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Pureblood (Pureblood series)

Page 7

by Ellysia Fields

  “Mate? Goddess? Life outside? I don’t understand.” She was still trying to wrap her head around him being double the age of Nicholas!

  “My mate passed away a few years back, and I miss her dearly. She rests with our Goddess in the afterlife. We wolves rarely live past four hundred, so I’ve had a good run. I’m looking forward to my rest. These youngsters, once they reach a certain age, will be sent to other dens for a few months, to meet more young wolves and search for their mates. Mates are like husbands and wives to humans. But we don't have divorce here, once you mate you are together for life. Perhaps you will find yours this coming Full Moon ceremony.” With that he patted her on the shoulder and made his way slowly out of the room.

  She stood by the door and waited, absorbing all she had learned. Nicholas was much older then he looked, and he could live to be double that. He was the last of his family, he had no one left. Not to mention the fact that he was British but had no accent. She had learned in class that once wolves reach around age seventeen children aged slower, so they looked younger for longer. The reason for that had been their heightened healing abilities.

  Her thoughts were brought to a halt as Nicholas walked up. She saw him in an entirely new light now as she tried to keep the devastating sadness from her face. She couldn’t imagine the heartache he must carry around.

  “Hey, sorry I’m late. I thought I had time to speak to Dan about the shift this week. Were you waiting long?” He was rubbing the back of his neck as he looked at her.

  “N-no, I wasn’t.” She wasn’t sure how to act around him now. Since his loss seemed to happen a long time ago, so should she still give her condolences? Living with the fact that his family name ended with him must haunt him every day. He seemed to notice her discomfort, as he stopped their progress before the stairs and pulled her aside.

  “Hey, what's going on? Was it that uncomfortable for you? I can make other arrangements, I just wanted you to acclimate quickly, if you wa-”

  “I’m so sorry!” She blurted before she could stop herself.

  “What,” he asked, obviously confused.

  “The teacher was talking about the first three werewolves, and one of the children mentioned you were the l-last and…” she couldn’t finish her thought. Her heart broke for him, despite herself.

  “Oh, that. That was a very long time ago. You don’t need to apologise.” He tried to console her, he almost touched her, but he held back.

  “After class, the teacher told me that they were wiped out by hunters. Are hunters what I think they are? Are you really almost two hundred years old? How can you look like you’re twenty-six? Why haven’t you found a mate and had a family? Why are you-”

  “Woah woah, one question at a time!” Nicholas held up his hands, defensively. “Look, I’ll explain what I can, why don’t we talk in my den, okay? That way we won’t be bothered, alright?” She nodded and he led her up the stairs, past her level and even higher. Once they reached the landing, she could tell this level was much smaller than the others.

  He led her to the first door on the right, just as he had told her yesterday. He opened it, stood aside, and allowed her to enter first. She walked slowly, taking in her surroundings. A few real fur rugs on the floor, black leather furniture, old simple oil paintings on the smooth stone walls, but otherwise very simple. He came in after her, shutting the door behind them. She jumped a little, causing his instincts to go off, before she calmed down. She had to remember, he wouldn't hurt her. He’d promised, after all.

  Nicholas walked to a chair he had and motioned for her to sit on the large couch. “Now, start with your questions, and I’ll answer as truthfully as I am able.”

  “Hunters,” she stated simply.

  “Ah, yes. Hunters are what you think they are. Humans who believe werewolves are dangers to society and should be exterminated. That’s why we have patrols and guards at the main entrance. Keep passerbys away from the pack den, and protect the pack from dangers like them.” He explained matter of factly. His demeanor calmed her a little.

  “Okay, so we’re safe here?”

  “As safe as you can be, and safer than out there on your own, yes.”

  “Are they what attacked your pack den?” She was afraid of the answer.

  “Yes. A large number of them attacked my family’s pack den. I was young and out on patrol, so I was spared. I returned to see my family and friends slaughtered. And humans think we are the savages.” He gave a halting laugh that had no humor in it.

  “I’m so sorry.” Those three words didn’t seem to do the depth of her sorrow for him justice.

  “As I said, it was a long time ago. You weren’t even alive, I doubt even your grandparents were at that time. You took no part in the attack, so no reason to feel sorry. Do not worry yourself about me.” His smile didn't quite reach his eyes, revealing that even though this happened a long time ago, it still hurt.

  “Still, I am sorry you had to go through that. Just how old are you?” Another hot question she wanted answers for.

  “Well, at the time of the attack I was reaching my fiftieth year, and that was over one hundred thirty years ago, so you tell me?”

  She did the math easily and quickly in her head. “One eighty?”

  “I’ll be 180 in three months.” He grinned at her expression. “I take that to mean you didn't expect my age to be that high huh?”

  “Not in the slightest, you look closer to my age than over a hundred!” She exclaimed.

  “Hmm, I’d say you were twenty-two, right?” She nodded slowly, absorbing the new information but it refused to register. “Hah! I’ve rarely gotten an age wrong. I thought Camila was thirty-two for sure, turns out she’s twenty-three.”

  She leaned back into the couch, her brain on the verge of shutdown. At least someone she was close to had a normal age!

  “We wolves stop aging after a certain point, and start again once we reach near the end of our life. Part of our enhanced healing, as I’m sure you learned today. Are you thirsty?” She made a sound of agreement and, with a wide smile, he rose to get a drink. He returned with a soda, and she gladly took it, popped the tab, and began taking several long drinks. He couldn’t hide his chuckle at her expense, causing her to glare at him. “I’m sorry, but it is refreshing to see the reaction from new Turned about how long they could live.”

  After a moment to breathe, she turned to him again, preparing her next question. “The old man today, the teacher, mentioned his mate being with that Goddess. What Goddess and what can you tell me about the mate system?”

  His brows rose in mild surprise. “I didn't know they would discuss that today. About the mate thing, don’t worry about it yet. You don’t need to worry about finding a mate right now as you’re still new. About the Goddess, I am not the best to ask. The Lorekeepers are the ones to ask about our history. I will tell you the basic story, but it’s best learned from them.”

  “I’d like to know a little more than that. Why don't you have a mate? You could bring your bloodline back from the brink of destruction! There must be some females you could convince to marry you! I bet Camila would, and you two seem to get along well already.”

  “It’s not that simple. I haven’t found the right one yet.” At her look of exasperation, he sighed and prepared to explain in more detail when there was a knock at the door. His head darted up, and he went to the door quickly. When it opened, Terry was there. She spoke in a hushed voice, but Elizabeth could still hear some of the conversation.

  “Another one… we don’t know… so we came to get you,” was all she heard from Terry.

  “I understand, I’ll be there soon,” he said. Terry nodded and left. He turned back to Elizabeth. “Seems we must end this little conversation. I’m sorry, but please don't worry about me and my family. I’ll find the right one when the time is right.” Elizabeth rose and he allowed her out first before shutting his den behind him. “I hope I was at least able to calm you down a little.”

  “Yes, but I think you’re a hopeless romantic waiting for ‘the right one’” She air-quoted.

  “Well, that’s just how it works in the pack. She will be born for me, and we will live for each other until the day we die. Maybe she’s already been born and I haven’t found her yet. But that is for another time, I have to go.” He said as he left her at the foot of the stairs, she hadn’t realized she was walking down. She returned to her den, grabbed some more snack cakes and sat down to watch something, but couldn’t decide what to watch.


  The next several days, everything she knew about the pack was thrown out the window. The calm, laid back pack life was suddenly a high-security prison. There was double duty for the guards all week, ruining any chance she had for escape. Camila found her after leaving Nicholas’ den that day and told her what had happened. Another pack member was missing, no leads and no trail. Right from his den! It was shocking and rocked everything she had been told earlier that day. The pack den was supposed to be safe, but Elizabeth guessed that the fact that she was here at all meant that it wasn’t. Nicholas stuck even closer to her during that time as she went to more private classes, and meal times, and even made her follow him to his workouts in the training room, encouraging her to join in.

  She decided to try, and found out just how much stronger she was now when she lifted a fifty pound weight one handed and thought it was a fifteen. What at first seemed like a waste of her time being dragged there turned out to be a good venting outlet for her. Camila convinced her to box a few times, the smaller girl landing a few good hits in while Elizabeth had trouble landing any. Camila never hit her very hard, whether because she chose not to or because she couldn’t, she didn’t know, but she decided that boxing was a skill she wouldn’t mind developing.

  The days wore on, security relaxing more and more, until it was time for the Full Moon Ceremony. Camila could barely contain her excitement as they sat together in her den for breakfast. She had stayed over last night, both because Beatrice gave her a new box of clothes yesterday and because Camila was still a little scared. Today, that fear seemed to be completely gone as she practically bounced in her seat as she explained what to expect tonight.

  “Oh, I can’t wait to see your wolf form! I bet it’s a blonde wolf like your hair and really strong! Mine is red and kinda skinny, but she’s fast. Oh, I know! We should race! Yeah, that'd be fun!”

  “Do I have to shift? It’s still kinda weird for me.” It seemed Beatrice allowed her to participate in tonight’s festivities, so needless to say she was a bit nervous.

  “Oh come on, please? For me? Shift for me?” The puppy dog eyes her friend gave her made Elizabeth sigh heavily as she found herself nodding. “Yay! I can’t wait!” As Camila bounced in her chair, there was a knock on the door. From the scent, it was Nicholas. As much as she liked to deny it, being a werewolf had its perks. Being able to tell who was outside at any given moment once she was close enough was nice. She opened the door to let him in.

  “So, are you excited?” He asked them both. Camila’s head shook so hard Elizabeth thought her friend might have brain damage. His eyes moved to Elizabeth as she played with her shirt. “You don’t have to, if you don’t want to.”

  “My teacher talked about finding a mate at the Full Moon Ceremony. What are the chances that…” She let the sentence fall off, unable to finish. She didn’t want to be attached to someone like that yet.

  “I said not to worry about that, the chances are slim that you’d find someone on your first ceremony, so relax. This is about honoring our Goddess and the gift she gave our race thousands of years ago. So just relax and try to enjoy it. There will be more guards out with you all this time, not to mention the rest of the pack. They will keep you safe and on the hunting path, so just follow the pack. And if you have any problems, or get lost, howl and they’ll find you. Beatrice will be there in her hybrid form, so look for her.” This caused Camila to stand from her seat, the chair falling to the stone floor with a loud clatter.

  “She’s going hybrid?! That’s even better! No reason to worry at all, no one can beat the Alpha when she is hybrid!”

  “I’ll get to see her hybrid form?” Elizabeth felt both excited and terrified.

  “Yes, you will. And she will be taller than the rest, so look to her for help first. I’m staying behind this time, keeping an eye on things here.”

  “We’ll miss you, Nick!” Camila said as she came over to hug him.

  “I’ll see you both off, but I’ll run with you next time, promise!” He smiled at her, hugging the small girl back.

  Time seemed to move quickly, because before she knew it she was standing at the wide entrance of the cavern. Before her she could see and smell the forest outside. The tall pine trees dripping in spanish moss, the flowers and shrubs flowering in the late summer heat. Even in here, she could smell the different varieties of palm trees. She didn't even realize before they had different scents, but she did now. Eager mumbling ceased as someone dressed in black stood at the front. Then Elizabeth realized that, upon closer inspection, that was not someone dressed in black, but a black wolf walking on two legs. Her mouth dropped open slightly as Camila bounced a little at her side.

  It was a hybrid. It was Beatrice!

  Chapter Seven

  Beatrice stood, the light from outside glinting off her black fur, her eyes shining like citrines rimmed by the same black that layered most of her form. Her chest and belly contrasted against the rest of her dark fur to a lighter grey, almost white. She looked every bit the alpha everyone called her now, towering over even the males closest to her. Her head was up as she surveyed the pack around her, movements fluid and flawless. Elizabeth found herself watching the other carefully, every twitch of her pointed ears, every flick of her eyes, every flare of her nostrils for any sign of danger. She also felt her inner wolf calling out for release. Finally, Beatrice stopped pacing and faced those gathered standing in the middle of the cavern opening.

  “I greet you all on this glorious full moon! Please take care of each other out there and if you have any problems, call to me and I shall assist however I am able. I shall now do as is customary and recite the hunt’s blessing for all gathered here.” She closed her eyes, inhaling deeply. They all joined her in her in the action, a sense of calm was felt around those gathered.

  “O Goddess, bless us this full moon hunt.

  Watch over our pack as we revel in the gift You have given us.

  May we bring in our fair share of the land and give you an offering as appreciation.

  Pack, Go forth and run,

  Pack, Go forth and rejoice,

  Pack, Go forth with the Goddess in your hearts!” Shouts and howls echoed around the cavern as they began shifting into their wolf forms. Camila jumped up and down, eyes shining brightly as she looked at her friend. Elizabeth’s skin shivered with electricity as the blessing washed over her. She felt calm and at peace, like she was right where she needed to be.

  “Oh, I love this feeling! I wish I could always feel this energized! Elizabeth, are you ready to shift?” Camila asked her, patting her shoulder.

  “I think I am,” she replied. Her friend’s smile reached her eyes and into Elizabeth’s soul. She was right where she needed to be. She watched her friend shift into her wolf form first, a thin little red wolf with white circular markings on her face and chest spiraling down her legs. The blue and green hues of her human eyes danced perfectly in the agile creatures eyes, if a little more chaotic than her human form. The wolf that was her friend put her butt up in the air, head down, tail wagging hard enough to make her whole body shake in the friendly gesture.

  With a sigh, she looked back to Nicholas who was standing back a little bit from the entrance and the sight of the full moon. He spared a small smile and a wave, nodding to her. He seemed to be holding something back, fighting some internal struggle. Suddenly, her own nerves hit Elizabeth and she started to change her mind. Maybe she
wasn't ready for this. Wolf-Camila bumped her hand with her nose, in an effort to calm the other down. Encouragement, maybe? Elizabeth closed her eyes and tried to remember what she had done before to shift her form. She was emotional and scared, which she wasn’t now, so she tried something else.

  ‘Wolf, help me,’ she thought. Something responded from deep within her with a low growl. Her skin shivered as goosebumps covered every inch of her body. Fur began to spread where the goosebumps were and more as her joints popped in and out of socket. There was no pain as she was brought to all fours with the resetting of her spine. Fingers shifted to paws, tail formed and grew. The whole process was uncomfortable, but she forgot about it quickly when she looked at her friend beside her, practically vibrating with excitement. Elizabeth’s eyes scanned the wolves who hung behind, some watched her and nodded in approval while others finished their shifts a bit more awkwardly then she had. Then her eyes went to Nicholas.

  He towered over her now, his sky blue eyes shining brightly with his big smile. Suddenly, Elizabeth felt a force tug from deep inside her, toward Nicholas. He seemed to feel something too, as he flinched away like he’d been punched. His eyes darted to the side, then back to Elizabeth. She felt her wolf want to go with him as he began to back away from the cavern opening, from the pack, from her. She even took a step in his direction before he fully turned around and walked back inside. She whined quietly, but she wasn’t sure why. She didn’t have long to dwell on the thought because Camila bumped her shoulder, panting excitedly.


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