

  “Which is why I want you to know that I will always have your back.” The shots of whiskey arrived, and Chad picked up his between two fingers and gestured for John to do the same.

  “That’s… good to know,” said John. The two of them clinked the tiny shot glasses together, and he tasted the bitter alcohol as he poured it back. Chad slammed his down hard on the counter once it was empty, and then shuddered slightly.

  “I’m sure you’ve taken a look at the old Count’s finances by now, and know what’s what,” he said. “It’s only because of you and your family’s generosity that my tavern is still standing. If you ever need anything, or want anything, just ask me and I’ll let you have it.”

  John nodded again, noticing a curious look spreading across the man’s face.

  “I uh, appreciate that, Chad,” he said. He glanced over towards the door, and saw that it was dark outside. Realizing what time it was, he stood up from his seat, and reached his hand out to shake the bar owner’s hand.

  “I’m serious,” he said. “Anything you want. Just take it.”

  John paused, and said nothing for a moment.

  “Okay, I’ll keep that in mind. Goodnight, Chad.”

  “Goodnight, Count John.”

  The darkness outside swallowed John as he stepped into the street. The town was equipped with streetlights, just not enough for them. Somehow, John was glad for it, as though the shadows gave him plausible deniability for what had almost happened. With it, he moved forward, headed for the mansion.


  John didn’t catch sight of his follower on the trip back. He felt better, less paranoid and more level headed, but he wasn’t sure if that was from his mind relaxing on its own, or the alcohol.

  He got his answer just a short while later. Olivia was vacuuming one of the lobby carpets when he stumbled through the doors, and the look she gave was one of amusement, and slight concern.

  “Are you okay, John?” She flicked off the vacuum, and started over to him. John held up his hand and gestured for her not to worry, but she was at his side before he could stop her, gently pulling him to his feet with her warm, silky soft hands.

  “Yeah, I’m fine, I just…” He sighed, and realized that he’d have to do a lot of explaining. “I stopped by the Red Thorn Tavern, and had a couple of drinks.”

  “Again?” Olivia looked at him as though she couldn’t believe it. “John, you’re only 18! Drinking every night isn’t good for you, not for your body or your appearance as the Count.”

  “I know, I know, I’m sorry. There’s more to it than that, though.”

  John walked over to the stairs and sat down on them, and Olivia joined him, flattening her maid’s skirt underneath her as she lowered down in a practiced, dutiful manner. She was sitting really close to him, but John tried to ignore it and focus on all of what he needed to tell her.

  “Olivia… I think someone was following me today.”

  The maid stared at him, mouth falling open slightly, and flickers of fear and anger in her eyes.

  “What? That’s insane!” She stood up and quickly jogged over to the polished wood double door. There was a small lock on the wall near the top, and Olivia stood on her tippy toes trying to reach it, pushing her butt out in a way that was accidentally cute, and failing to even come close to getting a finger on it.

  “We need to lock the door. John!” She beckoned him over with her hand. “Come on, lift me up!”

  John sighed, by decided it was probably best to indulge her. He had felt the same way when he’d noticed his stalker, and the paranoia alone had done a number on him.

  “Alright, hold still.” It wasn’t until John was right behind Olivia, and had wrapped his arms around her and lifted, that he realized just how soft, warm, and sexually compelling her body was.

  She swatted her hand at the lock, still not coming quite close enough, and then slipped back down, her butt grinding against John’s rapidly hardening cock as she did.

  “Oops,” she said. “Usually I grab one of the step ladders to do this. Can you put me up, one more time?”

  John nodded, and leaned forward into her. He moved his hands around her abdomen to get a grip, and was tempted, so tempted, by the idea of sneaking a grope of her breasts, but she was his maid, and he didn’t want to make things any weirder than they already were.

  “Alright, I got you.” He lifted her up, as high as he could, and this time Olivia switched the lock over to where it needed to be. She let out a jubilant cheer, and twisted in a way that made it impossible for John to keep steady, sending the two of them falling to the ground in a tangled heap.

  “Oh, sorry.” Olivia was straddling him, and her breasts were thrust directly into his face. John had a full blown erection, and he could feel it pushing against his pants, into the maid’s soft, warm thighs.

  “Don’t be,” said John. He slipped up a little, his cock rubbing along the maid’s body, and his heart pounding out of his chest. “We got the door locked, that’s really all that matters.”

  Olivia stood up, and made an attempt at smoothing out her clothes. She turned to John, and snapped back to the topic at hand.

  “Anyway, all of the other doors are locked,” she said. “If there really is someone out there that’s after you, they won’t be able to get at you tonight. Your has her key, so she should be all set to get in when she arrives home.”

  John looked at Olivia curiously, and scratched his head.

  “Wait, my mom still isn’t home?” he asked. “It’s almost 8… that’s a little weird, isn’t it?”

  There was a look in Olivia’s eyes as she smiled at him that John had seen before. It was a little secretive, as though she had something that she couldn’t tell him, and enjoyed it a little.

  “She said that she was just checking in with the bankers and lawyers, handling the administrative side of the inheritance.” Olivia coughed, and then continued. “She’s probably just out late, trying to get that done.”

  John nodded slowly.


  There was a tense, engaging pause. Olivia smiled again, and this time it was secretive in a differe
nt way, almost flirty, borderline seductive. Natalie wasn’t there, and it was just the two of them. What could a powerful man, and his attractive maid possibly think of to do to pass the time?

  John felt his cock hardening to an iron bar in his pants. Even with what had already happened, he still wasn’t sure if it was right for him to do anything with Olivia, given the strange power dynamic between the two of them. But something about the way she looked at him, and the way she carried herself, made him think that maybe the imbalance it was not quite as slanted as it looked on paper.

  “Why don’t you head up to your room for a bit?” asked Olivia, softly. “I set a couple of messages for you from the locals on your desk, and I can bring you up a plate of food in a few minutes, and help you with anything else that you need…”

  John paused for a moment, and felt his heart begin to race even faster.

  “Okay,” he said. “That sounds good.”

  Olivia walked over to him and set her hand on her shoulder. Her touch sent fireworks erupting through John’s body, and all he could do was stare at her. It was so clear from the way that she smiled at him, and the gleam in her eyes, that she was very aware of the effect she was having on him.

  She walked towards the kitchen, and John slowly started up the stairs. He was the Count, he reminded himself. It meant that he had a number of new responsibilities, and along with them came new boundaries, and new standards of behavior. Whatever had been going on between him and Olivia, he had to put a stop to it, before it got out of hand and started effecting his judgement.

  True to her word, John’s desk was stacked with letters and papers. He cleared his throat as he sat down in his chair, as though getting ready to address a crowd, and then tore one of the envelopes open and took a look at its contents.

  Count John,

  I bid you a fare welcome to the Isle of Blackthorn, and send my best wishes to you and yours during this time of grief. The old Count was beloved by all, and we hope that you follow in his stead in your dealings on the island.


  Mr. Weston, owner of the Sudston Brewery

  The vast majority of the letters were just variations on the same theme as the first one that John had opened. He was taken aback by how formally written they were, as though they all had been time warped in from another century, and again by how many of them there were. It was becoming clear to him that the position of the Count was not quite as ceremonial as he had initially assumed.

  “Count John? May I come in?” Olivia’s voice drifted in from the hallway.

  “Yes, of course, Olivia,” said John. The door opened, and the maid entered, pushing a small cart with a covered plate on top of it.

  “How did you get that up here?” he asked.

  “There is a servant’s elevator for transporting things upstairs,” she said. “It connects from the kitchen to the hallways on the second and third floor.”

  John nodded, and then reached for his food. Olivia touched his hand as it reached the plate, and smiled at him.

  “Before you start eating, I thought maybe I could… take a look at the messages you’ve received?”

  John nodded. There was something about the way Olivia spoke and carried herself that made her look and sound extra feminine, like a woman with enough sexuality for two or three. She slowly bent over him at his desk, her breasts dangling in his face, only held back by the fabric of her uniform.

  “Hmmm… Yes. Most of these are pretty standard.” As she spoke, Olivia’s hand dropped down to John’s thigh, and began rubbing further up, and further up.

  “Olivia…” he said softly.

  “Yes?” Her voice was so beautiful, like a church bell chiming out on a Sunday morning, and so dutiful and obedient. John wanted to set things straight, and figure out where the boundaries lie between them in the strange master/servant relationship they shared. But she looked like she already knew, and was trying to show him, explain to him, that there weren’t any.

  She took his silence as though it was an instruction of its own, and dropped to her knees, crawling underneath the roomy desk. John felt his slacks being unzipped as his maid began to do for him, again, what she had already done that morning.

  Her lips were soft and wet on his cock, and it felt as though he was receiving an immensely pleasurable kiss from an old friend. John felt her tongue curling around the head of it, and heard the cute, tiny sucking noises as she began to work her mouth up and down.

  “Oh man…” moaned John. The letters and notes were still in front of him, and it felt a little weird looking at papers full of thank yous and condolences while Olivia sucked him off with soft, blissful precision. She pulled her mouth back for a second, and whispered up to him.

  “Count John? Would you like to… lie down with me?”

  There was a strange, presumptuous confidence in her voice, as though she knew he was going to say yes. And John was on the verge of saying yes, the word on the very tip of his tongue, as the door opened.

  “Hello, sweetie.” Natalie was standing in the hallway, looking into John’s room. “Why was the door locked downstairs?”

  John tried to keep his surprise and embarrassment from showing on his face, and felt himself failing. There was no way that his mom could see Olivia, or how his pants were pulled down, not from the angle that she was at, but his cheeks were so flushed, and his breathing so heavy, that he wondered if there were already enough hints to give him away.

  “Uh… I had Olivia lock it before,” said John. The same Olivia whose breath was hot on the skin of his cock, and lips were mere inches away from his rock hard member.

  “Yeah, I figured, but why?” asked his mom. “And speaking of Olivia, where is she? I want to eat dinner soon.”

  John opened his mouth to speak, and felt soft lips brush against the head of his cock. He wasn’t sure if his maid had done it accidentally or intentionally, but the pleasure flooded through his body, all the same.

  “I’ll… tell you about it after,” he managed. “I’m looking over some of the letters that I’ve received… as the new Count.”

  “Oh? Let me take a look.” She walked over to him, and John felt his heart begin to pound harder, and faster. His cock throbbed, free of any direct stimulation other than Olivia’s warm exhalations, but still right on the verge of going off, from the illicit excitement of what was going on.

  “It’s just… pretty much what you would expect,” said John. His mom bent over him, and just like before with Olivia, her breasts hung right where he could do little else but stare at them.

  “Hmmm… It’s mostly just small talk. You should get Olivia to write your responses, she’d be glad to do it for you.”

  John smiled at his mom, and felt a powerful sexual impulse began to overtake him.

  “Yeah… I, I’m sure she would.” With one hand, he reached under the desk and slowly pulled his maid’s head against his cock. Her lips were pursed, but after keeping her in the position for a moment, she opened them and began to suck him off, with John’s mom close enough to reach out and touch her.

  “Honey, I want to talk to you after I eat,” said Natalie. “Just you, alone.”

  “Yeah, sure, anything, mom.” His breathing became labored as Olivia began to suck faster, intent on getting him off as soon as possible and getting it over with.

  “Are you okay, John?” she asked. “You sound a little feverish.”

  His mother pulled him into a side hug with one arm, and set the other on his forehead. Olivia sucked faster, and John worried that the barely audible slurping noises might give them away.

  “I, I’m fine, mom,” John was beyond fine. A strange shame took hold of him as he realized that the intense sexual pleasure he was getting from the hidden blowjob was only amplified by his mother’s warm touch, and her soft body leaning against him. Olivia ran her lips up and down, up and down, faster and faster, until John couldn’t hold out any longer.

  “I love you, sweetie,” said Natalie. J
ohn leaned closer against her suddenly, right as his cock began to explode cum into Olivia’s mouth. Pleasure shot through him like a torpedo in the ocean, and he buried his head against his mom’s chest.

  “I… I love you too, mom,” he said. Natalie looked at him strangely, and then kissed him on the head and stepped away.

  “I’m going to find Olivia and get some food,” she said. “Come find me once you’re done eating.”

  “O-okay,” said John. “I will.”

  The orgasm had taken an almost physical toll on John, and when his mom had left the room and shut the door behind her, all he wanted to do was collapse forward onto the desk. But there was Olivia, he remembered.

  The maid forcefully pushed the chair back and slipped out from under the desk, fixing her clothes and wiping a dribble of cum from her chin. She glared at John, and then slapped him across the face, hard.

  All he could do was watch as she stormed out of the room without a glance back at him, stunned by the blow. It took him a minute to realize just how terrible what he had done must have been for her. It was different from enjoying her touch, enjoying what she offered him, when it was on her terms. Lines did exist between the two of them, and John had just crossed one.


  John spent a couple of silent, shameful minutes eating his dinner, his face still smarting from Olivia’s blow. There was a part of himself, dark and a little cruel, that he didn’t want to face. Becoming Count had presented him with too many opportunities to act in a way that was unbecoming of the regular 18 year old he’d been just a few weeks prior.

  After he finished, he pushed the cart outside his room and down the hallway. The mansion was silent, and John wondered if Olivia had gone home, and then if she even had a home other than the Ludling Estate to go to. The thought made him feel even more ashamed of what he’d done, and he tried to shake it from his mind.

  The servant’s elevator was right where Olivia had told him it would be. John pushed the cart up to it, and thought about sending it down on the tiny little machine. He thought better of it, embarrassed by the possibility of Olivia being disturbed in the kitchen, and forced to clean the plate of the man who had just…


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