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Stronghold (Stronghold 1)

Page 43

by Angel, Golden

  The desk was just short enough lengthwise that Angel's bottom was only inches away from the end of it, her knees bent and pointed to the ceiling with her legs spread wide. He left enough give in the chain that he would be able to pull her to the edge of the desk itself once he was ready to. Right now he was enjoying the view of her anxious face as he immobilized her upper body, as well as the slight jiggling of her breasts as she squirmed and the little cherry points of her nipples.

  "What do you think, sweetheart?" he asked, leaning forward slightly to take each of her breasts in one hand, squeezing the luscious mounds roughly. "Do you feel vulnerable? Helpless?"

  She squirmed some more as he pinched her nipples, moaning.


  "Good. Because you are." He pinched her nipples harder, tugging them away from her body to emphasize his point. Angel cried out, arching her back as she tried to relieve the pressure on her sensitive tips. When he let them go she flattened back down on the desk, her breath coming in short, excited pants.

  "What color, Angel?"

  "Green," she practically purred. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were glowing as she looked up at him, a banquet of feminine flesh for him to indulge in.

  Grinning, Adam went back to the same drawer that he'd gotten the cuffs from. Someone had left little samples of various oils in there, probably someone trying to convince Patrick to add them to the goodies regularly stocked around the club. Adam wasn't sure he liked the idea of communal oil bottles, but he definitely was willing to use the samples that were available.

  Hmm.... minty menthol. Perfect.

  Opening the packet he squeezed some directly onto Angel's nipples and began to rub it in. She eyed him suspiciously.

  "What's that - oh! It's cold! And tingly!"

  "Fun, isn't it?" he asked, letting his fingers glide down her body. There wasn't enough oil on them to give her more than flickers of the cool sensation against the skin of her stomach, but it let her know exactly where he was headed.

  "Adam, I don't know-"

  "Shhh... it's going to feel good. Besides, how are you going to stop me?" he asked, knowing that the reminder that she was at his mercy would only turn her on more. Angel groaned, but her pussy was leaking like a sieve. He ignored the way she was wriggling; the movement would make the air feel even colder against her nipples.

  Parting her pussy lips with two fingers, he leaned down to suck her clit directly into his mouth, eliciting a shocked cry from her as warmth engulfed the little nubbin. He wondered how it felt, to have her nipples burning with icy fire while her clit was surrounded by his hot mouth. Flicking his tongue against it, he could feel the tiny bundle of nerves getting bigger.

  She was going to both love and hate this.

  Now that his tongue had completely teased her clit out from underneath its hood, Adam pulled back and put the packet next to the swollen nub.

  "Oh, Adam, noooooo..."

  "Oh, Angel, yes," he said tauntingly, grinning evilly as he coated her clit in the oil. Angel gasped, writhing as he rubbed it in with his fingers, trying to keep the oil centered on her clit rather than allowing it to spread to the surrounding areas.

  "It's cold but it burns."

  Her legs started to close, an automatic reaction to protect her most sensitive areas, but Adam put his hands on her inner thighs, keeping them apart. Leaning forward, he blew directly onto her clit and then had to clamp his hands down as Angel writhed, moaning from the intense sensations he was creating. Fuck she was hot.

  Standing back up, Adam pulled her legs up on his shoulders so that her ass was at the edge of the table, lined his cock up with her pussy and shoved in, deep, fast and hard. Angel screamed, her body arching as the walls of her tunnel clamped down around him in ecstasy. Her entire body jerked. Holding himself completely immobile, his hands pressing down on her hips, he didn't even allow her to rub her tormented clit against him, all she could do was pulse around him as her pussy muscles contracted and released.

  Dragging in a ragged breath, Angel attempted to squirm against him and groaned when his hard grip didn't allow her even a centimeter of movement.

  Feverish eyes fluttered open, looking up at him pleadingly.

  "Adam, please," she begged. That was all he needed.


  Cold fire like she'd never felt before... her nipples were still tingling but the sensations there had faded in comparison to the way the oil was burning on her clit. It made her want to squeeze her legs together, her body instinctively wanted pressure against her clit to help relieve the burning, but there was a big, hot, hard man between them who wouldn't let her. And when he finally pressed himself against her clit, she immediately wanted to rub and move and get some friction going to heat up that icy sensation, but he wasn't doing that either.

  So she begged.

  And he began to move.

  "Oh god... please... please... please... please..."

  Her pleas became louder with every thrust of his hips, her sore bottom banging against the hard table. Geezus, she was burning all over; her nipples, her butt, her clit, and inside her pussy where the friction of his rough fucking was driving her absolutely wild. She was stretched out before him like a pagan sacrifice, her legs hooked over his shoulders so that he had full access to her pussy, and he was watching her like she was the hotter than any porn star.

  Was it any wonder that she began to cum almost immediately once he started really fucking her?

  She screamed as the ecstasy shuddered through her, washing along her limbs in chaotic waves that seemed to crackle and burst with electric pleasure. The echoes of her voice reverberating back to her sounded like she was sobbing. Adam's hands on her hips held her in place as he fucked her through the orgasm, keeping her from rubbing herself against him, prolonging the pleasure as he thrust over and over again. Her spasming muscles strained to hold him, the friction becoming almost uncomfortable as he plowed into her without pausing.

  If her hands had been free she would be clawing at his back, trying to get him to cum so that the intense sensations would finally peak and cease.

  Instead all she could do was cry out, writhe, and orgasm helplessly while his hard cock continued to pound into her.

  When he pulled out, her entire body seemed to shudder in relief for the momentary break. Then she felt the slick head press against her asshole, forcing its way forward. Angel gasped and then groaned as he began to push in; this time he didn't work himself back and forth, it was just a long, slow intrusion that made her muscles spasm and clench as he tunneled inwards.

  It burned just like the rest of her. God, she was burning, inside and out. Every inch of her felt exquisitely sensitive. When she opened her eyes and looked up, she could see Adam's face, intense and serious, his own eyes glued to where their bodies were fusing together. She could only imagine how it must look, her pussy all wet and creamy with the results of her orgasm, while below her anus stretched tight around the thick girth of his cock. Fuck. She wished she could watch too.

  That's if she could take any more of this at all. It felt like she was seconds away from cumming again and she almost didn't want to. Was the human body built to withstand this much stimulation? This much of a sensory overload? It felt like tingling, sizzling bubbles were popping against her nipples and clit, her pussy lips felt almost bruised from the hard fucking she'd just received, and the inside of her pussy would have been rubbed raw if she hadn't been so damn wet.

  And now he was forcing her ass open and the discomfort was so wonderfully delicious, the burning stretch of muscles so damned exciting.

  "Adam..." Her voice sounded hoarse. Distant. He met her gaze, his blue eyes blazing with lustful need. "Are you going to be gentle?"

  That wonderful, wicked smile.


  He pulled out and rammed in hard, not waiting for her response, and then did it again and again, fucking her ass as fast and hard as he had her pussy. And Angel screamed as the pain and pleasure rioted thro
ugh her, her ass clenched down, pulling at him and he groaned. The tight ring of muscle burned even hotter as he thrust past it, over and over, until she felt like she was existing in a world of pure sensation.

  Closing her eyes, her world narrowed down to the burn, the clench, the never-ending pulse of sensation that worked into her. She'd never trusted anyone with her body like this before, never let anyone push her past her limits, never given herself over to anyone the way she had with Adam.

  The ecstasy seemed to have reached an incredible plateau; her body was awash in pleasure, shot through with lightning bolts of painful rapture. She was floating on a sea of bliss, of rolling sensation, and when she finally felt him begin to throb and pulse inside of her, hot spurts of liquid filling her, the sea took her under.


  When Angel blinked her way back to awareness, she was cuddled up in Adam's arms, sitting on a couch in what she recognized as the aftercare corner. A warm blanket was wrapped snugly around her and her head was resting on his shoulder while he cradled her with one arm and stroked her hip with the other. Shifting slightly, she winced as her asshole squeezed and she realized that he'd plugged her.

  The man was obsessed with filling her asshole. Not that she had any real complaints about that. It was so dirty and hot, so very him to want to do something debauched when he gave off the vibe of being kind of uptight, that it just made her enjoy it even more.

  "Hey sweetheart, waking up?"

  "Was I asleep?" she asked, tipping her head back. She felt all warm and muzzy and content. Especially when she saw the smile on his face. Tender. Sweet. And very smug.

  "You were a little out of it." Dipping his head down, he gave her a long lingering kiss that had her sighing happily. "How are you feeling?"

  "Very green, Sir."

  Adam laughed and hugged her closer. "Good. Not so mad at me anymore?"

  "I stopped being mad at you before you dragged me off like the caveman that you are. Are you still mad at me?"

  "No. Although next time we have a… ah... disagreement, we're going to handle it in private, not in public. And you're going to listen before getting mad."

  "I'll try," she said, a little ruefully. "But just so you know, I really do have a quick temper. I get over it just as quickly, but I'll try."

  "That's all I can ask."

  "And the next time someone asks, or otherwise inquires, whether or not you're in a serious relationship, what are you going to say?" She found the opening in the blanket and poked him in the chest. Hard.

  "Ow! Cut that out. We're still in the club and I can still turn you over my knee if I need to." Angel giggled and he smiled down at her before his face became more serious again. "Angel, I know we haven't been together that long, but you drive me absolutely up the wall and -"


  "Ouch! What did I say about poking me? And listening to my explanations before you get mad?"

  "Fine. Finish." She scowled at him. "But the ending better be a lot better than the beginning."

  Adam scowled back at her. "And this is exactly what I mean. You drive me crazy, you turn everything I think upside down and... you are not the woman I would have chosen to fall in love with." Angel froze. "At first I was worried that you were a liar. Then I worried about the fact that you have a ton of guy friends and they all want you."

  "No, they don't," she said automatically, before clamping her mouth shut again. She didn't want to interrupt him. Nope, she definitely wanted to hear this explanation. Her heart was pounding faster than marching band's drum. Adam gave her bottom a little thwack.

  "Yes, they do. Stop interrupting, that's not my point." He said, and shifted her again, making it easier for them to look at each other directly. Those bright blue eyes were intensely sincere. "Then I worried that you might be like my mom, that you might hide away your feelings when you're upset with me or don't like something that I'm doing." Angel giggled and he gave her a wry smile. "Yes, thank you for proving me wrong about that tonight. The point is, you're scattered and unscheduled, you're constantly surprising me when I hate surprises, and I think, in the back of my mind, I kept looking for excuses about why this relationship wouldn't work. Even though every moment I was spending with you was making me incredibly happy. And then tonight when Patrick baited me and you almost walked out, all I could think about was how much I didn't want you to go. How it killed me to see that I'd hurt you.

  "I didn't know what my ideal woman would be like, but I never guessed that she would have more guy friends then female friends, or kick my ass at video games, or make me laugh quite so much, or make me feel like being silly, or make me utterly lose my shit in front of my friends. I would have begged if you hadn't been willing to listen to me before walking out tonight, and I wouldn't have cared who knew it. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop in our relationship and tonight I thought it had because of something stupid that I’d done… and I hate that you felt insecure and unsure of me and I know that’s my fault.

  "So, what I'm saying is... you drive me crazy and I think I've fallen in love with you."

  "Oh... Adam..." Angel's voice choked up and she launched herself at him. Well, as much as she could launch herself when she was already wrapped up in his arms and only inches away from his face. She kissed him. Desperately. Passionately. With all the emotion that had been bubbling around inside of her since the day she met him.

  Chuckling, he pulled away. "What, I give a long, involved speech and all I get back is 'oh Adam'?"

  "How am I supposed to top everything you just said?" she asked, gurgling with laughter. "Or even match it?" She stroked her finger down his cheek before rubbing her hand through his facial hair, feeling almost awestruck that this controlled, closed-off man was hers and that he had just opened himself up to her in such an incredible, vulnerable way. "You aren't the kind of guy I thought I'd fall in love with either. Too controlled. Almost prissy sometimes, actually."

  "Watch it, brat," he growled.

  Angel smiled at him, brilliantly. "I love you, Adam. Every grouchy, silly, demanding bit of you. And you drive me crazy too."

  And grabbing his lapels, she gave into the little bit of Domme inside of her that he'd first met and been so intrigued by, and pulled him in for another kiss.


  It would be amazing if he had any friends left by the end of today. Free beer and pizza just did not make up for having to drag the endless line of boxes and furniture up two and a half flights of stairs. Especially since it was kind of unseasonably warm for June.

  "Goddamn, Rick," Patrick groaned as he shouldered his way into the front door for the umpteenth time. "What the hell do you have in this box?"

  Setting his own box down on the pile that had been started in the corner of the main room, Rick glanced at the label on the box that Patrick was setting down and grinned.

  "That's gotta go in the kitchen, it's got the Cuisine Art in it," he replied. Which also made it one of the heaviest boxes that he had. Was it wrong to say a quick prayer of thanks that he hadn't been the one to have to bring it up the stairs?

  "Well then you put it in the kitchen," Patrick grumbled. "I'm done with it."

  "Thanks for bringing it all the way up."

  The big man sighed. "This better show you how happy we all are to have you up here. I'm not sure we'd do this for anyone else."

  "No one else would dare ask," Liam said as he came in through the door. His muscles bulged around the box that he was carrying. Books, going by the orange label on the side. Probably some of the heavier ones going by the strain he was showing. "When Hilary and I move, I'm hiring movers."

  "I'll do that next time," Rick muttered guiltily.

  "Don't worry about," Liam said, adding his box to the pile in the corner. "We're just glad you're up here. Plus you've helped all of us move before. Turnabout's fair play."

  Ever since Liam and Hilary had become a couple, Liam had started spouting off all sorts of weird old sayings, courtesy of his girlf
riend and her father. Rick just grinned. Being a high school English teacher he had his own language quirks when it came to old words and phrases.

  And it was true that he'd helped the others move before, but to be fair, none of them had moved in a long time. They hadn't accumulated the amount of stuff that he had at the time they'd moved. But every single one of them had shown up today to help him. Girlfriends in tow.

  Speaking of which, Jessica came in the door carrying what was obviously one of the lighter boxes. "I think this is the last trip! Angel's got the other box that's going in the bedroom, Andrew and Chris have the couch, Jared and Adam have your mattress, Lexie and Olivia are handling the box spring, and Justin and Hilary have the last box."

  "The heavy one?" Liam sprang up, but Jessica glared him back down.

  "It's not that heavy and don't you dare insult her by insinuating she can't handle it!" Jessica said warningly before turning to go down the hall towards Rick's bedroom.

  He couldn't help but sigh a little that the first five women in his bedroom weren't there for anything enjoyable.

  Last summer, almost a year ago, he'd met Jessica for the first time. Unfortunately Justin and Chris had already had dibs. All three of them had been working at the Venus School. Rick had decided to forego the school this summer. He didn't want more meaningless sex, even if he'd enjoyed being an Instructor there, he wanted a relationship. Had wanted a relationship for a while.

  Then he'd watched Jessica fall in love with Chris and Justin and they'd moved in together. Not that everything was perfect with them of course, but he knew that lately they'd been talking about what form their relationship might take in the future. For a while Chris and Justin had been trying to work it out between themselves, but Jessica had bulled right in there and said that she had just as much right as they did when it came to deciding who was going to marry who or whatever they were going to do. They hadn't worked it out completely yet, but they were well on their way.


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