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Make it Reighn (A Threads Inc. Saga Book 1)

Page 8

by R. J. Castille

  I continued to trail kisses up her neck until I reached her earlobe. Sucking it into my mouth, I bit down slightly causing goosebumps to form beneath my lips. Brittney reached up and grasped the back of my head, encouraging me to continue. Moving to the other side, I repeated my motions until she was moaning softly. My cock jumped in my pants, responding to her sounds of arousal. I reached up with my hand and untied the bow that held the halter top she wore securely around her neck. The fabric fell down, the ends of the ties trailing down past her waist. Large, firm mounds greeted me, and I licked my lips in anticipation. Reaching around, I caressed her breasts and pinched one nipple between my thumb and forefinger causing it to harden immediately and eliciting another delightful sound from my newest concubine.

  When I felt she was primed and ready, I moved around the front of the chair and used my hand to help her to a standing position. I turned her so her back was to the mirror so that I could take the seat that was now in front of her. Before lowering myself onto its surface, I reached down and unfastened the button that held my pants in place and pulled the zipper down. My already hardened phallus sprung forth. Brittney looked on, licking her lips as I stroked my shaft a few times as she watched. She dropped slowly to her knees and nudged my legs open as she moved farther forward. I smiled as she bent forward at the waist and took me into her mouth.

  Brittney used her tongue to tease the tip of my cock when she withdrew, swirling it around before sucking my erection back into her mouth. I felt the end hit the back of her throat as she moaned which only served to excite me further, a distinct vibration stimulating me as she withdrew again. Her head bobbed up and down slowly as she found her rhythm and sucked harder as she pulled back, following with her hand squeezing me from the base to the tip in a milking motion. I let my head roll back and closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation of her mouth on my most sensitive place. Brittney was relentless as she pumped me continuously with her hand and mouth until I began to quiver in anticipation of my orgasm.

  Instead of giving her what she clearly wanted, I pushed her off my length and stood in front of her. Spinning her around I bent her over the chair and ran my hand up her inner thigh toward her heated core. I could feel the intensity before I reached her sweet spot. Brittney was already dripping and ready for the taking. Sliding two fingers inside her drenched pussy, her head dropped down and she uttered a low moan. Stroking her several times with my fingers, I reached around with my thumb and circled her clit, pressing firmly as I did so. Brittney’s knees buckled and she almost fell forward so I wrapped my other arm around her waist to hold her firmly in place.

  Glancing around the room quickly, my eyes fell onto what I was searching for. My pants were folded neatly and sitting on the top of a small table near where we stood. Stretching my arm out while continuing to tease Brittney with my fingers, I was able to grasp the corner of the hem and pull them toward us. Fishing inside the back pocket, I pulled out my wallet and retrieved a hidden treasure from inside. Tearing open the package I rolled the condom down my shaft with one hand before turning my complete attention back to the blonde who was bent over the chair waiting for me. I hated wearing them but I did not know Brittney from the next woman so I was just taking the extra precaution. Better safe than sorry.

  Grasping my phallus in my hand, I teased Brittney with the tip, sliding it up and down her glistening slit. She arched her back and pushed her ass up toward me to give me a better angle. I grabbed a handful of her skin as I pushed inside her, her tight pussy clamping down on my length. She lowered her head and moaned softly as I pulled myself free almost entirely before sinking inside again. I was attempting to go slow, but that only lasted a few dozen strokes as I was soon thrusting hard and fast inside her. My hand reached forward and grabbed a fistful of her blonde locks pulling her head backward and using it as extra leverage. Each time I pushed forward, my hips slapped against her ass, causing it to shiver slightly at my motion. The sight was mesmerizing and encouraged me to move faster.

  Brittney reached around with her hand, encouraging me to go deeper and I happily obliged, thrusting my entire length inside her. I couldn’t help myself as I raised my hand up and brought it down on her buttock, the slapping sound musical in my ears. Repeating the motion several times until her cheeks were bright red, Brittney was doing her best not to cry out loud. When she shuddered beneath me, I knew her orgasm was coming so I pushed inside her as deep as I could, spreading her open with my hand after landing another blow to her round ass. She rolled her head to the side and moaned loudly as her legs collapsed beneath her and her pussy tightened on my cock.

  Without hesitation, I thrust inside her several more times before finding my release. When I was finished I pulled free and lowered my forehead onto her shoulders, panting uncontrollably and desperately trying to regain my composure. Several minutes passed before I was able to stand without feeling dizzy and did so slowly when I could. Brittney turned her head to the side and smiled up at me as I slipped the condom off carefully and discarded it in a nearby wastebasket. She looked amused as I fumbled with the pants that were now pooled around my ankles, attempting to pull them up without falling over completely.

  After we were both redressed, I peeked my head out of the dressing room and checked the hallway in either direction. No one was outside the door and I did not observe anyone mulling about the area, so I pulled the door all the way open and stepped aside to allow Brittney to exit. She turned and gave me a brief, one-armed hug as she turned and headed down the corridor and out of sight. I rubbed my head with the back of my hand. I was ready for a sandwich and a nap by that point and I still had to get back home. Fortunately, I was not driving so I would be able to relax in the back seat as I was chauffeured back to my condo.

  Chapter 7


  I managed to put my mother off for an extra few days before I could no longer prolong the inevitable. Courtney was excited to go with me even if it was only to see the look on my mother’s face when I told her about my new digs in person. She hated the way my mother always dragged me down, always pointing out my faults and weaknesses. My best friend and I had been together since grade school, so Courtney had witnessed my degradation on numerous occasions and was chomping at the bit to see me give her the I told you so routine I had rehearsed for the last few days.

  Adam and Ruth Goldstein lived in a large home in a well-to-do neighborhood in Pasadena. Far enough away from the riff raff to put their minds at ease, yet not so far as to put them out if they had to venture into the big city. Courtney drove through the narrow streets until we reached the large gates that marked their property. My parents had no qualms about declaring to the world their status and spared no expense when it came to their lifestyle. That was a fact that was quite apparent as soon as we drove through the gates and down the long driveway. As Courtney eased the car along the curbing along the circular driveway in front of their immense home, my heartrate elevated immediately, and I could feel the tension in my neck. I never looked forward to a visit with my mother. Despite the wonderful news I had delivered the other day, I just knew that she would have something negative to say. She always did.

  As we exited the vehicle and made our way up the sidewalk to the large, double-doors at the entryway, Courtney reached out and placed her hand gently on my shoulder. It was a gesture of reassurance that I definitely needed. My best friend always knew what I needed, even if I didn’t utter a single word and for that I was eternally grateful. She allowed me to take several deep breaths and compose myself before pressing the doorbell. A loud chime echoed from the other side of the door announcing to everyone inside that we had arrived. I caught myself holding my breath as we waited for someone to answer and had to force myself to let it out slowly through pursed lips.

  The door cracked, and the narrow face of my parents’ butler appeared. He regarded us both before nodding curtly and pulling the door all the way open. Stepping aside so that Courtney and I could cross the t
hreshold, he lowered his gaze as we passed before closing the door securely behind us. I did not wait for him to direct us as I already knew where I would find my mother. Instead, I smiled in his direction as we turned and headed down the hallway toward a large thoroughfare that opened up into a sitting area on the other side. An enormous, overstuffed couch and matching love seat were poised in the center of the room with a glass-top coffee table centered in between them. Matching end-tables sat next to the couch on either side with ornately decorated vases filled with fresh, red roses placed in the center on top of a hand-made doily. My mother had impeccable taste and decorating had always been one of her hobbies. It definitely showed as her sitting room had the appearance of one of those houses staged with furniture no one would ever sit in just to give the potential buyer an idea of what it may look like once it was filled with their own pieces.

  Across the room seated in front of a tall, French style window, my mother sat with her nose in a large book. When she finally noticed us standing in the room, she jumped slightly in mock surprise. I knew she could not have been caught off guard since she was sitting in a window that looked out across the front yard and the doorbell did a wonderful job of announcing our arrival. She placed a bookmark in between the pages before setting the book down on the small, decorative table next to the chair. Standing slowly, she turned and approached my friend and me.

  Ruth Goldstein was in her mid-fifties but looked as though she had not aged in about twenty years. The plastic surgeon she used must own a gold mine with the amount of work he had done on her and I was sure there was more to come. My mother folded me into her arms in a brief embrace, patting me lightly on the middle back before withdrawing and turning her attention to Courtney. She hugged my friend in greeting, the same rehearsed gesture, before turning toward the couches and lowering herself onto the love seat. We took our places across from her and I locked my gaze onto hers.

  “It’s about time you came around to see me. Really, Jessica, you should not be such a stranger. You never know when I will be gone, and I would hate for you to feel guilty when I pass for not visiting me as often as you should,” her voice took on the tone of someone who was chastising another person but attempting to sound like they were not. She did not do a very good job at masking her contention and I doubted that was accidental.

  “Sorry mother, I have just been busy with my new job. I meant to come the other day when you invited us but, things have a way of creeping up on me and I got bogged down with preparing myself to tackle my first official job,” I smiled at my mother. It was a genuine smile, but I could not help but feel like I sounded as smug as I thought I did. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Courtney beaming at my mother just begging her to say something to burst my bubble. If I knew my friend, she would not allow that to happen without returning her banter.

  “Well, you are forgiven, I suppose,” her voice did not waiver. She was dragging it out on purpose just to make me feel worse. It worked, a little, but I stuffed the feeling back down inside and looked on, waiting for her to continue. “Your father and I are quite proud of you. Regina is a well-known and prominent figure in the community and I am overjoyed to know that she sees your underlying qualities.” I was floored by her sentiment. It had been a long time since I had heard my mother utter anything other than negativity when it came to my endeavors. Her current exclamations were definitely a welcome relief.

  “Thank you, mother. That really means a lot to me. I worked diligently to complete my degree, and early with honors I might add, but the icing on that cake is the fact that you are actually proud of me,” as I spoke, Ruth Goldstein’s smile grew bigger. In that moment, all the effort I had put forth over the last several years had finally come to fruition. Instead of continuing to feel I needed to gloat, I dismissed the things I had practiced I would say in retort to anything negative she put forth. For the first time in what seemed like forever, she was actually paying me homage for everything that I had done. It was about time.

  “You know I am! I have always been proud of you, Jessica. You are smart, have a head on your shoulders and don’t let yourself get caught up in meaningless drama. What more could a mother ask for?” For a brief moment, it seemed as though she was upset with how I had inferred that she never displayed any emotion when it came to my efforts, but I had been completely off. She had said it out loud and I even had a witness to attest to the first time in my life that she had anything but negativity to cast in my direction. I was even more thankful for the presence of my best friend at that moment.

  As I filled in my mother with the details of my new position at Threads, I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, causing my attention to be momentarily diverted. My father had entered the room quietly, not wanting to disrupt our conversation. He smiled when he noticed me looking in his direction and offered me a timid wave. I finished telling my mother about the first writing assignment Ms. Shultz had given me. It was a fairly large project and I was both intimidated and excited to be given the opportunity to show her my stuff. When I stopped speaking, my father used the opportunity to interject his opinion of the matter.

  “I know you will do well, Sweet Pea. You have always excelled at writing and I knew someday that it would take you places the rest of us can only imagine. Someday, I see you in the same lofty position as Regina, looking down at the rest of the world through rose-colored glasses,” he leaned down and planed a small kiss on the top of my head to emphasize his sentiment. I reached up and curled my arm around him, pulling him in for a quick embrace. As opposed to my mother, my father had always done his best to encourage me. When I was in middle school, my ability to write a mere budding talent, he poured over my pages, uttering phrases of praise. I could always count on him to undo the mood my mother put me in, even during my difficult teenaged years when I was pushing the limits and testing my boundaries. My father never lost his faith in me, he made it quite obvious, unlike my mother who, until that very moment had never said a single positive thing about my writing.

  When the butler peeked his head into the sitting area and announced that dinner was served, I was more than ready to eat. My stomach rumbled in response as I turned in the direction of the dining room on the far side and made my way to the entryway. Courtney was close behind me, she had always loved to partake in a meal at the Goldstein’s because my mother made such a to-do about dinner and the food was always top notch. We took a seat in two chairs that sat side-by-side to the left of the head of the table. My mother rounded the table and lowered herself into the chair opposite from me as my father pulled the chair out from underneath the head of the table and joined us. As soon as we sat down and settled in, two servants appeared carrying large, round trays on their shoulders balanced there by careful placement of their hand on the bottom. They walked around the table and set down our plates, the delicious aroma causing my stomach to scream out again. I couldn’t wait to dig in but knew better than to start eating before my father. It was another of my mother’s silly rules that suddenly didn’t seem that ludicrous, considering how wonderful they had made me feel with their acknowledgements.

  My father shook out his napkin and dropped it onto his lap before picking up the fork and knife in front of him. Courtney and I took that as our cue and did the same. The food was amazing, as always and I finished my plate in no time flat. I almost laughed out loud when I glanced over at my friend’s plate to notice that she had done the same. She smiled at me, placing both hands on the front of her stomach and leaning back a little, indicating that she was stuffed. When the servants returned and took our plates away, replacing them with a smaller one with a large slice of rich, chocolate cake, she leaned in again. Apparently, she was not too full to indulge in a thick slice of decadence, and neither was I.

  I continued to regale the group with tales of what it was like to work at the place I had fantasized about for over a decade. My mother sat listening quietly while my father interrupted on occasion with a question or two, pro
mpting me to give them additional details. I told them about the office itself and how magnificent it was. It was even better than I had ever imagined and as I continued to tell my tale, I could feel my face starting to ache with the smile that was almost permanently fixed to my features. When I came to the one and only negative thing that had happened so far, I almost thought twice. Instead, I told them about the inconsiderate and downright rude young man that had ran into me in the hallway, caused me to drop all my paperwork on the floor and left me there scrambling to collect the pages as he hurried down the corridor. Both of them appeared a little concerned before I finished my story, letting them know that, despite all of that, my first meeting was quite a success.

  That part of the conversation reminded me that I wanted to find out more about the man who had nearly caused me to go down into flames. He had appeared too young to be an executive in the building but carried himself as if he was used to looking down at the world from a lofty pedestal. I made a note to inquire after his identity the next day. Sandra Fieldman knew just about everyone that worked there and even knew those that frequented the magazine headquarters for one reason or another. Even if it was only to seek him out and give him a piece of my mind, I silently vowed to do so first thing in the morning.

  Dinner went better than I had ever anticipated. I was growing quite sleepy when I suddenly realized the hour. We had been having such a good time, I had not noticed how fast the time was slipping away. Before I knew it, the clock on the wall declared it was almost nine o’clock. I jumped slightly when I noticed and tapped Courtney on the arm, who was doing her best not to doze off in the chair next to me. She had stuffed herself silly and was ready for the warm comfort to carry her off to the land of dreams. I did my best to let my mother down easy since she seemed to be enjoying our company so much. Announcing that we were going to take our leave caused her to draw the corners of her mouth down tightly, tiny creases forming across her forehead to go along with her expression. Just as I had anticipated, only she tried harder than I had expected to hide it. I apologized for having to leave but promised I would call her and keep her abreast of any new and exciting information. She feigned satisfaction with my assurance to contact her soon, a weak smile touching her lips as she took my arm in hers to see us out. As we made our way toward the exit, she sighed dramatically, which only served to annoy me a little. I hugged her goodbye, reassured her once more that I would keep her in the loop and rushed out the door without waiting for her to say anything further.


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