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Virgin For The Fourth Time: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Four

Page 10

by Jeannette Winters

  “Sorry about that.”

  “I thought he was charming,” Zoey said.

  It was Bennett’s turn to laugh. Clint was a lot of things: hard-ass, smart-ass, and at times dumb-ass. In all the years they’d known each other, no one had ever referred to him as charming. Someday, at just the right time, I’m going to let him know. It’ll ruin his reputation for life.

  “How about we grab that booth before someone else does? Right now I’m starving.” He wanted to add, where we can talk alone, but he knew it wasn’t the time. And he wasn’t sure that it ever would be.

  If we can make it through all this bullshit, maybe I’ll not only tell you, but show you what you do to me. That’s if you don’t hate me when you find out the truth.

  Chapter Nine

  “Zoey, I’m so glad you called. Brice wanted me to go into the office today and listen to one of the presentations he was preparing,” Lena said, as she slid into the limo.

  “I don’t want to pull you away from work.”

  “Are you kidding me? I think you should call me every day. I love your brother, but if I had to work with him every day, I think I’d lose my mind.”

  “I couldn’t do one day, not to mention every day. I’m really glad you can come out with me. I need your advice.”

  “That’s a change. No one comes to me. But I’m happy to listen. How can I help?”

  Zoey didn’t know where to start. She couldn’t mention Bennett working for her, so Lena was only going to get part of the picture. “It’s Bennett.”

  “He seems to truly like you.”

  Yeah. For a former Marine, he’s one hell of an actor. “He’s . . . a real nice guy.”

  “So what’s the issue? Not your brothers I hope,” Lena said, as she grabbed Zoey’s hand.

  “No. Not my brothers for once. It’s just that I’m not very good at this dating stuff.”

  “You’re not good? I’m married to your brother.”

  Zoey wrinkled her nose with the agreement. “One problem. I’m just like them but in a woman’s body. Just as awkward and just as clueless.” And totally afraid of getting rejected and hurt. I’ve had a lifetime of that already.

  Lena laughed. “That bad? Well, I hear admitting it is the first step to recovery.”

  “So you don’t think it’s hopeless?” Zoey felt as though it was useless, but she wasn’t about to give up without at least trying. She wanted things to work out with Bennett and her. All she needed to do was figure out how to show him she was genuinely interested and not only as his client.

  “Zoey, I saw you at the party. You were a bit stiff, but I understand why. Bringing someone home to meet the family is very stressful. But that’s over. You both survived it. That was the hardest part. Now all you have to do is relax and enjoy.”

  Yes, we survived the first of many lies. I might not know much, but I know that isn’t a good way to start a relationship. “Relax and enjoy. You make that sound so easy.”

  Lena gave Zoey’s hand a squeeze. “All relationships are work. Even the ones that look like they’ve got it all together still have their bumps in the road. Trust me. My parents have been married for ages. If you looked at them, you’d never think they argued. Of course they do, just like every couple, but what’s different about them is they’re willing to forgive and accept each other with all their imperfections. That’s the big secret to a good relationship. That’s if you’re looking for something serious. Is that what you want, Zoey? Something lasting with Bennett?”

  She’d never given any thought to something more than the here and now. There was a strong attraction to him, and she felt happy when he was close. And she was happy at the truck stop too. It wasn’t a place she’d normally frequent, yet it felt easy and relaxed with him there. He was strong and confident, and it was hard not to be attracted to that. To him. But was that enough to build on? Or was it just an infatuation, and it’d be gone as quickly as it came?

  “I’m not the kind of woman he’d want.”

  “You mean beautiful, intelligent, and loving?” Lena asked.

  I mean I’m insecure and broken. “We come from different worlds.”

  “You are overthinking this. You can’t look at love logically. It’s a feeling that surpasses anything else. Men will fight and die for the woman they love. If you don’t believe that, look at your brother Dean. That’s a love that should be in a romance novel.”

  “I’m still shocked he found someone to love him at all. Brice too, for that matter.”

  “I’ll admit it isn’t easy. I had to risk opening myself up to Brice. Let him see the real me. The one I don’t show anyone else. He did the same. That’s what you’re going to need to do with Bennett. If you think he’s the one, then let him see the real Zoey.” Lena took a deep breath, carefully contemplating her next words. “Brice has shared some things with me. I can only imagine what it was like for you, the only girl growing up in that house. The right man will want to know, and he’ll try to understand. The hard part is going to be letting the words come out. Once you do, they’ll lose some of the power they hold over you,” she said earnestly.

  No wonder Brice adores you. You really are the sweetest person I know. “What if he can’t . . . accept the real me?”

  Lena put an arm around Zoey’s shoulder and pulled her in for a hug. “Then he isn’t the one for you. But you’ll never know if you don’t try.”

  Zoey wanted so badly to be loved and accepted for who she truly was. What harm would it honestly do to tell Bennett about her reputation and how it all happened? The worst he could do was believe her father’s lies and not her. She was used to people assuming the worst of her. What difference did it make if Bennett joined that crowd? There is a major difference. I don’t care about what they think of me.

  “Well, that’s why I asked you to go shopping with me. I need date clothes. I think you need to coach me on what to wear because you always look stunning. I look . . . feel like . . . a mannequin in a high-fashion store. I know I can put together outfits, but none of them are . . . what I’m looking for.” Zoey sighed. They’re not me. Just another façade of what I’m supposed to be.

  “And what are we looking for today?”

  Zoey looked at the women walking on the sidewalk as they waited at a stoplight. They were all dressed so differently. She had no idea what her style was. All these years she dressed the same: below-the-knee skirts, or slacks in either gray, black, or tan, and boring button-up blouses, in the same colors as though she was an executive ready for a business meeting. The last thing she wanted was another year of the same. Turning back to Lena she said, “Something fun.”

  “Fun. You do know I’m a mother. I’m not sure I remember what fun looks like.” Lena laughed as she raised her hand to her shirt. “Why don’t you tell me where you’re going, and I might be able to help?”

  “I don’t know where our next date will be.” I’m not even sure there will be one.

  “Okay, tell me where you’ve been recently.”

  Her face lit up just thinking about their dates. “We went bowling.”

  “I love bowling. How was it?”

  Zoey laughed. “He bowled and I tried to keep the ball in my lane. Okay, on the lane. If there was any dust in the gutter, I got it out. Again and again.”

  “That sounds like you had a great, fun-filled time.”

  “It was. And then another time he took me to a . . . small diner.” She wasn’t about to confess to going to a truck stop. Although Bennett was right; the food was fantastic. If she ate breakfast on a regular basis, she’d do it again. Not without Bennett.

  Zoey noticed Lena’s expression changed. She couldn’t read it. Did she think like her brothers that Bennett wasn’t good enough for her? If so she didn’t want to hear it.

  “I’m . . . surprised.”

  “I can tell.” Zoey’s tone was sharper than she’d wanted it to be.

  “Oh, that probably didn’t come out the way I wanted it to. I’m surpri
sed, but in a good way. At the party I was concerned that things were not as . . . good between the two of you as you were making them out to be. Something felt . . . off. But looking at you now . . . I see something has changed.”

  Oh, it has. But that doesn’t mean we are . . . a couple. It’s still all a lie. No matter what Lena thinks she sees.

  “It’s still all very new. But it’s . . . nice.”

  “It should be. And don’t let your brothers interfere. I had a long conversation with Brice on our way home the other night. His intentions are good, but his actions sometime leave a bit to be desired.”

  Zoey honestly had been impressed at the control Brice seemed to have that night. She had thought he would’ve been as bad as Dean was. Either way, Zoey was happy to know she had someone watching out for her. I think I can get used to this sisterly stuff. That didn’t mean she was ready to bare her soul to her. Zoey hoped they were building a friendship that moved forward and didn’t look back. There was nothing she wanted to think about in the past. Nothing that Lena could understand. If Lena knew, Zoey was positive she’d never look at her the same. Who could blame her? I wouldn’t want my children spending time with an aunt like me either. Why can’t the truth be as easy to believe as the filthy lies my father told? I’m tired of telling myself as long as I know the truth it doesn’t matter. Because it does. More now than ever. But I’m not ready to have that conversation with anyone. Maybe one day. Maybe not.

  “I think we have bigger fish to fry today. Like my wardrobe.” Zoey laughed as she changed the subject.

  “I know just the place.”

  Lena gave the driver the address, and they were off on their adventure. The rest of their outing was spent shopping and laughing. By the end of the day, Zoey was dragging in bags of clothes that were versatile enough for any outing. She’d gone overboard on her purchases, but it was the first time she’d ever shopped without a plan. If it called to her, she bought it. There was no thinking of what pants, what shoes, or where she’d wear it. If she liked it, she bought it. She tried on things she’d never worn before, and if she didn’t burst out laughing at how ridiculous they looked, she left the dressing room for Lena’s opinion. Thankfully, Lena had no issue with stating the truth because no woman wants to hear, “Sure, wear that if you want to look like you’re ninety.”

  If trying things on at the store wasn’t enough, Zoey found herself doing it again in her room before she put all the items away. They’d even stopped at the lingerie store and picked up some sexy undergarments. Her cotton briefs were going in the trash. No more granny panties for me. Next time Bennett decides on a spur-of-the-moment date, I’ll be ready. Ready for anything.

  Chapter Ten

  He decided it was best to meet with Brice and Dean at the same time. He wasn’t afraid of Dean, but he also didn’t want the subject of Zoey to go spiraling downhill either. Right now he needed the family to accept him. At least, until I have all the answers. Then I don’t give a shit whether they approve of Zoey and me or not.

  Bennett hated that he had those thoughts. There never was going to be a “Zoey and Bennett.” He lived in reality. It was inevitable. The choices he’d make were either going to leave her hating him or break her heart. This was why he knew he shouldn’t push her brothers too far. She was going to need them. They were all she had. I just hope they’ll be there for her. No matter what, she’s going to be broken, and I won’t be able to help. She’ll need someone to hate, and it’s better if I’m that person. If not, she might blame herself, and none of this is her fault.

  Brice was the first to join him at the table. “Normally I meet Lena for lunch, but she’s out with Zoey. I take it that’s why you asked to meet with me now?”

  “You and Dean.”

  “Oh, so I’m the referee. Wise choice. He can be a loose cannon.”

  Bennett had seen that first hand. Dean wasn’t a person who listened to what anyone said. The only one that he seemed to listen to was Tessa. But even that didn’t keep him out of trouble.

  “I’m not here to piss either of you off.”

  “You should’ve thought about that before you started dating Zoey,” Dean said as he approached the table.

  Bennett could see Dean hadn’t cooled off any. He knew all the brothers were protective of Zoey, but Dean was by far the worse. “Some things just happen.”

  “And some things you were warned not to let happen,” Dean added angrily. “So when did this all come about?”

  Bennett and Zoey had forgotten to add a “we’ve been dating” timeframe to the script. He should’ve been prepared for the question. One thing he was damn good at was deflecting. “I get that you have concern about who she dates. But Dean, you’re much more protective than anyone else. Why is that?”

  Dean glared at him. “Is there a reason I shouldn’t be?”

  “Besides the fact that she’s old enough to make her own decisions?” Bennett didn’t break eye contact with Dean. He needed him to know no matter what he said or did, he wasn’t backing down or going away. If he wanted to be with Zoey, nothing outside of her wishes would stop him. And I don’t think she has any plans on ending this either.

  “I don’t think you appreciate exactly who she is,” Dean said.

  “Trust me, I do.” Bennett grinned on purpose just to push Dean a little more. He saw Dean’s jaw flinch.

  “Thin ice, Bennett,” Brice warned.

  Just where I like to be. Keeps life interesting. The only regret Bennett had was this was Zoey’s family. Otherwise he’d have pushed further, enjoying the challenge of who’d break first. In all the years, it had never been him. Dean would’ve been a good opponent.

  “Was there a purpose for this lunch?” Dean asked, changing the subject.

  “Zoey was concerned you both might still have an issue with us dating. I told her not to worry about it but, you know women, she wants to make sure we can all play nice.” Bennett already knew how he was going to explain his last-minute invite.

  “If my sister is happy, then I have no issue,” Brice said while watching Dean out of the corner of his eye.

  “I’m not sold yet that you do make her happy. She was on edge. I don’t like it,” Dean said in a warning tone.

  “Could it have been the way you approached us when I entered the room?” He brought it right back onto Dean even though he knew Zoey’s nerves had everything to do with his kiss.

  “My sister knows me and—”

  “Had good reason to be worried. I know your reputation, Dean. And I’ve seen what you are capable of, how cold and ruthless you can be. It doesn’t worry me, but someone as sweet as Zoey wouldn’t be able to hide her fear.”

  “I’d never do anything to hurt her,” Dean said, feeling agitated.

  “If you see something, question it. Otherwise, don’t interfere.” Bennett shot Dean a serious look as though he was done playing his game. He didn’t expect Dean to just drop it and he was right. But the point was made, and it appeared both brothers agreed with him.

  “Trust me, Bennett, I’m watching,” Dean said.

  Brice, who’d been observing the exchange, chimed in with his two cents’ worth. “My wife is out with Zoey now. If there is anything we should know, I’m sure I’ll hear about it. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. But don’t prove me wrong, Bennett. You might think I’m extremely different from Dean, but the truth is, I’m a hell of a lot worse.”

  The rest of the lunch was talking about security for their business. With the Hendersons’ attitude, I could be in business for life protecting them.

  He swiped the glasses with their DNA, bagged, and tagged them after they left. He had a few more stops to make.

  Bennett wasn’t leaving anything to chance. He made sure Zoey’s and his paths weren’t going to cross while he made his way through the visits with her brothers. His next stop was the hospital where he made sure he bumped into Logan. He grabbed a quick coffee with him, with the excuse that he couldn’t chat long becaus
e he was visiting a sick friend. The shorter the visit the better, because Logan was as dry and solemn as they came. Bennett understood why. The man was one of the top neurosurgeons in the country. He dealt with life-and-death situations every day. Although their career choices were as different as night and day, he remembered what it was like when he was in the Marines. He needed to be on guard all the time. Knowing if he let his guard down for one second, it could cost someone their life, or his own.

  Bennett had seen too many people lose their lives when distracted. There were times it couldn’t be avoided, but usually it was someone back home they couldn’t get out of their mind. He knew love was a powerful thing, but it made a person vulnerable, weak. He’d been able to avoid such distractions all his life. Zoey wouldn’t change his opinion either. No matter what it was about her, he wanted—needed—to stay clearheaded. If not, he’d slip up and someone would surely figure out why he really was in Boston.

  The next stop was one he honestly looked forward to. He’d been in the house several times off the job. He looked at his watch, and it was just after five. Normally a businessman would still be in the office, but Shaun was different. He was the brother Bennett had the most respect for. When he’d first been hired by Shaun to investigate Morgan, he’d thought Shaun was just another controlling asshole. But as time went on, Bennett found he was way off the mark. Shaun was the one Henderson who seemed to have his priorities straight. Even now, pulling up to their house reminded him of that.

  He saw the lights on and Shaun’s car parked in the driveway. It was going to be dinner soon, and he knew if he went in now, Morgan wouldn’t let him leave without joining them. This was the one place he’d wished he waited and brought Zoey with him. Although he was here on business, he couldn’t help but make it personal as well.


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