Untamed (Omertà Book 2)

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Untamed (Omertà Book 2) Page 28

by Anna Widzisz

  "Easy there. I would hate to see Lynette hurting one of you if something happened to me," he stated smirking.

  "Oh yeah, as if Lynette would give a damn. Maybe a few years ago," said Noah but was not really sure if that was true. After all, the two of them had spent a lot of time together. They might as well be in a relationship for all he knew.

  Lynette looked at him. "Family isn’t who you were born into, but who you’d die for."

  Flavio laughed, thinking the whole situation was hilarious. It was all so messed up that he didn’t know what to think about it. A few days ago, he had merely thought that their problems would end with finding Lynette and uniting their Famiglia with Inéz, Drew and Isaac. But it all turned out to be unnecessary because the girl was alive and well, and didn’t need anyone’s help. What was more, she wouldn’t follow Noah’s sick plan, which Flavio was thankful for, so there had been literally no point in doing anything they had done so far. But it was rather too late to turn back now.

  "Alright I will repeat Isaac’s question, what makes Noah’s plan ironic? Insane - yes." the younger brother asked still clinging to his gun just in case Venas had set up some kind of trap. He didn’t trust any of them. Not Lynette, nor Luca. Hell, at the moment, he barely trusted his own brother.

  "There was a point where I wanted to figure out a way to avoid marrying Noah. So stupidly, I proposed as an alternative to my zio and father to marry Luca instead. They thought of it as Luca’s attempt at becoming Capo and reaching for power."

  "And I was almost killed because of that idea. Thank you very much," Luca added.

  Lynette shrugged. "We’re even." pause. "While talking to them, I mentioned that Noah would probably want to take all the power himself. I had heard that you were in contact with another mafia and forging your own alliances on the side to overthrow Marco, and it was only one step away from attempting to get the Seattle Famiglia too. With me at your side as your wife and your own soldiers, it wouldn’t have been that hard."

  Noah was truly impressed by the fact that she had figured him out quicker that anyone else. He had thought about it when he’d heard of the engagement plan, but it had been far from possible at the time. As time went by, the plan started to take clearer shape in his mind and he wanted it more and more every single day. With the Seattle Famiglia, he would have the whole west for himself. And if there was something that he had dreamt of ever since he had been initiated - it was to be the best and most powerful.

  "It’s not going to happen, Noah," said Lynette and moved towards the door with Luca by her side. As she reached to open the doors, she stopped and turned around. "One more thing, if you figure out a plan for Gastone let me know," she added and with one last glance at Drew, she disappeared.


  The plan had been set into motion only two days later. Before meeting with all the captains, he’d decided to act upon Gastone’s case. Instead of asking for permission he would rather explain his actions. Everything was settled. Since the Capodecina wasn’t suspecting anything, it only required Nicodemo and Drew to go and take him, as Noah and Flavio were to be waiting for them in one of their warehouses outside of Las Vegas, so they could deal with him in peace. He didn’t need witnesses as he was going to spread the word around his Famiglia after everything. It was better for his soldiers’ to imagine what their Capo had actually done with Gastone, rather than them seeing it. The mind was a powerful tool and it was always scarier than reality.

  All this time Inéz had been in Noah’s penthouse, waiting for some information. Even Lynette had visited her, curious about how they would handle things. She wanted the men to capture the Capodecina, and then go and join them in the warehouse to witness the brutal end of his pathetic life.

  "Do you think we can do this?" Inéz asked the girl trying not to sound affected, but she knew that once she got an answer, it would be easier to see the fear behind her composure.

  There was an anxiety that wouldn’t go away, although the action was supposed to be easy and quick.

  Lynette looked at the brunette as if she didn’t see any use in asking the question. Wasn’t the answer obvious?

  "It would take a miracle."

  Well, that was good. Miracles happened sometimes.

  "And even then probably not," Lynette added and just as Inéz predicted – she felt the color drain from her face, but not in fear for her own life, but for what would happen to Noah because of the stupidest idea that he had ever had. The man was so wise and capable of leading the most dangerous organization in the world, but so obnoxiously naïve to think that power was what he needed the most. When what he should want was to just sit and deal with what was to come.

  Inéz thought that separating the Capo’s men was a stupid idea. Easy never means that it was actually going to be like that. Especially when it came to the mafia, and for people who had been born into this life, Made Men tended to forget it a lot.

  "Can I ask you something?"

  Lynette rolled her eyes, annoyed. "You already have. Twice," she said, going back to doing something on her phone. "What?"

  "When everyone was against you and Drew, how did you deal with it?"

  A loud laugh echoed in the room. Lynette glanced at Inéz with inquisitive eyes. "Are you seriously asking me this? Inéz, I was sixteen years old and living in a golden cage. I could hardly do anything so meeting with Drew was my way of rebelling against the standards. If you’re aiming at finding out how to handle your relationship with Noah, you’re asking the wrong person. Flavio is a much better choice. He knows his brother, and he’s extremely smart."

  "Flavio told me that our relationship was toxic and that I should end it before it goes further and destroys us both."

  "So you have your answer." Lynette shrugged, completely unfazed by what she’d pointed out. Whether the girl would be with Noah or not, she didn’t care at all. It was just a choice for Inéz to make, and an easy one at that.

  But Inéz clearly wanted her to state the opposite of what Flavio had and tell her to defend what she had. To tell her that it was natural to be lost in a relationship, but that it would pass. That within mafia circle it was always hard, but worth it. She didn’t.

  Instead, she got up, adjusting her tight black dress. "It’s taking too long. I’m going to the warehouse. Are you coming?"

  Inéz's eyebrows drew together. "You want me to go with you?"

  "I don’t care if you do or not. Just decide quickly because I want to leave."

  She thought about it. Something was pushing her to join Lynette and see everything with her own eyes. The way the Famiglia worked. Just like when Noah had taken her to see him dealing with his father’s man. And she had felt strangely satisfied while being there. She nearly agreed to Lynette’s offer.

  However, in a moment of doubt, she shook her head, and soon the girl left. For the first time in a while, Inéz found herself alone, and it got to her. The silence echoing in her ears was a constant white noise that grew so unbearable in a matter of seconds that she decided to go after Lynette, hoping that she hadn’t left yet.

  Getting down to the lobby, she nodded her head to the receptionist who was involved in the mafia business and always kept an eye on who was coming in. As she left the building, she looked around for a black Audi, but couldn’t see one parked anywhere close. Lynette must have driven away already.

  With a deep sigh, she turned around, ready to go back inside. But then she felt a sharp pain streak through her neck and a paralyzing feeling of falling down took over her body as she lost consciousness immediately.


  Fluttering her eyes open, Inéz blinked a few times, getting used to the dim light in the room. She didn’t remember falling asleep, but her eyelids felt so heavy that she couldn’t help thinking she needed a few more hours of sleep to overcome the deep tiredness that had taken over her body.

  Hearing the screech of a wooden chair, she looked around, realizing that she didn’t recognize the place she was
in. Nothing seemed familiar.

  Instantly, panic awoke inside her as she tried to shuffle around and leave. Wherever she was, it was a shabby and terrifying place. Like some kind of basement with nothing but the dirty mattress, she was lying on. Something was tightly holding her down as she desperately tried to move. But her efforts were futile as both her arms and legs had been restrained.

  Her heartbeat picked up its pace as she tried with all her might to hold off the tears.

  Suddenly, realization dawned on her as to what has happened. Her conversation with Lynette and going outside to try to find her and go with her. Then a piercing flash of pain that had overcome her body, and nothing else. Pitch black had engulfed her.

  She tried once again to free her hands off the ropes, but all she did was cause her restraints to dig even deeper into her skin, the sticky feeling of blood mixing with the coarse material of the ropes. She groaned at the helplessness that settled inside her. There were many things that Nicodemo had taught her, but freeing herself, unfortunately, wasn’t one of them. And struggling only made them tighter and more painful.

  The doorknob started to twist, and a second later it was flung open. Four men were standing in the threshold, all wearing black, their holsters strapped on their chests. The worst thing was that one of them was Gastone Conte himself. He was gripping a knife in his hand, smirking.

  "You know," he began, coming closer. "I hate rats."

  "Then you and I have something in common because I hate those who betray for their own gain," she spat, knowing that everything was out in the open. He knew she had been spying for Noah, so there was no use lying anymore. She gladly told the truth. Even if it might have been the last thing she ever did.

  He pulled her hair back, making her look directly into his cruel eyes. A cold blade pressed against her throat. "Who the fuck are you? And how did Falcone get you to spy on me?" he roared, hatred spewing out of him.

  Somehow, it made Inéz burst out laughing. For a Made Man he was really bad at getting information. He was basing everything on what he had seen and it clearly wasn’t enough when he hadn’t even been able to learn her real name.

  A sharp blow to her cheek made her expression change at once.

  "Answer my fucking question, bitch!" he yelled, slowly returning the knife to its holster. And with rage written all over his face, he dragged her out of the room by the hair and threw her on the chair right outside the room next-door.

  Inéz refused to show him the amount of pain she was feeling. "I’m Inéz Díez," she confessed.

  "Falcone enrolled a stupid teenager to get rid of me? Are you fucking joking?" he laughed bitterly. There was no need to explain any further who she was. Her name was known because of Lynette. "Some kind of Capo he is. All those soldiers, assassins, and his stupid but brutal brother, and he sent a girl to do his bidding."

  "You’d be glad to know that I am an initiated member of the Famiglia."

  To say that all the men in the room were shocked would be an understatement. It was something they would have never imagined happening in the history of the Cosa Nostra. The Bratva used women, as well as the Triad and Yakuza, but the American-Sicilian mafia hadn’t so far.

  "No wonder people are fucking done with Falcone if he allows weak ones in. He couldn’t recognize true potential if it stared back at him. Initiating you is just another example."

  She sneered, narrowing her eyes at the man behind Gastone. He kept laughing at the whole situation, which probably wouldn’t be happening if he was in charge. It was one of the Bratva members whom she’d already met before - Ivan. There would be no talking, and she would die the second he got his hands on her. No bargaining. She was well aware of that.

  "Let me guess, choosing Elio as Noah’s soldier is another one?"

  Gastone chuckled, pressing his hands to each side of her body. A painful grip that would leave bruises for a long time. "Neither of my sons would be a good idea, however, Fabro would have been a better choice, if you ask me. But they got their whore of a mother’s genes, so they get themselves screwed over and over again. Falcone would have done the same with you." he stated. "I will save you that torture and a broken fucking heart," he whispered menacingly as his hand travelled up her face.

  She flinched, turning her head away from his disgusting touch. But it didn’t change much. However, she refused to look his way. Soon, she was left alone with the Capodecina. And she recognized the paralyzing fear all too well.

  The hunger in his eyes was just as visible as always.

  To Inéz’s terror, he pulled out the knife once again, but this time he didn’t hesitate to use it. Brushing his fingers against her dress, he pulled it up, revealing her underwear all the way up to her stomach and chest. Then he ripped the fabric, leaving her body fully exposed and at the man’s mercy. The blade slid over her smooth skin, cutting it open from rib to hip. A deafening scream sounded in the room, mixing with the piercing pain that had her eyes swimming in unspilled tears. But her body’s suffering was nothing compared to the feeling of having her heart shatter at the bleakness of her situation. She was alone and no one was there to save her.

  Lynette’s words sounded in her head.

  You need to be able to save yourself. Don’t ever count on others because you will be met with hurtful disappointment.

  All she had was her fire, but even that was fading away into nothingness. Should she even keep on praying for someone to help her? Or should she start begging for a quick death?

  The slashes got deeper and deeper, and soon there were too many to count. "Fuck you," she screamed, letting all the anger out in an attempt to cope with the pain.

  "I intend to, doll," he said, biting her ear slightly.

  Bile rose in her throat, and if she hadn’t been too anxious the whole day to eat, she would have puked all over him. She wished she had. Maybe it would have momentarily stopped him.

  He threw the knife back, and it got stuck in the wooden doors with a loud thud.

  Gastone squeezed her face, forcing her to look at him. "All this fake innocent act. Maybe you should finally put it to some good use," he spat in disgust.

  Her eyes held a clear refusal.

  He grabbed her and pulled her up from the chair, viciously throwing her to the floor. Her back slammed against the cold, hard concrete. She cried out, tears streaming down her cheeks as she had no control over them anymore. There was nothing left inside her. No will, no strength. And worst of all - no hope. Of seeing her brother, parents, Drew, Isaac, or Noah. There was just nothing but a terrifying void that beckoned her closer to the abyss.

  The man’s chest heaved up and down. "I will finally get a taste of that. After giving your ass to Falcone, you should get to experience a real man at least once in your soon-to-be-over life."

  He undressed quickly, and seeing his naked form tower over her made her want to scream out for help once again. But her voice got stuck in her throat. And as he lowered himself onto her, she tried to push him off. However, she couldn’t move. Crippling pain shot up her back, leaving her unable to move any part of her body. Not her hands, or her legs. Just as when she had been younger. It was the exact same feeling.

  "You will like it, doll. I promise," he said as he began sloppily kissing her neck, going lower with each wet kiss.

  She whimpered. "Stop, please," was all she managed to rasp out.

  He shook his head. "Not working on me," he forced his lips on hers, sucking them. Gastone didn’t care that she wasn’t giving in, nor did her tears move him in the slightest.

  Her only resolve was to keep on listening to what was going on outside the room - by the window or behind the closed doors. It helped not to think of Gastone and his hands roaming her body. Shutting it all off was the only thing she could do, seeing as she wasn’t able to move an inch and that the physical pain was just as palpable as the emotional one.

  Was this how she was going to die? Alone and scared out of her mind?

  But then she heard gunsh
ots in the background, making Gastone stop for a second. He turned his head back and before she knew it, the pressure of his body wasn’t there anymore. He had been kicked strongly and had landed a few meters away with a loud thump. The absence of his disgusting face revealed Flavio’s, standing above her, looking at her with troubled eyes. He gazed at the right side of the room, making Inèz follow his line of sight. Noah was hovering over Gastone, beating the living crap out of him. His eyes - a well of jet-black tar - held a chilling look. In one hand a gun was held loosely, his finger pressing against the trigger and sending a bullet a few millimeters away from the Capodecina’s face and into the wall behind him. His eyebrow raised in startling amusement and rage so vivid that one couldn’t help but wonder if Noah would be able to come back from it a sane person. He was seething and couldn’t stop smashing his fist into the man’s face, throat and chest once he’d hid the gun into his holster. Everything was covered with so much blood that the girl felt sick, even though it had never bothered her before. For the first time, she was about to vomit at seeing such a disturbing and inhumane scene. And she wished Noah would stop, just for her sake. She needed him to stop and to catch a glimpse of the person that she’d grown to care so deeply about.

  Flavio focused on her once again. He examined the cuts on her stomach, but they weren’t what was bothering Inéz the most right now.

  "I can’t move," she said, and the Underboss knew immediately that she wasn’t referring to the ropes that she was tied up with. They wouldn’t cause such desperation.

  He nodded, and looked behind him, saying something that the girl didn’t catch. But a second later, Lynette showed up next to her and freed her body.

  "What happened?" she asked.

  Her question, however, went unanswered, as Inéz kept looking at Noah who was being restrained by his brother. Even Flavio had realized that having the Capo deal with the man wasn’t their biggest priority. But Noah’s rage kept him trying to hurt the Capodecina even more. Soon there would be nothing left of him with the number of punches and kicks he was taking. Noah didn’t even bother using a knife or a gun. He needed Gastone to suffer more and for a longer period of time, and using fists was giving the Capo satisfaction and a source to channel all his fiery emotions.


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