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Page 13

by Karen Nappa

  “Good boy, hands on the armrests.”

  His muscles tensed, and Kate waited for him to comply. She watched him struggle with his need to dominate and his wish to submit and let out the breath she hadn’t realized she was holding when he obeyed her.

  “Can you keep them where I want them or do I need to restrain you?”

  “I’ll hold them there, Mistress,” he replied hoarsely.

  “Good enough.” Kate nipped his earlobe again and played with his nipples as she addressed Yvonne, “Take him in your mouth and play with your pussy, angel.”

  Kate watched with pleasure as Yvonne slid her hand inside the lacy pink panty while her head bobbed on Chris’ cock. Kate had Yvonne practicing with a cucumber and the submissive could take Chris all the way to the back of her throat now. Kate pinched his nipples in time with Yvonne’s ministrations, and Chris held the armrests in a death grip. As his and Yvonne’s breathing became heavier, and she started to lose her rhythm, Kate decided it was time to take it to the bedroom.

  Yvonne hung a bit back when Kate greeted the other women from Club Indigo. They wanted to look their best to meet Chris’ parents, and they decided on a spa-day. Laura, Sandra, and Julie had joined them at True Balance Wellness.

  Yvonne had invited Sonja and Suzie too, but they’d had to decline the offer. A last-minute catering job had them working overtime.

  Kate had invited others, but Ruby couldn’t come either; she had a new piercing, and it didn’t go well with saunas and pools. Paula had a double homicide on her hands and had sent her regrets, too.

  They changed into their bathrobes and slippers and exited the dressing room with towels under their arms. Julie bounced from excitement like a lightweight boxer waiting for her fight.

  Kate chuckled, “You’re like Tigger from Winnie the Pooh.”

  Julie shrugged and gave Kate a brilliant smile. “I’m excited, that’s all.”

  Laura shook her head. “It’s a wonder Mitch is able to tie you. You don’t seem to be in one place for more than five seconds at a time.”

  Julie pursed her lips. “It’s probably why I like bondage so much. It’s the only time my body and mind go quiet.” None of the women had a response to her statement and Julie laughed and rushed forward. “Let’s go to the sauna!”

  They spent their fifteen minutes in the infrared sauna, and Yvonne enjoyed the relaxing warmth. She was almost sad when a staff member told them it was time for their treatment session.

  Their small group had followed the woman to an upstairs room with a creaking wooden floor for their first treatment. On either side of the stairs were five small wooden beds with blankets and pillows. Yvonne looked over to Kate in question. Her Mistress arched an eyebrow, and they chose two beds to lie on.

  The lighting was dim and soothing New Age music, maybe Clannad or Enya, sounded from hidden speakers.

  “I’m going to place a hot stone on your heart chakra,” the aesthetician told Yvonne. “Just close your eyes and enjoy the treatment. I’m going to touch the stone before I touch you, that way I don’t startle you.” Yvonne hummed her understanding, and the warm, comfortable weight of a small stone grounded her. The woman moved to her friends and repeated the procedure. Yvonne settled in and looked forward to the treatment.

  Soft footfalls and creaking planks alerted Yvonne to a presence, before light pressure to the stone on her chest. Yvonne sighed as delicate fingers applied a fragrant clay mask on her face and upper chest. Hmm, nice!

  The aesthetician moved over to Kate, and Yvonne listened to the music while she waited for the mask to dry.

  Light pressure to her chest was followed by a warm damp washcloth which removed the clay leaving her skin feeling clean and tingly.

  When the aesthetician returned, she said in a low voice, “I’m going to apply day crème to your face and chest now.”

  The entire treatment lasted an hour, and after a scalp massage, arms, hands, and shoulders massage with shea butter cream and lotion applied to feet and lower legs, the woman escorted them downstairs for a glass of homemade lemonade.

  “I hope you’ve enjoyed your treatment,” the aesthetician scanned their faces, and they all agreed. “Please take about fifteen to thirty minutes before using the other facilities and enjoy the rest of your stay.”

  They all thanked the woman and chatted while they enjoyed their lemonade.

  Yvonne looked lovely. She always did, but now with a soft afterglow from the treatment, she was pampered, beautiful, and relaxed. Kate loved seeing her like this.

  “Are you ready for the Salt Therapy Session?” she addressed her submissive after she finished her lemonade.

  Yvonne leaned into her and rested her head on Kate’s shoulder in a sweet, affectionate way and whispered so only Kate could hear, “Yes, Mistress.”

  Kate smiled and addressed the others. “Let’s head for the showers and the next session.” After the mandatory rinse, all the women went first into the dry salt room. They relaxed in the recliners. They barely spoke as they breathed in the dry salty air and looked in awe at the light which shown through the Himalayan Pink salt panels on the walls. Even Julie relaxed. When the forty-five minutes were over, they went to the pool to cool off.

  The pool wasn’t large, but Kate and Laura did a couple of breaststroke laps, while Sandra, Julie and Yvonne chatted along the side. There was only one other couple in the pool with them.

  “How are you doing?” Laura inquired when they halted to turn.

  “Great,” Kate stroked her wet hair from her face. “We get along very well and have established a nice routine in and out of the bedroom.”

  Laura smiled and didn’t make any effort to swim. “I was always wondering how a relationship would work out for you, with you being bi-sexual, but it looks like you found the perfect solution.”

  “Well, Chris did, but yes this arrangement works great for all of us. Being with Yvonne gives Chris the opportunity to dominate, too. Something he would never get with me.”

  Laura gave Kate a pensive look. “I believe you once said you didn’t like submitting.”

  Kate shuddered. “I hate not to be in control and I greatly admire the strength and courage you subs have.”

  With that statement she pushed off the end of the pool and did another lap with Laura in tow.

  Julie called from the side, “Let’s hit the showers and have lunch. I’m starving.” The bouncy Asian woman leaped out of the pool before anyone answered, but Kate’s rumbling stomach reminded her it had been a while since breakfast. Kate looked over at Laura, who nodded, and they swam to the ladder.

  Dressed in bathrobes and their wet hair covered by towels, they enjoyed a light lunch of soup and a vegetarian salad. They shared two portions of sumptuous tiramisu for dessert, because as Laura quipped, “We might lose some weight by sweating today, but we don’t want to exaggerate.”

  Kate agreed and enjoyed the time with her friends. The spa’s motto, A relaxed person is a powerful person, was fitting. She’d never felt this good and she was ready to meet Chris’ parents next week!

  As they waited in the Dallas-Fort Worth airport on Thanksgiving morning for their connecting flight to Tucson, Kate wondered about this visit. Chris seemed positive his parents would welcome their threesome with open arms. She wasn’t sure, although he swore he’d told them he was bringing two women.

  “Relax, Kate. My mother has wanted grandchildren since I left home. She’s going to be thrilled to have us there,” Chris dug his head to stare into her eyes.

  “You seem awfully sure about our reception. I never came out to my parents as bisexual. I didn’t think they’d handle it well and just let them think what they wanted about my single state,” Kate responded.

  “I know my parents. They’re kind of conservative, but they’re okay with gay marriage. Why not us?” Chris raised a brow.

  “I can think of lots of reasons, but I hope you’re right.” She listened to the announcements. “They’re calling our boar
ding group. Let’s go.”

  Yvonne had been reading during this discussion but put her tablet away and they headed for the line to board the plane.

  Chris’ mother, Rosie, rearranged the table setting for what might have been the twelfth time. It was only 1:00 pm and they weren’t planning to eat until three, but she had been fussing with the table whenever she took a break from the kitchen. She couldn’t decide whether to put the cornucopia in the center or on the sideboard. Chris had made the table decoration in sixth grade and it had graced the family’s Thanksgiving table ever since.

  “Woman, relax. It’s your son for crying out loud!”

  “Oh, Tom. Don’t tease. Chris is bringing a woman.” Rosie gushed, “Not just a woman, but a special one! He only ever brought his prom date home. This must be significant.”

  She looked out the window again to see an unfamiliar car turn into the driveway.

  “There they are!”

  Before Rosie could rush into the hallway, a firm arm around her waist intercepted and hauled her against a muscular chest. Her Tom might be almost seventy, but he was still built like the hardworking carpenter she had married. She rested her head against his shoulder and sighed. He was right; she shouldn’t overwhelm her soon-to-be daughter-in-law. Chris intended to marry her, surely. He wouldn’t just live with a woman and embarrass his parents, would he?

  Together with her husband she watched as Chris parked the car. The passenger door opened and a tall woman with stunning red hair exited the vehicle.

  “Oh, look. What beautiful hair. Do you think it’s natural?”

  Tom huffed and shook his head.


  Chris had gotten out of the car and was leaning into the back seat door. Rosie frowned and squinted as Chris assisted another woman from the car. A younger blonde smiled at Chris, the same moment the redhead rounded the vehicle.

  “What the …,” mumbled Tom behind her.

  “I don’t understand it, either. Is she her daughter? Surely that isn’t possible!”

  “Let’s let them in and find out, hmm.” Tom urged her forward so they could meet their son and the women, not woman, he’d brought home for Thanksgiving.

  Chris’ step faltered as they reached the front door. He had Kate and Yvonne firmly tucked to his sides. His father and mother stood in the doorway and they didn’t seem pleased. His mother looked anxious and his father disapproving.

  Chris closed his eyes and sighed. He should have called his mother back and explained it.

  “Chris,” his mother greeted without the usual warmth. “Introduce us to your friends.”

  Chris pushed Kate and Yvonne forward. “Mom, Dad, this is Kate Williams and Yvonne van Dijk, the very special ladies in my life.”

  His mother gasped and clutched her hands against her chest. His father’s scowl deepened but he managed a semi-polite, “How do you do?”

  His mother collected herself and urged them all inside. The way she looked around told Chris she wanted to be unobtrusive, because she was worried the neighbors would see them. Chris gritted his teeth; this dinner was not starting off as he had hoped.

  During the sumptuous turkey dinner they kept a polite and quiet conversation and with an unspoken agreement neither parent prompted Chris to define their relationship any further. They discussed football season, the recent elections, and the weather forecast. Things perked up a bit when Chris mentioned Kate was a serious amateur gardener. His father had always had a big vegetable garden when they had lived in Kansas City, and he hoped the topic might ease some of the tension in the room. At first, his plan seemed to be working until Kate started talking about her orchids.

  “I never bothered with fancy things like orchids. Give me an honest plot of beans any day. You know where you stand with vegetables,” Tom grumbled, and the room temperature seemed to drop a few degrees.

  Chris and Kate made sure to compliment and thank Rosie for her cooking, but Yvonne stayed quiet and answered questions in monosyllables. She seemed a far cry from the feisty submissive who played Monopoly as if her life depended on it.

  After dinner, his father thanked his mother, before he pushed away from the table and turned his stern gaze to Chris, “Let’s have a look at the new television room, son,”

  Chris knew it was code for ‘we need to talk privately.’ He didn’t want to leave Kate and Yvonne, but he knew better than to disobey his dad. Chris shot an apologetic look Kate’s way, and she inclined her head in silent agreement and squeezed Yvonne’s hand.

  Even before they were out of earshot of the women, Tom said, “I’m disappointed in you, son. For years, your mother has been hoping you’d settle down and start a family and now you bring home two women! Would you care to explain your relationship?”

  Chris did a mental count to ten before answering his father, “Our relationship might not be standard, but we love each other. How can that be wrong?”

  “A marriage is between two people and you know it,” his father replied sternly. “Bigamy is illegal.”

  Chris sighed and shook his head. “We weren’t planning on breaking the law, if that’s what worries you.”

  “That’s not the point, Chris. A relationship between three people is bound to end in jealousy. There are good reasons why polygamy is wrong.”

  “I think you’re wrong, Dad. We could stand here and argue until the cows come home and it wouldn’t change anything. I love both Kate and Yvonne. They love each other and they love me. As far as I’m concerned, that’s the basis for a strong relationship.” He caught his father’s expression and scowled. “And don’t bring up the Bible because there’s plenty of God-approved polygamy there.” Tom opened his mouth to reply to his last statement, but Chris held out his hands. “I believe that God created all of us. Love comes from God and it’s beautiful in all its forms. If you can’t accept our relationship for what it is, then we’re never going to see eye to eye. “

  His father’s eyes darkened. “Is that your final word?”

  Chris stood straight and didn’t break eye contact. “Yes, it is, Dad.”

  “In that case, you and those women aren’t welcome in my house. Your mother was hoping to gain a daughter; it looks like she’s losing a son.”

  With the metaphorical knife to Chris’ gut, Tom marched out of the room, leaving Chris struggling to stand and fight his emotions.

  Kate exchanged a worried glance with Yvonne. After Chris returned from the den, he had told them they were leaving. He had given his mother a peck on the cheek and whispered, “I’m sorry,” but the woman had just stared at her husband with a worried look on her face. Chris’ dad had been watching the exchange with his arms crossed and a fierce scowl on his face. Chris walked the three of them out of the house.

  Neither Kate nor Yvonne knew what happened between Chris and his dad, but this behavior was so unlike him it had to be bad. And what the hell had Chris been sorry for?

  In uncomfortable silence they drove to the hotel. Kate was thankful they had checked in before going to see his parents. They reached their room on the second floor, and Chris used the key card to gain access to the room.

  He marched in, dropped into one of the chairs under the windows, and stared at the ceiling. Kate wasn’t sure he was aware she and Yvonne were in the room. He might not even notice if they paraded in front of him naked.

  “Chris, tell us what happened,” Kate demanded.

  He started but shook his head with a look of total devastation on his face.

  Yvonne pulled at Kate’s arm. “Maybe we should leave him be for a while.”

  Chris stayed closed off and withdrawn the rest of the evening. Kate didn’t think the man did surly, but he could sulk like a toddler. Yvonne and Kate let him stew for the rest of the night. Kate played solitaire and Candy Crush on her phone, and Yvonne read Jester by Lilly Atlas while stealing glances at Chris’ unmoving form. After a fitful night in the king-sized bed, they left the next morning for the airport, and Kate and Yvonne still did
n’t know what had happened.

  Chapter Eight

  Since the visit with his parents, Chris had been withdrawn. Kate had given him time and space to come to terms with whatever had transpired between him and his father, but a week was enough. Now it was time for him to come clean, but he wasn’t answering their calls and his only text to the both of them had stated he needed time alone.

  She faced Yvonne as they sat in front of Chris’ condo in Kate’s bright green Mustang. “Are you ready for this?”

  “Yes, Mistress, on the weekends he’s ours. Besides, we gave him all week and he needs to talk about what happened.” The young blonde sounded fierce and determined. Good, Kate felt the same.

  After ringing the doorbell and knocking several times, Chris finally opened the door. He looked disheveled in ancient sweats and was stooped like he was in pain. He made an effort to straighten when he saw them both.

  “Didn’t you get my messages? I’m not going to the club tonight.”

  Kate shouldered by him into the house and Chris turned to watch her, letting Yvonne slide past him into the house as well. Nice move, subbie!

  “Kate … wait … Yvonne?” Chris sounded both desperate and frustrated. Kate turned and faced him with her hands on her hips and challenge in her eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, closed it again, and shut the door behind him with a soft click.

  Kate studied him. How to get through to him? Pleasure or pain or …?

  Yvonne whirled around and threw herself in Chris’ arms.

  “I missed you, Sir,” she said loud enough for Kate to hear. Chris stiffened for a moment before pulling Yvonne closer to him and letting out a shuddering sigh. Aha! Kate smiled. Comfort first. Right!

  Kate looked around. The condo was a mess. Chris wasn’t a neat freak, but usually he took care of himself and his environment. With quick strides Kate went to the bathroom and started the shower. She went over to Chris and Yvonne, who were still hugging, and she kissed Yvonne in a silent “thank you” before pulling Chris with her. Working with the cue she’d gotten from Yvonne, she would go with comfort first, then pain and pleasure, before she would make him talk.


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