Heart of Steele

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Heart of Steele Page 9

by Alysha Huddleston

  He took her hand and linked it around his arm, leading her down to the rental shop, where they picked up skates. Her body was warm and soft next to his, and he wanted to keep her there.

  Once they'd laced up, Magnus took her hand and together they clomped onto the ice. They both wobbled and grabbed each other for support.

  "So how long has it been for you?" She asked, her eyes alight.

  Magnus choked on a laugh.

  The same amount of time it's been for you, baby.

  "Fifteen years. Maybe more." He said aloud. "You?"

  "I came here last winter a few times."

  "Looks like you're master and commander today. I'll follow you."

  Autumn bit her lip. "Ok. Let's push off to the right. Ready?"

  They both made a token glide and wobbled, but less than they had before. She looked up at Magnus and grimaced.

  "Hey, we're getting better." He teased.

  A feeling of joy and exhilaration filled him. A different feeling, one he hadn't felt in so long, he couldn't remember the last time. He surrendered to it, reveled in it and turned to the girl who embodied it.

  Autumn giggled. "Ok. Ready? To the left." And they glided in that direction, gripping their hands tightly together.

  They built a momentum, and soon they were gliding, if not like pros, good enough to stay up and enjoy it.

  Autumn's two braids framed her breasts, and her cheeks and nose flushed pink.

  She was adorable.

  He couldn't even think of a sexier word right then because she looked so carefree and happy. It was tough to see the girl who had moaned and trembled in his arms, who had spread her body for him, but she was in there, hot abandon, just waiting.

  A wayward skater cut across their path and she lost her balance. Magnus threw his arm around her waist and made for the side. He slammed against the rail as she crashed into him, his body shielding her from the sharp metal.

  She looked up as her feet found stability, her wide eyes shifted, desire bloomed and darkened, her blushing cheeks turning from pink to red. His dick responded and before he could even think to stop himself, his mouth was crushing hers, his tongue devouring her lips.

  He was inside before she could take another breath. She leaned into him, her gloved hands grabbing his coat, her body warm, plush and inviting. His legs were apart, supporting them against the rail. Autumn nestled between his thighs, her belly pressed against his growing erection.

  His hand slid under her hat and pulled her closer. Jesus. He couldn't get enough of her.

  He finally broke the embrace and stared down into sultry brown eyes, translucent and full of wonder as she stared, grasping him tighter as if she didn't trust her body to hold her up on its own. She ran her tongue over her trembling lips and his need for her grew to exploding proportions. Would she let Mike take her to bed?

  "I better get home." She said unexpectedly and gave him a shy glance as they made their way off the ice.


  He wasn't ready for her to leave. "How about we go to dinner first?" He offered in a desperate attempt to keep her with him.

  She checked her watch, biting her lip. "A quick one?"

  "Is pizza quick enough?"

  "Actually pizza sounds like heaven right now." She said, slipping her hand into his offered one. Magnus sifted his fingers through hers and looked down at her, his heart drumming in his chest, happiness spreading like a sunrise. He couldn't stop the grin. It was probably goofy as hell.

  He bought two huge slices of pizza and two beers and watched, amused, as she tried to navigate the floppy piece to her mouth. She squeaked as cheese and sauce slid off and just made it onto her plate.

  "Here." He took it from her and rolled it up, handing it back to her and watching as she angled her head and carefully took a bite.


  "Okay, Mr. Bigshot New Yorker." She teased. "Not all of us can be the pizza whisperer."

  He chuckled. With a smile still on his lips, he took his napkin and wiped the corner of her mouth, his fingers lingering as their eyes met.

  He leaned across the table and touched his lips gently to hers. For a painful split second he thought she might not respond, but then he felt soft lips press into his.

  At her door, he kissed her more thoroughly, burying his hungry lips in hers, his tongue plunging and sweeping her hot mouth until he was hard and nudging his about-to-explode cock against her stomach.

  Then he kissed her slowly, sweetly, savoring the taste of her.

  He reluctantly pulled back to look down into her face, full of life and desire, unable to comprehend how this girl, this radiant, genuine girl with bright eyes and a guileless smile, could be happily ensconced in his arms, not wanting anything from him, only him.

  "It's my turn to treat. Dinner. Here. Tomorrow night?" She offered, slipping her hands around his back to caress him. The feeling of her hands under his coat made him growl softly.

  "What time?" He whispered, grazing her earlobe with his teeth, eliciting shivers from the body he still held lightly against him.

  "Eight?" She almost moaned, her eyes closed as he worked his mouth down her neck and moved her coat slightly to nibble at her shoulder.

  He lifted his head and cupped her face, brushing his thumb tenderly across her lips. He placed a gentle kiss there and gazed at her. Then he stepped all the way back.

  "See you soon, sweetheart." His voice was husky and carried with it a wealth of emotions he didn't know how to express, but it didn't stop him from looking at her with those he could, and it felt really fucking good.

  Chapter Fifteen

  She knew she was staring. She couldn't help it. She held balsamic in one hand and a plate in the other as she'd stepped out of the kitchen.

  He had taken off his jacket and walked toward her in a white silk button down that poured over his biceps and rippling abs like fine cream.

  He had always been in a jacket or loose sweater, so this was a new and wholly magnificent view of him. He looked gorgeous and expensive and a little intimidating.

  "Autumn?" His deep voice broke the spell and she bit her lip.

  "Yes?" She asked innocently as if she hadn't just been ravaging him with starved eyes.

  He grinned. "Need help?" His eyes didn't actually sparkle. Somehow that had changed. Now he seemed too masculine, too powerful to sparkle, but something quick and warm did spark in his eyes and she felt parts of her body heat and tingle.

  "Help?" She frowned, then realized she was still holding the vinegar and plate in her hands. She blushed. "Oh. Yes. Would you pour the wine? I have everything set up at the table."

  "Sure." He curved his hand around her waist and brought her against him, kissing her as she went on tiptoe. He slid his tongue slowly into her mouth and gently bit her lip before he set her down.

  "Wine." He whispered hoarsely, lifting the two he had brought in his other hand. "Red or white?"

  "White. Shrimp. pasta." She answered as if she could only speak in sound bites.

  Mike had changed. Had he just been shy when they'd first met? Was that the reason he had seemed nerdy?

  Memories of him kicking the snow, his silly grin, the way he'd stood, all of that was gone and now there was just this magnificent man with a heart-stopping smile, confident and sexy.

  Autumn drizzled balsamic over the bocconcini and tomatoes and took them to the table.

  He had his arms around her before she could sit, and she willingly went to him, holding onto his flexing biceps as sensuous lips pressed against hers.

  This time his kiss was harder, his tongue thrusting into her mouth, his lips molding to hers.

  He tasted warm and clean and Autumn ran her tongue along his teeth and the heat of his mouth. She heard a rumble in his chest and he pulled her tighter into him.

  His thumb stroked her back in small caresses, cupped her bottom, bringing her higher. One hand slid into her hair, grabbing a handful of tumbling waves, holding her still while he plundered h
er mouth.

  She felt dizzy, intoxicated by him, and they hadn't even started on the wine. He took his fill and she gave her all. He was power and yearning, and a thought skittered through her mind, faint but real, he would consume her if she let him.

  Breathless and shaking, she pulled back, looking into his eyes. They were dark and heavy lidded, and she felt a thrill of lust shoot through her middle. Taking a deep breath, she placed her hands on his cheeks. "Nourishment."

  He grinned and her thumb slipped over the dimple that suddenly appeared. She traced it and bit her lip as she looked up at him. Her body began to simmer again and an equal heat stirred in his eyes.

  He lowered his mouth to her neck and Autumn sighed as his lips caressed down to her shoulder where he nipped. She breathed in sharply and felt the warmth of his chuckle as he moved back up to her mouth, kissing her softly before releasing her.

  Sitting across from each other at the square table, they talked easily. Mostly, he asked her questions and she had plenty to say considering she had plenty of people to talk about.

  What he found so interesting, she didn’t know.

  She wasn't beautiful or sexy. She wasn't model tall or a d-cup. They hadn't slept together so he couldn't be attracted to that.

  But he was hot and beautiful and tall with muscles on every inch of his gorgeous body. She didn't know his skills in bed, but she could imagine. In full technicolor, in fact.

  "You're blushing." He said, sipping his wine.

  She quickly picked up her glass. "It's warm in here. Don't you think?" She recovered, watching him over the rim of her glass. Must be the candles.

  He took her hand across the table and lightly caressed her palm. "It could be warmer."

  It already was with her hand in his. Autumn looked from their entwined hands to his face and saw his desire plainly written in the way he was looking at her.

  He was asking for more, and she wanted more too, but she also didn't want to ruin what had blossomed between them by moving too fast. Who was she kidding? She'd already moved too fast with someone she hadn't even known. But that was different. No one would ever know about that.

  She took a deep breath but before she could gently pull her hand away, he leaned forward, squinting at her wrist. Autumn frowned and followed his gaze.

  "A charm bracelet?" His mouth curved as he picked up each silver piece to study it.

  Autumn smiled. "Yep. One charm for each sibling and one for my parents.

  "The heart is your parents?" He caressed the tiny charm, his brow furrowing as he looked up. His eyes were sympathetic and warm.

  She nodded slowly.

  "The bear?" Magnus lifted one eyebrow.

  "Uh, that would be Clay." She laughed. "Yeah. He said it was a bear hug. It fits him."

  "The ballerina?"

  "From my sister Jo, Giovanna. We started ballet together when I was four and she was six...until we left for Italy. It's kind of nostalgic for us, before papa died."

  Mike nodded, letting his thumb drift over her hand before releasing it.

  "I'm glad you're here, Mike." She said softly, trying to convey her feelings for him, even though she seemed to be struggling with just what to do with those feelings.

  He sat back and traced his chin as he watched her. "Me too." He finally said. She felt heat creeping over her, flustered under his scrutiny. He had never looked at her with such intensity.

  They saw each other every day that week. Sometimes for morning coffee, other times for lunch. Mike insisted she pick a place she wanted to go for the weekend. She chose the Chanler at Cliff Walk in Rhode Island and they drove up the following weekend.

  They held hands and strolled over the snow-covered grounds of the hotel. Mike held her to his side, his strong arm wrapping around her waist, their mingled breaths fogging the air as they looked contentedly over the ocean.

  She slid her arm across his back, his muscled body setting off sparks of heat along her skin. Mike slowly leaned into her, taking the lips she willingly offered.

  His mouth was warm and pliable, but his lips trembled as if he were holding back. Autumn let her tongue glide over him and he clasped her tighter, angling his head and matching her strokes with a deep hunger.

  With shaky limbs and a yearning she'd denied for weeks, Autumn let him lead her to his room.

  After dinner and two glasses of wine, she felt fuzzy and warm, stretching languidly and smiling across the table at him as he watched her with penetrating eyes, his lips lifting in a half amused, half predatory smile.

  He set his glass down and slowly stood, keeping his eyes locked on hers. He closed the gap and reached to cup her face, running his thumb over her bottom lip. His gaze was searching, overflowing with a hunger that squeezed the breath from her. Autumn shivered at the rough sensation of his touch and let her mouth open, wanting him everywhere.

  "Autumn." He groaned and lowered his head.

  She swallowed, her heart twisting with longing. Why was she breathless? He'd kissed her before. His lips, warm and gentle, moved over hers, his hand drifting through her hair. He lifted her from the chair, his hard arms contracting around her, his tongue pushing between her lips.

  He clasped her tight against him, her aching breasts crushed against his chest, fingers clenched in his hair.

  She could feel the thick heat of his erection push against her belly. She tilted her head up, wanting more, opening her mouth to his thrusting tongue, dipping, sliding with a shivering want between her lips. Oh god. She needed more of him.

  His hand had lowered to her bottom, where he stroked her and cupped her, bringing her against his arousal. Autumn dragged her mouth from his possessive kisses and pressed her cheek to his chest, listening as his heart thundered against her ear and his breaths seared hot and fast along her forehead.

  "Come to bed with me." He murmured, his lips moving like a whisper along her cheek, down her neck.

  She could only nod as he took her mouth again.

  He swept her into his arms, moving to the bed, laying her gently on the quilt. Autumn ran her fingers across the rough stubble along his jaw, over his lips. Mike caught the wondering tips of her fingers and sucked, running his tongue over the pads until she was gasping.

  He pulled her sweater off and kissed the exposed part of her breasts, eliciting sensations of pleasure. Leaning forward, he brushed his tongue over a hardened nipple. She arched into him, feeling the wet heat of his mouth through the thin lace.

  A surge of exquisite sensation fanned like heatwaves, undulating, scorching, burning a path of pleasure.

  The heat deepened as his hands moved down her bare sides with a slow, purposeful slide, his warm palms slipping her jeans from her hips down her thighs until they fell to the floor.

  He unclasped her bra, and continued his exploration, his open mouth covering one nipple, gently sucking and running his tongue in circles until the nub tightened with an exquisite ache.

  His fingers stroked her sides as he branded her with hot kisses down her torso and belly, eliciting shivers. Autumn watched him through half closed eyes, and saw a smile cross his lips. He liked her responses.

  She let her fingers caress through his hair, the black glinting almost blue in the light. He pressed kisses against her inner thighs, his warm breath making her shiver. His mouth caressed her moving closer to the clenched meeting of her thighs.

  "Let me in, sweetheart." He breathed, the heat skittering along the softest, most vulnerable part of her body and trembling, Autumn opened to him.

  He put his mouth directly on her and she sucked in a breath, her heart frantically clambering against her ribs.

  "Mike." She moaned, pushing her fingers through his thick hair. She clutched him to her and he responded with his tongue tracing the lace pattern of her panties, slowly with growing pressure.

  His breath came quickly, hot and eager. She couldn't take her eyes off of him, his black hair gleamed in the light, the stubble of his jaw brushed her sensitive skin with a
contrasted roughness to the soft journey of his tongue.

  Sliding his tongue with growing pressure along her slit, she moaned and bucked against him. Her fingers caressed him. She needed to feel him under her hands, to know it was Mike who made her feel this way.

  He let his tongue slide along her folds as if he could stay like that forever, tasting her, caressing her. He spread her legs wider, opening her to him.

  Autumn dropped her head back against the bed, her panting moving her breasts in a quick rise and fall, her fingers moving erratically over the back of his head, feverish, on fire with the need to have him closer, deeper.

  "Oh, sweetheart." He breathed, exciting her burning ache. A moan wrenched from her throat as she pushed his hot mouth down against her exquisite ache.

  He kissed one side then the other, coming back to flick his tongue along her slit, easing her open until she gasped, digging into his shoulders, her hips rising to brushing heat of his tongue.

  He circled her with aching gentleness. His hands slid under her, lifting her closer, his tongue rougher, harder as her limbs tensed and her body trembled.

  "Oh god. Mike." She whimpered, feeling the coiling in her lower belly, the gathering tension in her sex.

  His tongue danced and flicked over her, his head buried between her thighs, until the intense pleasure slammed into her and she cried out, her hips jerking up, nails gripping his shoulders. He pressed his mouth against her, kissing and sucking until she lay still, eyes closed, satiated and limp, contentment on her lips

  Through her satiated haze, she heard him pulling off his clothes and felt the bed dip as he moved between her legs. He became quiet and she fluttered her eyes open to look at him. His eyes met hers and he smiled. His hard, muscular body over her.

  A memory flashed in her slightly hazed mind but was gone before she could grasp it, leaving only an impression, a sensation of longing.

  She swallowed and took a deep breath, squeezing her eyes shut. When she opened them, Mike was looking up at her, concern in his expression. He shifted up.


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