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Page 10

by Karen Nappa

  Sandra arched a perfectly shaped eyebrow. “Mealybugs?”

  Kate made a dismissive gesture. “An orchid’s number one enemy. I don’t like swear words.”

  The three women smiled but sobered as soon as they remembered Sonja.

  Sandra broke the silence. “From what I’ve seen, Sonja is self-conscious about her appeal. I guess this might emphasize her doubts. I’m worried about her.”

  “Indeed, it’s not good. But I can’t stay and chat.” Paula turned her gaze to the bearded figure, who was only held in place by Jim’s firm hand on his shoulder. “I need to let Derek know what’s going on.” Without another word, Paula hurried away.

  “You don’t suppose Derek wants the old girlfriend, do you?” Sandra’s features softened. As a single submissive she would feel for Sonja.

  “Doubtful. He seems serious with Sonja. Someone should check on her. I don’t have her number though, do you?”

  “Me either.” Sandra changed the subject. “So what’s this I hear about you and Chris?”

  “It’s not just me and Chris. It’s Chris, Yvonne and I. All three of us,” Kate corrected. “It seems he’s a switch, with me at least. So we’ve got a three month contract to see what will happen. Yvonne is a lovely woman. I like her more and more.”

  “Isn’t she the one that freaked out in a scene with Chris a few months ago?”

  Freaked out? Kate’s mind raced before it dawned on her what Sandra meant. “No, she didn’t freak out. She went deep and she only speaks Dutch in subspace.”

  “Dutch?” Sandra’s brows flew up.

  “She’s Wilma McGruder’s niece.” Recognition dawned on Sandra’s face, but Kate still asked for confirmation. “You know Wilma don’t you?”

  “That’s why she looked familiar. I knew I had seen her somewhere else.” Sandra’s face relaxed into a smile. “Here comes Chris. Guess he’s looking for his Mistress,” she teased.

  “Hello, ladies. I reckon you don’t know where Sonja is either?”

  “We just told Paula. She left out the back door a few minutes ago,” Kate answered for them both. “We don’t know where she went.”

  “Too bad for Derek. He looks pretty torn up about his ex showing up like that.”

  “Did you see it?” Sandra’s eyes widened to almost comic book level.

  “Yes. This woman, Angie I think Paula said her name is, practically jumped Derek when he came in, then started screaming for the cops when Jim and Paula pulled her off him. It was almost funny, until I realized she had a screw loose. Maybe several,” Chris rubbed his chin and turned to Kate. “James said Laura was looking for you. Did you see her?”

  “She got waylaid by Julie. I’m sure they’re talking computer code. It doesn’t look like they noticed anything,” Kate indicated where Laura was chatting with the gesturing Asian submissive. “Laura may have Sonja’s number. If not, she can get it from Suzie.”

  “True,” Chris turned his attention to Sandra but gripped Kate’s hand. “Sandra, would you mind telling Laura and Julie what’s happened and ask Laura if she can check on Sonja? I need a word with Kate?”

  “Sure. I can see you lovebirds would like some privacy.” Sandra tilted her head. “Nice talking to you.” She hurried away.

  Were we that obvious? She turned her attention to Chris. “What’s the word?”

  “Nothing in particular. I just wanted to have a moment with you without someone else talking about us being together.” Chris leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Are you having a nice time at the munch?”

  “Yes, and you?”

  “Eh, I’ve had better. I feel bad for Derek. He seems like a decent guy and I think he’s really good for Sonja. Now this happens.”

  “Yes, I’ve seen them together at the club and he’s very attentive to her needs. I like that in a man.”

  “Is there something you might be needing that I’m not noticing.” His voice lowered to a seductive tone. “Mistress?”

  “As a matter of fact, I could use some food.” Kate ran her fingernail over his collarbone and was rewarded with a delightful shudder. “Fix me a plate?”

  Chris swallowed visibly. “Sure, is there anything in particular that you want?”

  “A little of everything would be nice.” She could feel her heartbeat speeding up at the look he gave her.

  “I’ll be right back.” He lifted her hand from his chest and pressed a kiss at the sensitive inside of her wrist.

  As she watched him head toward the table of appetizers, she was thankful he had been determined. If he’d let things go between them a year ago, she would now be missing out on something potentially special.

  Chapter Six

  Silently glad her last client on Friday afternoon canceled, Kate spent the time until Yvonne and Chris arrived by tending to her prized orchids. She finished cleaning the night before and all she had left were last minute details. She didn’t want to be distracted from her lovers. Lovers, plural! Kate never imagined she would manage to find not one but two people she could fit with.

  She checked the humidity and temperature in her sunroom. Orchids weren’t difficult to grow, but they needed a stable climate. The temperature looked good at seventy-two degrees, but the humidity level was thirty-eight percent, a little too low. Kate checked the water level in her plant mister and bent over the nearest delicate orchid. While she sprayed the leaves, Kate hummed along with Lady Gaga and Always Remember Us This Way on the radio. She loved this space.

  The rumbling of a loud motor disturbed the peace and quiet, and Kate recognized the distinct sound. However, none of her neighbors owned a Harley. She exited the house through the side door and arrived at the front in time to see Yvonne standing beside a classic Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Chris still straddled the bike and pulled off his helmet when she laid eyes on him. Hotter than sin!

  Kate smiled brightly as she went to welcome her lovers to her home. She looked forward to them spending the weekend and had prepared a leisurely Friday evening. This night she designated to get to know each other better – a nice meal, one or two board games and maybe a movie.

  Chris shivered as they went inside. Sometimes he wondered about his chivalrous instincts, but the jacket Yvonne had on might as well have been made of gauze for all the protection it offered her from the wind. He’d had to give her his.

  He’d have to see about getting her a proper leather jacket if this became a regular thing. He enjoyed having her on his bike and she seemed to like the ride as well. Maybe she’d be interested in getting her own bike? Chris shook his head, talking about getting ahead of himself.

  Once in the living room, Kate directed him to the blazing gas fireplace. The warmth burned against his chilled skin. He would prefer the hug and deep kiss she and Yvonne shared as a method to warm up. When the two of them finally broke apart, Chris held out his arms to Kate. “My turn now?”

  She chuckled and turned to Yvonne. “What do you think? Does he deserve a kiss like ours?”

  “Well,” Yvonne started, “he did give me his jacket for the drive over.” She gave Kate a pleading look. “That’s a point in his favor, I think.”

  “True. Did you kiss him then?”

  “Just a little one to say hello.”

  “Well, then perhaps he’s right in feeling left out. Go be a good girl and show him how much you appreciate his thoughtfulness.”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  Yvonne came over to Chris and he pulled her into his arms only to have Kate’s words slow them down, “It’s her kiss. Let her lead this time.”

  He fought his dominant tendencies and dropped his arms, waiting for Yvonne to kiss him. Instead of the full-on approach he intended, she gently pulled his head to her level and feathered a series of light kisses on his cheeks, nose and chin. After several rounds of this, Chris’ breathing grew heavier and louder as he fought his desire to take control. Having Kate watch them and control the pace through Yvonne was frustrating but also arousing. He waited, clen
ching and unclenching his fists at his sides as he struggled to contain himself. After what seemed like many minutes but was probably no more than seconds, Yvonne finally kissed his mouth. She used her tongue to seek entrance and Chris welcomed her eagerly. Now he put his arms around her and took control. Kate be damned. She tasted sweet and full of promise – she also tasted like Kate. Chris’ cock swelled and he groaned. It was like kissing them both at the same time.

  She opened to him so sweetly submissive that he lost himself in their kiss. He was so single-minded in the kiss he didn’t notice Kate clearing her throat to get their attention. Only when she repeated the noise and tapped him on the shoulder did he reluctantly disengage from the kiss. Chris quickly put his arm around Yvonne when she swayed on her feet.

  “Someone lost control of himself there.” Kate folded her arms over her chest and addressed Yvonne, “What do you think?”

  “Geweldig! It was a wonderful kiss. Does it really matter who was in charge?”

  “Sorry.” Chris couldn’t keep the amusement out of his voice. “I couldn’t help myself. Perhaps the Mistress is jealous and wants a kiss herself?”

  “Maybe I am. But I can wait.” She slapped him on the butt with her hand. “We’ll take care of you later. Are you warm enough now?”

  “Yes, thank you, Mistress. Kissing Yvonne does wonders for warming me up.”

  “All right. That’s enough ‘mistress’ for the night. I declare we’re on equal footing for the evening.” Kate softened her demeanor. “Dinner’s in the crockpot. I made stew this afternoon so I wouldn’t have to fuss over anything when you got here.”

  With the table set and the stew ready, they dug in with gusto. Conversation quickly turned to plans for the evening.

  “I thought we could play Settlers of Catan?” One sleek eyebrow slid up.

  He wanted to kiss the wrinkles on her forehead – amongst other places – instead he countered, “I’ve heard of it, but never played.” He turned his attention to the beautiful blonde at his other side. “Do you know it?”

  “I’ve only heard of it.”

  “Okay, you’ve got an unfair advantage then, Kate. What else have you got?”

  “There’s always Monopoly. Do you know it, Yvonne?”

  “Sure. Everyone plays Monopoly.”

  Stunning green eyes captured his gaze. “Does that work with your sense of fairness, Chris?”

  “Yes, that sounds much better to me.”

  While Kate went to find and prepare her ancient Monopoly game, Chris and Yvonne took care of the dishes. With their dynamic vanilla, Yvonne turned out to be quite bossy Chris discovered as he scrubbed the Dutch oven for the second time. Though it looked perfectly fine to him, the pot hadn’t been clean enough, according to the blonde. Yvonne watched his progress with more attention than James did a new apprentice, while she dried glasses. When she brushed past him to stow them in the cupboard, Chris couldn't resist stealing a kiss from her.

  They came back into the dining room to find Kate had the game ready, except allocating the tokens. Chris snatched the top hat before either of the women had a chance at it. Fortunately, Yvonne wanted the thimble and Kate the Scottie dog, although Kate gave him a retribution promising stare. His cock twitched at the idea being at her mercy. Who’d thought he would enjoy the torture she dished out?

  Chris bought everything he landed on with the first circuit of the board. Kate and Yvonne were being more strategic. Soon the pretend moguls were in cutthroat competition.

  Three hours later, Kate was yawning, and Yvonne’s cheeks were red with excitement. Chris scowled at the board before he turned his attention to Yvonne. “How come you own everything?”

  “I don’t own everything.” She batted her lashes innocently but couldn’t hide the sparkling of her eyes. “Just everywhere you land. What can I say? I like to win.”

  “Who would have known that such a sweet submissive could be a real estate shark? “Are you this way at all games or just Monopoly?”

  "Actually, my sister Els, wouldn’t play board games with me as kids because I won all the time and I'm pretty competitive with sports, too." She gave Chris another innocent smile. "So, I guess it's more a habit than related to a specific game."

  "Good to know," Chris grumbled playfully. "In that case, I'm glad sex is a team sport and not a competition."

  Kate yawned again. "Time to move this team to bed, I think. Can we agree that Yvonne wins and call it a night?"

  Yvonne wanted to play the game to the bitter end but was overruled when Chris sided with Kate. “You won. Do you really need to rub our noses in it?”

  “I guess not.” She blew on her fingernails in a playful gesture. Her smugness evaporated almost right away. “Did you say something about sex being a sport?”

  After a wonderful Friday, Yvonne sat at a barrel table in the main room of Club Indigo the next day. Kate was seated beside her and played with Yvonne’s fingers in a sensual way which had Yvonne’s pussy dampening. Chris stood at the bar waiting for their order. The club wasn’t busy, but she’d seen two couples go upstairs. It was still early, and Yvonne didn’t doubt the evening would pick up. Movement at the entrance drew Yvonne’s attention when Sonja strutted in, clad in a 1950s style dress. It didn’t seem Sonja’s style, though it suited her. The dress had to be Tante Wilma’s. Her appearance completely stunned Yvonne, it didn’t make any sense.

  Chris joined them and she lost interest in Sonja as the two amazing people sandwiched her. She’d come to care immensely for them both in a short time and it sometimes scared her. A small voice in the back of her head reminded Yvonne she was only temporary in the States. She shoved the nagging voice out of her mind and tapped along with the beat of Titanium.

  “You like David Guetta?” Chris leaned closer.

  “I like a lot of music.”

  “Do you have any favorites, angel?” Kate joined the conversation.

  Yvonne grinned and bobbed her head. “I do, but I doubt you know them.”

  “Try me,” Kate challenged.

  “Racoon and Kensington.” Yvonne enjoyed the questioning faces. “They’re Dutch bands, so you probably never heard of them.”

  Kate narrowed her eyes. “You’re right, I haven’t. I’d like to hear their music later, though. I’m curious about what you like.” Kate smiled. “But now, let’s play.”

  Kate and Chris rose as if choreographed, and Chris lifted Yvonne off the barstool. Of course, he used the opportunity to steel a kiss and Kate chuckled behind them.

  “Don’t get too distracted, my lovelies. I have plans for both of you,” Kate warned as they followed her to a new apparatus in the main room. It reminded Yvonne of the peace symbol, but it had an added horizontal bar at the top and an adjustable platform at the bottom.

  After both she and Chris stripped, Kate bound Yvonne to the horizontal bar with her arms stretched out to the sides. In addition, she stood on the small raised platform with her legs attached to the side poles and spread wide. Heat circulated through her lower half. Play with either Kate or Chris was amazing, but to experience them both at the same time was out of this world.

  “Okay, Chris, you can play with your favorite body parts for a while as I play with mine,” Kate ordered, and Chris grinned before latching on to her right nipple and massaging her left breast with this work roughed hand. Kate settled on the rolling swivel stool between her thighs. Yvonne’s legs tugged against the restraints involuntarily. She wanted what Kate would give her, but she couldn’t shake the trepidation. A nasty pinch to her labia had her gasping and Chris lifted his head in alarm.

  “Chris,” Kate admonished with a pinch to his naked butt, and his eyes brightened.

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Next time you get distracted and let go of a tit you get three strokes with my paddle,” Kate’s tone was matter-of-fact like she was reading a stock market report.

  Yvonne could swear the man waggled his threatened butt. Chris might not be a serious masochist l
ike she was, but he did like the discipline Kate dished out. Kate rose and smacked his butt several times and Chris groaned with his teeth around Yvonne’s nipple. The delicious pain shot straight to her throbbing pussy, where the initial pain had dulled but hadn’t left completely, and Yvonne now recognized what had to be genital clamps. Kate loved to torture pussies, cocks and balls. Luckily, Yvonne loved being tortured.

  Kate plucked at her clit and toyed with a finger around the clamps before returning to the top of her vagina and teasing the hood. Kate hummed in agreement as Yvonne bucked against the restraints and moaned.

  Kate took a pair of clover clamps with dangling stones and applied them to Yvonne’s nipples. Chris’ earlier attention had her nipples deep red and puffed already. Kate tightened the clamps and stroked the undersides of Yvonne’s breasts as she adjusted to the pain. It was like a current ran between her clamped nipples and compressed labia. Yvonne reveled in the pain, but her pussy felt empty and she longed to be fucked. Kate pressed a kiss to Yvonne’s lips and turned her focus to Chris. Yvonne followed her gaze and she had to swallow hard. Chris stood facing Kate and her with his cock fully erect, waiting for instructions. The man was gorgeous, big, and muscled. Kate pulled another pair of nipple clamps from her pocket and teased his nipples before attaching them. Not as accustomed to pain as Yvonne was, Chris struggled to stay still through the initial pain. Yvonne realized it was the reason Kate hadn’t bound him before torturing him this way. She was a sadist through and through and the struggle would be half the fun.

  Kate sat on her chair again and wrapped his balls in leather straps and hung weights from them. Yvonne recognized a parachute and she was curious how Chris would like it. Her breathing sped in anticipation as Kate continued by putting a condom on his straining cock.

  When Kate had Chris as she wanted, she turned him toward Yvonne and had him move close to her. Yvonne trembled with barely contained lust and anticipation. When they stood almost against each other, Kate took each of Chris’ hands and cuffed them to the bar next to Yvonne. With firm hands she reached between them and guided Chris’ cock into Yvonne’s soaking pussy. Yvonne’s head dropped back in relief as her spasming pussy was finally filled. Chris moaned as another contraction rippled through her cunt and she made eye contact with him.


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