Book Read Free

Live Girls

Page 28

by Ray Garton

  Davey smiled at Benedek, standing. “Thank you,” he said, shaking Benedek's hand.

  The tall man stood, looking somehow weakened, wounded.

  “You want something to wear?” Benedek asked, frowning as he looked at the thin robe Casey was wearing.

  She shrugged as she stood. “What difference does it make?"

  Benedek closed his eyes and nodded. “Yeah. Guess so."

  Casey stood and the three of them walked to the window to say their good-byes.

  Benedek went to the phone after they were gone. He picked up the receiver and punched Ethan Collier's number.

  “Yes?” Collier cooed.

  “Ethan? This is Walter."

  “Walter, my friend, how are you?"

  “Fair. How about you?"

  “You know me, Walter. I'm always happy and gay."

  Benedek chuckled.

  “What can I do for you?” Collier asked. “I'm on my way out and don't have much time. The evening has just begun, you know."

  “I have a favor to ask."

  “Oh? So soon after the last one? How was your evening at the Midnight Club, by the way?"


  “Good. I hope it loosened you up a bit. I think you could use some loosening. Did Jackie enjoy it?"

  Benedek cleared his throat. “She didn't go."

  “Ah. How is she?"

  There was a long pause. “Jackie's dead, Ethan."

  “Good God, Walter, when?"

  “Late last night."

  “Dear Lord, how—"

  “Actually, Ethan, that's why I called. I have a story for you."

  “A story? I don't understand."

  “I'm going to write a story and give it to you. It's for the Post."

  “You have a story for the Post! The paper you've spent so many years degrading? The paper you've said is far worse than a rag? What kind of story is this? Won't the Times print it?"

  “No. It's kind of ... unbelievable."

  “Does it have anything to do with Jackie's death?"

  “Yes, but I don't want my name on it. I'm going to write it under a pseudonym. I'd like to give it to you when it's done so you can put it on the right desk."

  “The story is true?"

  “I'm afraid so."

  “And you think people will believe it if they read it in the Post?"

  “At least they'll read it,” Benedek replied. “And if they don't believe it, I can only hope they won't disbelieve it.” He sniffed. “Will you help me?"

  There was a thoughtful silence at the other end of the line.

  Collier said quietly, “Of course."

  The city stretched out beneath them like a blanket of glitter.

  The rain had stopped and there were breaks in the clouds that revealed twinkling stars.

  The air was cold and still damp.

  The sounds of the city reached them as a whisper.

  Its lights fell away from them as they moved on toward someplace safe. Anyplace at all.

  A place safe for them.

  And safe for others.

  Table of Contents


  1 Monday





  6 Tuesday







  13 Wednesday



  16 Thurday






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