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Page 8

by A L Makin

  “I’m checking that you’re ok and that … that bastard didn’t hurt you,” he replies, still searching.

  “He didn’t hurt me, Travis,” I say quietly as I answer honestly.

  And that’s the truth, the stranger didn’t hurt me. Not one bit … but Travis did! By pulling us apart, he tore something inside of me.

  “Are you sure?” he asks again.

  “He didn’t, I’m sure,” I reply sadly.

  I can tell he’s not convinced, but he doesn’t press me further. He stands up and holds his hand out for me to take. After helping me up from the cold floor I brush myself off while I scan the library to see where the stranger went.

  “He’s gone, Willow, and he won’t be back!” he says straight.

  “But where? Where’s he gone?” I can’t help asking.

  “He’s just gone! That’s all that you need to know,” he grinds out.

  I can understand he must be shocked with what he saw when he walked through the door, but I don’t understand why he’s avoiding my questions and being so cold.

  “If you won’t tell me where he’s gone, then maybe you’ll tell me who he is?” I bite back. “You clearly know him with the way you were arguing with each other.”

  “Look, Willow, if you don’t take the time to get to know the scum you’re with, that’s your problem, not mine. It’s not my job to fill you in on the details.” Travis’s words are cold and cut through me like a knife.

  I know it must have been as awkward as hell to find us like that, but any normal person would have just left us alone, not come barging in and starting a fight.

  “You’ve clearly decided that you’re both judge and jury and have sentenced me to your opinion already!” I argue. “But know this Travis, although I understand that what you walked in on must’ve seemed strange, but please believe me when I say that I couldn’t help myself.”

  “Oh, so he’s just that irresistible that you throw yourself at a stranger,” he mocks childishly.

  “Don’t be so pathetic, Travis! That’s not what I meant,” I spit back. “When I say I couldn’t help myself, I mean just that … Something I can’t explain pushed me to him. And I think he felt the same invisible force. Neither of us could control what was happening between us!” I huff. “See that as an excuse if you want to, but it’s still the truth none the less.”

  I watch as his face drops. “Do you honestly and truly believe that neither of you had any control with how you acted?” he asks calmly.

  “I promise we didn’t,” I say in a quieter voice. “He was drawn to me as much as I was to him.”

  But he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he remains looking at me with a face set like stone.

  “Look, Travis, I don’t know what else I can say to make you believe me. And I’m not gonna try either. You either believe me, or you don’t. That decision is up to you. But while you’re busy throwing a tantrum over there, remember that this all happened to me. I’ve no idea what’s going on. I lost control over my body and it’s bloody freaked me out! Who knows what could’ve happened if you didn’t find us,” I shake.

  He sighs loudly while running his hand through his blonde hair. “You’re right. I’m so sorry. I can only imagine how scary it must be not having any control of your own body.”

  “It’s okay,” I reply. “Seeing us together like that, it’s only natural for you to think I was with him willingly.”

  “Still, I should have listened to you the first time when you told me the truth instead of flying off the handle,” he says apologetically.

  “So are you going to tell me who he is then? At the very least, I deserve to know who hand their hands on me,” I insist.

  He sighs loudly, walks over to the large wooden table and leans against it. “His name is Ryder … Ryder Draegon,” he clears his throat. “He’s my cousin.”

  “Your cousin!” I repeat. “But why would you act so crazy fighting and shouting like that if he’s your cousin. I don’t understand?” I ask.

  “Because he’s bad news Willow. Pure and simple. He always has been, always will be. There’s not a single decent bone in his whole body,” he states.

  “But …” I begin to interrupt, but Travis cuts me off.

  “Look, Willow, don’t think I’m saying these things because I’m jealous or something, because I’m not. I’m only telling you this because it’s the truth and because I care. He’s seriously bad news, never done anything good in his life and he will bring nothing but pain to yours if you allow him to be a part of it. He’s always been the poisoned black sheep of the family. Please stay away from him. Promise me!”

  The desperation in his voice is palpable, and I find myself automatically answering.

  “Of course I promise.”

  Chapter Seven

  I’m not sure if Travis finally believed that it was safe in the woods, or if he was worried about Ryder coming back, but he decided he was going to walk me home. We walk the distance back in practical silence, and I couldn’t help but watch him the whole way. The way he moved, you would never have guessed he was as badly injured as he was only a couple of hours ago. Somethings not right with this village, or the people in it …

  Stood on the front porch, Travis stands with his hands thrust into his jean pockets. Looking down at the ground I can see he has something on his mind, but he keeps quiet.

  I open the front door and let Max into the house. Frustrated with how the night has gone, I walk towards the wooden railings and lean my back against them.

  “Look, Travis, even though I had no control with what happened between me and Ryder, I still want to apologise,” I sigh.

  “It can’t have been nice finding us like that. Especially when you hate the guy so much,” I slowly shake my head.

  With my last word, he lifts his head and looks at me.

  “No, I should be the one apologising,” he says as he removes his hands from his pockets and takes a step closer.

  Leaning against the railings next to me, he turns his body so he’s facing me and rests on his elbow. Looking up, his eyes mirror the serious vibes he’s giving off.

  “I’m sorry if you think I overreacted. But I’ve known Ryder my whole life, and nothing good has ever come to anyone who has anything to do with him.”

  “But he’s part of your family. He can’t be all bad?” I attempt to defend.

  Travis laughs, “Oh Willow, you have no idea just how low that man has gone and continues to go. He’s evil, there are no other words to describe him. He’s one of those people in the village that I told you about when we first met. Do you remember?” he asks.

  “Yeah, I remember,” I reply.

  “So then you’ll do well to also remember that despair and heartbreak are the only things that seem to follow him around. To any normal person that would be sad, but not to him … oh no … he enjoys it. He gets off on other people’s misery.”

  “I think I’ve heard enough,” I state. I don’t want to stand here and be repeatedly reminded of how stupid I’ve been. “I get it, he’s bad, stay away,” I huff.

  “But you don’t, that’s the thing. No one ever does until it’s too late …” he finishes quietly.

  With that last sentence, his mood quickly shifts from concern to sorrow. He’s remembering something from the past. His eyes glisten over with unshed tears and I take a step forward, touching his arm gently.

  “Are you okay?” I ask concerned.

  Snapping out of his daydream, he sniffs hard, stands up straight and wipes his eyes with the back of his hand.

  “I’m fine,” he says after clearing his throat.

  I don’t like seeing him like this. He’s hurting, but I have no idea why? I reach back out again and grasp his cool hand in mine making him look down at me. I focus only on him.

  “I want you to know that I’ve heard everything you’ve said tonight, and I promise to stay away from him.”

  A sad smile forms on his lips. “Thank you.”

bsp; “Do you want to come in for a coffee or something? To say thanks for walking me back?” I ask.

  He smiles again, and this time the light has returned to his eyes. Still holding my hand, he looks down at our connected fingers.

  “Thanks for the offer, but I need to be getting back home,” he answers.

  “No problem,” I reply smiling.

  He continues to stare at our interlocked fingers, “But if it’s ok with you, I’d love to take you out to dinner sometime?” he asks cautiously.

  He catches me off guard. Asking me out is the last thing I thought he’d do after finding me the way he did with Ryder. Maybe this means that he does believe I had no control in what I was doing then? If he doubted me, he wouldn’t be asking me out … would he?

  I don’t know what to say? There’s no denying he’s good looking, and we get on great. But my mind is all over the place. I’ve not got over what happened with Drew for one thing, and then with what happened with Ryder tonight … I’m not sure how I feel about that either. It wouldn’t be fair on Travis to say yes and lead him on.

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea?” I say, letting go of his hand.

  The smile from his face falls. “Is it because of Ryder?”

  “No, is it hell because of Ryder!” I protest. Did my promise to him only moments ago, go in one ear and out the other?

  “It’s because of my ex-fiance Drew actually.”

  “Oh … sorry … I just …” he attempts to excuse, but I interrupt him before he digs himself into an even deeper hole. Guys are good at doing that to themselves.

  “It’s ok. I understand. But what I was going to say is that I didn’t think it was a good idea because I’m still trying to sort myself out from everything that happened with Drew. I wouldn’t want to go out to dinner and for you to expect it to mean more than what it is, just dinner.”

  He looks relieved. This feud with Ryder must run deep if he’s happy for me to reject him because of any other guy who isn’t Ryder. “Well, then let me take you out as a friend? It can be a welcome to the village meal.” He laughs.

  “As friends only?” I look at him sideways.

  “As friends only. I promise,” he confirms.

  “Then, in that case, I would love that,” I answer.

  “Fantastic! I have something on already tomorrow, family stuff,” he excuses.

  “But I’m free the day after tomorrow if that’s any good with you? Say, pick you up at seven?” he asks.

  “Seven is perfect,” I reply.

  “It’s a none, date, date then,” he laughs and begins to step back towards the porch steps.

  “See you then,” I answer, and turn towards the open door.

  Travis backs downs the stairs slowly, a goofy smile on his face. He gives one last wave before turning, walking down the drive and disappearing around the corner.

  Max comes and stands next to me in the doorway. I reach down and pat his head.

  “What have I got myself into, eh boy?” I ask out loud. He looks up at me and huffs before turning around and going back into the house.

  I’m just about to go back inside when directly in front of me, in the garden, a dark figure walks out from behind a large oak tree. They’re masked in the moon's shadow, but there is still enough moonlight to make out the man’s profile. I’ve seen this profile before, and it wasn’t that long ago … Ryder.

  What on earth is he doing here? Better yet, how the hell does he know where I live?

  He steps out from the shadow into the silver moonlight and my breath catches at the view before me. Walking across the grass towards the porch he takes long purposeful strides that ooze power and confidence. I inspect every inch of him as he walks while I lean up from the door frame and walk over to the porch steps. He looks just the same as in the library, but this time I’m free to move as I please. His bright blue soulless eyes are focused only on me.

  He stops at the bottom of the steps. There’s no smile on his lips and no warmth in his eyes. All traces of the fire, passion and desire I saw burning in his eyes earlier have been extinguished.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask flatly.

  A few moments pass by without a single word, he just continues to stand there staring at me.

  “I said, what are you doing here?” I repeat with a little more force.

  “I had to see,” he answers.

  “Had to see what?” I reply confused.

  “I had to see for myself,” he replies.

  I have no idea what he’s talking about. He’s speaking in riddles.

  “See what?” I push.

  “You!” he growls out.

  That single word ‘you’ makes every hair on my body stand on end.

  “Look, I’m not going to stand here all night firing odd words back and forth at each other. Either tell me why you’re here, or I’m going back inside. I’ve better things to do than stand here,” I state impatiently.

  He narrows his eyes at me. He didn’t like the way I just spoke to him. But I don’t give a rats arse, he’s on my territory and I refuse to run away from him like a scared little girl. So I stand up straight and fold my arms across my chest.

  “Because I need to know who you are? I need to know the name of the witch who dared to mess with me,” he grinds out.

  His eyes remain as cold as ice, and the air around us is changing, he’s getting angry.

  “Witch! Me? I’m sorry, but even if witches existed, then you’re getting me confused with someone else,” I slam.

  Moving forward, he puts one foot on the bottom step, as I automatically take a step back. A sinister grin spreads across his beautiful face.

  “I take it Travis has told you all the wonderful things about me then?” he laughs.

  I nod my answer.

  “In that case then, you’ll know I’m used to getting what I want,” he continues to look at me with his twisted smile.

  I nod again.

  “Then I want you to think and answer very carefully at this next part.”

  “Ok,” I find myself saying.

  The air around us is thickening and it's it hard to concentrate. The full magnitude of his evil aura is pressing down on me like a heavy blanket making me feel dizzy.

  “I want to know exactly what you did to me in the church. How did you manage to control me like that?” he asks.

  “I … I didn’t do anything,” I say cautiously.

  I watch as Ryder’s eyes flicker black, then immediately back to blue. It only took a split second, but I’m positive for a very small moment they turned a completely different colour. Maybe the heavy haze of emotions swirling round is affecting my eyesight.

  He clenches both his fists, knuckles turning paler than normal.

  “I’ve already warned you to be careful with what you say. I don’t make a habit of warning people twice,” he growls.

  I don’t like how this conversation is going. But at the same time, I’m not going to back down either. I don’t care who he is, or what he’s done. For far too long in life, I’ve been pushed around by people. This might be the wrong time for me to grow a set of balls, but when I moved here I vowed to myself that things were going to change. Screw him and his questions, I don’t owe him anything. He either takes what I say, or he can do one.

  “Look, Ryder, is it?” I ask like I’m not sure, but I don’t wait for him to answer either.

  “I didn’t do anything. I’ve no idea what happened or why it happened. I’m just as confused and angry about the whole situation as you are. Whatever controlled you, controlled me too. So I’d appreciate it if you didn’t come here, to my home, and threaten me. I know very well who you are, and I don’t give a shit! You don’t like my answer, then there’s the gate at the bottom of the drive. Don’t let it smack you on the ass on your way out, okay!” I argue, my voice naturally rising.

  He doesn’t answer, instead narrowing his eyes at me. A strong breeze blows through the trees, and the noise of the leave ru
stling temporarily distracts him. He turns to watch them move, eventually turning his gaze back.

  “Right, I’m bored,” I yawn.

  “Believe me. Don’t believe me. That’s your choice. But I’m telling you the truth. I’ve lived in this village for five bloody minutes and I’ve had nothing but crap since moving here. I was in that place helping out a friend … your cousin Travis. That was until I made the unfortunate mistake of stumbling across you in the library, and … well, you know the rest,” I huff.

  “Did I know what was happening? No! Did I cause it to happen? No! Did I want it to happen? Hell-bloody-no! … In fact, if I could go back in time I would run as far away from you and that godforsaken place as fast as my legs would carry me!” I shout.

  Ryder just stands there dumbfounded not saying a word. Looking at him it’s obvious that no one has ever spoken to him like that before.

  “So if you don’t mind, I’d like you to leave now thanks,” I insist, pointing with one arm towards the gates at the bottom of the garden.

  The air around us calms down, and although I can still sense he’s annoyed, my own anger confidence has outweighed his. But he still doesn’t move or say a word. He just stands there like a giant rock staring at me. He can stand out here all night if he wants, I’m going inside.

  “Fine, stay there then. If you won’t leave, then I will.”

  I turn and walk the few short steps to the open door when all of a sudden I feel him behind me. I’ve no idea how he managed to get up here so quick, but here he is.

  Facing away from him, I stay unmoving without a clue on what he’s going to do next.

  “Who are you?” he breathes out so close that I can feel his breath on the back of my neck. My body reacts immediately, covering me in goosebumps.

  “Why does it matter?” I answer with every nerve on high alert.

  “I want … no, need to know,” he breathes out again.

  Looking down to the ground, I turn my head to the side. I can see him from the corner of my eye over my shoulder. He’s only inches away, my nose full with his intoxicating cologne.

  “I’m Willow …” I reply, as I step forward and into the house.


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