Book Read Free

Three For All

Page 17

by Elia Winters

  Lori laughed. “Out of everything she had to say about me coming on this trip with you two, shopping for competing sex toys was not a problem.”

  Geoff shifted on the hard bench, his ice cream temporarily forgotten. “What did she have to say?”

  “Oh, you know.” Lori waved a hand, but she wasn’t making eye contact. She looked out at the beach instead. “She just wants me to be happy.”

  Lori didn’t elaborate further. She instead worked on finishing her ice cream with focused precision, and Geoff got distracted again by the methodical swipes of her tongue. Eventually, she got up and walked out on the sand, leaving an empty space on the bench between them. Geoff scooted closer to Patrick as he watched her approach the shore, the setting sun in the distance illuminating her silhouette against the water.

  “You all right?” Patrick asked.

  “Hmm?” Geoff tore his gaze away from Lori. “Yeah. I’m fine. Why?”

  “You’ve got your deep-thinking face on.” Patrick nudged him with an elbow, then leaned over to kiss Geoff’s shoulder. “I just wanted to check in.”

  “I’m not doing any deep thinking.” Geoff smiled. “Or trying not to, anyway. I’m trying to just be here, now.”

  Patrick’s fingers skimmed the back of his neck, gentle and light. “I love you.”

  Geoff rested his hand on Patrick’s knee. “I love you too.”

  “This is okay, right? Lori being here?” Patrick’s expression showed that he knew this had been his idea, along with his fears about pushing Geoff into something. “I thought it would be fun.”

  “It’s fun. Don’t worry about it.” Geoff gave Patrick’s knee a squeeze. “Speaking of fun, looks like we’re headed to the sex shop tonight.” He waggled his eyebrows, making Patrick laugh.

  “We’ll have to pick up something new to try while we’re here.” Patrick’s attention shifted to Geoff’s mouth. Okay, Geoff could let himself get distracted this way, and leaned in to kiss Patrick deep and slow.

  “Enough of that, you two.” Lori’s voice pulled Geoff out of the moment. She stood over them, beaming. “Sex toy shopping awaits.”

  Geoff rolled his eyes and let Lori pull him and Patrick to their feet.


  Patrick hadn’t intended on spending much money at the sex shop, but it was hard to resist the newest and shiniest, and he ended up buying a new prostate massager and a beautiful leather cock ring that Geoff had helpfully suggested for him. Geoff didn’t buy anything, and Lori disappeared off into her own corners to chat with sales staff and, eventually, left with a bag. Patrick didn’t know what she’d bought, but she kept giving them both cheeky smiles on the walk back to their B and B.

  As soon as they got back into the room, Lori sprawled out on her back in the middle of the king-sized bed, her various bags spread out beside her. In addition to her sex shop purchases, she had also bought a P-town hoodie, a conch shell, and a bag of saltwater taffy that she insisted was for Hannah, Ben, and Mitchell even though she kept eating it.

  Geoff sat next to Lori on the bed while Patrick slipped out of his shoes. “You tired?”

  “Nah.” She smiled at him. “I was hoping to try out some of our new toys tonight.” Propping herself up on her elbows, she nodded to Patrick. “At least, I’d love to see some of yours.”

  Patrick looked to his bag over on the desk. “Now?”

  Lori shrugged. “If you want.” Her impish smile indicated that she wanted it right now. “Unless you’re too tired.”

  Patrick laughed. Like hell he’d turn down whatever was about to happen, no matter how tired he was. Fortunately, he was still pretty awake. “I think we should be talking about an even exchange. I have no idea what you bought.”

  Lori pursed her lips, thinking. “I guess that’s fair. Geoff, what do you think?” She eyed him next to her.

  “Seems fair to me.”

  Lori scooted up on the bed, leaving her bags piled there, and instead went over to the desk where Patrick had set his bag.

  “Hey!” he protested as she went to open it up.

  Lori paused. “Do you not want me to look?”

  “No, you can look.” Why was he getting embarrassed? After everything they’d done together so far, this shouldn’t even register on the scale. Something about the intensity of her expression, though, was pushing some definite buttons inside him. He’d seen hints of Lori’s dominance, the same traits of Geoff’s that dropped him into his needy, submissive state, but she hadn’t unleashed much of it in their previous encounters. This dangerous look, though, had him wondering if that was about to change.

  She rummaged around and pulled out the leather cock ring first. They had helpfully already cut the tags off it at the store. It was black leather, handcrafted, with snaps for straps to go around his balls as well as his cock. Lori’s tongue poked out of her mouth in focus as she examined it. Seeing the toy in her hands had blood rushing into Patrick’s dick without him really being ready for it.

  “Your husband here has some subby tendencies, huh?” Lori directed the question to Geoff.

  “A few, yeah.” Geoff smiled. “You’ve picked up on that?”

  “Mmm.” Lori was looking at Patrick again, and that look had his heart racing. Shit, nobody looked at him like that, except maybe Geoff. She was still holding the cock ring when she walked over to him, reached up, and took hold of a thick handful of his hair. He was several inches taller than her, but when she tugged him downward, he dropped to his knees automatically, and the moan slipping out of his throat was completely involuntary.

  Lori wore a light sundress that swirled around her knees, and as he knelt there, she inched the hem up, revealing sheer blue panties that made his mouth water. He was at eye level with her pussy, dark curls barely visible through the sheer fabric, and god, he could smell her.

  “Be a good boy, Patrick,” she whispered.

  Oh, fuck. His hands trembled as he reached up to bring her panties down, revealing her bare skin. This was different than before, the power dynamic clearly shifted, and he should be frightened by how much he wanted her in this moment. Specifically, how much he wanted to obey. She stepped out of the panties and then spread her legs apart, still holding up the hem of her dress. Her soft folds glistened, and he leaned in to bury his face between her legs.

  He felt rather than heard her gasp, all senses muffled but the salty-sweet tang of her against his tongue and the scent of her arousal filling his nose. She tasted so good, and he reached up to cup her ass in his hands to bring her closer.

  Immediately, she slapped his hands away, and he drew back in surprise to look up at her.

  “No hands. Don’t touch me, don’t touch yourself. Hands palm-up on your thighs.” She stared down at him, a playful, wicked grin on her lips, and fuck, he could fall in love with this woman.

  The thought came and dissolved just as fast, and he scooted forward on his knees to devour her once more. Kneeling in this position, his hands resting palm-up on his thighs, helplessness coursed through him alongside adrenaline. Geoff was surely watching from the bed, and that had him throbbing hard in his pants. Fuck, he wished he was naked. He tried to focus on his task, on teasing her clit with his tongue, trying to get leverage to suck. The cold drag of leather against his cheek made him jump. She was sliding the cock ring over his face, teasing him with it, promising more, and it shouldn’t be possible for him to be this hard with no one touching him.

  Lori began to rock her hips against his face, riding him, and Patrick could stay like this forever. He wanted to please her, to make her come, and he couldn’t do as much as he wanted in this helpless position even as the helplessness was turning him on further.

  When she stepped back, releasing his head, he lost his balance and had to steady himself. He gulped in breaths of fresh air. Lori wasn’t smiling anymore, her eyes heavy-lidded, mouth parted with ragged breaths. She let the hem of her dress drop and stepped back on wobbly legs.

  “He’s good,” she said, not to
Patrick, but to Geoff. Geoff looked as intense as he usually got when they were fooling around. Shit. The two of them giving off the same dominant energy might kill him. He might have gotten in over his head here.

  Lori brushed Patrick’s hair off his forehead. “Get naked,” she commanded him. “You can stand.”

  He hurried to obey, his legs tense from kneeling for so long, and he had to steady himself on the wall as he got to his feet. While he was undressing, Lori went to Geoff, and she sat next to him to kiss him. They were murmuring to each other, whispering words he couldn’t hear, and Geoff began to smile. Fuck, he knew that smile. Lori was still playing with the cock ring, leather straps wrapped around her fingers…until she handed the ring to Geoff. Then she grabbed her bags off the bed and headed toward the bathroom.

  Confused, half-naked, Patrick paused in his undressing to raise an eyebrow at Geoff. Geoff gave him the same controlling stare. “I think she told you to get naked.”

  “Are you on her side now?”

  Geoff tipped his head to the side. “Are you against the two of us having our way with you?”

  Patrick let out all the air in his lungs with a huff, and he was probably blushing with his entire body now. Also, he couldn’t get rid of the silly smile on his face as he stripped out of the rest of his clothes and stood naked before Geoff.

  Geoff took Patrick’s dick in hand with practiced ease, giving him a long, steady stroke from root to tip. Geoff knew just how to touch him, to twist lightly at the head, spreading his leaking slickness over the tight flushed skin. Patrick couldn’t help thrusting his hips into Geoff’s grip as he kept stroking, playing, teasing, and fuck, fuck, he wasn’t going to be able to take much more of this.

  Geoff, who knew him better than anyone, chose that minute to let him go. Patrick’s cock bobbed once. “Here you go.” Geoff held up the cock ring by one strap. “Your new outfit for the evening.”

  Patrick licked his suddenly dry lips and took the leather in hand. Its tight squeeze around the base of his cock felt… Well, it felt fucking incredible, a little snugger than he might like, but perfect for the discomfort that snugness caused. Geoff watched, breathing heavily, as Patrick wrapped the other strap around the base of his balls, and the final strap carefully up between them. Shit, that was tight, like a vise squeezing him, and he let out a choked moan as Geoff stroked the tightly stretched skin of his balls.

  “That’s damn sexy,” Geoff breathed. “How does it feel?”

  “It’s a lot.” Patrick was trying not to pant, and failing, his chest heaving. “It’s like you’re touching me all the time.”

  “And if I actually do touch you?” Geoff palmed the head of his cock again, and Patrick gasped. His balls tried to draw up, and couldn’t, and the resulting pleasure-pain stole his breath away.

  “Perfect.” Geoff let go of his dick and brushed the hair off Patrick’s forehead, leaning in to kiss him softly on the mouth. “You tell me if it’s too much, okay?”

  “Yeah. Okay.” Patrick nodded frantically, although it would take a lot for him to want this to stop anytime soon.

  “You think you can fuck me in that?”

  Patrick’s cock pulsed with the mere thought of it, and he nodded. “Maybe not as deep, but…I think so.”

  Geoff looked off toward the bathroom, into which Lori had disappeared, and then started undressing. “Good. Because I really want you to fuck me.” He pulled Patrick in for a filthy openmouthed kiss, gripping the back of his neck. “You taste like Lori,” he said against Patrick’s mouth. “I like it.”

  Geoff stretched out on the bed and palmed his half-hard cock, moving in long, slow strokes. He put one foot flat on the bed, bending his knee up, exposing the tender skin between his legs. “Lube’s on the nightstand. Come get me ready.”

  Patrick loved this. He loved kneeling between Geoff’s legs, his own cock throbbing and wrapped in leather, slicking his fingers with lube to press against Geoff’s tight hole. His husband was still stroking his cock, watching Patrick’s movements. When Patrick slid one finger inside, Geoff sighed.

  The door to the bathroom creaked open, and Patrick froze at the sight of Lori. Holy fuck. She was completely naked, miles of beautiful golden-brown skin, and she wore a purple leather harness buckled around her hips. Protruding from that harness was a large, thick, baby blue silicone cock, and she was stroking it as if it were real.

  “Jesus.” Patrick’s swear slipped from his lips, and he forgot what he was doing for a moment at the sight of her and the realization of everything yet to come. She was going to fuck him, wasn’t she? She was going to fuck him while he fucked Geoff, while he wore this leather cock ring, and Patrick had to bite his lip to keep from whimpering.

  When he looked back at Geoff, his husband was smiling. “Don’t stop.” Geoff kept stroking his cock. “We’re gonna make this so good for you, babe.”

  Lori sauntered over to where they lay together on the bed, Patrick working another finger into Geoff’s slick hole while trying to catch his breath. Patrick wanted to look at both of them, couldn’t, and instead focused his attention on Geoff while Lori’s gaze pressed against him like a touch. In his peripheral vision, she kept stroking the cock, her cock, easy and slow. It was so hot, he might combust right here.

  “You all right there?” Lori’s voice teased him. “You seem a little worked up.”

  “I’m going to have a heart attack, yeah.” Patrick laughed, and it sounded punched out of him. “But I’m good.” So far, anyway, while this was all theoretical, while the anticipation skittered under his skin.

  “You want to take my cock?” she asked.

  “God, yes.” He couldn’t look away. “That looks so good on you.”

  Geoff was smiling beneath him, working his dick steadily but not too fast. Patrick chose that moment to add a third finger, and Geoff moaned on the exhale. “That’s so good.”

  Patrick probed gently, opening him up, the motions easy and familiar, until Geoff nodded. “I’m ready.”

  Patrick wiped his lube-slicked hands on a tissue, heart still pounding in his ribs. Geoff sat up.

  “Lori,” Geoff said, “I’m gonna open him up for you.”

  Lori nodded, pausing like she was deciding something. “Patrick, while he opens you up, come here and suck my cock.”

  That was…unexpectedly sexy and a little humiliating, but in the good way, and Patrick shuffled over on his hands and knees to where she stood next to the bed. This was twice he’d been putting his mouth on her, or near her, and wow, she knew just what got him. He opened his mouth and began to suck on the thick silicone dildo. She slid her fingers through the short hair at the back of his head, her touch soothing even as she fucked gently into his face.

  Patrick moaned around the fake cock as Geoff’s slick fingers began to press into him. Geoff wasn’t taking his time; he knew exactly what Patrick could take, knew how desperate Patrick might be, and he was working him open quick and dirty, just how he liked. His cock throbbed in its leather wrappings. Each time his erection flagged a bit, the tightness of the leather made him hard all over again, a reminder of what he was doing here. And, yeah, he loved sex, he loved experimenting, but this was way above anything he’d done before, and he was already trying not to fall apart at the seams.

  “Such a good boy.” Lori’s crooning words pressed buttons deep in his gut. Something low and hot curled there, desire and need and lust that threatened to overwhelm him, make him sob and beg. He might be able to come like this. Geoff was pressing three fingers against his prostate, rubbing over it with each slick thrust of his hand, and if anyone touched his cock, he could possibly come all over this bed. The silicone in his mouth muffled most of his noises, which was incredible as well, and damn, maybe he was kinkier than he’d thought.

  Geoff slid his fingers carefully out, and Lori withdrew, and Patrick was left empty from both ends and reeling at the sudden loss of sensation.

  “Here we go.” Lori pressed two fingers into his mouth
, and oh, that was another kink he hadn’t known about. “You’re gonna be so good for us, aren’t you?” She slid her fingers out.

  Patrick nodded, not trusting his voice to speak. He looked between Geoff and Lori and forced the words out. “How do…how do you want me?”

  Geoff stretched out on his back with two pillows beneath his hips. “I want to watch you as she fucks you.” He grabbed the lube again and handed it to Patrick. “Come here.”

  Patrick positioned himself between Geoff’s legs, the cock ring still pressing too tight against his tender skin, and yeah, they were gonna leave it on him, the pressure probably the only thing staving off his imminent need to come. Even so, he had to move slowly as he lined up his cock and carefully pressed into Geoff’s ass. God, the tightness gripped around him, slick and wet and ready. He could only go a bit more than halfway before the ring stopped him, but it was enough for now. He caught his breath, propped up on hands and knees, his legs spread, and held himself trembling right there.

  “So good.” Geoff brushed a hand over Patrick’s cheek, tender, soft. “I can’t wait to watch you take her cock.”

  Patrick swallowed, anticipation and anxiousness and excitement tangling up inside him. Had he ever taken a cock that size before? Maybe, maybe not; certainly not recently. It was bigger than Geoff, bigger than him, and he might be ready for it, but he still trembled. The bed dipped behind him as Lori climbed up, and then her lube-slicked fingers teased around his already-wet hole.

  “I’ll go slow,” she murmured, one hand lightly on his hip. “I’ve never done this before.”

  Patrick laughed, as much as he could laugh with this tension building in his body. “That makes all of us.”

  He tried to stay relaxed as she pressed against him, slippery and absolutely huge, and then suddenly, his body yielded all at once and the head was inside. It was enormous, and he cried out in reflex but not in pain.

  “Are you all right?” Lori asked.

  “Yeah.” He sounded strangled, but he wasn’t lying; the pleasure building in him was just too much for words. Geoff moved beneath him, withdrawing and then pushing back, fucking his ass onto Patrick’s cock. They’d barely started, and Patrick felt like he was going to explode. “More,” he gasped.


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