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Page 5

by Brenda Trim

  She lifted the corners of her mouth. “Sure. If you promise not to destroy the house.”

  Araton definitely growled then, but Abraxos swaggered closer to her. “I promise to minimize damage to the structure while clearing dark remnants. Tell me. Do you like candlelight dinners?”

  “Nah. Too much fuss. Besides it’s not me that will need a meal after. I make a mean red beans and rice. Let me know where to drop it off and you will have your sustenance,” she countered.

  Ayil and Araton both laughed at that while Slate and Aison joined in. Abraxos’s expression displayed his surprise before it softened, and he was smiling at her again. Before he could respond the sounds of the door opening had everyone looking to the arched entry. A couple seconds later another good-looking man walked in and stopped short as he smiled at them.

  “Hey there. I didn’t know you guys were in town. Good to see you all again. And, who’s this stunning beauty?”

  Natalia felt erotic heat fill the air like steam and she felt her body responding despite her attempt to squash the desire. Never in her life had she reacted so strongly, and she wasn’t that attracted to the new guy.

  Araton was the one who’d grabbed her attention from the second she laid her eyes on him. Her core had clenched, and her stomach fluttered even as she had wondered if he was another demon. Wings and good looks didn’t mean shit as she’d discovered when the other woman showed up at the house.

  “This is Natalia Olsen. Lia. This is Dante Tresan, the Cambion Lord of the Tehrex Realm. This lovely female is a New Orleans Police officer and a human female,” Araton interjected. “She survived two archdemons as they tried to summon Lucifer from the Underworld.” Was that pride she detected in the angel’s voice?

  “Wow. You must be one tough female, Lia. When was this? I see the bruises on your face and blood there on your clothes,” Dante gestured to the slice below her bullet proof vest. “Zander should have warned me. I would have gone there first.”

  “He isn’t aware of what went down. I haven’t had time to update him yet. We just got here,” Aison replied.

  Dante’s head shot back to her and zoned in on her side where the knife shredded her insides. “How are you not bleeding all over the leather sofa?”

  “I inadvertently gave her my blood,” Araton replied with a pinched expression.

  “Which is why I can’t erase her memories,” Slate added.

  “What are you? How can you erase my memories?” Lia blurted.

  “I’m an actual vampire. We drink blood, but only that of our kind. And we never kill when we feed. We also can’t turn you into a vampire. You have to be born that way. Garlic doesn’t affect us. Neither do crosses. But the sun thing will char us and turn us to ashes,” Slate told her with a smile as he leaned against the fireplace mantle.

  Her mind was rapidly reaching its capacity. There was a throbbing in her injured cheek and it only added to the ache inside her skull. “I’m not surprised Hollywood has it wrong. I have so many questions which I will get to later, but first I want to know what a cambion is and what the rest of you are. I take it you aren’t human like me. No way does a normal guy look like you all.”

  “A cambion is a half-breed,” Araton explained.

  “We are a breed of incubus or succubus and human,” Dante cut in with a glare at Araton. “We’re the lovers of the supernatural world. And, before you ask. The Tehrex Realm is what we call the collective of species here. Basic ally, the supe society on our planet. There are other realms that exist on other planets,” Dante said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

  “So, you’re like a sex demon?” She clarified, ignoring the comment about other planets. That was too fucking much right now.

  “Cambions aren’t demons. We have souls, and most prefer not to harm others to get the energy we need to survive. An incubus or succubus would not hesitate to rape whoever they needed to survive. I’d rather die than do something so despicable,” Dante spat in response.

  Araton moved a few steps so he was between her and Dante. She made a note that the Cambion Lord was testy when it came to the topic of demons. She sensed deep rooted issues around the subject. There was no way for her to begin to understand where they stemmed from.

  The sight of a rusted blue Nissan Sentra distracted her and made her jaw clench. If a guy with shaggy blonde hair was driving it, she was going to run. Or shoot the driver. She had to tell herself not to grab her gun and pop the tires. That was thanks to an ex-boyfriend. When her fists clenched in her lap and her head throbbed even more, she shook herself. That was in the past.

  “I’ll come back to the other planet things another time when my mind is able to comprehend the idea. Tell me about these demons and why they’re fucking with my city,” she demanded.

  “Shit has gone sideways in the Underworld over the last few years,” Dante began.

  “Lucifer has been freed from his frozen prison in Lake Cocytus ever since the Vampire Princess was rescued from the ninth circle of Hell,” Araton said as he interrupted. The angel kept looking at her and moving closer. He’d take a step to her then two away. She had no idea what to make of it. “The Rowan sisters managed to send a spell with the angel that saved her, and it bound the devil to the Underworld.”

  “Having freedom to roam every circle of his realm wasn’t enough for him,” Ayil added. “He wants to cross over to Earth so he can claim the planet and all of its inhabitants.”

  “He wants to make his father’s favorite creation pay for making him love them more,” Araton finished.

  “I take it we are God’s favorite creation,” Lia replied having followed what they were saying. “But, isn’t God your dad too?”

  The three angels shook their heads. “No. We aren’t original creations. We have parents who were,” Araton explained.

  “Well, we can’t allow Lucifer to make it here, so how can I help?”

  All of the guys in the room glanced at one another and it was Araton that shook his head and replied to her. “No offense, but there isn’t much you can do to help us. We have it handled.”

  “I don’t think you do,” Lia informed them. “You had no idea the demons were killing humans tonight. And, none of you arrived in time to stop anyone from being killed. I was there. I fought their skirm, or whatever and survived being attacked.”

  Araton clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes. “We aren’t omniscient, but neither are you. You got lucky tonight.”

  Slate stood up straight and held up his hand. “We have been trained to fight demons and their minions. Our Goddess tasked us with protecting innocents. Human and supernatural alike.”

  “So, you all know about the deaths in the cemeteries? Because I guarantee they have something to do with this bullshit,” Natalia couldn’t help but point out. She hadn’t put the pieces together until these guys started talking.

  “What do you mean? Cemeteries are hallowed ground. It would do the demons no good,” Araton pointed out.

  Lia stood up and pointed at the angel’s chest. “And, what would happen if dozens of people are killed in one?”

  Araton looked at his brothers who had their eyebrows lifted to their hairline then he turned back to her. “It would shift the focus to something foul and dark they could use for their malevolent work. If the demons were able to claim the grounds, they could then use every soul buried there to give them more power…”

  “And a pure soul stolen for evil purposes carries more power when their family gives them over freely. When someone is murdered, they instinctively hold onto their lives with everything they have,” Ayil cut in.

  Every one of the guys in the room had gone pale. Lia lifted a hand to her mouth as her gag reflex was hard at work once again. Her heart started racing and sweat broke out over her brow. “How easy is this to do? Cause there have been eight murders in Cemetery number one in the last three months.”

  “I have no idea. It’s never actually been done. Each time a funeral occurs the land is blessed a
new and that provides protection. Plus, demons have to sacrifice themselves in the process. Not many are willing to do that.” Araton explained.

  “You said Lucifer is now roaming all around Hell. Maybe it’s harder to say no when you know he will hunt your ass down and make you pay for disobeying,” Lia countered. “Regardless. You need me. I am not walking away when I know how much danger surrounds us.”

  “She has a point,” Dante said as he walked over to a bar that was set in one corner. “Drink?”

  Lia nodded right away. “Tequila if you have it, please.”

  “Whiskey,” Araton called out, making Lia quirk a brow at him. “Just because I’m an angel doesn’t mean I hate alcohol.”

  “I have so much to learn,” Natalia muttered under her breath.

  “Yes, you do,” Araton replied as he stared at her. “You can be a part of this, but you will be working closely with me. I won’t have your blood on my hands.”

  “Are you sure about that, brother?” Abraxos asked while Ayil was eyeing Araton in a way she couldn’t decipher. She was going to do what she could to kill demons with or without them. It would be impossible for her to walk away and never look back.

  “We can’t have her running around on her own. Without removing her memories, she will just get into trouble,” Araton reasoned.

  “Can you read my mind?” She blurted when he voiced the very thing she’d just been contemplating.

  “Vampires can read minds, but angels can’t,” Slate replied as he smirked at her. Yeah, he’d been listening to her plans.

  She shrugged and turned away. “He’s right. I can’t just forget this shit. Mythological creatures are real, and demons are killing in my city. It’s my job to protect the citizens.”

  Araton mumbled something under his breath that she couldn’t catch and kept his gaze trained on her. “You will do everything I say when I say it. Got it?”

  “Yes sir. I’m not stupid. I need you to train and guide me,” she replied as her mind went over what the fuck, she had just gotten herself into. “Now that that’s settled, I need to call my chief. He has to be worried about me.”

  Chapter 6

  Araton watched Natalia as she exited the human hospital. Her black hair was hanging over her shoulders, but out of the tie it had been in previously. For a second he thought she cleaned herself up until he noticed the locks were still matted with blood and dirt.

  His heart did something he hadn’t experienced since the first time he faced a demon many millennia ago. It skipped several beats. He found he didn’t like the dark circles under her green eyes. And, his rage rose when he noticed the bruises still on her face.

  The realization that none of that detracted from her beauty in the least had him scowling and itching to stab something. He didn’t do romance like Abraxos, yet he couldn’t deny wondering what he would need to do to get this human cop into his bed.

  A male embracing her had him holding his breath to keep from acting out. Of course, a woman as sexy as she was would have a mate. Or a spouse as the humans called their partners.

  It was when they parted, and she waved then turned toward Araton that he realized her shirt was different. She was no longer wearing the black button up shirt of her uniform. The grey t-shirt made her look softer than before, but there was no denying the steel in her spine as she headed to their rendezvous spot.

  “Araton,” she whisper-yelled as she reached the corner of the parking lot.

  Araton let go of the spell hiding his body but kept it on his wings. “I’m here. What did the doctors say? I still think you need to return home and get some sleep.”

  Shaking her head, she unlocked her car. It was a patrol car for her position as a police officer. Popping the trunk, she tossed the plastic bag from her hand into the dark space.

  “The doctors said I have a concussion which means I shouldn’t go home and sleep. Besides, I can’t sleep yet. My chief just told me there were other sites of ritual sacrifice in the quarter. We need to check them out,” Lia insisted as she slammed the metal and headed to the front of the car.

  “You are still in no shape to face demons again so soon. How many sites were discovered? And, what did they look like? This might be a crime committed by your kind and not demons,” Araton pointed out. He needed to get the information and then he would leave her here while he cleared the scene. He refused to place her in anymore danger.

  “There were four spread throughout the French Quarter, but the biggest was in Jackson Square where all the vendors usually sit and sell their wares and the fortune tellers read your palm or do tarot readings. There was another at St. Louis Cemetery number one and another on Bourbon and Canal,” Lia told him.

  Araton nodded and reached out to his brothers. They appeared next to him a second later. Lia gasped then growled, “Warn a girl would ya? You almost gave me a heart attack.”

  “There’s no time to walk you through every step of this process. If you insist on being part of this investigation you need to expect the unexpected,” Araton told her with a biting edge to his words. It pissed him off that he considered taking time away from their task of finding and eliminating the demons to tell her more about how shit worked in their world.

  He nearly asked Abraxos or Ayil to take over working with Lia. He hated how soft he was becoming. There was no time for anything other than killing the vile creatures of the Underworld.

  When he ignored his duty, others paid for his mistakes. The reminder was seared into his brain forever. He needed to keep remembering why he never strayed from his mission. That was the best way to keep Natalia safe.

  “We’re sorry,” Abraxos purred and stepped closer to Lia. When his brother brushed dirty hair away from her face, Araton smacked his brother’s arm.

  “There are at least three other locations that are sites of probable demonic rituals. I’m heading to Jackson Square. Ayil, you go to the first cemetery. And, you search Bourbon and Canal, Abraxos,” Araton instructed.

  “I told Dante and the others to make another round on the streets,” Abraxos added. Let’s meet up at your place at the end of the night.”

  “Good idea. I’m going to be sticking around until we are called somewhere else,” Araton told them.

  “I bet you are,” Abraxos said while he waggled his eyebrows.

  “Asshole,” Araton growled and punched his brother in the face. He’d taken off before Brax could retaliate.

  Lia’s voice was loud below him as he shrouded himself in invisibility. “What the fuck just happened? Wait. You can’t go without me.”

  Araton’s keen hearing allowed him to hear Abraxos’s reply as if he were still standing next to them rather than flying away. “That was my brother being the moody asshole he’s always been. You can head to Jackson Square. He’ll meet you there. And, by the way we cleared the malevolent energy from that house as much as possible. I’m not sure it did much. We’re going to check again in a few hours after things have a chance to settle into the new norm for the place. But the house is standing like you asked.”

  Araton shut them out and opened his senses as he flew. When his demonic sensor pinged in his head, he slowed and circled a row of houses near where the levee broke during Hurricane Katrina.

  Landing in a backyard, Araton remained hidden and followed his nose to the stench of brimstone. He didn’t need to use his extra senses to find the house he needed. Hovering outside a back window, he saw at least eight skirm gathered in the living room.

  Opening the back door, he dropped the spell and had his flaming sword in his hand. He slashed through the first minion to approach him. The second threw a blade that Araton dodged. Well, he thought he did.

  When it hit his right wing instead of missing him, he growled and kicked into high gear. Arm swinging faster than the skirm’s eyes could follow Araton cut through the minions with ease. His heavenly weapon acted like a titanium weapon, in that it turned them to ash.

  Within seconds he had killed every last skirm
in the house and went in search of their master. Kicking the pile of dust as he walked through the kitchen, he tried to detect any demonic presence in the home.

  In the living room there was a pentagram on the floor and blood splattered on the walls. It smelled like old blood, telling him it was from at least a few days ago. A quick search of the lower level revealed two dead bodies, but nothing else.

  Upstairs there were clothes and blankets scattered throughout each room except the master bedroom. There he found a large bed with dark bedding. The smell of blood was strong here, as well. There was a darker stain on the comforter told. When he touched it he noticed how stiff it was. Given the odor permeating the room he figured it was likely blood.

  When he encountered nothing else in the home, he was outside and in the air in a heartbeat. The night was quiet for this area. He stayed at his home close to Les Augres Manor several days a month.

  His favorite residence was the one he had in Heaven, but this was his second favorite place to visit. It was the energy of the city that called to him. One thing he never got when he was here was silence. In the Garden District there were often tourists walking through the area.

  At night he was used to flying over the French Quarter which boasted music, dancing, laughing and drinking all hours of the night. Seeing humans live so vibrantly was another reminder about why he stayed true to his calling.

  Landing in the middle of Jackson Square he wasn’t surprised to see Lia already there. She swiveled around and gaped at him. “I thought you’d already be here. I can see why you took so long to get here,” she muttered as she reached up and plucked the knife from his wing.

  “Fuck,” he cursed as pain blasted through his side.

  “The scene isn’t as gruesome as the last one,” she informed him getting right to work. “There are puddles of blood and a large pentagram, but no bodies.”


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