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Club Fantasy

Page 7

by Desiree Holt

  He smiled with satisfaction. All in all, he thought, a good day’s work.

  Chapter 2

  “Can you tell me more about him?” Fee looked at Reulas, trying to keep the edge of anxiety out of her voice. They were in the owner’s private office where he had taken Fee as soon as she got there. “Why did you choose him?”

  Now that the night was actually here, her excitement was blunted by a sudden attack of nerves. She wanted to know more about Cade Sullivan than the fact he used to conduct training classes and private lessons. Where had he been all this time? Why didn’t he do it anymore? Why didn’t he come into Club Fantasy?

  “Fee.” Reulas took one of her hands in his. “Cade Sullivan is hands down the best trainer in the city. Maybe in the county or even the state. He let an unfortunate situation push him out of the scene but that doesn’t diminish how good he is. And I think you’re just the person to tug him back in.”

  “Yeah? Why’s that?”

  “Because he does his best work with subs who are new to D/s and need proper training. He’s solid, or I wouldn’t trust you with him.” He studied her face. “You know, if you want to change your mind, that’s fine with me. This is your call.”

  She pulled in a deep breath to still the sudden attack of nerves and let it out slowly. She wanted this. She really did. She’d thought about it for a long time and wasn’t going to back out now. Besides, she’d been so aroused by the expectation of what the night would bring she’d nearly made herself come while showering to prepare for it. She wanted to be tied up. She wanted the pain of punishment. She wanted the satisfaction of extreme arousal she’d observed in members of Club Fantasy.

  “I want this.” She cleared her throat and repeated in a louder voice, “I want this.”

  “Fine. Then we’ll do it. I reserved a room for the two of you. Cade’s already there, waiting.” He gave her a reassuring smile. “And I had a special deck of cards made just as we discussed.”

  She gave him an impulsive hug. “Thank you, Reulas. You’re the best.”

  He chuckled.” After tonight you may be saying that about Cade. Come on, let’s go.”

  Fee smoothed her leather micro skirt down with damp palms, adjusted the tiny halter top that did little except give the underswell of her breasts a place to rest, and moistened her lips.

  I’m ready, she told herself, and followed Reulas down the short hallway. She took in another steadying breath as Reulas tapped on the door then opened it, and—

  And promptly forgot how to breathe.

  Holy mother of God. Talk about sex on a stick. Every nerve in her body went on full alert, her nipples hardened to painful points and moisture flooded her pussy. She’d heard about instant connections with people, listened to women go on at length about how the moment they laid eyes on their Master something inside them just went click. They knew, they always repeated, from that first moment that this was The One.

  Fee had always brushed their comments aside. Who fell in love in seconds, anyway? She realized now, however, exactly what they had been talking about. With just that first brief glance she felt a deep connection to Cade Sullivan. Whatever emotions had been dormant inside her for so long leaped to life and shrieked: This is it!

  Cade Sullivan was on the far side of thirty-five, with enough lines in his deeply tanned face to make it interesting. Thick chocolate brown hair was long enough to cover the nape of his neck. His square jaw and high cheekbones gave him a rugged look but it was his eyes that trapped her. Darker brown than his hair, framed by eyelashes any woman would weep for. All of it topped a body that was whipcord lean and muscular. He was naked from the waist up, the rest of him encased in pants of soft supple leather. And he was barefoot.

  Fee had to stop herself from licking her lips. This was the man who was going to teach her about BDSM? Every erogenous zone in her body began to thump in response, and something buried deep inside her slithered up through her, waking long dead emotions and desires. Would he take her beyond the simple exercises? Make her suck his cock? Or better yet, bring her to the edge of pain before thrusting inside her?

  Stop it, you idiot. Put a lid on your daydreams. He’s given you no indication he got that same instant wow!

  But holy hell, she could hope, couldn’t she?

  She had to remind herself he was just here to train her. She was no more than a neophyte sub to him. Still, something instantly sizzled between them and she wondered if he felt it, too, even just a little. If so, he was certainly excellent at concealing his reactions.

  She was afraid the moment he ordered her to fall to her knees in front of him she’d embarrass herself by climaxing.

  Reulas took her hand and drew her forward.

  “Fiona Wilder, meet Cade Sullivan.”

  Cade simply nodded at her then looked at Reulas. “Thank you for setting up the room as I asked.”

  His voice was deep and hoarse, like gravel rolling around in a steel drum. The timbre resonated in her body and set her pulse pounding.

  “My thanks to you,” Reulas said. He looked from one to the other. “I’ll leave you both to it then.”

  The door clicked shut softly behind him.

  Fee didn’t move, waiting for Cade to speak.

  “Some things to get in front of us first,” he told her.

  She dipped her head. “Yes, Sir.” She gave the honorific extra emphasis.

  “I‘m glad you’re already aware of the proper form of address.” One corner of his mouth twitched then firmed again. “Before we begin here, I need to reassure myself that we should even be doing this. A lot of people are titillated by the thought of this but the actuality is more than they bargained for. Reulas tells me you know the basics, that you’ve observed and know exactly what it is you’re stepping into.”

  “Yes. I do. I want this.”

  He studied her for a long moment, as if he could see inside her head. “Tell me exactly what it is you want from this. Or think you do.”

  She wet her lips and swallowed. She wanted him to really understand. “I want the power exchange I see between subs and Masters. The complete trust they give each other. I’ve never had that in a relationship. Ever.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Is that all you’re looking for?”

  She shook her head. “I’ve watched couples—or groups—at Club Fantasy. Been an observer and monitor at Reulas’s request. I see the pleasure those subs receive from the pain administered by their Masters.” Heat crept up her cheeks. “Their sexual pleasure is obvious. I want that—the sexual gratification and satisfaction that is so obvious in their responses.” She lowered her eyes for a moment. “I want to feel for myself what subspace is like. Vanilla sex has long ago lost its appeal for me. I don’t just want this, I need it. Can you understand?” She looked up again, hesitancy in her gaze. Had she explained her reason for this in a way he could relate to?

  Again his gaze focused on her, as if he were trying to see inside her head. “Perhaps it might be more than you bargained for. What then?”

  She looked him straight in the eye. “Then I trust my Master to be aware of that and only push me as far as he thinks appropriate. I want to learn, Sir. From the best. And Reulas tells me you’re the best.”

  “Reulas likes to brag about his friends.” He dipped his head, as if reaching a decision. “One more thing. This is strictly a training session, a class where I introduce you to the basics of BDSM and, even more importantly, to the responsibility each person has to the other. We will explore your levels of tolerance for pain, what gives you the most pleasure, what turns you off and, most importantly, the intrinsic key to a good D/s session—the acceptance of the power exchange. No personal sexual contact at all. I don’t do that anymore.”

  She wanted to protest, to tell him he could do anything personally with and to her that he wanted. But they had just met and she didn’t want him to think she was a simpering idiot. Maybe if this worked out and they got together again—

  “I understand

  “All right. Before we begin. Safeword.”


  He lifted an eyebrow. “Strange word.”

  “It’s from a favorite book of mine.” She lowered her gaze demurely. “It also describes the ability of the man I’m looking for.”

  When she looked up again, Cade was doing his best to swallow a laugh.

  “Fine. Sureshot it is. I certainly admire your goals. All right.” He walked over to a small table, motioning for her to follow him. “Reulas had a special deck of cards prepared for this session but I’m sure he told you that, right?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Fine. Next order of business. Submissives do only what their Masters permit or order them to. Nothing else. That’s an important rule to keep in mind. Do you understand?”

  “I do.”

  “Good. Don’t forget it. Reulas has prepared a deck with the basics of training, some introductory activities. Come stand here while I open the deck and we cut it.”

  She walked over to a place near the table and waited while he unwrapped the deck, fanned it and shuffled. Then he put it down and waved a hand at it.

  “Let’s do this a little differently. We’ll play Dealer’s Choice. Cut the cards and deal a hand to each of us. You will choose first.”

  Hands trembling only slightly, she did as he ordered and dealt out five cards to each of them. Hoping she was making correct choices, she pulled out a card and placed it so he could see it.

  Cade lifted an eyebrow. “Blindfold?”

  “I’ve done a lot of reading. I understand that when you remove the sense of sight, all the others become stronger. More intense.” She caught her bottom lip between her teeth. “I want to feel everything as intensely as I can.”

  He made no comment, simply took two cards from his hand and put them down next to hers.

  “Two choices. You pick.”

  She looked at them and shivers raced through her body. The pulse in the walls of her pussy intensified and her breasts felt heavy. She selected the one with a kneeling sub, naked and handcuffed, heavy clamps tugging on her nipples, and watched for Cade’s reaction.

  He said nothing, just pointed to her hand, indicating she should choose another.

  This time she extracted one that showed a sub on a spanking bench, legs wide apart while her Master administered the punishment. The artist had captured the look of intense pleasure on the sub’s face.

  By the time there were ten cards on the table, Fee was so aroused with anticipation she could feel her cream from her cunt wetting the inside of her thighs. When Cade’s nostrils flared she knew her scent was strong enough for him to sense. She was seized with an urge to tear off her clothes and rub herself all over him, hoping he would punish her in a manner that would give her the intense orgasms she craved.

  Cade studied the cards and arranged them in the order he obviously preferred. Then he pinned her with that intense stare again.

  “Take off your clothes and place them on the chair by the wall. Then stand in the center of the room.”


  Fee was out of her clothes in seconds, pleased at the steadiness of her hands as she completed her task despite all the thoughts whirling in her imagination. She had worried she might feel uncomfortable with a strange man if she was completely naked, but instead a shiver of excitement raced over her. Even before he said anything else she was absorbed by the what was about to happen. From the corner of her eye she saw Cade lift something from the cabinet built into the wall.

  “You understand,” he said with his back turned to her, “that you do nothing unless I order you to. And whatever I say, you do without question.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I prefer Master,” he told her.

  For some reason that honorific sent a shiver of delicious anticipation skittering over her skin. Maybe it was the connotation of the word as opposed to Sir.

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Good. Hands behind your back, feet apart, eyes closed.”

  She took another calming breath as she did what he ordered and waited for what came next. She knew when he was behind her, not just from the soft sound of his feet on the thick carpet but because whatever acutely male soap or aftershave he used suddenly invaded her senses and made her pussy clench in response. God, he smelled so good.

  He’s your trainer, not your Dom. Control yourself.

  “Close your eyes.” He gave the order in a deep, controlled voice that sent heat rushing through her.

  In another moment she felt the kiss of smooth silk against her eyelids as he positioned the blindfold and secured it at the back of her head. Then there was the click of a lock and the touch of steel as Cade fastened manacles around her wrists.

  “Spread your legs wider. It will help with your balance.” He touched her shoulder. “From this point forward, remember: you do only what I tell you to and you do it all. If something is beyond your comfort zone, use your safeword. Otherwise I control your every movement. Nod your head if you understand.”

  She dipped her head once then widened her stance, adjusting her balance.

  “You were right about the escalation of the remaining senses when one is removed. You will feel this a lot more if you can’t see what I’m doing.”

  Without warning he grasped both nipples between his fingers and squeezed, gently at first then exerting more and more pressure. She sucked in a breath as the pain increased but then the heat bloomed again and with it, a powerful, sexual need.

  “These are mine to do with as I wish.” His tone was mild, as if they were having a casual conversation, but she heard the steel of command beneath it. “Right now I want to pinch them until they turn deep red, like they just did.”

  Suddenly his touch was gone and she waited for what would come next. Oh, yes, the clamps. She’d selected that card.

  The press of metal against her nipples shocked her with cold but as Cade tightened first one then the other, and the heavy weight dragged her nipples down, the throbbing in her inner walls intensified.

  “I can smell how aroused you are.” He could make her come with his voice alone. “Remember the rules. You do only what I order you to or give you permission for. Do not come without my consent. Break a rule, this session is over.”

  No. She didn’t want it to be over. She wanted to stay in this room with him forever.

  Damn, Fee. What the hell is going on with you?

  She bit the inside of her cheek in an attempt to control her unexpected rush of feelings.

  “Empty your mind of all thought.” His words were like a sharp knife to her brain, as if he knew what she was thinking. “Feel, girl. Do nothing but feel.” He was so close behind her now the crisp hair on his chest just brushed her shoulder blades. When he moved his lips close to her ear she felt his warm breath as he whispered, “Ready for heat?”

  She dipped her head once, readying herself.

  He touched her shoulder first with his fingertips, then with—not heat but cold! Icy, icy cold! She’d read about this, where Doms teased their subs, alternating hot and cold but never letting them know for sure which they were getting next. She sucked in a breath.

  “Again,” he whispered.

  This time it was heat, just the barest prick of it from a battery-operated wand. He alternated the sensations but not in any pattern that she could anticipate. She soon lost count of the number of contacts, her awareness softening as a cloud of sensation shrouded her brain. Subspace. Had she reached it already? How was that possible?

  “Stand straight.” Cade’s words cracked like a whip, shocking her back to the present.

  Fee hadn’t even been aware she was slouching. She lifted her head, threw back her shoulders and moved her feet a little further apart for balance. The alternate sensations of hot and cold still tingled through her. If this were a Dom she’d played with before, or she was a regular at the club, her Master would begin testing her readiness now by running his fingers along the
length of her dripping slit. Perhaps even sliding one or two fingers inside her hungry sheath.

  But tonight he was the teacher, so she didn’t expect personal contact, even though she wanted it, craved it.

  Without warning he touched one of the wands to a cheek of her buttocks, cold, twice, then heat. He did the same with the other cheek, although not with the same pattern. Then she sensed him moving around in front of her and in a second, ice cold touched the tip of one tormented nipple.

  “Don’t move,” he warned her. “Stay absolutely still.”

  Did he know how hard that was? Of course he did. But he was testing her ability to obey orders at all costs.

  “Yes, Master.”

  She waited for another touch, another sensation, but nothing happened.

  “Are you enjoying your fantasy, girl?”

  She blinked behind the blindfold. What?

  “Uh, yes, Master. But—” She bit her lip, a nervous habit she was desperately trying to break.

  “But what? I give you permission to tell me.”

  “But I want it to be more than a fantasy.”

  His laugh had a rusty sound. “You’ve barely begun. Don’t you think you should wait at least until the session is over before saying that?”

  “If you say so.” She paused. “Master.”

  “Feisty little thing, aren’t you? I’m beginning to think taking you on as a fulltime project would be interesting.”

  Oh, yes, please.

  “But I gave up on those.” Now his voice had a closed-off, tight sound to it. “So let’s proceed.” He dragged the tip of the ice cold metal across her shoulders.

  Fee stood, legs braced, waiting. When he touched the cold to her chin this time she jerked her head. Cade gripped her jaw with his fingers.

  “Perhaps you’d like to feel this other places, too, girl.” She felt his arm against her body. “Like here.” The icy cold touched her cunt. “Or here again.” He touched a nipple. “You chose the card depicting Florentine flogging. Did that appeal to you?”


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