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The Guild Core: The Complete Saga Boxset: A LitRPG Dungeon Adventure

Page 48

by TJ Reynolds

  He stored the book away, then thought of their other great treasure, the one he’d been too hesitant to use yet. Within the small chest, Kai found the faintly glowing spell scales.

  Glancing over, Kai saw Rhona had at last finished with a series of stretches she’d been performing, and was curled up on her bedroll.

  Kai shrugged and made his way back over to Ban’s champion.

  The huge houndzard still stood rigid, its body almost seeming lifeless if not for the rhythmic intake of breath. He ran his hand across the scaled hide of the creature, sending a few supportive thoughts to his friend.

  Then he sat back down, crossed his legs, and focused.

  Closing his eyes, he pictured his core churning around within him. The brilliant gold of his condensed ether burned as bright as ever. He felt warmed by its presence, as if the fire in his belly were warming his entire body. I suppose it is though. That must be what it’s for. Like my own personal furnace.

  Letting his observation pass, Kai brought up his Etheric Interface and selected the Spells tab.

  A list of his current spells populated, and he skimmed them over quickly.

  Flame Dart- A spell of Yugos’ Fire, the Flame Dart condenses ether into a fiery projectile that causes minor damage. Spell damage may be increased by channeling more ether. Cost: 5 AE. Casting Time: Instant. Charged Spell Cost: Up to a maximum of 20 AE. Charging spell takes 2 seconds for each additional AE.

  Shadow Shroud - A spell of Angut’s Abyss, the Shadow Shroud summons a veil of concealing abyss ether. Visibility of all party-members within the shroud is greatly decreased. Sounds produced within the shroud are moderately dampened. Visual concealment is reduced when spell is used in broad daylight or without the addition of cover. Cost: 10 AE. Casting Time: Instant. Duration: 10 minutes.

  Restoring Tide - A spell of Briga’s Water, the Restoring Tide calls upon the healing nature of the ocean’s endless tides. Spell causes minor healing of injuries and a modest restoration of stamina and mental clarity. Spell also stops minor bleeding and may stifle the onset of infection as well. More severe ailments like poison, fever, and serious infection are unaffected. Cost: 20 AE. Casting Time: 30 seconds.

  Confounded Core - A spell of Niama’s Soul, the Confounded Core manipulates the ethereal flow within a target enemy’s core. When the spell takes hold, one or more effects may result: Confusion, a mental state which causes an enemy to attack one of their own; Confounded, an inhibition of ether that prevents the casting of spells or activation of skills. Cost: 20 AE. Casting Time: 15 seconds. Duration: 5 minutes.

  Kai still couldn’t believe his luck. Ban had handed him some incredibly useful spells, and he’d only just begun to learn how to maximize their potential.

  Flame Dart was a spell Kai relied upon heavily, but all of them were equal in his eyes. If he had to choose a single one to keep, he’d go with Restoring Tide. Being able to heal an ally in need was a frightfully enticing boon. His Accolade Briga’s Ally made the spell even more appealing as it cut the one minute casting time in half.

  He opened his palm and examined the five spell scales Imogen had granted him.

  Flame Spear - A spell of Yugos’ Fire, the Flame Spear acts as a modified and improved version of Flame Dart. The spell condenses ether into a fiery projectile that causes moderate damage. Spell damage may be increased by channeling more ether. Cost: 10 AE. Casting Time: Instant. Charged Spell Cost: Up to a maximum of 50 AE. Charging spell takes 3 seconds for each additional AE.

  Before Kai explored his other options, he came to a decision on this one. Neither Ban nor Imogen had known what would happen should Kai choose to upgrade his Flame Dart.

  Without much guidance, but needing to improve himself for the days ahead, Kai took a risk. He mentally prompted Activate Spell Scale.

  His spell sites lit up in his mind’s eye, and he found the one occupied by Flame Dart. Kai selected Flame Spear, and the place on his forearm burned like it had the first time.

  A few moments later, Kai examined his new marking. It resembled the first but for a long streak of crimson down the center of the scale. If only I had a bit of space to practice this one. It would be lovely.

  Kai glanced at his hand filled with scales. Then his eyes bulged. Briga’s sweet breath! I still have five!

  Searching through them, he found the scale for Flame Dart.

  He wanted to shout in triumph, but settled for a grin. His original spell hadn’t been wasted at all. It had been replaced.

  Then his eye caught on a minor detail he hadn’t noticed before. The scale had a thin crack down its center, and its fiery surface appeared somewhat dim. If he was forced to make an assumption, it would be that the spell scales could be traded out with one another, but that each use strained the scale.

  Eventually, they’d most likely be ruined.

  Now, if only I could find another half dragon friend to give this to. It would make a fine gift.

  The other four scales were just as amazing as Flame Spear.

  Barbed Barkskin - A spell of Andag’s Earth, Barbed Barkskin organizes ether to form crystalline structures over the body of the caster or chosen ally. The ether-forged second skin acts to both protect the user as well as propel their movements. Movement speed slightly increased. All slashing and piercing damage moderately reduced. Enemies who attack and make contact receive minor damage from the barbed effect. Cost: 25 AE. Casting Time: 10 seconds. Duration: 5 minutes.

  Breeze Step - A spell of Shu’s Air, Breeze Step allows a caster to glide upon a current of ethereal air. While not a true teleportation spell, Breeze Step nonetheless acts as a means to navigate a battleground with great speed and efficiency. Spell conveys caster up to 70 feet in any direction. Cost: 10 AE. Casting Time: Instant.

  Soul Projection - A spell of Niama’s Soul, Soul Projection is a unique ability that allows the caster to project their soul outside of their physical body. Traveling in such a way is possible by envisioning the person or place the caster wishes to travel to. No physical or ethereal effects may be used when caster’s soul is projected, but some forms of communication are possible. Cost: 30 AE. Casting Time: Instant. Duration: until ether expires. An ethereal drain of 5 AE for every 10 seconds is applied while spell is active.

  Shimmering Shield Wall - A spell of Anlil’s Light, Shimmering Shield Wall projects a large protective shield of ether. The spell can be guided into nearly any position or shape, but is limited to a single wall with a maximum height of ten feet and maximum width of twenty feet. Cost: 40 AE. Casting Time: 2 minutes. Duration: 10 minutes.

  Kai had already read each a dozen times. He wanted to select them all, yet he was terrified of making some unknown mistake.

  Ban couldn’t remember nearly enough information regarding how dragons used spells, and Imogen had been likewise uncertain.

  Shrugging his shoulders, Kai selected Soul Projection. It burned into place, making a patch of his golden skin glimmer a faint purple. He rubbed it with his fingers, smiling at his tiny accomplishment.

  Nothing weird happened, so why not apply them all?

  Diving back into his EI once more, Kai opened the tab for Spells.

  The Activate Spell Scale tab had a line through its center. It didn’t seem like a valid selection anymore, and when he tried anyhow, a message popped up in his vision.

  All Available Spell Scales Sites are Allocated. Additional Spells available upon Emerald ascension…

  “Blast it,” Kai hissed under his breath. “There I go, choosing a spell at random, and now I’m stuck with it.”

  The thought occurred to him that he could replace this scale with another, but he paused before doing so. Not only did he want to avoid damaging his small store of spell scales, but he also didn’t know if the other choices would be better at this moment.

  The barkskin could be useful in a battle. The same could be said about Breeze Step. Yet using Soul Projection might very well save them in the upcoming days should they find the need to spy on their pu

  He could always experiment again in the future.

  Sighing, Kai nearly brought up his personal information. Too often, he’d been summoning his Character Status, staring at his Progression, thinking about what his mind and body might feel like should he continue to ascend.

  What more can I find? What else is waiting for me to explore, to fight, to claim for my own? Knowing his ambitions would keep him occupied until he woke Rhona for her shift, Kai stood up and returned his treasure to Ban’s baggage.

  He sat down again and at last felt the surging energy of his mind and core slowing.

  Kai needed rest as much as Rhona, but he couldn’t neglect his watch. Clearing his thoughts one at a time, and forcing his breathing into a deeper rhythm, however, gave his body some reprieve.

  He recalled the steps of Crystal Mind, and still cognizant of his surrounding, started the mental technique. Kai focused, breathing long and steady as he tried to envision the pattern his core would soon adopt.

  Then, shattering the peace he’d worked so hard to cultivate, Ban’s voice shouted wordlessly in his mind.

  The champion also stirred, its leg twitching and jolting Kai back into wakefulness.

  I know it must be an awful time to say so, and Kai, you really must forgive me. But I’ve simply had the most wonderful experience!

  Kai heard Rhona cuss under her breath, sitting up startled.

  Honor nickered, sensing the disruption of the once-peaceful camp.

  In the most polite voice he could summon, Kai asked, “What is it, Ban? And can it not wait till morning?”

  The Earth Core answered at once. Of course it can’t, Kai! Otherwise I would have done so. Anyhow, I’ve just come from within Imogen’s Soul Sphere. It’s an amazing piece of craftsmanship, and I can’t wait to integrate it fully.

  “Is that all you’ve got to say, Ban? Cause we’re not exactly sitting around a fire and sharing stories,” Rhona growled.

  Ban laughed through their shared mental link, sounding both amused and a little embarrassed. I’m sorry, Rhona. I’ll go to sleep. I just thought you all might want to know that I have learned the design for summoning a proper door knob. And to think, I thought such knowledge lost forever. Isn’t that simply marvelous?


  Friendly, Fallen


  After Ban had shouted in everyone’s mind, any chance at decent sleep had vanished.

  Rhona was like most soldiers. She could fall asleep on command, but after being rudely awakened, her body would be too riddled with nervous energy to relax any time soon.

  So while Kai drifted back to sleep, and Ban curled up around him in his ponderous houndzard body, Rhona went through her baggage and sorted things out. In the past, she’d have been sharpening her sword. Without such an excuse, she spent an hour oiling her saddle, organizing their food stuffs, and preparing for the day to come.

  Running through the list of items in her mind, she recalled her latest acquisition. She glanced at the bracelet on her wrist for the hundredth time since receiving it.

  Blue and white stones wrapped around her wrist in an unbroken chain. Each stone was a perfect sphere but for the union between one sphere and another where they flattened out to accommodate the other stones.

  Rhona was clueless as to how the bracelet functioned.

  When she’d first put it on, it had shrunk down to fit her wrist. Now, if it wasn’t for the weight of the bracelet, she’d most likely forget it existed.

  It simply fit perfectly.

  What it did, though, was something Rhona wouldn’t soon forget. Having the ability to form a ward to protect herself when she had no armor, no shield, and no weapon… that was a boon worthy of a queen.

  Rhona sighed and glanced around at the slumbering camp site. She’d done some good stretches when they’d stopped and her body still felt limber. Perhaps a bit of exercise then.

  Remembering her kind friend from so long ago, Rhona decided to run through a few of the movements she’d learned from Palben.

  Rhona began by clearing her mind of any distractions, and only when the canvas was clean did she begin.

  The first set of movements were graceful and fluid, moving from one pose to another. Each time she transitioned, she would breathe out. Solidifying that pose, she inhaled as deep as she could. Then she’d move again.

  After half an hour, her body was thrumming with heat, sweat burning away in the cool air.

  Rhona craned her head up at the sky. Morning was soon approaching but not nearly quick enough for her tastes. Might as well get them up a bit early though, she thought. No sense in losing our lead.

  But when she looked over to Kai cuddled up with a bovine-sized lizard dog, deep in sleep and carefree, she couldn’t make herself do it.

  Breakfast then! I’ll make a fine breakfast, and when it’s ready, I’ll wake them both.

  So, with renewed spirits, Rhona set about gathering a few nearly dry sticks. She pulled free her tinder kit, and managed to make a tiny fire. It was half smoke, but she hadn’t expected otherwise.

  Then she rummaged through the food Imogen had sent them off with.

  Filling a small pot with some water, Rhona poured in a few handfuls of grain to soften. Then she removed a large piece of smoked fish. Breaking the fish into pieces, she stirred it into her makeshift stew.

  The rest was a touch of salt and a handful of savory leaves she’d kept dry in her saddle since finding it on the way from Creshon.

  Soon, the water was bubbling away and a fine aroma settled over the camp.

  Honor stirred first, so she brought him a few handfuls of oats and some water.

  Then, with a satisfied smile on her face, Rhona strode over to Kai and gave him the tip of her boot. “Oi! You planning to sleep all day?”

  Kai groaned and rolled onto his back. “Why? It’s barely light out. Maybe another hour or so, huh?”

  Rhona laughed, enjoying herself a bit too much. Having had her own sleep shattered a thousand times in the call of duty made her less than sympathetic. “Fine then. Honor and I will get going, and you two can sleep here till the Vermillion guard catches up.”

  By then, Ban’s champion had stirred. She’s right, Kai. Imogen may slow them down, but we can’t be sure if some were sent on ahead. Best we ignore our aches and pains and get on with the day.

  Slowly, Kai pulled himself up and packed away his sleeping gear.

  Ban, perhaps stirred by hunger, excused himself and tramped away into the swamp.

  Kai and Rhona ate the stew she’d made and watched the sun rise. The trees of the swamp emerged from the gloom all about, and when they could see clearly, Rhona was surprised at how the terrain had already begun to change.

  The black rot that poisoned the Mirin Swamps was fading.

  Now, most of the trees were flush with green leaves. The ground was still damp and puddles pocked the earth in all directions, but they were getting close to leaving this waste behind.

  I, for one, won’t miss one shivving speck of it.

  Ban returned shortly after with a gleam in his houndzard’s eye. I managed to kill and eat two of those swine that live about. Delicious! I’m quite certain that a bit of roasting might have improved the flavor, but I won’t be complaining any time soon.

  Looking between Kai and Rhona, the dungeon champion belched before asking, Are we close to heading off? I’m quite excited to see what Hintar has in store for us.

  Suddenly, a flash of emotion crashed into Rhona’s mind. She braced herself but couldn’t quite keep her balance. In a practiced effort, Rhona managed to collapse over her knees, both hands pressed to the ground.

  Distantly, she could hear Kai grunting and Ban’s champion roaring. Before she could say a thing, she was seeing through a different set of eyes. Eyes that flicked about a cavernous dungeon at the speed of thought itself.

  Plate-clad soldiers, shields held forward and spears jutting between, shoved against a line of golems. Each of the minions
was as strong as a horse, but the Vermillion Guard were known for their high ascension ranks. Besides, they outnumbered the minions at this point.

  Rhona’s gaze shifted, and in a flash, she scanned the upper tunnels of Imogen’s dungeon. All around, the shattered bodies of her minions lay broken, random silver and gold coins scattered around them feeling like nothing more than an insult.

  What else will they take from me? What else can I give? Imogen’s thoughts rang through Rhona’s mind, and with each word, a pang of remorse.

  The elegant bodies of ice wolves were strewn between heaps of rubble from her golems.

  Up near the lake, dozens of eel crocs lay dead, their corpses pale from blood loss.

  Among her own losses, too few of the soldiers could be seen. Rhona could sense how eagerly Imogen had fought for her life, but the Vermillion Guard had healers in their ranks as well. This had made for a one-sided conflict.

  Then Rhona was staring at the bristling shield wall once more. In lightning flashes, Rhona read the cores of the men before her.

  An entire rank of Golden 2 soldiers glared at her. Their yellow cores scorched Rhona’s eyes as she faced them down. At the corners of the formation, and directly behind, others stood who burned brighter. Golden 3 corporals and shield sergeants flared to either side, their own dense cores seeming like forge fires.

  The colors blended together into a garish display of raw power.

  Beyond the common soldiers, two lieutenants flanked a colonel. Both lieutenants were Emerald 1 as was the colonel. Oddly, Rhona noted the man in charge of the prestigious Vermillion Guard appeared far too young for his power, the lines on his face nearly as soft as her own.


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