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Witching For Grace: Premonition Pointe, Book 1

Page 5

by Chase, Deanna

  “Sorry.” Grace puffed out a breath and pushed her hair out of her eyes. “Traffic. Got caught at the train tracks.”

  “Finally!” Lance bounced his way over to them, a smile on his full lips. He was a tall, bald, and extremely beautiful black man in his fifties who’d spent his younger years styling drag queens. In addition to being a genius with hair color, his makeup game was off the charts. “I was about to give up on you, gorgeous. But now that you are here, what is it we’re doing today?” He turned and studied her too-long locks and frowned. “How long has it been since your last appointment?”

  Lance was Grace’s longtime hairdresser. She’d already been overdue to get her roots done right about the time her husband blew up their lives, and after that, she hadn’t had the money or the will to worry about it. “About four months. Life has been… messy.”

  He clucked his tongue and ran his fingers through her hair. “Messy?”

  “Divorce,” Lex confirmed. “Her ex deserves to marry a gold digger and die penniless and alone.”

  “I see.” Lance pursed his lips together and his nostrils flared as he sucked in a sharp breath. “Did the bastard cheat on you?”

  Grace nodded. “With our receptionist. It’s all just so predictable.”

  “Men suck,” he agreed, his pained expression making her heart ache. She’d forgotten that Lance’s husband had walked out on him just the year before to follow a twenty-something to Hollywood. “The next time he comes in here, it sure would be a shame if someone accidentally mixed his hair dye wrong.”

  Lex let out a snort and then covered her nose and mouth with her hand as her eyes danced with amusement.

  “It would certainly serve him right,” Grace said. “But I’d hate for anyone to get into any trouble due to a mix-up.”

  Lance gave her a mischievous grin. “You’re not up on the latest gossip around here, are you?”

  “Uh, apparently not.” Grace glanced around as if whatever he was referring to would jump right out at her. “Catch me up.”

  Lance spread his arms wide and grinned down at Grace as he said, “You’re looking at the new owner of Liminal Space Day Spa.”

  Grace blinked up at him, shocked. “What about Lily?” she asked, referring to the talented witch who opened the day spa over twenty years ago and had quickly become the most sought-after healing masseuse on the northern California coast. “Where did she go?”

  “She’s still here, but now she’s only working part-time with her established clients a couple days a week. She’s spending the rest of her time in her herb garden,” Lance said.

  “So she’s in semi-retirement?” Grace asked.

  He nodded.

  “Good for her.” Grace stood and opened her arms to Lance. “And congratulations on becoming a small business owner. I know you’re going to be a huge success.”

  Lance wrapped his arms around her and squeezed. “Thanks, Grace.”

  When he pulled back, he eyed her face and frowned.


  He turned to Lex. “Didn’t you say she’s also going to get her brows and lashes tinted?”

  “Yep. My treat,” Lex said. “Aunt Grace has a hot date tonight.”

  “Oh, really,” Lance said, pumping his eyebrows. “With who? Carl at the bakery?”

  “Carl?” Grace whipped around and gaped at Lance. “What is it with you people thinking I’m going to date a man in his seventies?”

  “He’s hot,” Lance said, giving her a look that said she was out of her mind if she didn’t agree. “Like Sam Elliott hot.”

  Lex let out a bark of laughter and then slapped her hand over her mouth.

  Lance winked at Grace’s niece and the two of them dissolved into laughter.

  “Oh, very funny.” Grace rolled her eyes, realizing that Lance had already been filled in on the conversation Lex and Grace had the night before. “Laugh it up,” she said to Lance. “But just wait until I fix you up on a blind date with someone from the senior home.”

  “Is he rich? I could go for a sugar daddy for once,” Lance teased as he draped a smock around Grace.

  “Sure. Why not?” Then she turned her attention to Lex. “And you… Behave or I’ll sign you up to volunteer at Puppy Love with that chick who is always making heart eyes at you.”

  Lex’s eyes widened. “She’s older than my mom!”

  “Yep.” Grace snickered. “I bet she could teach you a few things.”

  “Gross! Stop,” Lex cried and covered her face with her hands as she shook her head. “This is not a conversation I want to have with my aunt.”

  Grace glanced up at Lance. “And yet, she told me last night I need to get a bazillion because I don’t want to get caught with a messy sin cave if things get a little heated.”

  “Bazillion?” Lance let out a cackle of laughter. “Lex, who is an expert on all things girls…” He paused and winked at her. “She said you need a bazillion?”

  “I did not say that!” Lex insisted, her face turning a dark shade of maroon as she tried her best to not collapse into hysterics. “I said Brazilian!”

  “Oh, holy hell. I can’t even get the lingo right.” Grace groaned. “Forget it. I’m just gonna die of embarrassment right here in the spa.”

  Lance snickered, ignoring Grace’s outburst. “Whatever you kids are calling it, Lex has a point. Don’t want him getting lost in the bush.”

  “That would be tragic,” Grace said. Her side ached with the effort to keep from completely losing it and doubling over in laughter. There wasn’t much she loved more than embarrassing her niece with sex talk. Considering Lex had a lot of opinions about Grace’s love life, or lack of it lately, she felt justified.

  “Okay. That’s quite enough. Point taken,” Lex said, standing and straightening her shoulders. “I’m going to head back for my massage.” She eyed Lance. “Do your magic. Her date is a thirty-four-year-old hottie.”

  “Lex,” Grace hissed.

  The younger woman finger-waved at her aunt and hurried into the back of the spa.

  “A younger man, huh?” Lance asked as he mixed the dye to touch up her roots. “You’ll definitely need that cooter wax then.”

  That was it. She couldn’t hold it in any longer. Laughter burst from her lips and tears rolled down her cheeks as her body shook uncontrollably.

  “Laugh all you want, but you know I’m right.” He blew her a kiss in the mirror and started to work his magic.

  Chapter Six

  With her hair freshly dyed and cut so that it had plenty of movement, Grace already felt like a million bucks as she followed an esthetician named Carrie back to one of the spa’s treatment rooms.

  “Your hair looks amazing, Ms. Valentine,” Carrie said. “Lance outdid himself.”

  “Thanks. I love it.”

  “Good. That’s what we like to hear. Why don’t you lie down and we’ll get started on your tinting.”

  Grace did as she was told and stared up at one of the most beautiful women she’d ever seen. She had long, straight black hair that was pulled up into a sleek ponytail, deep blue eyes, perfect skin, and the whitest smile Grace had ever seen. She was a walking advertisement for the spa services if there ever was one.

  “Okay, then. Black for the eyelashes?” Carrie asked.

  “Yes, please.”

  “What about your eyebrows? Usually people go just a shade darker than their natural brows, but we can go darker if you want.”

  Grace opted to go just a shade darker. This was the first time she was having her brows done, and she didn’t want to end up regretting anything. It didn’t take long for Carrie to work her magic, and in no time, she said, “All done. Unless…”

  “Unless what?” Grace asked, blinking up at her.

  “Your eyebrows could use some shaping, and what do you do about your mustache?”

  “Mustache?” Grace asked, automatically bringing her fingertips to her upper lip.

  “It’s not thick, so not super noticeable. If it
was all blond, I wouldn’t worry about it. But you do have some dark hair there. Lance said you have a hot date tonight and…” She shrugged. “If you want me to wax it, we have time.”

  Mustache? Grace knew it would be a problem eventually. As her mother aged, her lady stache had turned into quite the thick garden. But Grace hadn’t noticed that hers was that bad. Or had she just not been looking? She sat up. “Can I see a mirror?”

  “Sure.” Carrie handed her a hand mirror and took a step back to lean against the counter. “Like I said, it’s not super noticeable—”

  “It is. It definitely is,” Grace said, horrified as she turned her head back and forth, wondering when all that hair had sprouted on her face. Had she gone blind? Because the person looking back at her in the mirror appeared to be growing a pelt of fur on her upper lip. “Wax it and the brows, and heck, my chin too if you think it needs it. Wax it all.”

  “Are you sure? It’ll leave you red for a few hours,” Carrie warned.

  “I’m sure. I’ll even take a leg and Brazilian wax if there’s time.” Brazilian? Had she lost her mind?

  Carried chuckled. “You must have one hell of a date tonight.”

  “Let’s just say that Grace might be getting her groove back.”

  “Hmm, well, I wouldn’t recommend a Brazilian the day of your date. Things will be sensitive for a bit.” Eyeing Grace she said, “I recommend some strategic grooming and a shave for this one. But make another appointment in a week or so and we can get you started with the legs and a Brazilian if you’re still up for it.”

  “Oh, thank the gods,” Grace said, breathing out a sigh of relief. “I really, really wasn’t looking forward to that.”

  Laughing, Carrie reminded her to just relax and quickly waxed away all of Grace’s excess facial hair. “It’ll be red for a few hours but should fade before your date tonight.”

  “Thanks, Carrie.” Grace gave the woman a hug. “I’ll be back for the leg wax.”

  “And the Brazilian?”

  “Eh, probably not. That was the nerves talking.” Grace glanced down at herself. “I think my sin cave will be just fine with a little of that strategic grooming you mentioned.”

  Carrie snorted. “You’re probably right. Have fun.” She winked and held the door open for Grace. “Lots and lots of fun.”

  Grace chuckled, but as she exited the private room, suddenly nerves took over. What was she doing? She’d just spent most of the day grooming for one date with a guy she barely knew and probably shouldn’t be dating.

  “Grace?” a very unwelcome but familiar voice called from behind her.

  This is not happening, Grace told herself. She squeezed her eyes shut, praying that the woman would just go away. She heard the shuffling of feet and a door opened and closed. Relief rushed through her, and she said a silent prayer of thanks that she didn’t have to deal with Shondra Barns. But when Grace opened her eyes, she was staring at the face of the woman who had helped blow up her marriage. Scowling, she turned around, intending to find another way out, but it was very clear the only doors led to private rooms.

  Grace turned around and summoned the thickest skin she could muster. “Shondra, what can I do for you?”

  The younger woman was wrapped in a plush robe, and her platinum blond hair was tied up into a haphazard bun. Still, she managed to look like she’d just stepped off the pages of Maxim. Or Playboy. Her perfect skin flushed slightly pink as she said, “I just wanted to see how you were doing.”

  “I’m great. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have somewhere to be.” Grace started to move past her, but Shondra grabbed her wrist and held on lightly. Grace glanced down at the connection. “I think you’d better let me go now.”

  “Grace. Bill and I are worried about you. After everything that happened, you must be having a hard time. We’ve been wanting to reach out and let you know that we’re here for you. All you need to do is let us know what we can do to help. No one wanted you hurt. You have to know that.”

  Words failed Grace as she stared at the woman she’d once counted on as not only an employee, but a friend as well. Was Shondra really standing in front of her feigning concern? Grace scoffed. “Spare me, Shondra. If you really cared about hurting me, you wouldn’t have been boning my husband in his office for the last year while I was doing his laundry and making him dinner. Get the hell out of here with your concern. It’s not needed or appreciated.”

  Shondra jerked back as if she’d been slapped.

  Grace smirked and yanked her arm out of Shondra’s grasp. “In case there’s any confusion, we’re not friends. We’ll never be friends. And if for some reason I need help with anything in my life, it won’t be you and Bill I turn to. In fact, you’d be the last two people I’d ask for help. So do me a favor, and when we run into each other again, just pretend you don’t see me and I’ll do the same. Got it?”

  Shondra’s eyes narrowed slightly, a sure sign that Grace had gotten under her skin. Good. The woman had been the catalyst that had destroyed her marriage. And despite how upset and heartbroken Grace had been, the betrayal hadn’t broken her. She was moving on, and she really didn’t need this woman pretending she cared. Shondra cleared her throat, leaned in, and whispered, “You have a thick black hair growing out of your nose. Should’ve gotten that waxed, too.”

  Grace jerked back and unconsciously covered her nose with one hand. “I do not.”

  “Whatever you say.” Shondra gave her a self-satisfied smile and then turned and sashayed toward the women’s dressing room.

  Rage surged through Grace’s blood, and she couldn’t stop herself from mumbling, “Joy was right. You do deserve genital warts.”

  Shondra paused and glanced back at her. “What did you just say?”

  “Nothing. Enjoy that massage my ex is paying for,” she said with forced pleasantness. “But don’t get too used to it. As soon as the honeymoon is over, he’s going to put a stop to any spending he deems frivolous.”

  She raised her chin, looking defiant. “I make my own money.”

  Grace nodded. “Yep. Working for him. Just wait until after the wedding. Then you’ll see. Good luck to you.” She turned, and instead of following Shondra into the dressing room to check on the alleged nose hair, she stalked out into the front of the salon to find Lex.

  “Aunt Grace, your hair looks amazing,” Lex said, rising from one of the massaging recliners. “And look at those eyelashes. They’re so long. The tinting was a great choice.”

  Grace took a step forward and pointed to her nose. “Do I have a black hair growing out of this thing?”

  “What?” Lex stared at her aunt as if she’d lost her mind.

  “On my nose. Is there a gnarly hair that needs to be removed?”

  Lex frowned as she studied Grace’s face. “No. I’d have told you earlier if there was.”

  Grace raised one eyebrow. “You didn’t say anything about my mustache.”

  “What mustache?” She peered harder at her aunt. “Looks like you got half your face waxed.”

  “Yeah, because according to the esthetician, I had a mustache, caterpillar eyebrows, and chin whiskers.” Grace squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. “I know I’m being dramatic, but that’s what happens when you run into your replacement.”

  “Shondra’s here? And you ran into her?” Lex asked in a hushed tone.

  Grace grimaced and nodded. “Then she said I’d turned into a hag.”

  “She said that?”

  “She may as well have. She’s the one who said I had a black hair growing out of my nose.”

  “It’s okay, sweetie,” Lance said, sliding up behind her and draping an arm around her shoulders. “It’s not like you looked like a wookie or anything. It’s Carrie’s job to address these things. Trust me. You look fabulous. Now who is this Shondra person? She sounds like a nightmare.”

  “She is. She’s the one who had an affair with my ex and was the catalyst for the divorce,” Grace explained.

sp; “She worked with Grace, too,” Lex whispered to Lance.

  “Oh, that bitch,” Lance said. “What a hag. Don’t you dare give her one more thought. She doesn’t deserve your energy.” He squeezed, giving her a slight hug. “Now take that fine ass home and turn yourself into the sexy goddess that lives inside of you. That will be the best revenge you could serve to the likes of Shondra. While she’s stuck living your old life with Bill and washing his underwear, you’ll be out living life on your terms, answering to no one. Sounds to me like you got the better end of the bargain.”

  “Hell yeah!” Lex pumped her fist in the air. “You’re livin’ the dream.”

  But was she? Sure, it looked great on the outside. She had her own beach cottage, a new job, and a hot date. But the house was on the small side, her job was precarious at best, and her date would more than likely move on to someone Shondra’s age as soon as he saw her naked.

  Wait? Was she really thinking they were going to get naked together? Was she really going to show him her middle-aged body? Grace groaned and wondered how she could get out of dinner with Owen.

  “Oh no you don’t.” Lex grabbed her by the shoulders and started to steer her toward the exit. “Don’t you dare let those doubts creep in. You’re going to live a little tonight even if I have to drive you to the restaurant myself.”

  “But, Lex—”

  “No, I mean it. Now come on. I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  Grace chuckled. She knew her niece meant it, and if she actually did try to cancel with Owen, Lex would never shut up about it. “Okay. Fine. Let’s go. But I have to pay my bill first.”

  “We have your credit card on file,” Lance called from behind them. “I’ll handle it.”

  “Make sure I tip you and Carrie,” Grace called just before Lex ushered her out of the door.

  Chapter Seven

  Grace pulled her sweater wrap around herself, covering the lowcut dress Lex had picked out for her date. It was what Hope had called her divorce dress. The one that she bought just because it made her feel good. And it had in the store. But now that she was wearing it as she walked into the office to have a meeting with her boss, she was second guessing all of the decisions she’d made in the last few days.


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