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The Warrior

Page 17

by Kinley MacGregor

  Bavel shook his head. “Not likely, but we can try.”

  She stepped back even farther so that no one outside would be able to see her. “If you don’t find me there, then meet in Scotland. I’ll be with Lochlan until you come for me.”

  Bavel stepped back and turned around so that it would appear he was talking to Viktor. “Love to you, kitten. God keep you safe.”

  She sniffed back her tears at the love she heard in his voice. “Same to you, Uncle. Now go before we all get into trouble.”

  She’d barely shut the window before two guards found them.

  “What are you doing?” the guard demanded in a fierce, angry tone.

  “We got a bit lost,” Bavel said good-naturedly. “These French towns all look alike.”

  The guard scoffed.

  “Are we going back to the Sailor’s Inn?” Viktor asked.

  “Until the king finishes his food and is ready to depart, aye.”

  Cat blessed her family for being so smart in letting her know their plans and where her father was located. Now it would be easier to avoid her father until they could leave. Grateful to them, she went back to bed only to find Lochlan giving her a peeved glare.


  “Stiff prig am I?” he asked in an offended tone.

  She cocked a brow at him. “Would you rather I tell them exactly how unpriggish you are and why it is I know it?”

  He rolled over to give her his back. “You still could have defended me.”

  Was he serious? Of course he was. There was no way he was feigning this amount of petulance.

  Cat tsked at him before she reached under the covers to draw small circles on his back. “Poor Lochlan. Everyone insults my baby.”

  He didn’t speak.

  Nipping at his shoulder, she ran her hand around him to find out that he was indeed very stiff. He grabbed her hand as if to pull it away, but before he could, she brushed the tip of his cock with her nails.

  He let out a deep groan before he pressed her hand closer to him.

  She rolled him onto his back. “Feeling better?”


  She continued to stroke him. “Not even a little?”

  “Perhaps. You keep doing that, lass, and I might go straight past better and into ecstasy.”

  She laughed before she dipped her head to suckle his nipple lightly.

  Lochlan sucked his breath in sharply as he reached to unlace her gown. A part of him argued they should be finding a ship for England, but the other part said the safest place was right here. So long as her father was in town, either he or one of his men could find them. Besides, they would have to wait for Stryder and his group to return.

  What better way to wait than this?

  Pulling back, he quickly divested her of her gown. He growled in appreciation as he saw her beauty for the first time. Truly no woman had ever been more beautiful. He nipped playfully at her breast before he quickly undressed himself. Completely naked, he pulled her against him and savored the sensation of her skin touching his.

  In that one moment, he wished that time could stop. That this was all there was to his life. He could live and die happily if all there was in the world was waking in her arms and going to sleep every night with the touch of her hand on his face.

  This was perfection.

  Cat closed her eyes and breathed Lochlan in as they kissed. This was the closest to heaven she would ever come without dying and she didn’t want it to end.

  He rolled her over, placing her on top of him. She lifted herself up so that she could stare down at his playful blue eyes. He cupped her face in his hands and stroked her lips with the pads of his thumbs. God, he was handsome and strong.

  She returned his smile before she took his right hand and brought it to her lips so that she could lightly tease the pads of his fingers. She loved how his hands felt in hers. Most of all, she loved how they felt on her body.

  Lochlan was torn between playing with her at his leisure and being inside her. He didn’t know what it was about her, but she soothed him on a level unimaginable. She also set fire to his soul.

  His impatience winning, he lifted her up and set her down on top of him.

  They groaned in unison as she took him in all the way to his hilt. He ground his teeth as she moved excruciatingly slow against him. Her strokes were sweet and hesitant from her inexperience. He watched her as he moved his hand to touch her stomach. Even though he had no right to the thought, he imagined what it would be like to watch her grow round with his child. To be by her side while she brought a babe into this world.

  She would make a fierce mother, who would give him strong, confident sons…and daughters.

  He smiled at the thought.

  Cat frowned at the tender expression on Lochlan’s face. “What are thinking of?”

  “You, my love. Only you.”

  “And that makes you smile?”


  Warmth consumed her. “I can’t believe I ever thought you priggish.”

  “I can’t believe I ever thought you annoying.”

  She stopped and grimaced at him. “You’re an awful monster.”

  “And you are the most beautiful blossom I’ve ever been fortunate enough to find.”

  His compliment made her blush. “You’re such a cad.”

  “As you wish.”

  She arched a surprised brow at him. “You’re not arguing with me?”

  “While I’m inside you? Nay. Honestly, I don’t even know what either one of us is saying. I really don’t care. My thoughts are only consumed by how good you look naked and much I love being inside you.”

  She tsked at him. “Then you’ll regret later that you just promised me the leadership of your clan.”

  “Mmm. Whatever makes you happy.”

  Cat laughed. Truthfully, what made her happiest was the sensation of being in his arms. Of having his hard body against hers. She loved this man and this really was all she wanted in her life.

  If only she could have it.

  Closing her eyes, she savored every thrust of him against her. Every stroke she delivered to him. And when she came, he joined her instantly.

  Hot and sweating, she collapsed against him while he gathered her in his arms and held her to his chest like a precious bundle.

  Neither of them moved for ever so long. It wasn’t until hunger overcame them that Lochlan got up and dressed and went to seek food for them while Cat took her time washing and dressing.

  They spent the rest of the day hidden, waiting for word from the others. As the hours passed with no communication or word, Lochlan began to get concerned. Stryder would have had more than enough time to return to Rouen and travel back to the docks.

  Where could he be?

  As the sun set, he left Catarina hidden in the room and went to look for them. The king’s ship was still moored where it’d been last night. Only now there was no activity except for two lone guards who watched over it.

  Ignoring them, Lochlan continued on, scanning the street for any sign of the others. There were sailors aplenty, a few prostitutes soliciting clients, and merchants negotiating deals and rushing to and fro.

  His worst fear was that Stryder and group were now in royal custody for their parts in planning his escape. It would make sense. They’d helped him free Catarina and Lochlan was sure Graham would gladly relate the events to Reginald and his men.


  He paused at the whispered shout. It took him several seconds before he located the source of it.

  Dressed all in black with even a cowl to cover his head, Kestrel stood in the shadow of a building. He motioned Lochlan over to him.

  As soon as he joined him, Kestrel pulled him deeper into the alleyway.

  Lochlan ground his teeth as anger and fear assailed him. “Have the others been taken?”

  “In a manner of speaking. Aye.”

  He scowled at the odd note in Kestrel’s voice. “What do you m

  “The king spotted us as we came into town and demanded Stryder spend a few moments with him. Those moments have turned into all damn day.”

  Lochlan let out a sound of disgust. “But Stryder’s not under arrest?”

  He shook his head. “Trust me. We put the fear of God into Graham and his brothers. He speaks one word against us and he’ll be begging for death before he finishes the first syllable.”

  That made him feel a little better. “So we wait on Stryder?”

  “Nay. The king could very well be watching him since he’s the English king’s champion. Stryder said for us to go ahead and he’d catch up to us. He thinks it best that he keep the king distracted while we make our getaway.”

  “And if he fails and is caught?”

  “Don’t worry. He won’t. Stryder is smarter than that.”

  “What about my brother? Stryder said that he’d—”

  “Again, don’t worry,” Kestrel said, cutting him off. “The Scot knows me and he’ll let us enter even without Stryder.” He indicated a small boat that was loading cargo. “They sail within the hour. I’ve already arranged passage for all of us. Retrieve Catarina and hide belowdeck until it’s safe.”

  “What about you?”

  “I’ll be there, but since the king has already seen me with Stryder, I don’t want to draw his attention to you.”

  The man was extremely paranoid. However, given their situation and the repercussions that could fall on all their heads, it was probably a good thing.

  Lochlan nodded. “I’ll see you on board.”

  Kestrel drifted back into the shadows and actually seemed to have disappeared. Lochlan crossed himself. There were times when that man seemed to possess demonic powers.

  Putting that out of his mind, he went back to the inn to collect Catarina.

  He found her waiting by the window, picking at a loaf of bread. She let out a relieved breath the instant she saw him. “I was beginning to get worried.”

  “There was nothing to worry over. We only have a king who wants you captive and me dead…one who’s staying at the end of this street, talking to Stryder and Simon. How could that cause anyone concern?”

  “I see your point,” she said, feigning relief. “How utterly foolish of me to be concerned.”

  Lochlan shook his head at her retort. “Stryder will catch up to us. We have a ship waiting to take us to England. As soon as you’re—”

  She stood immediately. “I’m more than ready to put as much distance as possible between my father and me. Let us run for that boat.”

  His heart clenched at her words. How awful to feel that way about the man who’d sired her, but then he’d felt no better about his own. It was a shame that the world was filled with such people.

  He picked up her cloak and wrapped it around her before he lifted the cowl to conceal her face. As he did so he was struck by the irony of a woman so vivacious wanting to be invisible. She deserved a man who could appreciate her unique qualities. One who wouldn’t try to stifle her.

  Closing his eyes, he kissed her on the top of her head. She took his hand in hers and that small gesture brought him to his knees. He squeezed her hand before he led her from the room.

  He paused downstairs to settle his account before he took her outside to the docks. It was darker now, with storm clouds brewing. He didn’t see any sign of Kestrel as they made their way toward the boat Kestrel had indicated.

  Lochlan allowed her to mount the gangplank first. He scanned the docks one last time before he followed her up.

  A small, heavyset sailor approached them. “You the Scot’s man?”


  “His lordship told me to put you below.” He showed them to a cramped room that held four chairs and a short table. “Stay here and we’ll be sailing very soon.”

  “My thanks.”

  The man nodded before he left them alone.

  Cat let out a slow breath as she lowered her cowl. Even so, she knew better than to count on their safety just yet. She wouldn’t feel completely relieved until France was out of her sight.

  Suddenly, she heard the sound of someone running down the hallway outside. They were headed for her room.

  Lochlan pulled his sword from its sheath an instant before the door was slammed open.

  Kestrel was there, his cheeks red from his run. “The king is coming. We have to hide the two of you immediately.”

  Chapter 14

  “How is that possible?” Lochlan asked.

  Kestrel gave him a droll stare. “I don’t know. Now we can either hide you or keep arguing until you’re both taken into custody. Your choice.”

  Cat growled at the man’s sarcasm. Any other time, she might have had an appreciation for it. In this moment, however, she could have done without it. “Hide us where?”

  Kestrel bolted the door behind him before he indicated a group of barrels against the back wall.

  Cat glanced at them skeptically. Nice thought, but unless they had enough time to empty the barrels, which would leave a most obvious clue as to where they were hiding, it was a useless one. “Those are full.”

  “Really?” he asked, his face a mask of mockery, “I wasn’t planning on putting you in one. Stand on top of it and crawl up there.” He pointed to the ceiling.

  Now that was even more ridiculous than hiding them in the barrels. “They’ll find us there.”

  “Trust me. No one ever looks up. No one. Even as low as this ceiling is, it’ll never occur to them to seek you there.”

  Lochlan looked as skeptical as she felt. “Are you willing to bet your life on it?”

  “Nay,” Kestrel said with a smile, “but I’m willing to bet yours.”

  Cat was sure the unamused look on her face matched the one on Lochlan’s.

  Lochlan glanced up at the ceiling, then narrowed his gaze on Kestrel. “If they find us, you’re the first one I kill.”

  “Please. Better to die quickly by your hand than be tortured again.”

  Before Cat could ask about that phrase, Kestrel had them climb up the barrels to the ceiling. There was a small ledge that barely accommodated her. Poor Lochlan was left hanging by the strength of his arms and legs. She wasn’t even sure how he managed it. No doubt it was painful. But he didn’t say a word about it.

  Satisfied with their positions, Kestrel threw netting around them, tucking it around their bodies before he nodded. He stepped down to peer up at them. “You don’t make a sound and they’ll never know.”

  Before she could blink, he was out the door.

  Still not completely sold on this plan, she glanced to Lochlan. “This isn’t very comfortable, now is it?” she said, trying not to speak too loudly.

  “I can think of better times I’ve had.”

  She smiled at his unexpected humor given the danger they were in.

  At least until she heard voices outside. But it wasn’t until she heard her father’s that she started to panic. This was a foolish place to hide. They were practically in plain sight.

  Just as she was about to try and run, Lochlan took her hand in his. The steely blue eyes bolstered her courage immediately. “Trust in Kestrel, lass.”

  She wasn’t sure why Lochlan trusted him, but as the voices drew closer, she realized she didn’t have any choice except to see this through.

  She heard her father growl. “I swear that girl is half witch like her mother. I’ve never seen anyone vanish into thin air before.”

  “Well, sire, the informant swore that she would be heading out this night on a boat for England. And this is the most likely boat for her to take.”

  “Are you sure we can trust your informant?”

  “Aye, sire. He heard them planning their escape.”

  “Who else was in the planning?”

  “Lords Stryder of Blackmoor and Simon of Anwyk.”

  Her father cursed. “Two men I can’t touch or intimidate and there they both sat across from me, looking me in the eye and not
telling me of this. Damn them to hell.”

  The door rattled on its hinges.

  Cat held her breath as it was thrown open and a group of four guards came inside to search. She tightened her grip on Lochlan’s hand. This was it, she was sure of it. Any second they’d look up at see them.

  Closing her eyes, she prayed furiously.

  Below her, the guards overturned the barrels, threw crates aside, and looked everywhere for them.

  Except up.

  She truly couldn’t believe it as they finished their search, then filed one by one out of the room.

  “’Tis empty, Your Majesty.”

  Her father cursed in the hallway before they moved to the next room down.

  Cat let out a nervous laugh.

  Lochlan motioned her to continue her silence. “We’re not out of this until they’re gone and we’ve sailed,” he whispered.

  She nodded. He was right, but she still felt the need to scream out in relief that Kestrel’s trick had worked. Oh if the man were here, she’d kiss him for it.

  They continued their uncomfortable perches until her legs had gone numb. It’d been a while since she’d last heard her father’s voice. Even so, they didn’t want to take the chance on being discovered when they were this close to being gone.

  Suddenly, she could feel the ship pulling away from the dock before the door opened again.

  It wasn’t Kestrel.

  Her heart stopped at the sight of a stranger in their haven. He appeared to be an older sailor who walked with a pronounced limp. He hobbled his way toward them before he righted several of the barrels. Then, he looked up at them and grinned.

  “Next time I tell you something, you’ll be listening to me, eh?”

  She was aghast at the disguise. “Kestrel?”

  He winked at her before he stood up on the barrel to cut her down. “And now you know how I came by my name. I used to hide in the trees like a bird until it was safe for me to take flight.”

  She laughed out loud. “And grateful for that are we. Thank you.”

  “Anytime, my lady.” He helped her down before he moved to cut the netting from Lochlan.

  “Is the king gone?” he asked as he lowered himself to the floor.


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