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The Guild Core: The Complete Saga Boxset: A LitRPG Dungeon Adventure

Page 97

by TJ Reynolds

  “That’s odd,” Kai whispered. “Maybe they smell it, too, but weird to have such a strong reaction.”

  With a growing sense of unease, Kai continued forward down the long passageway.

  At the very end, the room split into two tunnels. One sloped upwards, the other down.

  When Kai saw the deep gash marring the stone wall in the downwards passageway, he knew which one he would take.

  And after spotting a streak of fuzzy black fungus scraped free within the gash, Kai understood the mystery that had been set before them.

  Kai ran back to the kobolds. “Kotsi, I think there might be an abyss beast ahead. Travel right behind the dragonlings this time. If I’m right, I will attempt to bring it down myself. But I’ll most likely need help. Stay sharp.”

  The war chief’s eyes widened, and he nodded solemnly. “As you say, Dragon Kai. The kobolds will not fail you.”

  They moved down the tunnel ahead, diving deeper into the tainted dungeon.

  The other dragons started sneezing occasionally, evidence the fungus was in the air. Everyone would need a purification if they returned from this journey.

  When, Kai chastised himself. You will not fail.

  His concerns weighed heavily on him, however, and they extended beyond the dragonlings.

  Why would an abyss beast be here in an abandoned dungeon? What if there are many of them? And is the shivvered Earth Core safe?

  Breathing deeply, Kai forced the pointless questions from his mind.

  He clutched his glaive and walked down to find out the answers for himself.

  A half-mile further in, he found the beast.

  In the center of a perfectly circular chamber, with walls so smooth only an Earth Core could make them, sat a small pond.

  Glowing reeds grew up around the body of water, adding light to the otherwise dim chamber.

  The broken body of a huge eel was draped over the edge of the pool. Its bright green skin was made more vivid by the crimson of its blood.

  But Kai skipped right over the dead boss monster.

  His eyes were fixed on the hunched beast in the far corner.

  Standing fifteen feet tall, with a long and sinuous body, was an abyss beast. Unlike the pangolin, this monster looked more like a ferret.

  With a snaky body, four strong legs, and a broad tail, it couldn’t have been more distinct from the pangolin Kai had faced.

  The monster’s jaws were working, as if it was chewing. Perhaps another of the monsters that had attacked it.

  The black fuzz that coated its form was undeniable, however, so Kai had no doubt in his mind what they were facing.

  Chasm Marten

  Aqueous Abyssal Fauna

  Emerald 2

  Well, it’s a level down from the pangolin, which is pretty lucky, Kai mused. But I am quite certain the beast will be powerful.

  Something else was different this time. The label Aqueous seemed bothersome.

  Only one way to find out, Kai thought as he warned the dragonlings to stay back. This was a fight he didn’t want to risk them getting involved in.

  Kai cast Barbed Barkskin on himself, hoping it might lend some small advantage in the fight, then walked into the chamber and transformed.

  As his body extended and his clothes tore free, the clever armor Ban had designed for him paid off yet again.

  The greaves and bracers fell away first. The straps had been perfectly designed so that when Kai’s limbs expanded, the clasps broke free on their own accord.

  A second later, the plate mail that covered his torso and chest clattered to the stone floor as well.

  Kai’s vision shifted, becoming the sharp and colorful perspective his dragon form possessed, the dim dungeon growing suddenly brighter.

  Turning around to inspect what might be intruding on its meal, the abyss marten faced Kai.

  Kai stalked forward.

  He examined the monster’s face, admiring its terrible beauty. The marten had a long snout, almost canine in shape. Tall ears jutted up above its flat head.

  Bright golden eyes burned like fell lanterns in its face.

  The beast opened its mouth and hissed.

  Then a voice spoke in his mind. Dragon? You are too late to save your Earth Core. But I am still hungry.

  Kai’s heart wrenched in his chest. What have you done with the core? he demanded.

  Another rasping hiss followed, and the marten’s ribs heaved in laughter. I’ve taken its Progression. Only a modest meal, but one that will take me closer to ascending.

  The abyss creature stepped closer, its body ripping with taut muscle.

  Kai screamed mentally to the dragonlings. He showed them all images of his fangs, demanding with raw emotion, Stay Away. Hide. Flee.

  Then he commanded Greg to wait behind him and act as support if needed.

  You’ll die for your actions, monster, Kai said. Just as the one who died before you.

  Suddenly, the marten stopped. Its ears lifted and its head rose up a few feet. You’re the one who killed my brother? You killed the pangolin?

  Yes, Kai admitted. Just as I will kill you.

  Hoping his suspicion was wrong, Kai reared up his head, opened his jaws, and activated Flame Spear. A jet of impossibly hot fire burst from his jaws.

  The inferno bathed the marten’s face, and the monster darted to the side to avoid the flames.

  Kai followed its path, but then his foe triggered an ability of its own.

  Swishing its tail to the side, the appendage flattened vertically, turning into a massive paddle. A wave of blue-and-black ether surged from its tail.

  And just like that, Kai’s flames were doused.

  He could have continued to trigger the spell again and again, but the odd Water ether spell struck Kai with such force that the wind was knocked from his lungs.

  Shaking his neck, Kai stared in awe at the monster.

  Despite the smoke rising up from its face and chest, it appeared unharmed.

  Fire to fight the Water? The marten questioned. You are a fool.

  Kai growled in response.

  Then the two giants converged, running around the side of the pond opposite the defeated eel boss.

  As Kai ran, he tried another spell. He started casting Confounded Core, hoping he could confuse the beast and finish it with claw and fang.

  They clashed well before it completed.

  Kai slashed out with his claws, aiming for the monster’s vulnerable neck.

  The marten blurred suddenly, and the air seemed to warp around its sleek body. Then it vanished entirely.

  The beast appeared beside Kai in a cloud of black ether with jaws already open to attack. It bit deep into Kai’s neck.

  Its fangs were long and incredibly sharp. They pierced Kai’s hardened scales, and pain lanced up and down his neck. More terrifying was the surge of liquid heat that poured into him.

  Tearing his neck free, Kai fell back and swung his tail.

  But the monster again vanished and popped into existence some fifty feet away.

  It has some form of Breeze Step, Kai realized. If it can teleport, there’s no way I can fight this thing how I’m accustomed to.

  The effects of the venom were already spreading in his body.

  Thankfully, it didn’t seem to numb or paralyze. Rather, the venom burned as it coursed through his veins. With each second that ticked by, his health deteriorated further.

  Come on, dragon, the marten taunted, slinking sideways as it watched Kai. I thought this would be a challenge.

  Kai began to recast Confounded Core. Being bitten had thrown off his concentration, and he’d dropped the spell on accident.

  He just needed fifteen seconds to pull it off.

  If it wishes to use words, then I will make use of that at least. Kai limped forward, exaggerating his injury. You may be surprised, monster. I am stronger than I appear.

  The marten released a rattling laugh again. Unlikely. My venom runs through you already. I wou
ld sit and watch it take effect, but I’d rather enjoy killing you myself.

  Kai could tell the monster was about to use its teleporting spell once more by the way it suddenly went still. He called out with his mind once more, hoping to buy a few more seconds. Why? Why are you and your brothers attacking the surface? And why now?

  The marten paused and tilted its head to the side. Do you not hunger, dragon? We have been locked away for countless years. There is very little to eat down there. I haven’t ascended in far too long! It took another step toward Kai and wove its head side to side in agitation. It is our time now! Our time to feast!

  Then the monster vanished, reappearing beside Kai with its jaws wide.

  Kai released his spell.

  The second before he was bit again, Confounded Core struck the monster in its chest. The purple Soul ether absorbed into monster in an instant, making it shudder briefly before stumbling away.

  Shock and confusion registered in its yellow eyes.

  Without hesitation, Kai reacted. He swung his tail again and struck the marten in its shoulder. The blow sounded like a log striking the forest floor.

  A cloud of black fuzz puffed outward, and the marten tumbled backwards.

  While he moved forward, Kai noticed a terrifying weakness in his forelegs. The venom’s effects were advancing more rapidly than he’d thought.

  He would have trouble fighting this monster without help.

  Greg, attack with all of your skills! Kai shouted.

  The champion charged in, launching first the vast wave of darts that pelted the marten’s flesh.

  A screech of pain erupted from the monster’s throat, and its sinuous hide writhed. The beast scrambled to get away, retreating further into the chamber.

  Kai limped forward, this time not having to pretend his body was failing him.

  Charging up for a Restoring Tide, Kai watched as Greg triggered Arachnid Assault. The spell lanced out and pierced the marten’s ribs.

  With a smoking hole in its side, the monster panicked. It ran at Greg, eyes wide in fury.

  Greg stepped back, and his body began to glow as his final skill started to cast. But the marten pounced before it released.

  The monster closed its jaws around Greg’s skull even as the champion’s dagger arms plunged into its shoulders.

  A sickening pop sounded, and Greg’s body fell limp.

  Then a battle cry rose up as a squadron of fierce kobolds entered the fray. Kotsi and Sora led their band of fighters around the small pond, weapons held high.

  They are brave, Kai thought, but they cannot survive that thing… not alone, at least.

  Finally, having little other recourse, Kai gave a mental shout to the dragonlings. Fight! Kill! Destroy!

  As Kai walked forward as quickly as he could, his healing spell finally finished charging. The cool wash of Water ether soothed much of the venom’s burning.

  Still, it would not cure him completely.

  He started casting another Restoring Tide as he watched his small companions close on the monster.

  The kobolds thrust their spears into the beast’s legs and chest, but none were powerful enough to cause much damage. Sora, however, used a skill that extended his spear with ether.

  It punched deep into the marten’s shoulder, damaging the joint.

  Still in a frenzy, the monster tossed Greg’s head aside and moved on Sora. Its huge front paws came together as it pounced.

  Sora fell to the ground, his chest collapsing as the immense weight bore down on him.

  Kotsi swung his war axe, which gleamed as a skill was triggered. It cleaved into the marten’s neck, and blood fountained across the band of kobolds.

  The creatures screamed in fury and more of their attacks cut into the beast.

  The marten hissed and swatted a kobold so hard its neck audibly snapped. Then, seeing its own demise rapidly approaching, the abyss monster turned and bounded to the back of the cave.

  Beating wings announced the arrival of the dragonlings.

  Kai knew they would have the combined might to finish the beast, but couldn’t risk one of them being bitten. The marten’s venom was too much for any of them to handle alone.

  As his second healing spell washed through his wounded body, Kai forced himself to run.

  On weak legs, Kai bounded below the cloud of shrieking dragonlings. He pushed himself to his limits, only seeking to perform a single action.

  The marten stared at them in horror, unable to evade his attackers. It backed against the dungeon wall and bunched its muscles in preparation to attack.

  As it sprung into the air, surprisingly strong despite its injuries, Kai moved his head to the side. This exposed his neck, but Kai had no intentions of letting the monster bite him a second time.

  Striking like a serpent, Kai sunk his fangs into the base of the marten’s head. He clamped down with all his might and forced the beast down to the dungeon floor.

  It slammed into the stone with incredible force.

  Claws dug into Kai’s neck as the marten tried to free itself, but any chance of survival was gone.

  Without being able to witness their actions, Kai felt the marten’s body shudder and quake as the dragonlings tore into it with all their fury.

  The abyss monster moaned in pain as it was torn apart.

  Kai could only think of Sora and the other kobold that had died.

  He held on to the marten, holding it in place as the strength ebbed from its body.

  At last, the beast went limp and a cloud of ether suffused the air. Kai let go and collapsed to the ground, panting in pain and exertion.

  As he cast another Restoring Tide, well aware that he would need to use some of the medicinal herbs Ban had sent with them to cure the venom completely, Kai took in the seething dragonlings.

  All were coated in blood and black fungus, each terrible to look upon.

  Then he noticed they were glowing slightly. Their bodies vibrated occasionally, and their muscles spasmed.

  In the fatigue caused by the venom, it took Kai a while to realize what was happening to them.

  Then, as the Azure placed his bloodied forelegs atop the marten and roared in triumph, the truth of the matter became clear.

  They have filled their cores at last. The dragonlings are ready for ascension.


  Acting with Ambition


  Dropping into Spirit Flow yet again, Rhona felt her pool of ether slowly drain as she zipped forward at her first target.

  The drimgard stood an even six feet tall, and when Rhona had watched the improved minion fight, she’d been extremely impressed with its agility as well as strength.

  Ban had spent several days modifying his dalgard fighters, making them simultaneously stronger and faster. With slightly more human-like features, the drimgard were disconcerting to look upon.

  Rhona suggested facemasks, and though fighting faceless monsters wasn’t much better, she preferred it.

  The drimgard raised its halberd and stepped forward to slash down at her.

  But Spirit Flow caused the minion’s otherwise quick attack to slow dramatically. Rhona felt the tides of ether that filled the air, judging them to predict the flow of battle. It was hard to do, but the more she worked with the skill, the more it gave her.

  Rhona darted under the drimgard’s upraised hands and slammed it on the chest with Etheric Sapping. Her opponent’s body shuddered in slow motion as she pulled AE from its core.

  This slowed the rapid drain of ether her Spirit Flow demanded.

  Rhona spun and ran toward the two swordsmen positioned ten feet behind the halberdier.

  She felt a tingle at the side of her neck, so she veered off course briefly. An arrow flew past at half speed.

  The second archer’s shot gave her a tingle on her thigh a heartbeat later. Rather than dodge this one, Rhona moved behind the cover the swordsman on her left could offer.

  Then, as these fights tended to go, Rhon
a ended the bout as quickly as it had started.

  The drimgard thrust its sword at her stomach with one hand. Rhona grabbed and guided its wrist past her stomach, then pounded her open palm against the monster’s facemask.

  The combined force of its momentum and the ability she’d triggered made for terrifying results.

  Bangled Paw was a simple ability.

  It discharged a small amount of ether at the point of contact, causing an instant increase in overall damage output. When used effectively, however, the skill became an instant kill.

  Rhona saw the minion’s head snap back sharply, its facemask cracking as a cloud of ether burst from her palm. The ether formed a pattern in the air briefly: striations like the striped hide of a tiger.

  The pop of its spine told her the minion was done for.

  Rhona released the drimgard’s wrist and took a single step toward the remaining swordsman.

  By then, the minion’s original strike had taken its blade well away from Rhona. The monster had committed to a sideways slash. As any swordsman would do, it appeared the drimgard was about to swing its blade in a backhanded slash now.

  But Rhona was far too quick.

  She leapt in the air, legs bunching beneath her.

  Then she triggered the second skill she’d learned from Jakodi.

  Her foot flashed out in a precise arc. It landed square in the center of the drimgard’s chest, caving in the breastplate like it was made of tin.

  A spear of ether tore through the minion, lancing out six feet behind the monster.

  Tiger Spear was perhaps Rhona’s favorite new skill. It not only penetrated armor, but if she performed it correctly, she could kill two or even three enemies with the same attack.

  Rhona released Spirit Flow and landed with her legs sprawled over the drimgard she’d slain.

  Two bows twanged from opposing sides of the room.

  She acted on instinct, using what Jakodi had described as Spirit Flow’s wake to guide her reactions.

  Rhona jump and twisted slightly, and the arrows streaked past her body, clattering harmlessly across the stone floor.

  When she landed again, Rhona sprinted toward the nearest archer.


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