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The Guild Core: The Complete Saga Boxset: A LitRPG Dungeon Adventure

Page 123

by TJ Reynolds

  Progression Needed for Ascension

  Crimson 1: 100

  Crimson 2: 125

  Crimson 3: 150

  Amber 1: 300

  Amber 2: 450

  Amber 3: 675

  Golden 1: 1,350

  Golden 2: 2,700

  Golden 3: 5,400

  Emerald 1: 10,800

  Emerald 2: 21,600

  Emerald 3: 43,200

  Viridian 1: 86,400

  Viridian 2: 172,800

  Viridian 3: 345,600

  Cobalt 1: 691,200

  Cobalt 2: 1,382,400

  Indigo 1: 2,764,800

  Indigo 2: 5,529,600

  Violet: 11,059,200

  Lumen: ?

  Select Examples of Dragonkind: Excerpts from - Descended from a Star: a Brief History and Classification of the Various Descendants of Kevir the Mighty

  “The Azure Dragon of South Hintar: a divine beast without peer regarding its splendid wingspan. Though not nearly so robust in frame as the indomitable Zargan Red, the largest Azure Dragon measured was over 30 cana long, or in a more modern unit, 135 feet. Most often aligned with the ever-gracious Briga, the Azure Dragons tend also to be bound to that Goddess’ elemental affinity, water.”

  “The Bale Dragon of the Nalidi desert is known and named for its puissant use of bale fire. Given to worshiping Yugos, this dragon possesses a strong affinity for the fire element. Not known to be either patient or inclusive, the Nalidi Bale Dragon tends to avoid society but for the few times a year when the fire element is strongest. Gathering in small groups, the Bale Dragons spend days at a time reveling in the splendor of their significant powers as they melt and shape stone structures in the desert.

  By combining various minerals, gems and rock types, the dragons produce some of the most breathtaking works of art. A selfish dragon through and through, the Bale Dragons will give supplications to Yugos and to the glory of their own powers until the season has passed. Then they crush the masterpieces with a few lazy swings of their armored tails and fly off to sulk in lonely haunts until the next solstice.”

  “The Basilisk is listed only because so many mistake this creature’s nature. Called False Friend by the dragons because of a long-forgotten betrayal. Called Egg Stealer because the basilisks have long coveted the dragons’ power, and have been known to steal and eat their unguarded eggs. Called Pretender for the manner in which basilisks will claim to be the very creatures they hate the most. Unwinged creatures with cruel hearts, the basilisks were hunted to near extinction.”

  “The Mireen Dragon is known for its shimmering green-scaled hide. These noble and gentle dragons prefer to live in the deep forest, using the evergreens as camouflage. Often servants of Andag, the Mireen Dragons surprisingly often choose Yugos as well, as they worship fire, respecting its powers of consumption.”

  “The Kolshar Moon Dragon is a smaller beast of only 10 cana snout to tail. They once called the Pearl Islands their home, and though their hides are a mottled gray that is unimpressive to look upon, the creatures earned their name as Moon dragon for their rare nocturnal behavior. These beasts tend to worship Angut, the god of the Abyss, and were once powerful enough to stand up to the council of dragons.”

  “The Orondi Dragon, also simply called the Gold Dragon, is a noble creature whose bright scales speak equally honest of their bright minds. Given to endless study, these dragons choose a wide range of deities, each worshipping the god closest to their individual personality. Despite having the mental prowess to do so, the Orondi seek most often to become advisors and not the leaders of the world. And their services are considered more valuable than any other asset. It is said that if a king has the benefit of an Orondi advisor, his kingdom will flourish a thousand years.”

  Select Examples of the Fauna of Anvar:

  Baliska: The spawn of the larger and more formidable basilisk. In accordance to the will of their creator, these beasts are given to taking on many physical forms. These creatures can live independently of their basilisk master, and surprisingly, show signs of intelligence and goodwill towards other creatures when free of subjection.

  Bunyip: A race of humanoid creatures with primitive technology but a keen sense of culture. Considered friendly by most species of Anvar, the bunyips are nevertheless often targeted as a food source due to their high fat content.

  Fell Bully: One of the largest species of frog in the known world, the Fell Bullies secrete a poison from their musk glands that induces vivid hallucinations lasting upwards of twelve hours. The beasts have dwindled in numbers as the ancestors of modern Brintoshi hunted them for the drug they secrete for centuries.

  Gargen: A small imp-like race of humanoids with the body of its closely related gargoyle brethren. Having adapted to subterranean environments, their wings have withered. Though no longer capable of flight, their stout limbs make them formidable foes.

  Midgeling: A race of diminutive humanoid creatures that excels in music, dance, and story-telling. Lacking the ability to craft paper, the midgelings pass on their knowledge in the oral tradition.

  Miremog: A many-limbed creepy thing that lives in the swamp in the southern reaches of Brintosh. Many claim it came from a sentient and benevolent species that was transformed by centuries of blight.

  Brief Description of the Three Kingdoms of Anvar:

  Brintosh (The Tiger): The military powerhouse of Anvar. Once worshippers of peaceful Andag, the pale-skinned savages left their primal roots behind when they adopted the fire and steel of Yugos. They maintain control of the largest harbors, and therefore have a large navy and incomparable cavalry and heavy infantry.

  Brintosh’s capital is Creshon.

  Kaltan (The Phoenix): Holding an economic advantage, Kaltan maintains independence from Brintosh through a thriving spice, horse, and gem trade. Rumors have surfaced claiming the Kaltanese nobles have an alliance with the Pinteans. Their elite forces consist of mounted archers, light infantry, and a network of peerless assassins.

  Kaltan’s capital is Shosh.

  Hintar (The Dragon): Fallen from power, this realm still maintains its territory by taking advantage of the Zargan Mountains that divide the continent. A tall and golden-skinned people, the Hintari boast the most powerful mages, rangers, and light cavalry.

  Hintar’s capital is Arba.

  Concise History of the Formation of the Three Kingdoms of Anvar:

  The world of Lianin is composed of an endless, tumbling sea and three continents, which account for the majority of all viable landmass. The two most populous continents are Pintea and Anvar. The third continent remains a land of legend, and though few are remembered, has been called by many names. The Land of the Gods is one of them.

  Pintea lies across the Wyvern Sea, so despite hostile relations, Anvar and her rival continent refuse to contend in outright war due to the difficulties of navigation. Dominated by the Elven Council, Pintea is home to many of the magically affiliated races: the gnomes, the beastkin, the elves, and their stocky cousins, the dwarves.

  Anvar was once called Hintar and was ruled by the Hintari lords of old. Having made the mistake of allowing the Brintoshi and Kaltanese refugees to flee the islands off the coast of Pintea, the Hintari soon found their shores overrun by savages. The Brintoshi and Kaltanese grew in population, and formed an alliance. The warlike civilizations forced Hintar to split its kingdom in three parts, and bound one another in an unlikely alliance called the Cantor Treaty.

  A century later, the kingdoms of Brintosh and Kaltan found themselves bored and hungry for more territory. Reforging their alliance, they plotted and played out The Dragon War. Hintar struck a deal to maintain control of a portion of their old territory. By committing an act of unforgiveable betrayal, the Hintari royalty sided with the Tiger and Phoenix, and ambushed their dragon allies. All of the dragons were killed in a single massacre.

  Further Bancroftian Idioms and Their Qualitative Translations:

  Easy come easy go - Quick to hand but har
d to throw

  Blessing in disguise - A wyvern with blunted teeth

  Dime a dozen - A dollar for a basket of chicks

  Letting the cat out of the bag - relinquish the hippogriff

  Stealing my thunder - Steal my chain lightning

  Wild goose chase - a centaur hunt

  Two birds with one stone - three heroes in one trap

  Cat out of the bag - let the lion out of the pit

  Elephant in the room - the dragon in the cellar

  Sorcha’s Heavenly Leavened Loaf:

  Baker’s Receipt~

  ◆1 1/2 cups of Buttermilk (If you’ve no Buttermilk at hand, substitute with equal parts of Clabbered Milk.

  ◆6 dessert spoons of rendered Swine, Duck, or Beef fat

  ◆1 dessert spoon of Molasses

  ◆1 dessert spoon of Sugar

  ◆1 kitchen spoon of Salt

  ◆3 1/2 cups of Flowre (wheat, rye, or barley)

  ◆3 kitchen spoons of Yeast (substitute with equal parts of Saleratus if no yeast is at hand)

  ◆1 salt spoon each of Thyme, Rosemary, and Angelica

  ◆A skosh of Sorrel and Black Pepper

  A Note on Preparation and Execution~

  Remember the adage: a lazy farmer loses his crop, but a lazy cook (or in this case a baker) can send his neighbor to an early grave with a plague of ill humours. WASH YOUR SHIVVING HANDS!

  Preferably with a bar of sandsoap.

  Always prepare your work area by rubbing it down with lemon rinds or else give it a good scrubbing with vinegar or a nip of your father’s whiskey.

  After, strew some extra flowre about your kneading board.

  Finally, make sure to knead for at least ten minutes. It’s a pain when you’ve a dozen more to follow, but the movements invigorate the body and spirit!

  Steps for Producing the Dough~

  Churn your buttermilk, lard or tallow, sugar and molasses in a bowl. In a separate, more commodious bowl, whisk together your dry ingredients, including the yeast.

  Finally, stir the dry into the wet, just a little at a time now.

  Make sure your stirring arm is good and loose, especially if you make double.

  The dough shouldn’t be too dry. If it is, add a splash of buttermilk and you’ll be in the clear.

  Next, knead the bread.

  Take advantage of this activity by envisioning all of the disappointing figures in your life. It’s better than iced brandy and lemon tea… well, almost so.

  Finally, cover your dough and let it rise for an hour. When it has plumped up to twice its size, give the lump some good punches before kneading it over a few times more.

  Many bakers fashion their dough in the likeness of loved ones or prominent figures in society. Animals, most especially birds, are popular as well.

  I use a shivving bread pan, but do as Andag inspires you.

  While the dough sets to rise for another half hour, quicken your stove and latch it tighter than a chicken’s vent. You’ll want a moderate oven.

  As any goodwife will tell you, leave the loaf in the oven till she’s good and done. Golden brown is what you want to see. (For a bit more flavour, pull the loaf out a few minutes early and brush on some black butter. Then put the loaf back in till it darkens to the color of molasses.)

  Methods and Mannerisms to Enhance Enjoyment of the Loaf

  It isn’t unwise to enjoy freshly baked bread without adornment.

  When still warm, few things in this harrowing land can compare.

  For the pioneering pallete, however, utilize a salamander to toast a slice or two. It lends the bread a fine crunch that brings to mind the textures of crisp bacon or glazed scones. I am partial to Canapés, modest portions of sliced bread that are either buttered or sautéd and slathered over in minced meats or fish.

  If you find a need for a more spectacular crunch, mind the same slice of bread with the salamander twice over. A few in the town over call this zwieback bread, and though I consider it abhorrent, my father has taken to it.

  Most often, a fine loaf of bread is best served alongside a proper meal. Aside from a proper portion of greens, a well seasoned house lamb can be a fine treat.

  Consider placing a rasher of gammon on the bread, or do as the Brintoshi soldiers do (half-starved savages as they are) and fold the gammon between two slices of bread. I can’t be certain, but I believe this invention is referred to as a sandwich.

  Croquettes remain my favorite companion to the Heavenly Leavened Loaf. They can be made with minced meat or fish, folded in with a few handfuls of raspings, dried herbs, and chopped giblets. Mold these into flat cakes and fry them in oil.

  Regardless of how you take your bread, I feel certain you won’t be finding a more thorough accounting of its procedures than here.

  Three pennies a loaf, Winford’s Bakery in Mindonne Town has and always will have the finest bread in all of Anvar!

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  About the Author

  Hey all, TJ here.

  Thanks for reading my book. It was a special project that formed around a single moment: when a young man makes friends with a lonely dungeon.

  It’s so magical when two beings, on different paths, come together. Anything becomes possible.

  I’m a gamer at heart, but too often lack the time I used to spend playing 8-bit RPGs in my childhood or WoW and FPS games as an adult.

  I’m an Army Infantry veteran that spent a year in Mosul, Iraq from 04-05. This gave me the inspiration to write Rhona, but also Drystan. He’s a monster but one I can, unfortunately, sometimes relate to.

  If you’d like to learn more about me, feel free to stalk my FB or website!

  Other books by TJ Reynolds

  Eternal Online Book One: The Shattered Sword

  Eternal Online Book 2: The Ruined Temple

  Eternal Online Book 3: The Fallen God

  Acknowledgements and Royal Road Love

  To the following beta readers who ripped apart my first drafts with a keen savagery only wolves and espresso-riddled grad students regularly display.

  Much love:

  James Auwaerter, GreenKing, Nolan Saylor, Roethan, Daniel A., Omy Sadat, Bored Monster, Johnymac2, Bobboky, Anjin, Erik da swede, and Brynath.

  Finally, thanks to all the Royal Road readers who commented, liked, reviewed, and appreciated my story long before it was finished. Here is a massive list of their names in random order:

  Oski, TheHuscarl, Mdp45, Yimkumer Jamz, Brin, Moonlitwings, pantlessbandit, Schuldraigh, MarkM, P-J, lealkill, Necamijat, Silphendio, ShadowOfHAvoc, mio, Thelm, J4498, The Lost, Raulks, ancalagon6913, Kap, Shadygrave, Len923, TenFap, Bagarem, Not_A_Hat, Zethuron, Rainmaker_118, Roxt, Rusty Knight, MaliMi, Commander Kane, Royal Butterfly Force, Bruhtonn, Victo, Litrpg101, FalcOn, Frealzilla, Maari, Darkdej, Daniel, Graal 999, lenkite, Elaborate, FOTC, pyrak, aloisius, and Ravatar. is a special place where lowly scribes master the quill and trolls devour all who fall short of greatness.

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