Book Read Free


Page 31

by Gwee Li Sui

  Suddenly, I felt like a strange hybrid orchid growing in God’s wild jungle.













  “妈,我要出去了。我约了同学到 Pizza Hut 去。——对了,这黏黑色的东西是什么?”等不及回应,他已随手带上了门。

















































>   天花板上吹来的冷风在他的记忆里刺青。他是那将被告别的一代。告别迷糊与痴呆,告别这曾经耕耘过的浮岛,在周遭的事物的流失比记忆还要快的时代……
















  Six Stories from the Floating Island


  Translated by Jeremy Tiang

  The Blurry Fish

  With some difficulty, she emerged from the unfamiliar kitchen and carefully placed the sweet and sour fish on the dining table. The fifteen-year-old child arrived home just then and walked around the table and into his bedroom.

  He had his phone earpiece on and seemed to be deep in conversation with a classmate, something about the McDonald’s at a nearby mall having a new set meal: a double-decker, charcoal-grilled chicken burger with wasabi.

  The dish she had made should taste pretty good although the corn starch was unevenly sprinkled and there was a little too much fermented bean paste in the gravy, the appearance thus wasn’t great. It had been too long since she cooked anything.

  Returning to the kitchen, she brought out the stir-fried egg and tomato, a simple dish she had learnt during her student days. She normally finished work too late and so had to go to the supermarket near the office to buy frozen meat and vegetables already picked over by many other hands.

  The child was still in his room. She knocked and went in; he was in the shower. His iPad on the bed displayed a new message which she read out of curiosity. Part of a discussion about whether fried chicken went well with Coke or the other way round. She felt that neither option was in keeping with nutritional standards.

  “Come and eat dinner!”

  “I’m – not – hungry!” yelled the child through the door. She felt somewhat disappointed.

  Returning to the gorgeously renovated kitchen, she hesitated. Should she make a third dish?

  Back outside, the child was standing by the table, staring at the strange fish-shaped object, its outlines blurred by the dark brown sauce.

  “Ma, I’m going out. Meeting classmates at Pizza Hut. Oh yah, what’s that gooey, black thing?” Without waiting for a response, he pulled the door shut behind him.

  Her emotions then were like the fish on the table, cold and sour, a blurry image, continuing to grow blurrier. The fish eyes, partly obscured by spring onions, looked like little white pearls, observing the bitterness of human existence through a thin glaze of sweet and sour sauce.

  A Fried Egg Turns the Corner

  “Has Grandpa arrived yet?”

  At that moment, Grandpa was on his old bicycle, hurrying towards the school.

  Ah Chak had been caught using his phone in class, and his teacher had confiscated it. Grandpa was heading to the school to retrieve this undesirable item, and presumably, as with the last time, he would be required to sign a letter of undertaking.

  The child’s father didn’t have time to go to the school to explain – apparently he had to visit his lawyer’s office to sign the divorce settlement with the child’s mother. The old man thought distractedly how it wasn’t easy being husband and wife in this day and age; a marriage was hard to maintain with all kinds of human temptation, not to mention the many layers of pressure…

  As he was going, Grandpa had brought a lunchbox. The food at the school canteen filled you up, but that was about all you could say for it. Ah Chak didn’t like it, leaving him malnourished and skinny. Besides, he had the repeated trials of maths tuition in the afternoon and should definitely eat heartily beforehand.

  At the last turning before the gate, a school bus sped towards him –

  A dark orange school bus, rushing for time, sped towards the junction like a panther pouncing on Grandpa. The bicycle was hurled towards a bougainvillea grove just five metres from the school crossing sign. A rusty black bicycle wheel drifted away, slowing down. Beneath the gigantic wheel of the bus was a chicken wing, warm rice grains still clinging to it, and the shocking red of tomato ketchup.

  A fried egg had also escaped from the lunchbox and was resting just beyond a white zebra crossing stripe, flipped over, golden yellow yolk slowly oozing out like the pulsating brain matter now smeared across the road, seeping into a position of farewell.

  And, just like that, Grandpa had arrived.

  Held to Account

  After Andrew got back from his holiday job, he began haggling over everything as if his attitude towards money had completely changed. This might also have had to do with the influence of his Modern Economics teacher at school.

  A while back, his old mum had to go into hospital for a minor procedure. After being held for observation for three days, he arranged for me to be discharged. And, dammit, he actually left a note demanding compensation:

  Sending you there and back: $80. Housecleaning services: $60 (after 20% discount). Laundry and ironing: $40.

  I left him a note in return:

  Breakfast: $0. Dinner: $0.

  School fees: $0 (after government subsidy).

  Waiting on you hand and foot: $0.

  Concern for you: Free (17 years).

  Aches and pains all over, insomnia, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar: I got them, so I deal with them.

  Others: Please calculate this based on your conscience.

  Andrew didn’t make that calculation. The next day, he bought me some off-brand natural essence of spirulina capsules, with a note saying how a classmate’s dad’s condition had improved after taking these, so why not give it a try? Cost: $0.

  There was also a little P.S. on the note: Take good care of yourself. You need to live till a hundred, otherwise how will I ever pay you back everything I owe you?

  Getting Through

  Granduncle went to hospital again, this time with pneumonia.

  Ever since the Indonesian maid Yati returned to her country, he had grown very depressed.

  Previously, Yati had been able to communicate to him in simple Bahasa Indonesia, which was
close enough to Malay for him to understand. Now, he looked in vain for someone to connect with. My uncles were all of the angmoh English-speaking variety and only visited him a few times a year.

  Now that he was in hospital, the nurses were all from different countries and regions, and communication was all but impossible. Even with the younger doctors, it was an ordeal when they came to examine him.

  Now the pneumonia was better, but, perhaps due to his medication, the constipation was worse than ever. In a whole fortnight, he had passed motion only a couple of times.

  We brought the wheelchair-style toilet seat over from Granduncle’s house, hoping the familiar device would ease the process.

  Two days passed with no change.

  When cousin Alex and I visited, Granduncle tossed and turned in his bed visibly in discomfort from the bellyful of shit he couldn’t get rid of. Alex was his favourite grandson, and they had a good chat.

  Many of the uncles came to visit too, some with an eye on their future inheritance. As it grew late, we departed.

  Early the next morning, Alex asked me to come to the hospital again. He knew it was time for Granduncle to “let go” and helped him onto the wheelchair-style toilet seat, then pushed him into the bathroom. In a short while, we heard a plop.

  I stared at Alex. What medicine could have been so effective?

  Pushing the door ajar, I looked inside, but there was nothing to see, just Granduncle sitting there like normal, flipping through a copy of Lianhe Zaobao.

  Goodbye, Generation 1.5

  He was nothing at all. He was a young old man belonging to a transitional generation.

  Leaning at an angle across the white bed, the white coat of the doctor – even younger than my mother – seemed to emanate tenderness. Setting aside the clipboard with its medical notes, he suggested returning to a regime of regular medication plus more exercise. A mild stroke was not a surprise at this age, and, as for the obstructed blood vessels, they could be cleared at a later date or bypass surgery was also an option.


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