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Page 6

by Karen Nappa

  “He thinks I’m maybe eighty percent dominant, but I also have submissive and masochistic tendencies.”

  Her head flew up. “You want me to hurt you?”

  He grinned in his irresistible boyish fashion. “Oh yeah!”

  She smiled as delicious ways to torture his gorgeous body ran through her mind. She used the iron control that made her an accomplished and sought-after Domme to get her head back to the negotiation. I can’t believe I’m seriously discussing this.

  “Okay, sounds interesting, and I’d love to find out what your limits are.” She smiled at him. “I’m also intrigued about your idea about co-topping. What’s that about?”

  Chris stroked his chin with its heavy scruff. It looked sexy on him, she decided.

  “The other day with Yvonne, we both had a connection with her. I know she needs more pain than I’m willing to give, but if we could scene together, it might work really well.”

  Huh, why haven’t I ever considered the option? She did play with men and women, and she’d assisted several times in other Dom’s scenes, but to pursue a regular ménage had never crossed her mind. Talk about a blind spot!

  “Have you talked about this with Yvonne?” Kate leaned back in her chair and stroked a manicured fingernail over her brow.

  Chris shook his head. “Not yet, I wanted to run it by you first. I…”

  He didn’t continue, but Kate could fill in the blank. She would be the Dominant in their relationship, and Chris was giving her the lead.

  “Okay, I’ll talk with Yvonne the next time we’re at the club.” She lifted her booted foot and maneuvered it against his crotch, making him jerk. “You’re going to wear what I want to show your submission to me.”

  Another devastating smile appeared on his face, and his eyes sparkled. “I’ll walk naked and two steps behind you if needed,” he murmured in a low tone only Kate could hear.

  Oh, the imp — it gave her a splendid idea, though.

  On Saturday evening, Kate and Chris met with Yvonne in the dining room of Club Indigo. While Yvonne listened to Kate, her breathing sped up and her color heightened. Chris couldn’t tell if it was lust or fear, but he didn’t interrupt Mistress Kate’s explanation to inquire.

  Yvonne glanced back and forth between him and Kate, like she was watching a tennis match, opened her mouth, closed it again, and finally blurted out, “You both want me?”

  Chris chuckled and took Yvonne’s left hand in his broad palm and squeezed it. “Is that so impossible? You’re a gorgeous woman and between the two of us we can give you what you need.”

  Yvonne squeezed back and reached for Kate with her right hand. Kate took it immediately and held out her free hand to him. They formed a triangle as Yvonne continued, “I’m attracted to you both, and I feel excited about what you suggest. However,” she made eye contact with Kate and admitted, “I’m not sure if I’m bisexual. Are you?”

  Kate’s eyes brightened. “Yes, I am. Are you open to exploring sex with a woman, or is that a hard limit for you?”

  Yvonne’s cheeks had gone slightly pink but her voice was steady. “It’s not a hard limit, and I’m curious about being intimate with a woman. With you, Mistress Kate.”

  Chris’ cock twitched in his pants at the anticipation of play. Holding hands with the two most beautiful women he knew made his chest expand. He hadn't been this excited since James and he scored their first big construction contract.

  “There will be days that Chris tops you, Yvonne, but tonight I want you both as my submissives.” Kate let go of their hands and dug under the table. She held out a bag to each of them. “As the first sign of your submission to me, I want you to wear these tonight.”

  A shudder ran down his spine. Submitting to Kate at home was different from the club. He didn’t know what it would be like to be here as a submissive when everyone knew him as a dominant. He knew Kate was testing him, and he was determined not to fail. He sneaked a peek at Yvonne. Chris wanted to top Yvonne, but something inside him yearned to submit to Kate and to endure whatever she threw at him. With a last squeeze of Yvonne’s hand, he let go and accepted the bag from Kate.

  Both Chris and Yvonne looked beautiful in their leather harnesses as they exited the dressing rooms, and Kate took her time looking them over.

  The studded black leather straps ran diagonally over Chris’ broad chest and ended in a ring on his sternum where they connected to a belt around his torso with another strap and ring. The leather accentuated his muscled chest and flat nipples. Kate’s gaze roamed lower, his abs showcased by the belt around his waist and over his hips leading to the real prize. A short strap led from the next ring at his groin. His cock and balls were nicely on display and already red and engorged. Sturdy leather cuffs at his wrists and ankles completed the ensemble.

  Kate turned her attention to Yvonne. Her outfit was also black leather, but the straps narrower and without studs. Her harness came with delicate chains that made the outfit more feminine. The straps surrounded Yvonne’s breasts, and the multiple leather straps at her waist accented her slender build. Two chains from the collar around her neck ended at her waist. More chains lay in elegant curves over her hips and framed her bare mound, her genitals on display as well, but less blatantly than Chris’ family jewels. Yvonne, too, wore black leather cuffs.

  “Follow me,” Kate ordered her subs as she gathered her toy bag and went for the stairs without looking back. Upstairs, Kate went into the largest room which held a scaffold, a spanking bench, a St. Andrew’s cross, and a throne. “Chris, tie Yvonne to the cross,” Kate commanded, “and then help me move the bench.”

  They had discussed limits and safewords, so Kate kept quiet as she watched Chris securing Yvonne’s cuffs to the cross. It took time and effort to get the bench in the exact spot Kate wanted, but finally she was satisfied with the result.

  “Lie down on your belly and eat her pussy, but don’t let her come,” she instructed Chris.

  Chris’ eyes glowed with eager anticipation, “With pleasure, Mistress.”

  He positioned himself on the bench, his face between the V of Yvonne’s thighs, and Kate secured his cuffs to the rings on the bench before stepping back. “Both of you bound and at my mercy. I could get used to this.” She smiled and smacked Chris’ ass. “Get to it, imp!”

  Kate rubbed Chris' buttocks as a warmup before selecting her widest paddle. She whacked his bottom in quick succession, right, left, right, left, before stroking and kneading the slightly heated flesh. Chris moaned against Yvonne’s pussy, but from the slobbering sounds he hadn’t let up on the cunnilingus.

  Kate leaned on his back and rubbed her breasts against him, enjoying how the action pressed her stiff nipples against her corset. Her hand found his cock, and she stroked his hardened length a couple of times. She chuckled at his involuntary shudder. Kate rose and smacked Chris’ ass again for good measure before turning her attention to Yvonne. Kate took Yvonne’s face between both hands in a possessive hold, keeping her still for a deep kiss. Every person kissed differently, and Kate took her time exploring Yvonne’s mouth. Her lips were firm but not aggressive as she waited for the other woman to open and when she did, Kate slowly swept her tongue inside Yvonne’s mouth. Like the sweet submissive she was, Yvonne followed Kate’s lead and didn’t hold back. Time for the finale.

  Kate pulled back and looked Yvonne in the eyes. “Are you ready to come?”

  “Yes please, Mistress!” Yvonne’s eyes were half lidded and her mouth beautifully swollen from their kiss.

  Kate placed her hand on Chris' head, and he looked at her, his face wet with Yvonne’s juices. Kate leaned in so their heads were level and took his mouth in a deep kiss. The salty, tangy taste of an aroused woman mingled with Chris’ masculine flavor and she moaned against his lips. Reluctant, she ended the kiss and stroked the side of his face. “Finish her!”

  As Chris continued his lip service, Kate started to unbuckle him. Hyper-aware of her charge, Kate drank in Yvonne’s
cries as she orgasmed. Warmth spread through Kate’s body and she couldn’t remember this level of contentment after a club scene. A tiredness that was fulfilling rather than exhausting settled over her as she and Chris helped Yvonne down. She couldn’t wait to intensify their encounters, but right now, she looked forward to aftercare with her new subbies.

  Chapter Four

  On Tuesday night, Chris stood in front of Kate’s duplex. The plain, minimalistic style held no appeal for him, but her front yard looked like something fit for an old English cottage. It made up for the house’s lack of character.

  Kate opened the door, and he held out the bottle of wine to her. “Sorry I’m late.” He stepped over the threshold and wiped his boots.

  She looked at her watch and gave him a radiant smile. “Twelve minutes, so you know how many lashes you’ll get.” Kate turned her cheek and he placed a kiss there.

  It had been two days since his scene with her and Yvonne, and his cock swelled when his lips touched her skin. Or was it because of her promise to whip him and the knowledge she would hold him accountable? He made sure to keep his pelvis away from her body and gave a polite, “Yes, Mistress.”

  Kate laughed and ordered, “Follow me,” before turning around. Chris took a moment to adjust his shaft before he obeyed her.

  Chris walked behind Kate into a surprisingly spacious living room with an open kitchen where Yvonne was stirring a pot. The delicious scent of basil, garlic, and tomato hinted at an Italian meal.

  “You can start the pasta now,” Kate instructed Yvonne, who nodded and used a potholder to lift a transparent lid to pour spaghetti into boiling water. Kate turned her green eyes to Chris. “We kept the meatballs warm in the oven, and the sauce could stay on the stove for hours, but for the pasta timing is paramount.”

  Chris shrugged. “I wouldn’t know. If I eat pasta, it comes from a box that says Kraft Macaroni & Cheese on it.” Kate scrunched her nose, and he bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing. Apparently, the Mistress took her food seriously.

  “Nothing from a box here,” Yvonne piped in. “Kate has got a lovely garden and grows her own tomatoes, onions, garlic, and herbs. She made the spaghetti from scratch, too.”

  Chris looked surprised at Kate. “I knew you grew flowers, but vegetables, too?”

  “I started last summer. Someone gave me two tomato plants and a bell pepper. I found it gratifying to grow something edible as well as beautiful.”

  A timer went off, and while Yvonne drained the water from the pasta, Kate handed Chris oven mittens. Can you bring the meatballs to the table? I’ll get the salad.”

  As they tucked into the delicious meal, Kate and Chris discussed the newest addition to the Kansas City Royals until it became clear Yvonne had no clue about baseball. They changed subjects to discuss her uncle’s health and her living arrangements in the McGruder household. Chris told them about the progress his apprentices were making. Two had recently graduated from community college and were now working for BlackSmith full time. By unspoken agreement they didn’t talk about the club, BDSM, or their ménage.

  After dinner, which left them all too full for dessert, Kate made coffee for Chris and herself with a fancy K-cup coffeemaker, while Yvonne had a cup of mint tea. Chris shuddered at the idea of drinking hot water swimming with leaves, but Yvonne seemed to enjoy it.

  When they were settled again, Kate cleared her throat. “Since we’re all new to polyamory, we need to make sure we’re on the same page.” Kate indicated three stacks of papers. “As we discussed, I’ve printed out some sample contracts and limit lists. How about we read the contracts first and mark what we want to amend or discuss. Of course, we can add our own terms, too. If you think something is missing, make a note, and we’ll talk about it.”

  Chris lifted the contract from the top and scanned the document. “Did you write this yourself?”

  Kate let out a melodic laugh. “No, silly! You can find contracts online. I bought this one from, but there are lots of examples on the internet. Why don’t you both take a few minutes to look over the draft and then we can talk about it.”

  Silence fell as Chris and Yvonne concentrated on the papers while Kate sipped her coffee. Kate had emptied her cup when Chris placed the contract back on the table and tossed back the last gulp of his coffee. When Yvonne closed the folder and leaned back, Kate asked, “Are you ready to discuss the terms?”

  Both he and Yvonne confirmed they were.

  Kate continued, “Do you agree on starting today and ending in three months?”

  Chris throat constricted, and he forced the words out. “Why should we have an end-date?”

  “Good question.” Kate nodded. “I’ve used a three-month term so that we can revise the document after a trial period. A ménage is new to all of us, and we might think we want things a certain way, but who knows what we’ll discover.”

  “What if one of us doesn’t like the arrangement? Do we need to continue until the end date?” Yvonne rubbed her upper arms in an unconscious self-soothing gesture.

  “Absolutely not,” Kate’s deeper intake of breath was audible. “If something isn’t working for you, say so, and we’ll try to fix it. At the end of the day, we should all enjoy ourselves. As you can see on the last page, each party can end the association at any time, if that’s what you want.”

  Yvonne looked relieved at Kate’s answer, and Chris had to admire her courage. To enter a BDSM relationship with not one but two dominants in a strange country had to be scary. His resolve to give her the best possible experience grew.

  “On the second page is a list of the responsibilities of each party. I’ve read it several times and I would advise you to read it very carefully. If you fail to live up to them, I get to punish you.”

  Chris looked from the paper to Kate, and the pleased look on her face showed how much she would enjoy punishing them. He couldn’t resist teasing her. “I see the Dominant has responsibilities also, do I get to punish you when you fail?”

  Kate’s gaze darkened. “Don’t even think it.”


  Yvonne piped in, “I think it is a valid question. If we’re accountable to you, so should you be to us.” Kate turned thoughtful for a moment, but before she or Chris had a chance to say anything, Yvonne continued, “I think I know something.”

  As Chris swiveled his head to Yvonne he caught the surprised expression on Kate’s face. No doubt it mirrored his own. Kate urged her, “Do share.”

  “How about when the dominant fails, he,” she looked at Chris, “or she,” her gaze returned to Kate, “will have to do something nice for the sub.”

  That sounds promising.

  “Something nice like…?” Chris let the question go silent, and Yvonne jumped in again.

  “Like giving a massage, a foot rub, or give ice cream.” Yvonne's eyes sparkled with anticipation.

  Kate chuckled. “I could do all that.” Kate’s voice sounded amused. “Okay, we have punishment and discipline in a separate folder, and so are the limits list. We can wait until we’ve read the contract, but I will add the Dom’s punishment to the list right now.”

  They continued discussing the terms of their relationship, filled and went over the limit lists, and planned for bloodwork. Since both women were on the pill and they would be exclusive, they could drop the condoms as soon as all of them received a clean bill of health. Chris couldn’t wait; he never had a committed relationship and it would be the first time for him without protection.

  The contract ended with a few clauses on privacy and confidentiality, safe words, ability to alter the terms and legal declarations. It looked thorough and official. The realization he was entering his first serious relationship sprang on Chris like a burglar from an ambush. Instead of scaring him, it gave him a feeling of satisfaction and belonging he hadn’t known he wanted.

  Yvonne stared at the papers in front of her. Was she really doing this? Not only going into a committed relationshi
p in Kansas City but with two dominant – gorgeous – partners. She wasn’t sure how she’d gotten this lucky.

  “And now, I can’t wait to complete our contract.” Kate rose from her chair and held out her hands. “Shall we go to the bedroom?”

  Chris got up and took Kate’s hand. Yvonne did the same and accepted Chris’ other hand. For a moment, they stood in a triangle, connected by hands, before Kate leaned in to kiss Chris. Watching them kiss while holding on to their hands was oddly erotic. Kate broke the kiss and turned her attention to Yvonne.

  Her breath hitched as she looked eyes with her beautiful Mistress. Silently, Yvonne begged to be kissed. Kate moved close and tilted her head slightly. Yvonne’s eyes fluttered closed and her mouth opened when their lips connected. Kate’s mouth was soft and she tasted sweet – her kiss started slowly but grew gradually more passionate. What a wicked mouth! After Kate released her, Chris tugged Yvonne’s hand, and she and Chris shared a kiss, completing the circle. Without wasting any time or words, they followed Kate into her bedroom.

  The feminine, no-nonsense décor suited Kate to a T. A big bookcase lined one wall, filled to the brim. Yvonne looked forward to examining its contents later. She loved to read when she had the time. A colorful quilt softened the heavy oak furniture. Potted plants in the windowsill and on the dresser completed the look. In silent agreement, they all started to shed their clothes. Yvonne marveled how well they were attuned to each other already.

  Kate settled on the bed and patted the mattress. Chris swooped Yvonne up, and she squealed as he dumped her unceremoniously next to Kate.

  Kate shared another kiss with Yvonne before she pushed Chris to his back. His cock jutted out proudly, and Yvonne took a moment to look her fill. Kate settled between Chris’ spread legs, and she took his stiff member all the way to the back of her throat. Chris groaned loudly, and Yvonne sucked in a breath at Kate’s skills.

  Yvonne stroked Chris’ heaving chest and turned to watch his face. His color had heightened, and his eyes darkened. When he spoke, he sounded huskily, “Sit on my face, angel.”


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