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Untamed (Omertà Book 2)

Page 20

by Anna Widzisz

  She looked up from the cutting board, trying to muster enough bravery to meet the Capo’s eyes. It only lasted a few seconds.

  "I don’t know. He didn’t say," she answered truthfully.

  That was the usual Flavio style. Not sharing with people. "But you have a theory,"

  A quiet sigh escaped her lips. Whatever she’d been thinking wasn’t something she wanted to share with the man. He scared her endlessly. Along with his younger brother. She tried not to get in their way and keep to herself because she had been in a spotlight for too long. The whole slaughter scene from the restaurant was still replaying in her mind, and none of the men had made it better or easier on her.

  They were brutal and merciless, Anastasia knew that. They could kill anyone just because they wanted to. Exactly like her father, uncle and every Made Man she’d met throughout her life. And even though Noah and Flavio hadn’t given her a reason to fear them yet, she wasn’t foolish enough to test them by speaking more than completely necessary.

  Noah rolled his eyes, rising from his seat and advanced to the counter, putting his hand over the knife that was in the girl’s hand. "Look at me, for fuck’s sake," he seethed.

  The Capo hated when someone ignored him. Even if he knew the reason why Anastasia was fearful to talk to him, he wouldn’t tolerate her behavior. She was under his protection and that wasn’t going to change anytime soon. As Noah wasn’t even considering making peace with the New York Famiglia. Giving the girl back would be the first step in achieving that.

  Anastasia slowly looked into his eyes, fighting with herself not to look away. "I’m not fond of hurting innocent girls. Especially when they are not even legal. But that can change at any moment if you keep acting like this. You’re here, safe and sound because I ordered it. Don’t make me change my mind," he warned the girl.

  "Noah, stop threatening her," said Flavio as he walked up to them.

  He was only wearing his black sweatpants, exposing his scarred chest. The worst was hid underneath the tattoo that covered half of his back, extending from his bicep to the collarbone. It was a wing tattoo.

  As much as Noah had been hurt throughout the years of learning how to fight and being disciplined by Marco, the Underboss could add to those many marks suffered during the time of his kidnapping. The time of Sienna’s death.

  Noah smiled. "I’m just having a little bit of fun, brother," he explained, taking a piece of the carrot that Anastasia had been chopping. As Flavio went to his bedroom, Noah followed him.

  "You need something?" asked Underboss.


  Flavio didn’t need more than that to realize what his brother was actually asking him. He’d expected this question once Noah found out about him taking Anastasia in. What was more, he could even name all the reasons that were running through the Capo’s mind.

  "I don’t trust anyone to do a better job at keeping her safe," Flavio said, pulling a t-shirt over his head.

  Noah frowned. "Cristian is free since he’s not guarding Inéz anymore."

  "Yes, and he is also the guy she was with in that basement. I can already imagine how freaked out she would be to see him. Let alone be guarded by him."

  "The girl is scared of us too. So, I hardly believe it makes much of a difference. She trembled when she heard your voice all the same. Besides, she fucked a Made Man. She can overcome her fear."

  The Underboss regarded the man, shrugging. "If Filippo Bazzoli decides to get the girl back, he will most likely find out that she’s here with me. Maybe that will be enough for him to realize how stupid of an idea his rescue mission is."

  That was a solid plan, however, Noah doubted that it was the main reason why his apartment was safer. But he didn’t want to quarrel over the matter anymore. He didn’t care that much what his brother did as long as it didn’t involve dragging the Famiglia into any more problems. And he couldn’t see one of New York’s Capos crossing the borders of Las Vegas anytime soon.

  He nodded. "You’re meeting with the twins?" he asked.

  Flavio chimed in, readying himself. "I need to know what they thought of today’s initiation. It’s the best time to get something out of them."

  Noah laughed at his brother’s words. Only he could actually make plans with someone just to get them to talk. Even though he liked the twins, he was somehow able to keep their business and friendship clearly separated. Something Noah had a hard time doing most of the time.

  "You’re going?"

  "No. You’re probably going to go to the club anyway, and I shouldn’t be there."

  "Because you’d fuck Inéz? It’s not something that would register as suspicious to Gastone. He wants her himself. If anything, she’s going to fuck up her job when she’s caught listening into the fucker’s conversation again. Or going through his documents out in the open."

  It was clear that Flavio wasn’t fond of Inéz having such an important job. He didn’t believe it could end well mostly because he’d already gotten involved twice in her incompetent moves.

  "Sooner or later Gastone will catch up on it. And it’s probably going to be before the girl can get anything useful at all. He will kill her without hesitation."

  The Capo pursed his lips, thinking of such a possibility. Of course, he had to consider it, but usually, it took a backseat in his head. He wanted to get rid of his Capodecina without losing his soldiers’ respect, but at the same time, he couldn’t imagine Inéz paying the ultimate price for his decisions. Flavio knew that all too well.

  He advanced towards his brother, tapping his shoulder lightly. "I know you have to think of the Famiglia and that at the end of the day it’s your call to make, but if Inéz gets caught not only will the Famiglia struggle, but she also won’t make it out alive. And you care about both. Being in the center of your attention is a rather dark place, Noah."

  Noah hadn’t talked to anyone about his feelings towards Inéz, but Flavio was more than capable of noticing them. Mostly because there was no one else who was more in touch with their own emotions than his brother. For some reason, the Underboss was both - a strong man, and an emphatic person whenever he saw fit. It wasn’t common in the mafia circles; there were either monsters or weaklings. Never someone crazily intelligent with a strong but terrifying exterior and a soft spot for other’s feelings. It could be both impressive and alarming.

  The Capo didn’t say anything. He wasn’t sure what his next course of action should be. So, with a sharp nod, he left the apartment.


  A low, rough voice echoed through the empty hallway of Coluccio Guerra’s villa. Today was the engagement party of the Capodecina’s oldest daughter, but Noah couldn’t care less about it. He was in no mood to celebrate; however, it was expected of him to show up and pay his respects to the couple. With a glass of whiskey in his hand, he tried with all his might to avoid the people there. So, for the last fifteen minutes, he had been sitting on one of the cashmere couches on the first floor hiding from everyone.

  Vainly as Nicodemo’s eyes zoomed in on his boss, a questioning look flashing in them. He lowered his own glass of alcohol on the side table and settled next to Noah. "Conte has been looking for you," he said.

  Noah snorted, taking a huge gulp and relishing in the bitter taste. "He can go fuck himself. I’m not going to talk to him about expending his fucking business anytime soon."

  "Well, that’s what your brother told him. Just in more pleasant words." Nicodemo chuckled.

  They sat in complete silence for the next ten minutes, drinking, each pondering on their own problems to handle. The Enforcer wasn't a social person, so having some time away from the big crowd of Famiglia Made Men was exactly what he needed. And Noah wasn’t complaining either since there was no pressure to engage in a conversation with him.

  As the son of one of the Capo’s captains back in Sicily, Nico could have stayed with his father and learned the business inside out to take over later on. Yet, he’d decided to move to Las Vegas with his
boss and a friend, and become one of his Enforcers. He always liked fighting, so it was a job he preferred to becoming a white-collar who barely got the possibility to prove himself in battle. Sitting behind a desk wasn’t his idea of fulfillment. For most people, it was seen as a step-down, especially for Nicodemo’s father, but as he had two more sons, he had no say in the matter. Noah himself went to talk to the Capodecina to straighten things up. As a sign of respect towards his soldier. He hadn’t known Nicodemo that well at the time, however, the man was faithful and loyal. Something Noah had greatly needed. Still did for that matter.

  "Why have you delegated my tasks for today to others?" he asked after a while, curious.

  Noah shrugged. "Your father couldn’t make it to the party, so I figured that I could at least make you come instead of him."

  "I get it, but I could have still done my job just fine."

  The Capo turned his head towards the Enforcer. "Take a fucking day off from time to time, Nico. I can’t remember the last time you did that. I have enough people to take care of things for one day," he answered. "How is the training going?"

  They weren’t using Inéz’s name in public, mostly because it only took one wrong person overhearing and starting to dig for a disaster to occur. Noah preferred to keep things on the down-low as far as the Famiglia’s business was concerned, and that extended to the girl now, too.

  Nicodemo regarded him. "Not bad. She’s learning. Slowly, but surely. Why are you asking? Is she going to need the skills soon?"

  "I don’t know. I hope not. But Flavio thinks differently. He’s certain that she’s not going to be able to get it done."

  "I can see where he’s coming from. However, she seems determined enough to try her best."

  "So you don’t think I should change my plan? To make her quit the job and figure out another way to expose Conte?"

  The Enforcer shook his head, getting up. "Flavio is much smarter than us, but he makes a habit out of not placing too much trust in anyone but himself. I believe you made the right call to involve her. It’s out of the ordinary, but a brilliant move, nonetheless. Let her try. She’s being watched anyway, so if things go south, you will pull the plug on the whole operation then."

  Noah nodded. "Can you keep tabs on her outside of your training sessions, too?"

  "You don’t have to ask twice, Noah. You know I would do anything you need," he declared, turning on his heels to return to the party.

  He was right. There was a reason why it made perfect sense for Inéz to be the one to get dirt on Gastone. And as much as he didn’t like his Capodecina near her, there was no way Noah could manage the task by himself. What was more, getting any other girl to take her place was out of the question. Since they first met, the Capo could see the determination and loyalty shine brightly in Inéz’s eyes. He refused to think she wouldn’t find a way to make it all work. And now that Nicodemo had also agreed to keep an eye on her, he was calmer.

  "Nico, one last thing." Noah stopped him. "You will fly to Seattle to deliver my offer to Meccuci. He wants a bigger percentage of the restaurant, and I need someone that will make him think twice before saying no in the negotiation."

  Nicodemo nodded, agreeing to the task. It wasn’t in his usual job description, but he could see his Capo’s reasoning for sending him. With that, he disappeared around the corner.

  § § §

  Reluctantly, he appeared in the great hall where the main party was taking place. As soon as his people saw him, they started coming up to him one by one to ask questions, trying to get his approval for certain actions. That was why Noah hated social gatherings with all his might. They weren’t a time to let loose, unwind and mingle with the others outside of their work environment. No, for his soldiers they were the most comfortable place to make transactions and take advantage of their Capo being out in the open and easily approachable.

  Talking to Coluccio about possible businesses his soon-to-be son-in-law could receive, he felt his thoughts drifting off. The man was his Capodecina, so he had easier ways of talking to him. They could set up a meeting to discuss it. But no, he decided to breach the subject on the evening of his daughter’s engagement party. That infuriated Noah, and he was barely holding on to the last threads of his patience. However, he didn’t want to make a scene. The one good thing was that he wasn’t thinking of marrying his younger daughter off to him. At least for today.

  "Boss, something’s happened. Can you come with me?" Elio approached them, his face resolute and calculating.

  Coluccio stopped talking and wandered off, seeing as whatever the man had to say was much more important than his godforsaken son-in-law.

  Noah raised an eyebrow. "What’s going on?"

  The twin smiled lightly. "Nothing. I just saw that you were about to kill him any second now. We don’t need a massacre here."

  "Why not? It would be a wonderful change of scenery."

  He froze. "It’s..."

  "I was being sarcastic." Noah rolled his eyes and patted Elio’s arm. "Thanks."

  "You’re welcome. I’m known for getting people out of bad situations." he chuckled.

  Normally, Noah would have thought that he had his twin or father in mind, however, he had recently learnt about his deal with one of the dancers in the club - Amanda. And even if the man didn’t greatly care about her, he still helped her. Whether there was a hidden agenda or not, Noah had to tread carefully as they weren’t sure of anyone else’s involvement in Gastone’s betrayal. The twins worked with their father on numerous affairs, so it was only fair that suspicion befell them as well.

  "Have you seen my brother? I swear, every time I turn around, he disappears somewhere," said Elio, looking around.

  There were a lot of people - Made Men with their families. All those that Noah had transferred from Sicily to Las Vegas, and a few people from different states that were under the Famiglia’s rule. Such social events were usually the best way of arranging new business dealings, but most of all - marriages. Even though Noah didn’t give a shit whether his soldiers went along with arranging, or allowed their children to choose themselves - there were a few traditions to uphold. People were used to the old ways, and no Capo was eager to completely change them. He’d altered a lot, pushed harder against them as they were in the States and the rules that worked in Europe weren’t effective there. But that had mostly applied to business. Social life was a completely different matter. A small change could shift the power away from him to the point of no return.

  Noah shook his head. He didn’t care about Fabro enough to engage in the conversation or at least search the crowd for the man. Especially since making eye contact with the wrong person could lead to him having to decline another hand in marriage. Yes, he was one of those that had to take part in the so-called matchmaking. And Noah had no desire to get married anytime soon, so their efforts were pointless. After being engaged to Lynette and the entire plan going to hell, he’d devoted his time and life to the Famiglia. No place had been left for other commitments.

  "I see everyone is interested in entering the ruling family," Elio joked as he also picked up on the Made Men’s intentions.

  Who wouldn’t want to be on the right side of the Famiglia?

  But as Capo he had a choice.

  Falcone sighed. "Don’t joke about that. At one point it’s going to be your father who will come to me for a blessing to have you married to some girl. All the older Sicilians are too eager to celebrate one wedding after another."

  The Capo’s agreement wasn’t necessary as far as marriage was concerned. However, it was greatly appreciated, so many men came to Noah to get his approval. Especially captains, as they were businessmen in more than one sense of the word. Everything was a deal for them, and when respect added up to it, it became even more important.

  "Somehow I doubt my father cares enough to find me a wife. And I don’t mind going through life fucking. Not one bit." he smirked.

  "When you take over your father’s b
usiness, it will be expected of you to get a wife."

  Elio regarded his boss and chuckled, shaking his head. "I’m not holding my breath for that. It will most likely be Fabro. Anyway, I prefer to earn something than having it handed to me. I’m not a big fan of taking over the nightclub or restaurants really. It’s a rather boring job."

  Surprisingly, the twin had more common sense than Noah believed. As far as his involvement in Gastone’s business went, he usually collected the extortion money whenever it was necessary. Nothing out of the ordinary, and quite a low level for a son of a Capodecina. With more than thirty soldiers working for the man, he had people to handle such tasks, while Elio could learn to pull the strings of the business, the same way Fabro was. But he wasn’t. Noah had known that for a long time but never thought twice about it. There was no need to care about his captains’ people and what they were doing exactly.

  More doubts flashed in his mind. Somehow, the man made Noah second guess his involvement in Gastone’s scams. He had believed that both sons would be part of it just because of their family ties. But that might not be the case after all.

  "Come to my office tomorrow around noon," he said and with that, he left to find Flavio.

  There was an idea that came to him, and he needed to get a second opinion on whether it was wise or not. And that required his Underboss learning all about it.


  "Gastone won’t stand for it," Flavio stated, pacing the office back and forth.

  He had been called early in the morning to help decide the best course of action. And as Underboss he had a closer relationship with people and was more capable of making a sound decision in certain aspects.

  He regarded Noah emphatically. After years, he knew all too well that the Capo could think and act without much consideration, yet, there had always been a limit to his ideas. Or that’s what Flavio had believed until now.


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