Heart of Steele

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Heart of Steele Page 10

by Alysha Huddleston

  "Are you okay? We don't have to do this." He murmured, his lips against her ear. His hand stroked her back and Autumn nestled into him.

  "Yes. I'm... It's just that I..." She shook her head. "I do want this."

  His lip curved in a relieved smile, his arms tightening around her.

  His erection, newly aroused, his hands skimming down her legs.

  He positioned himself at her entrance. She gazed dreamily into his eyes and he lowered himself, taking her lips softly, sliding his tongue across her parted lips.

  He slid hands beneath her and lifted her bottom to sheath himself fully and completely in her.

  Her heart was thudding in her ears as he began to move, his hips pumping as he met her body, his tongue mimicking the rhythm in her mouth.

  She wrapped legs over his thighs, her hips rising to meet him. His chest brushed her sensitive nipples, sending sweet sensations to meld with the sparks shooting from their union.

  He kissed her cheek, his breath hot and panting and murmured in her ear as he shifted to her breast, opening his mouth over her nipple.

  "Autumn." He groaned as his thrusts came faster, urgent. She pulled him into her until he stilled and she felt the throbbing of his release, heard the growl of his ecstasy as his breath was forced from him.

  He collapsed onto her, moving slightly to the side, his breath hot against her cheek. Autumn stroked his back, her own breaths calming.

  When he dropped her back at her house Sunday night, his tender kiss at the door told of his feelings for her.

  She could barely focus on her classes; they had made dinner plans for Wednesday, and when Wednesday finally came, she couldn't wait to be with him.

  She had two hours to get ready. By the time dinner was ready, candles lit and wineglasses set on the table, there was five minutes to spare. She checked the food, then sat by the fire and waited.

  A half hour passed, she texted him. When she didn't get an answer in the next 10 minutes, she called him.

  Two hours later, she had put away the food and was staring blankly into the fire. It had to be an emergency, a mistake. Mike would never stand her up.

  Chapter Sixteen

  On Wednesday evening, Magnus slowly pulled into traffic and made his way to Autumn's house. He hadn't seen her in three days. Whenever he'd tried to work, he'd been distracted by the image of her face, the memory of her voice, the sweet husky tones of her laughter.

  Instead, he'd found himself staring out the window of his office or at a ballgame he'd put on to take his mind off of her. On Tuesday night, he'd planned to go to the clubs like he normally did, but he couldn't dredge up the desire to go, not after being with her.

  When he was just a few minutes from the parking garage near her house, his phone buzzed.

  "Steele." He answered curtly. He told everyone he wouldn't be available tonight. What the fuck was this?

  "Magnus, Jamie." The voice was terse.

  "What's up?"

  "They raided the clubs tonight, found some heroin in one of the rooms, some of the girls were arrested for prostitution, and they were looking for you." Jamie informed him quickly.

  "Fuck me." He swore, expelling a harsh breath. Drugs weren't allowed in his clubs, but sometimes the customers brought them in. "Moretti?"

  "Yeah. I take it he doesn't know about the video." Jamie said quietly.

  It wasn't an accusation, but Magnus felt a stab of guilt anyway. Shit. He should've warned Moretti off the second he'd come back to town. Isn't that why he'd set the fucking thing up? He was letting a woman mess with his head, getting him off track.

  He ignored Jamie's comment and wheeled his car around, going back in the direction he'd just come. "Get Callahan down there. Get the girls out."

  Anger rushed through him and he clenched his jaw. "I'll take care of Moretti."

  * * * * * *

  First thing the next morning, Magnus was on the phone to the FBI office. He stood looking out of his floor to ceiling window, phone in hand, a cold determination chilling his blood and blotting out all conscience. He could only think of one thing. Protecting what was his.

  "Matt Moretti." He said to the receptionist.

  The phone rang once, twice.

  "Moretti." Came the distracted reply.

  "Hey asshole."

  There was a moment of silence. "Who is this?"

  "I've got a recording of your sister. Care to hear?" Magnus's voice was throbbing with anger.

  "What the fuck are you talking about?" But Magnus could hear the slight change in the other man's voice, fear.

  Magnus clicked play and Autumn's voice could be heard immediately out of the speaker. Husky, pleading for Magnus not to stop.

  "Turn it off." Matt's whisper ground out. "Turn that shit off."

  "Now. You and your clueless, cocksucking friends will back the fuck off, from me, my businesses and my employees." He said with a deadly hiss. "If you don't, I will broadcast this recording and the video I have of your sister spread out on my bed during our little weekend together. Do we understand each other?"

  There was a long pause.


  "Perfectly." Matt bit out.

  * * * * * *

  She had reached the stairs of her building when she heard her name called out behind her.

  Matt was getting out of his car.

  "Hey, Matt." She greeted. She was always happy to see him, but after Mike hadn't shown up last night, and especially after she had slept with him for the first time, she needed the comfort of family.

  "Autumn." He nodded and he wasn't smiling. "We need to talk."

  His tone was curt. He was never like that with her. "What is it?" She asked concerned, not moving.

  "Upstairs." He gestured.

  What was wrong with him? "Matt?"

  "Upstairs, I said." He repeated taking her elbow, giving her a look that made her bite off the words and turn to lead him into her building.

  She opened the door to her apartment and immediately pulled off her coat. "Do you want something to drink?" She asked, her own voice colder than usual.

  "No, thanks." He sat on the couch. "Have a seat."

  "Isn't that what I'm supposed to say? This is my house." She snapped back.

  He ignored her tone. "Autumn. Who did you meet when you went upstate?" He asked, getting right to the point.

  Dread pooled in the pit of her stomach. Oh god.

  "I..." She said slowly. "I met a few people."

  "Was one of those people Magnus Steele?" He asked, leaning forward.

  Magnus Steele. Steele. But Mike said his name was Jay Steele.

  "I did meet a Steele. Jay Steele." She said, feeling relieved.

  He looked at her, his face was tight. "Is that what he told you?"

  "No." She shook her head. "Someone else said his name was Jay Steele. He owned a big house up there next to the cabin. He hosted a party...a masquerade when I was there."

  Matt took a deep breath and raked his hand through his hair, looking away from her. "You slept with him." It wasn't a question. "Do you make a habit of sleeping with strangers, Autumn?"

  Now he looked at her and the disappointment she'd been afraid of was there, written plainly on her beloved brother's face. She wanted to cry, but she was also angry.

  No, she didn't like to disappoint her brothers, but they held her to different standards than they did themselves and that wasn't fair.

  "Have you ever had a one-night stand with a stranger, Matt?" She countered.

  He stared at her then looked away.

  "Of course, you have, so don't put some saintly requirements on me. And no, before that weekend I had never slept with a stranger." She glared at him, crossing her arms.

  She was furious, and not just for the double standards, but had he had her followed?

  Matt sighed and rubbed his forehead. "I got a call from Steele. He has your voice on tape, but he claims that he also has a video of you two intimately involved." Matt cringed. It wa
s slight, but detectable by someone who knew him.

  She bit her lip, glancing away. Her brothers didn't talk about sex around her and certainly not sex about her except to warn her away from men like them. Men who played the field and weren't ready or willing to commit or settle down.

  Matt shoved a hand through his blonde hair. "He only played a few seconds of the recording, but it was your voice."

  She stared at him.

  Thoughts of those two nights made her face heat. Panic and shame coiled in her belly.

  She thought of the man Steele and his flirtations and confidence. Her heart thudded hard, squeezing her breath.

  Why did she have to do such a stupid, irresponsible thing? What would Clay think? Oh god. She moaned, putting her face in her hands.

  "Matt, please don't tell Clay." She looked up at him, and she was sure he could see the anguish she felt.

  "No, of course I won't. Clay doesn't need to know." He leaned on his thighs and clasped his hands together.

  "What does Steele want from you?" She whispered.

  "He's under FBI investigation. Unfortunately I'm the agent in charge, so he went after my family." Matt said, his anger barely in check.

  She stared at him as realization dawned. "He set it up?"

  Matt nodded. "He has these parties every year. The purpose seems to be blackmail, but it's hard to prove when there are no witnesses willing to talk. Guests are high-profile, politicians, businessmen who can help or hurt him."

  "But I was already at the cabin. Was it just a coincidence?" Autumn frowned.

  Matt laughed without humor. "Jennifer Delaney? Have you seen her since you've been back?"

  "No, she's been out. Sick I guess. No one knows." She jerked her head up. "She was a part of this?"

  "I checked her out after I got the call from Steele. There is no Jennifer Delaney at NYU." He let that sink in.

  Autumn's mouth fell open. "She's the one who offered me the cabin."

  "To get you up there, I'm sure." Matt shook his head.

  "Was there anyone else you met? Was an invitation sent to you? Or did someone suggest the masquerade once you were up there?" He rested his elbows on his thighs, clasping his hands between his open knees.

  "Someone suggested it." Her heart pounded. Mike. No. It couldn't be.

  "Who?" Matt's eyes were red-rimmed from exhaustion and his forehead creased with worry.

  "Mike Connor." She whispered as if saying his name quietly would not reveal what had to be true.

  Oh my god. Mike. She could feel the tears sting her eyes and she blinked, standing to go to the window so Matt wouldn't see how it had affected her.

  "How did you meet him?" He continued, grilling her like the FBI agent he was.

  "On a walk. He had lost his dog, the same one I'd found and taken care of for a couple of days. He seemed so nice, so harmless. We spent some time together, just friendly." She might as well tell him. She turned to him. "I'm seeing him."

  Matt's eyes snapped up. "You've been seeing him since you've been back?"

  Autumn nodded. "Almost every day."

  He frowned. "That doesn't make any sense. Why would Steele keep having you pursued? He's got the tape." He looked at her. "What does this Mike guy look like?"

  "He's tall, a few inches over 6 feet, I'd guess, black hair, dark blue eyes. Handsome." She frowned in confusion as Matt dropped his head and groaned.

  "What?" She asked, coming to sit opposite him again.

  Matt lifted his head. "This Mike Connor guy? He is Magnus Steele, Autumn."

  "No, that's impossible. Steele is a criminal." She protested, but then if Mike had been Steele, he wouldn't come off as himself. He would pretend to be a nice guy to gain her trust. She was starting to feel sick. God, oh god.

  "Think about when you were with Steele. Physically were they about the same? Height, hair color?" He prompted, but there was barely a flicker of doubt in his eyes. He already seemed to know what her answer would be.

  She recalled Mike kissing her. She probably came to his chin. Steele. When she'd danced with him, she had rested just under his...chin...They both had black hair and she would have guessed Steele also had blue eyes from what she could see through his mask.

  She looked up at Matt. "Yes." She could barely say the word.

  They both sat in silence until Matt took a deep breath.

  "Sorry, Autumn." He breathed heavily.

  She looked up in surprise. "Matt, this is not your fault."

  He stood up and went to the window, rubbing his face. "This is all my fault. None of this would have happened if I hadn't been after Steele."

  "You were only doing your job. It's nobody's fault."

  But then that wasn't true. "It's Steele's fault." She whispered, and Matt looked at her warily.

  "Autumn, don't go near him." He warned.

  The thought of facing him made her stomach convulse.

  Mike was Magnus Steele.

  She just couldn't wrap her head around it.

  The man she'd done all those things with had been Mike.

  When she'd seen Mike after that first night, he'd known. Of course he'd known. She squeezed her eyes shut. She felt a burning flush cross her cheeks and she turned away.

  "You have nothing to worry about, Matt." She answered, not exactly lying, but she had a few things she needed to say to Mr. Steele.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Autumn went on-line and found the address of Magnus Steele's company, Steele Industries. She had thought about him and had even done an internet search for "Jay Steele," which was the name Mike had given her. The liar.

  But she'd been determined to put him out of her mind for good. Being with him had been a once in a lifetime fantasy, something that stayed in that realm of dreams, of things one didn't bring to the light of day because it would be ruined by reality.

  But after discovering their time together hadn't been an amazing fluke, but a set-up, all those feelings had vanished, all the stars in her eyes turned to ash and humiliation. She had to face him. For her own sanity.

  On Tuesday morning, Autumn marched into the building where Steele Industries was located, ready to fight her way to his office if she had to.

  "I'm here to see Mr. Steele." She told the security guard, rubbing her purse with agitation, but keeping her eyes focused and her breath even.

  He nodded. "Do you have an appointment?"

  "I don't, but he'll recognize my name."

  He nodded again. "Let me call upstairs."

  He picked up the phone and spoke a few words, then waited.

  Autumn's entire body was trembling. Breathe. What if he wouldn't see her?

  After a few moments, he hung up. "Mr. Steele will see you. If you want to take the elevators on this side up to the 28th floor, someone will meet you."

  She swallowed. "Thank you."

  Walking on wobbly legs to the elevator bank, she pushed the button and the doors closed, leaving her staring at her reflection.

  She looked more hurt than angry, and she cemented her features because she didn't want him to know he'd hurt her. Would that just be an added bonus for a man like him? She had no idea what she was going to say, had no idea how she would react when she saw him again.

  She had to remember, this was not Mike. Mike didn't exist. Mike was a made-up person, a lie. She shook her head. For some inexplicable reason, she felt a loss. Mike had become more important to her than the nights with Steele. He had become a friend, then a lover. She'd put her hopes in them, together, and now, there was nothing, a void. It was almost as if he'd suddenly died.

  The elevator doors opened onto the 28th floor, and an older man stood to the side waiting for her.

  "Miss Moretti." He greeted, his face expressionless. "If you'll follow me."

  She nodded and let him lead her past a reception area and down a hall with a glass wall. They turned and continued down another wide hall, the walls covered in artwork. He stopped at a pair of double doors and knocked.
r />   "Come in." Said a deep voice. Mike, no Magnus Steele.

  The man opened a door. "I have Miss Moretti, Mr. Steele."

  The door was opened wider. "You can go in." He said quietly, stepping aside to allow her to pass.

  Autumn stepped into the massive space with floor to ceiling windows and a desk of dark wood in the middle of the room, with bookshelves on either side. Several area rugs and paintings brought life to the room.

  She flinched as the door shut with a click behind her and there was silence. Magnus Steele was standing at a window, his back to her, feet apart. Her eyes traveled down his broad back, hips and long legs, and she felt an ache of longing even now.

  She remembered that body. She'd seen all of the hard, beautiful angles bared to her. She'd had him inside of her, kissing her as if he couldn't stop, touching her body in all of its intimate places.

  She had laughed with this man and told him about her family, Matt's family. The anger rose and spread through her, a scorching, obliterating fire. This man had hurt her, but not just her. He had threatened her family, her brother, and that was unforgiveable.

  "You have five minutes." He finally said, not looking back.

  "Five minutes to call you an asshole, a bastard and a liar?" She spat.

  He didn't answer for several seconds. "You came all this way to tell me things I already know?" He asked quietly.

  She gaped, the comment leaving her momentarily speechless.

  "Why? Why did you do it?" She demanded, her voice a pained whisper.

  "Why?" He finally turned and looked at her, and his face was like stone. He sauntered over to the mini bar. "Because your brother wouldn't back off. You were convenient. A tool. It worked. Thank you for playing."

  She heard ice clink in his glass before he poured liquid from a snifter.

  "Why did you even bother pretending to be Mike?" She asked, anger waning as pain shoved it ruthlessly aside.

  Magnus took a swallow of his drink and ran a hand hard across his mouth, continuing to avoid her gaze.

  "Mike was the one who got you to the party, the party where I seduced you, fucked you and blackmailed your brother. All the pieces were necessary. Mike was a piece." He answered without emotion.


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