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The Guild Core: The Complete Saga Boxset: A LitRPG Dungeon Adventure

Page 12

by TJ Reynolds

  Encouraged by this tiny victory, he found another mote of ether and convinced it to join the first. This one was a good deal more stubborn, and Kai was afraid he had been lucky the first time, but soon enough the second mote of ether was speeding along beside the first.

  Time stretched immeasurably as Kai continued to coax each fragment of ether out from the clutches of chaos. Slowly, his etheric core became more defined, ordered. And with each successive victory, the painful pressure diminished.

  Finally, Kai stared in wonder at the whirling gyre of blue energy, noticing the outline and perimeter of his core for the first time. And then as he continued to watch in wonder, the pattern contracted. It collapsed, shrinking down slowly. As it did so, the color of the ether shifted from bright blue, to a dark cobalt, and then to a vivid purple.

  Becoming a deep crimson, at last, the pattern settled. The color was breathtaking to look upon and reminded him of a pool of living blood.

  He felt an immense pride and the nourishing joy of accomplishment. He wanted nothing more than to open his eyes and share with Ban his success, but Kai realized with a pang of fear that he couldn’t open his eyes. Then he remembered what Briga had said last. Something about pain and the need to endure it.

  As if his thoughts triggered the final step in his ascension, a pulse of fire rippled through Kai’s body, and every fiber of his soul howled in protest. The dragonling couldn’t shy away, couldn’t pull himself out of the flames that consumed him. He could only do as the Goddess had instructed him.

  He endured.

  More than once during the seemingly infinite expanse of torment that followed, Kai doubted his own resolve. The thought of leaving Ban alone in this world and his own stubborn desire to make something of himself were all that held him in place.

  It was enough.

  The tide of pain began at last to recede. Once more, Kai saw the spinning vortex of his core. It had shrunk to half its size, the ether turning in a tighter circle and seemingly more contained, more dense than ever. Kai relaxed, knowing he’d accomplished his task. Then the world as he knew it faded away.

  He saw an endless expanse of sky, felt the cold bite of midnight dew kissing his skin as he squalled for the first time under the silver gaze of a full moon.

  Kai saw a woman bathed in sweat. A patch of grass and a tattered cloak served as his birth bed. Her hair was fire red and her skin as white as milk.

  She held him, a babe steaming in the night air, the two still attached by a red, bloody cord.

  The wind blew across his skin and he knew cold for the first time. Kai cried out in protest as the woman unsheathed a soldier’s sword and cut the cord free, tossing it away as refuse. She wrapped the child in a crimson cloak, then clutching the child, rose and stumbled away into the night.

  Kai’s gaze melted away and the scene shifted.

  This time, he knew he was the babe, pressed to the woman’s breast.

  He drank from her, tasting the salt and cream of her milk, and though her emerald eyes stared down into his lovingly, his skin burned with fever. She sang to comfort him. It was a melody he’d always known but could not name, and her red hair framed her face like a fiery halo.

  Kai bathed in her love; her sheer determination kept him alive.

  The smell of straw and animal dung filled the air. The braying of a donkey disturbed her song. They were inside a barn, Kai discovered, and from the woman’s hushed melody to keep him quiet, they were in hiding.

  A man shouted, and the woman’s head shot up in fear. Kai felt her breast plucked from his mouth, and he cried as she plunged him into her cloak again and ran away. The sounds of shouting followed, and he knew the sharp talons of fear for the first time.

  Again, Kai’s vision blurred, this time leaving him in darkness longer than ever. When he could see once more, it was by the lonely, rebellious light of a single candle. Someone else was holding him, a stranger with hard hands that smelled of soil. His uncle Shem’s voice grated in his ears, though he could not understand what words were spoken. Instead, he felt Shem lift him up, wrapped in a patchwork blanket.

  Kai saw the woman. Her beautiful face had gone gray and her eyes were ringed with coal. The fire in her hair was subdued, the flames tamed by sweat, as it clung lifeless to her scalp. She cooed at Kai, and his heart leapt at the thought of another meal. But she only kissed him, her face burning his. Then he was taken, carried through a strange house by a strange man. The sound of his own cries filled the rooms he would come to call home, bouncing off every surface like the shattering of glass.

  For the last time, Kai’s dreaming mind faded to black and when he woke again, his face was wet with tears and hot from the proximity of the still-burning fire.

  His throat felt raw from screaming and his limbs trembled.

  He felt the dungeon, his dungeon, wrapped around him, as intent and loving as his mother’s old cloak. His heart yet ached from remembering the full and terrifying extent of his loss. To have to bid farewell to such a person would be hard enough, but not to have remembered her at all felt too cruel to stomach. Kai’s misery was interrupted, his only friend breaking through the fog of emotion that clung to him, refusing to let go.

  You’ve done it, Kai! Welcome back, Ban said in his mind. You are Crimson ascended. I can see your core burning as bright as a lighthouse. Well done!

  Kai could only nod, too spent to give any further response.


  More like a Looking Glass


  Kai’s everything ached when he woke up.

  At first, he wondered why he couldn’t smell the barley and yeast of Maeve’s brewery. Then, the faint blue glow of the dungeon’s ambient ether reminded him of where he was.

  “Ban! Hey, Ban, are you there?” Kai called, sitting up on his impromptu straw mattress.

  He glanced over to the glowing Earth Core on its pedestal and sighed in relief as he heard his friend’s voice answer, Yes, Kai. I am. And I’m so sorry I wasn’t here for your ascension. But … Congratulations! You’re Crimson ascended!

  Kai immediately placed his hands over his stomach, and though he didn’t to try to see the vortex in his abdomen, he knew that it was there and that it was moving in concert. He grinned stupidly, overcome with the simple joy of having experienced something harsh and painful, and then come out of it again in one piece.

  Then he remembered the visions. Ban, I saw… things when I ascended. I spoke with Briga! And there was more. He frowned as he remembered the aching sadness at the loss of his mother. Is that normal? Do all who ascend meet the Gods? And do you… do you think my visions were true?

  A moment passed, and Kai had the impression yet again that the dungeon was busy. Yet he did respond in his own time. I don’t know, Kai. Memories of my own ascension are distorted. Though, to be frank, I would think the experience is a great deal different for dungeons. If Briga came to you, however, I wouldn’t doubt the veracity of anything you saw. She’s not one to bend the truth, and none that I know have the power to imitate her form.

  Remembering the woman in his dreams, Kai couldn’t help but think he’d witnessed his own birth and his mother’s fevered flight. He recognized his uncle from the vision and something shifted within his heart, an old resentment he hadn’t realized he’d clung to. Kai discovered that he’d always been angry with his mother, bitter at her having died and left him alone.

  Seeing what she’d gone through, the sacrifices she’d made to ensure he was safe—the amazing feeling of her love for him— that resentment and bitterness began to dissolve.

  Kai recalled what the goddess had last told him. Excitedly, Kai asked the dungeon, Briga told me to ask you about the Etheric Interface… and she called me a Fundamental Dragon! What was she talking about?

  Ban tasted the strange term. Fundamental Dragon? I’ve never heard of such before, but it reminds me of the Fundament. I wonder if the two are connected somehow. The dungeon’s core pulsed in frustration. I’m sorry, Kai, but I
really don’t know what she meant. If I only had half as many volumes as I once contained.

  Kai cut off his friend’s anxious mutterings. Ban! It’s fine. We will find more books somewhere and read them all. What about the Etheric Interface? She said I would enjoy it. What was she talking about?

  The dungeon hummed in satisfaction and explained. It is an interface that all ascended have access to, yet many in the world today have forgotten how to access it. You were under the impression that in order to ascend, you had to visit a wizard or a priest of Briga?

  Yes … isn’t that how you increase your attributes and choose your skills? Kai wondered.

  Just so, Ban continued, but it really isn’t necessary. Accessing your Etheric Interface takes a good deal of focus, and you must have a knowledgeable instructor teach you how to do it the first few times. Normally, it can take someone weeks to be able to access their Interface with any consistency, but I believe we won’t have such a hard go of it.

  Kai was happy to hear it wouldn’t take him weeks to achieve, but asked why.

  Because you’re a bleeding dragon, Kai! Ban crowed. Eventually, you will master many things other humans cannot. At least I hope that will be the case.

  Okay, so how do I do it? Kai asked, as eager as he’d ever been.

  I think, before we tackle that issue, we might want to do something about your clothes. Ascending tends to be a messy chore, and you weren’t exactly fresh as a daisy beforehand. Kai could picture the dungeon wrinkling his nose in distaste. I think you should freshen up first and then we can get to work.

  Kai didn’t need to smell himself to know the dungeon was right. He’d gotten used to being dirty far too often. His aunt would have given him a sound beating for going to sleep in such a state. He stared down at his filthy pants, and his sweat and grime-streaked body, then over to the fountain.

  I really don’t want to mess up the fountain though, Kai worried, I mean … I drink from it, ya know?

  Not to worry, Ban replied cheerfully. Please, disrobe entirely, then walk down to the training room. Sensing Kai’s anxiety, he added, Don’t worry. No feral minions await you there. Your days of rat slaying are over. I do have a surprise, though.

  Kai obeyed, curious to note he wasn’t the least bit self-conscious about being nude in front of a being who literally had no body. He watched as the dungeon absorbed his clothes and his boots, shrugged, then walked down the corridor and opened the door to the training room.

  Inside, several things had changed. Ban had constructed two man-shaped dummies out of wood, and there were several new weapons hanging on the wall. Kai marveled at a long spear, a mace, two axes of differing sizes, and a few shields.

  What is all this? Kai asked.

  This, Ban replied, is where you’ll be spending most of your time.

  Shaking his head, Kai pressed the dungeon, Sure, but where did you get the material for all these weapons?

  Ban’s thoughts beamed with pride. I’ve remembered a few things. Master Yorick had guests occasionally in the few years we spent here, and these guests always had equipment. Knowing they would have their items replaced with precise and perfectly sound dungeon summoned ones, they let me eat their things! I didn’t realize I still had access to all these patterns.

  Kai ran his fingers down the handle of the spear, gawking at its simple beauty, then he realized something. Um … Ban, why am I going to be training naked? This seems weird.

  The dungeon laughed at Kai’s attempt at humor before explaining, Look in the far corner. If we’ll be training in here, then you’ll need someplace to bathe. I figured there was more room in here than in my core chamber, so…

  Kai walked over to see that Ban had carved a pocket of the stone out of the wall, and that within this recessed alcove, a whirlpool of water steadily swirled. Kai smiled and dipped a finger in, then yelped. Gods! It’s colder than Briga’s nipples in there! He shuddered. I’m not getting in there!

  Watch your mouth, Kai. Ban reprimanded sharply. No such remarks should pass your lips concerning the self-same goddess who personally assisted you through your ascension. And yes, you will get in, my friend. I am sorry that I don’t remember how Yorick and I used to warm his baths. I improvised and did the best that I could. Now, shut up, the dungeon ordered, and jump in.

  A few sputtering minutes later, Kai emerged, his bronze skin blotched red and numb. Ban summoned new clothes, identical to Kai’s previous wardrobe, but unblemished, clean, and soft. After pulling them on and discovering the superior quality of the garments, Kai found it within his heart to forgive Ban.

  He even thanked him.

  After getting dressed, Kai admitted he felt amazing.

  Looking around at all the changes in the training hall, Kai asked, Is there anything else you’re hiding from me? Or should I just assume you don’t trust me and can’t help but release bits and pieces of information and knowledge to string me along?

  Hmmph! You’ve got me pegged, Ban’s reply came back with more than a little attitude. Hush for now. I might have some other surprises tucked away for my favorite dragon, but first we need to work on accessing your Etheric Interface.

  Kai agreed, and after heading back upstairs and building another fire, not so much for the warmth, but for the familiarity and comfort of the flames, he sat down, ready to try anything.

  Start by closing your eyes and try to return to the place you went when you spoke with Briga, Ban instructed. Yorick told me once that he brought up his Interface after he observed his core. I believe the two are connected. Let’s start with that, Ban murmured, hoping his advice wasn’t too vague to be helpful.

  Kai focused on the heat of the fire, the flickering of the flames, and the trickling water once more, trying intentionally to recreate what he had done the night before on accident. After only a few minutes of him sitting perfectly still, he saw again the ruby glow within himself, the deep red sparks of ether in his core as they spun in concert in a wide circle. I’ve done it, Ban. I can see my core. Now what?

  Now, Ban guided him, instead of centering your attention on your core itself, try to shift the focus to your mind. It’s difficult to describe… I don’t really know what else to suggest, Kai. Maybe think the word ‘Interface’?

  The idea sounded stupid, but Kai tried to do as Ban asked. In this gray, suspended place, he pictured his whole body. The rest of his form seemed blurry and indistinct when compared to the fire at his core. He shifted his focus to his mind, and his attention expanded the view of his head until he was staring down at it from what appeared to be just a few inches away.


  Refusing to be frustrated, Kai held his gaze, becoming increasingly aware of the irony of peering down at his own head for a long moment. How strange would this look if someone could see me? He pushed the distracting thoughts away and did as Ban had suggested. Interface, he whispered in his mind. Still nothing. Etheric Interface, please, he tried again, and this time, his perspective shifted drastically.

  All Kai could liken the image that unfurled in his mind’s eye to was a shimmering scroll that he could see but could not touch. On it, a long list of words and numbers ran down vertically. I did it! he exulted to Ban. I… at least I think I did it. Does one’s Etheric Interface display a bunch of information, like reading a page in a book?

  Yes, Kai. You’ve done it, Ban replied cheerfully. Now, read me what it says.

  Kai recited the information displayed, from top to bottom, and was amazed by what he read.


  Family Name: Kaius Unterinan

  Alias: Kai

  Level: Crimson 1

  Elemental Affinity: None

  Accolades: Core Mender


  Strength - 11 = Base 11

  Dexterity - 8 = Base 8

  Constitution - 12 = Base 12

  Intelligence -9 = Base 9

  Wisdom -10 = Base 10

  Charisma - 7 = Base 7

  Unassigned Attribute Poin
ts: 3

  Spells: None


  At the very top of the page, a single word, his own surname, stood out like a lightning bolt in the night sky.

  “Unterinan? My last name, Ban. My father’s last name I presume. And all the while I’ve been calling myself Kai Bremenburr!” Kai cried out, feeling suddenly flustered.

  His Earth Core companion gave him a few moments to calm down before adding, At least you know now. Maybe we’ll happen upon the right book someday, and you can learn more about who your father was.

  “You don’t recognize the name?” Kai asked hopefully.

  Sorry, no. I remember very little still, and dragons were also loath to exchange such intimacies. Even in formal settings, they preferred to use their chosen names only.

  “Unterinan,” Kai said aloud, testing the name on his tongue. He sighed and shrugged. There were so many unknowns in his life that finding one more mystery wasn’t surprising. So he focused on what he could control, his Etheric Interface.

  Kai finished reading the list, most of which made little sense to him. His first question was one of pure vanity. That list of Attributes, those describe me, right? What do the numbers mean?

  Ban told him the extent of his own limited knowledge. Yorick told me that 10 is more or less average. Your Strength and Constitution are strong Attributes for you, Kai. You should be proud of those.

  But what about my Intelligence? Kai fretted. Ban, this says I’m a dullard!

  The dungeon attempted to soothe the young man’s feelings. Not at all, just a skosh below average.

  Do you even hear what you’re saying? Kai complained, and he swore he could hear the Earth Core chuckling. It also says I have 3 Unassigned Attribute Points. I can use those to improve myself, right? That’s the whole point of this, isn’t it?

  Yes, Ban responded. Yes, that’s right, Kai. I don’t know how, but I assume you just give it a mental push like everything else.


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