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Pureblood (Pureblood series)

Page 32

by Ellysia Fields

  The pack of wolves looked amongst themselves, not sure what was going on. They had a feeling that something wasn’t quite right, as Nick continued his speech. “The last week I have been your Alpha, and it has been something that I never knew was missing about myself. The reason I took this pack from former Alpha Beatrice was because she was too unsure of the actions she should take. I took the opportunity to do what she could not, I charged headfirst into danger, with many of our members in tow, to rescue missing wolves from all around our area. We have experienced loss, and we will never forget the lives we lost that day. But thanks to those valiant and honored wolves, our missing comrades have been returned to us, including my mate.”

  Nick placed a gentle hand upon Elizabeth’s shoulder, she shuddered at the comforting warmth, and tensed as all eyes turned towards her. Nick took a collecting breath as his last words came forth, “But now I believe Beatrice has learned a valuable lesson, one I believe she will never forget. Never stand idly by when your friends and family need you. This was never my pack, I only took it temporarily, this pack has always belonged to Beatrice. So as of tomorrow morning, I will be giving her pack back to her.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Voices raised in confusion and concern were brought to their ears as they stood before the pack after announcing that Nick, and by association Elizabeth, were turning leadership of the pack over to Beatrice. The reaction was understandable, to say the least, but she knew why it had to be done. Her eyes found Beatrice again, her amber eyes glowing in the crowd with disbelief. Elizabeth returned her eyes to Nick, holding his arm with a sad smile as he looked down at her, returning the smile. They both knew what was best for them and the pack, it was just a matter of convincing them. She turned her gaze back to those gathered, trying to figure out what to say to help them to understand.

  “I know this is shocking to some of you, but as I said I took leadership of this pack because I didn’t believe Beatrice was of the correct frame of mind to do what needed to be done at the moment. She was too timid and uncertain of her own abilities, but I believe that no longer. I have seen a shift in her. She has learned much in this short time and I believe now she is able to lead the way you deserve. When the morning comes, my mate and I will take our leave of this territory and make our way to Lord Byron so that we may request land of our own and Beatrice will be your Alpha again. I hope you all may continue to grow and learn for as long as you remain here with her. Also, as my last act as Alpha of this pack, should anyone wish to form a new pack with us, join us tomorrow. Beatrice will not stop you,” he finished, with his eyes on Beatrice who nodded from her place with the single females.

  The room was silent again as the pack’s Alphas and Betas left, too stunned or submissive to question Nick and Elizabeth. Once out of eye shot and hearing range, however, Camila and Ginger had no such reservations.

  “What are you thinking! I just got here, I have a lot of learning and you’re just gonna run off and leave me here?” Ginger’s cheeks were crimson with anger, as was typical when she felt something strongly.

  “You know you’re not leaving without me, don’t you?” Camila said sarcastically, hands on her hips in indignation.

  “I know this is sudden, but he’s really doing this for me. I can't discuss everything right now, but just trust me. Ginger, you heard what Nick said, if you want to come with us, you can. Beatrice won’t stop you. Camila, of course you can come with us, I wouldn’t know what I’d do without you with me,” Elizabeth said, hugging both women to her. Nick had walked into their den to pack up what they needed before leaving tomorrow. The women hugged, comforting each other. Their lives had changed drastically, and in such different ways.

  Nick came around the corner carrying a bag and looked at the group hug going on. “You know, I didn’t just do this for you, my mate.”

  This caused a slight blush rise to Elizabeth’s cheeks that Nick thought was extremely cute. “I wish I was used to that word already.” She turned her face away from him and her friends, the other women giggling at her shyness.

  “I could call you my love. Maybe dear? My heart? Soulmate?” He knew he was teasing her, and she knew her face glowed even brighter with every word he said.

  “I get it! Stop already!” She turned to yell at him more, but he was suddenly there, radiating heat like an oven, the warmth rolling over her in heavy waves.

  “All are true, you know that,” his voice deeper and husky, different from his usual tone. Both his heat and this tone of his voice was nearly intoxicating.

  “Yes, I know. Just like you know that I love you even if I just use your name,” she teased, trying to bely her emotions. She was suddenly glad she was getting used to controlling their bond.

  “I do, because I can feel it,” he whispered as he turned away from her without touching her, which nearly killed her in itself. He drew their attention back to the women in the room observing all of this. “I also know that the pack is currently in turmoil as their decisions are being made. I don’t expect many to join us, in all honesty. Beatrice offers them more than we can,” he said, admitting the hard truth that had been on his mind during the announcement.

  “Well, you can count me in! You two wouldn’t know what to do with yourselves without me!” Camila said as she stood up a little taller, which still made her the shortest in the room.

  “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Liza. I still don’t have a clue about what is all going on, and since I can’t shift I don’t think I’d feel safe being here without you.” Ginger always had a strong personality and she was always there for her when she needed her. It was Elizabeth’s turn to return the favor.

  “Well, I guess you’d better go pack then, because we leave in the morning.” Elizabeth smiled at them both, hoping they couldn’t see through her bluff. It seemed to have worked, because with a smile of their own, both Camila and Ginger left to go pack, at least one of them excited to be going on this journey. Once the door closed behind them, she let out the breath she didn’t realize she was holding while Nick’s eyes, the color of steel, never left her. “I know what you’re thinking, but I’m fine.”

  “You’re scared for them, yourself, and us. I will make sure nothing happens to any who join us and we will figure out what is going on with Fenrir and with your Hybrid form.” Nick went over to his mate, holding her gently as he unconsciously enveloped her with his unnatural warmth. The heat calmed her a little, but the chill that crept into her bones didn’t go away no matter how warm he was.

  “Sometimes I don’t know if I like you always being in my mind. It’s like you’re reading my thoughts.” She tucked a stray lock of hair that had escaped her ponytail behind her ear, pulling out of his embrace to continue packing.

  “I didn’t need our bond for that, Liza. I could see it on your face, even if they didn’t. I’ve been alive a long time, so I’ve gotten good at reading people. Besides, your fear is understandable. The changes you’ve been forced to endure over the last two months hasn’t been anything like I would have liked, but at least you will always have me there to help and support you.” He watched her pack as he spoke, trying to put as much truth and calm as he could into his words. He was the one that had caused such changes in her life, literally throwing everything she knew upside down. But even with that knowledge he couldn’t bring himself to feel bad about it. From everything she had told him about her past, this was the healthiest relationship she has ever had. This bond, this pack, these friends, everything he had brought her into. Now some secret in her past was throwing everything for a loop, so he would do the only thing he could. Try to make this new challenge as easy for her as possible. He would spend the rest of his life loving her and making sure she knew just how loved she was.

  Once they had packed everything they thought they could carry for the trip tomorrow, Elizabeth was getting ready for bed but when she looked for Nick, he wasn’t in bed waiting for her. Puzzled, she went looking for him in the other rooms of
the den, finding him sitting at the desk under a single lamp in the main room of the Alpha Den. This was usually a room used to hold small, intimate meetings between the Alphas and a few pack members. A quick glance saw that he wasn’t meeting with anyone. She went to speak, but he turned towards her in the chair and she saw what he was looking at.

  A small box rested on the table. It looked like it could hold a piece of jewelry. “Um,” she began, “What is that?” She was surprised by his smile.

  “I know a little about human customs. So, once I figured out about our mate bond, I asked Beatrice to get some raw metal for me so I could make you something. It was difficult working with so much heat that it took some time, but I hope you like it anyway.” Nick stood as he spoke, walking towards his Liza as she became frozen in place, seeming by her own ice powers. He held the little box out to her, and opened it to show the delicate piece inside.

  The box held a necklace made of titanium, the light from the small desk lamp gleaming off the shining surface. The chain was simple, multiple links meeting in a lobster-style clasp, the pendant being the main focal point. The metal looked like it had been poured into the shape of a crescent moon, sitting within its curve was an emerald, cut into the shape of a triangle. The gem mirrored the color of her eyes, which had begun to burn with unshed tears.

  “It’s beautiful. Did you really make this, and why?” She gently took the box, as Nick took the piece from it and began putting it around her neck. He said nothing until the necklace was secured around her neck and rested just above the curves of her breasts.

  “As I said, human customs. I know they normally dictate that when a man and woman wed, a ring is to be given, but I didn’t feel confident enough to make one of those for you just yet. If you want one, I do have some money set aside and we could pick one out if you-” He wasn’t able to finish his sentence because her lips were on his. He closed his eyes, savoring their kiss for as long as she allowed, before pulling away just enough to take a small breath.

  “It’s perfect, thank you. You remember, I’ve been through the whole wedding ring thing and it's more stressful than you might imagine. This is even more special because you made it. Thank you, Nick.”

  “It gets better, turn it over.” A knowing smile crossed his lips then, as she followed his instructions. Upon seeing the snowflake symbol on the back, her eyes widened further. “The forgotten symbol of Fenrir. Now you’ll never forget who and what you are again.”

  “Now we just need to figure out who and what I am so I can’t forget.” She let the pendant rest on her chest again as she laid her head against Nick. Suddenly, he scooped her up in his arms bridal style and began carrying her back into the bedroom.

  “Then I suppose I will just have to help you remember who and what you are.” The playful smile that formed on his face made her insides squirm in anticipation of the night's activities.


  The next morning, Elizabeth and Nick found themselves at the entrance to the Packden after an early breakfast. They would leave once the whole pack came to see them off, as was expected, and the first one to show up was none other than Beatrice. Claiming her mantle as Alpha was as easy as Nick saying so, but he had to say so in front of the whole pack since it had nothing to do with dominance. Seems he had won the pack by force of will, showing he was more dominant than Beatrice and thus stronger. Since his will was, technically, stronger, he had to hand the status back to her in front of everyone, officially stepping down. She stood, waiting just inside the entrance, well dressed in a similar style to when Elizabeth had first seen her, but with more earthy tones now instead of the all black. She had to admit, green was a good color and contrast to her golden eyes and dark hair.

  Nick and Elizabeth each held a few bags, not heavy enough to cause a problem for their werewolf strength, but they weren’t exactly light. It would be a tough trek into central Georgia when Byron lived, but they were ready for it. Beatrice was nice enough to let them get whatever supplies they needed for the trip, including food, clothes, and water so they would last about a week. The timeframe would be easily done even without the need to shift into their wolf forms. Others from the pack began to show up, several families were the first to show, standing behind Elizabeth. Shortly after, Camila and Ginger walked up, bags slung over their shoulders and on their backs. Watching her friends approach gave Elizabeth time to evaluate all that her life had become the last few months.

  Camila had been there almost as much, if not more to be honest, than Nick had. She always answered any question Elizabeth had and was always willing to just sit and hang out. It was thanks to her that she had adjusted so quickly to pack life. Ginger, a remnant of her life before that was thrown into this world because of her. She still regretted the fact that Ginger was Turned because of her, and if she could, she would make sure that her friend had a nice place to live where she was always loved and appreciated, and that was something Elizabeth could guarantee.

  When both women had finally reached Nick and Elizabeth, Camila knelt down in front of them and motioned for Ginger to do the same. Elizabeth had read this before, about how new members were to join a pack. They had to announce themselves to the Alphas and request to join. This seemed to be what they were doing now.

  “I, Camila Lancaster, wish to join your pack,” she spoke with a clear, determined voice.

  “Accepted. Welcome to the pack,” Nick answered, with a smile on his lips for a firm tone. Camila stood and joined our side while all eyes turned towards Ginger.

  With a deep breath, she began, “I, Ginger Winchester, wish to join your pack, and you better not say no.” She mumbled the last, but the three nearest her still caught it.

  “Accepted. Welcome to the pack, Omega.” Nick kept his voice controlled, but only barely. She looked at him with such indignation in her face, but then her face darkened and she stood next to Camila. Elizabeth had told Nick earlier that morning about her fears with Ginger, and he confirmed her suspicions. Ginger may be destined to be an Omega, no matter what her human personality might demand.

  They waited a few more minutes, before more arrived to watch, and a small group formed and walked towards them. Elizabeth heard Camila’s sharp intake of breath and realized the family making their way to them now she knew very well. Elizabeth had met them in passing about a month ago and they had always been very nice to her, but as she watched them now as they bowed down to her and Nick, she admitted she was surprised. They introduced themselves as Edward and Jennifer Gardner, with their children Blake and Melissa. Blake was a nice little boy for a seven year old, always very polite and helpful. His sister was two years younger, and was much more rambunctious than her older brother. Nick acknowledged them and they joined their pack. It wasn’t much longer before Ben ran up to them, a backpack slung across his back as he ran to join the growing pack, with Ariel and Allen not far behind if at a slower pace.

  “I, Benjamin Gileson, wish to join your pack,” he said between breaths. Ariel and Allen knelt next to him, in one smooth motion.

  “I, Allen Forthwright, wish to join your pack,” he said.

  “I, Ariel Forthwright, wish to join your pack,” she said, seconds after her brother finished speaking.

  “Accepted, welcome to the pack.” Nick acknowledged them all as they stood to join the pack. Elizabeth felt for Ben the most out of the three of them. She had used him and his willingness to please those in power to escape that night, and it only caused everyone more headache. But, seeing the way he looked at Ginger now, and the way she glanced his way causing him to look away, made her think that maybe she could make it up to both of them. Ariel and Allen were always strange, and their power was admittedly scary. But she was glad they had decided to join them, it made her feel like together they really could discover the impossible.

  More and more people gathered in the opening, waiting for their small pack to leave and pass leadership from Nick and Elizabeth over to Beatrice again. She wasn’t sure, but she tho
ught she heard muffled excuses and grumbling from people inside the Packden. Her thoughts were proven correct, when the guard known as Michael burst out into warming morning air. Despite the fact that fall was approaching, it still got warm down in Florida and she was glad of the slight breeze as he approached. He seemed ruffled, as if he had hurriedly gotten dressed and rushed over with a small bag to his name. He walked quickly to her and Nick, kneeling down before them, then going lower, down to his hands and knees.

  “I, Michael Thompson, wish to join your pack.” He stayed that way for several moments, not moving more than needed to, waiting for Nick’s response. Time seemed to stand still as she waited to Nick to say yes or no. She knew this man was part of the Ferals that had taken her, even if she had never seen his face that horrible night. He was one of the couple of wolves Nick had ordered to go help his and Colin’s wolves and Michael had obeyed. Following that order from an Alpha automatically made him part of the pack he led, without all this formality, so why was Nick stalling?

  “Accepted. Welcome to the pack, Michael,” Nick said, sternly. “But I have a job for you already, go and get Jake. Let no one stop you, and bring him here.” Michael did little more than follow the order of his Alpha, but the rest of those gathered that heard him, gasped. Except for Elizabeth, because she knew what he intended. As she looked forward again to wait for Jake and Michael to return, another walked out of the pack across from them. Candice stepped right up to Elizabeth and Nick and knelt down.


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