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Pureblood (Pureblood series)

Page 17

by Ellysia Fields

  “Morning, Liza. How’re you after slaving away in the kitchen?” He smirked wickedly. He knew why she was there, as Nick had explained it to him. Nick also told him about a lot of other things regarding their relationship, but exactly what he covered he hadn’t told her.

  “No worse than usual for me, but I feel like my fingers might fall off. They are so waterlogged,” she said as she presented her wrinkled hands.

  “Ah, that’s not so bad, could be worse. Shoulda seen Nick when he was younger. He hates the water, something about his heritage and power makes him not too keen to get anywhere near it. Or that’s what he claims, I think it’s because he can’t swim,” Colin mused.

  “How well do you know Nick? When did you guys first meet?” She asked.

  “I was just a pup when he first visited my family’s pack-den. I looked up to him immediately. His brother usually got a lot of praise, so it was a nice change for him. Eventually we got closer in power, but he still whips my butt from time to time.” He laughed as if at some nice memory, making Elizabeth smile. They seemed really close, and she was glad that Nick still had someone who would be there for him.

  Days passed, and Elizabeth really got to see how the pair of wolves played, by beating each other up. Camila said this kind of sparing was normal for wolves, but it looked way more dangerous than any sparring she had ever seen. Which, she admitted later, she hadn’t seen much. As the males went to clean up before dinner, Camila and Elizabeth went back to their dens, joking about the combat they had just witnessed.

  “I can’t believe Colin held his own against Nick! He’s bigger than Colin, but it was still so close!” Elizabeth was saying.

  “Yea, that’s because Nick tries to pull the same moves over and over again. Colin knows his tricks by now, Nick needs to get better or learn new tricks,” Camila reasoned aloud.

  “But my Nick won in the end,” Elizabeth said.

  “Yeah, your Nick did win. His power and stamina are quite impressive for such an old wolf, right?” Camila was jabbing her blushing friend in the side repeatedly with each jibe.

  “Y-you know what I mean!” Elizabeth walked a little faster, trying to hide her face, but failing.

  “I do. I know you are curious about him since he admitted about the whole mate bonding thing. I can answer any additional questions, if you have any,” Camila smirked, teasingly at her.

  “Oh stop it, I’ll figure out what I need to figure out when the time is right. I still haven’t promised anything and the full moon is coming up soon,” she admitted. Her nerves were starting to get to her again. From what she’d learned, when a pair shifted to their wolf forms and made eye contact, their bond was affirmed and they ran together. Most newly mated pairs spent the night together too, feeding into their primal instincts. It was those “instincts” that she was worried about.

  “Well don’t worry, he is strong enough to fight anything, even the pull of the mate bond if he needed to. But your inner wolf, he may not be able to deny. Have you gotten any better at reaching her?” the smaller girl asked, all teasing gone.

  “No, I’ve been trying, but nothing. I mean I can shift easily enough, but actually reaching out to her…” she felt broken, even more so than before she was changed. This was something all wolves could do, reach out to their other halves, their inner wolf. “I’ve been getting these dreams, but I don’t know what they mean.”

  “Dreams? Like what?” Camila listened carefully to Elizabeth as she explained the dreams to her. They had reached her door now, standing outside in the hall as Elizabeth told what she remembered. Camila nodded along, then scrunched her face in thought. “Hmm, I dunno about that. Sounds like you were putting yourself in the Huntress and the Wolf story, but you were the Connor wolf. Never heard of Fenrir, either. Maybe Nick can answer that, he is a lot older than me. Maybe the Alpha or Colin too. Beatrice has family over in the homeland of the werewolves and Colin’s grandfather is one of the oldest wolves still alive. Either one of them might be able to help, too.”

  “I’ll ask Nick first, I guess. See you at dinner, Mila,” she smiled at her friend as she entered her den. Elizabeth was just entering her den when she heard a howling come from the entrance of the pack den. This was different compared to the howl she heard when Colin arrived, this one was desperate. Terrified. A cold chill shot through Elizabeth. This was a warning, something was coming. She felt her wolf for the first time in days, rising and preparing, responding to the terror she was feeling wash over her. The cold was so intense, her feet and hands were turning numb. Just as she was about to head out the door, Colin came rushing in. His calm eyes looked at her, really looked at her and sighed.

  “Good, you’re here. Make my job easier then,” he said as he walked up to her. “I sensed someone in this den, hoped it was you and not someone else.”

  “W-why are you here? What’s going on?” Her voice was shaky, making his scanning brown eyes return to her, worry crossing his features.

  “Begorrah, Nick told me you were easily frightened, but I didn't realize it was this bad. Sit down here a sec before you take a fall, lass.” Colin moved her over to the couch and sat next to her, arm around her shoulder for comfort.

  “Why did you come here? Where is Nick? What’s going on?” She was blabbering, but she didn’t care. That pull in the back of her mind still told her he was alive, at least, but the sound of that howl was worrisome.

  “Easy there, lass. I’ll go in reverse order, right? First, what’s going on is that bloke Ben came running in, howling like a banshee about Ferals near the pack’s borders. Nick is out helping the other Beta’s to chase ‘em off, and he sent me here to make sure you were sound,” he explained calmly, his accent a little heavier than normal.

  “Why did he send you?”

  “Because I’m his best friend and, since I can't go help with me bein’ a guest of the pack, he sent me to protect his mate.” Elizabeth snatched up the pillow with Nick’s scent, as her checks began to grow warm.

  “Did he say we were mates? Because we’re not, at least not yet,” she felt bad admitting it aloud, but he had to know the truth. He didn’t need to be here to protect something that was based on a lie.

  “Oh, right, that little detail. That doesn't bother me one bit that ya haven’t been through the full moon yet. What matters to me is he asked me to protect you, and I will,” the sincerity in his warm chocolate eyes helped her feel better about their situation. She wasn’t lying to him, Nick was worried about her and asked Colin to keep an eye on her and “protect her.” That made her blush, but made her rising wolf a little angry. She could protect them both, given the chance.

  “Can you tell me more stories about Nick? While we’re waiting here, at least. Or maybe about your Pureblood power?”

  “Sure! ‘Member when I said I sensed ya in here? Well, the Brady line has always had a connection to the earth, and I can sense anybody touching the ground for a decent ways. Little less than a mile, I’d say. I can feel Nick, shifted into his massive wolf form, running full tilt towards the northern edge. Guess that’s where the Ferals are,” he said with closed eyes. “He’s fine, not slowing his running at all so that means unharmed. Nothing to worry about.”

  They talked for a little while, but after about forty-five minutes, Colin suddenly turned toward the doorway, silencing Elizabeth with a hand. She sat frozen for a long moment before he relaxed.

  “Get in here, Nicholas so your mate can see ya!” he called suddenly. The door swung open and there Nick stood, perfectly fine. Well, almost.

  “Nick! You’re hurt! What happened?” She saw the bandage wrapped around his left bicep. She got up and ran to him, hugging him. The movement surprised both males in the room, Nick smiling as he hugged her for what felt like the first time, because it may very well have been the first time.

  “I’m fine, just a cut, nothing more. Beatrice wanted it treated just in case the Ferals were carrying something. I’ll be alright Liza, I promised you, didn’t I?” he
asked, taking this moment to breathe her in deeply, memorizing the feel of her against his body. The hug ended too quickly for him as she pushed away, her cheeks adorably pink.

  “Well, don’t get hurt again. The howling was scary enough without you coming back wounded,” she huffed. Colin coughed to hide his laughter, something people did around the pair frequently it seemed.

  “Okay, I won't come back hurt anymore. As long as you stay safely in my den when I do have to go out,” he bargained, taking the risk. “Colin will be leaving tomorrow, and won't be able to protect you. So when I run out with him tomorrow, I want you to stay in my den, that way you are safer and surrounded by my scent.”

  “But it’s yours, I can’t take your den Nick, not even for a night, it’s not right. I’ll be fine here,” she said.

  With a sigh, he said, “Alright, I won’t force you. But you are welcome there anytime, whether I am there or not. Colin, I’ll need you with me to report what you felt while I explain what happened.”

  “Before we do that, I wanted to speak with you privately about something but…”Colin glanced at Elizabeth.

  “Whatever you have to say, you can say it in front of her.” Nick stood tall, closing the door behind him.

  “Well, if you’re sure she can handle this. It’s only a rumor anyway, it's probably nothing but… There’s been rumor of massive wolves, bigger than any we’ve ever seen. Those who’ve claimed to see them called them Berserkers. We’ve only had a few reports, and most are sparse on the details, but only a couple things are for sure: their size and strength. They look like a cross of a gorilla and a wolf with massive arms and deep chests. Right terrifin’ from the sounds of ‘em.” He shook his head as he explained.

  “You’re right, they do sound scary. Did you tell Beatrice?” Nick touched Elizabeth's shoulder, calming her nerves.

  “No, I’m not even supposed to tell you, but with our history, I didn't want to keep it from you,” he explained.

  “No no, you were right to tell me. I’ll keep my eyes, ears, and nose open in case I hear anything. Now, let’s go report to Beatrice.” Clapping his friend on the shoulder and giving Elizabeth another hug, he reluctantly left her there. She clutched the pillow with his scent and made her way to her bed. Wolves larger than anything anyone had seen, like a gorilla and a wolf combined. If she thought Ferals were scary, these Berserkers sounded downright terrifying.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Today was the last day for Colin’s visit, and the four of them made the most of it. Elizabeth still had to do her time in the kitchen, but around that Camila, Nick, Colin, and herself watched TV and played video games. Well, three of them did, Nick really didn’t understand the games much. Everytime he asked a question, one of them answered as simply as possible. Even when he asked questions like, “If he has different forms, why doesn't he just stay in his strongest form to win everything?”

  The time the group had to spend together was drawing to a close as they made their way to the entrance of the den. It was almost sunset, the orange rays of the sun leaked around the edges of the cavern and drenched everyone in the darker light. The setting sun's light bounced off Elizabeth’s hair, causing a golden halo to frame her face. She swore she heard Nick’s heart pounding out of his chest, and saw his awestruck face. Colin nudged his friend, seeing his expression, and the Beta cleared his throat before stepping forward to meet the girls.

  “Colin, you have to stop by more often. I have enjoyed your company, and I will miss you terribly,” he stated. “And don’t worry, I’ll let you know if I hear anything about what we discussed last night. Thanks again for staying with Liza.”

  “You know it wasn’t trouble at all, Nick. I’d gladly help you out anytime I can. Let me know if you ever want to join my family’s pack, we’d gladly take you back.”

  “I think I know where I belong, Brother. But thank you anyway,” he glanced at Elizabeth when he responded, causing her to blush. Camila snickered. “It’s time to leave, ladies. See you in the morning.” The girls waved goodbye as the two Males ran off into the woods to shift out of sight. Camila sighed happily.

  “It’s been a while since I’ve seen Nick so happy. You’ve really helped him, Liza. Thank you for staying with us.” Camila hugged her friend tightly.

  She hugged back. “I’m glad I got to meet all of you. Now that they are gone, what’d you say we do play some DDR? I’ve gotten a lot better now since I’m more comfortable with my quick reactions!” She’d been good before her transformation when she played this game with Ginger, but since she became a werewolf her instincts drastically improved.

  “Oh sure I’ll whoop you again, but tomorrow. I’m so tired already, I’m gonna turn in. Tonight’s huge dinner is settling nicely in my belly.” She rubbed her belly as she spoke on the way back towards their dens.

  “If you say so. Shoot! I forgot to ask Nick and Colin about Fenrir. I’ll have to Google it when I get back. I doubt I’ll find much, but it’s worth a look anyway. See you in the morning, Mila,” she said as her friend waved back at her.

  Elizabeth went to her laptop, powered it on and grabbed a snack while it booted up. She began her search. She discovered that in Norse mythology, Fenrir was said to be the “first wolf” and the bringer of Ragnarok. Fenrir’s most prominent story was the time he bit off Tyr’s hand after his capture with a super strong ribbon. The wolf was also supposed to have two children, Skoll and Hati, one chases the sun while the other chases the moon, intent on consuming them and bringing the end of the world. There were old depictions of the wolf, but nothing like what she saw in her dream, and never any reference about him shifting into a human. Closing the laptop in defeat, she stretched, stood, and headed to bed. This would be a problem for the morning.


  She awoke the next morning after having the most restful night sleep she’d had in a while, wrapped in warmth and a soothing smell. She knew this scent, very well in fact, and the knowledge that it was very strong as it surrounded her made her sit up quickly in bed. She looked around her room, but found it wasn’t her room. She was in another person’s bed, and judging from the smell, it was Nick’s. She thought back to last night, trying to go to bed but finding the pillow had, once again, lost it’s scent. So she had made the trek up to Nick’s room to exchange it. It seemed she must have been more exhausted than she thought, because she had fallen asleep on top of his bed. Nick wasn’t in the room with her, so she assumed it wasn’t that long that she had slept. But she was covered in a blanket, so maybe he was here after all.

  She got out of bed, opened the bedroom door and peeked out, seeing Nick passed out on the couch with a blanket and pillow too. She felt instantly guilty for taking his bed and forcing him to sleep on his couch in his own den. Elizabeth, making a quick decision, quietly closed the bedroom door and walk past the lightly snoring Beta to leave him to his well deserved rest. She was just reaching the doorknob when she heard it.

  Howling, loud and urgent echoing around the smooth stone walls. The sound jerked Nick awake at once, he looked around, saw her trying to sneak out, shook his head and headed for the door too. She stepped aside, knowing he had work to do as he threw the door open. He rushed down the stairs and she followed after a little bit, intending to go to her den to shower and change. She was worried about whatever caused the howling, but knew she would just be in the way if she checked it out. Upon reaching the proper floor, she started to head for her den, but as she approached she saw what the howling was about. Several people were gathered around Camila’s den. Elizabeth rushed over to the gathered group, hearing snarls echoing from the doorway and Nick’s calm yet stern voice inside. Elizabeth squeezed around people, even pushing them aside until Darren stepped in front of her.

  “No one but Betas and the Alpha are to come past this point, get out of here,” he grumbled angrily.

  “But I have to get to her, she’s my friend!” Elizabeth yelled over the commotion.

  “Let her through
, she’s with me,” she heard Nick say with his back turned to them all.

  “But Nick, you know we— ”

  Nick growled loudly, turning his head slightly to reveal his glowing azure eyes.

  “Let. Her. Through,” he ordered. Darren moved his arm and she ran for Nick’s sidet.

  The sight brought her to tears, she had to blink several times to fight them down. Camilla was in her wolf form, but her clothes were shredded around her, clearly torn from her human form and not from shifting. There was a lot of blood scattered around the floor and walls in the living room, the wolf’s fur was also matted with dried blood. She couldn’t see if any of the wounds were deep or even still bleeding, but she could seen the small wolf snarling at anyone who dared get too close. She was terrified to the point of no longer seeing anything around her, only threats.

  “Mila,” Elizabeth breathed, Nick nodded beside her.

  “We have to get her to shift back so she can be treated. We assume a male did this because she won’t let anyone, not even me, any closer. Maybe you can try?” Nick stepped aside a little, but not too far. Elizabeth walked a little closer, causing Camila to snarl and snap at her best friend.


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