Heart of Steele

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Heart of Steele Page 15

by Alysha Huddleston

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  It was Friday night and the place was packed.

  Autumn ran her fingers through her hair, looking around as she followed the host through the crowded restaurant, her four friends walking in single file behind her.

  When they stopped to let a waitress pass, she could feel the intensity of someone's gaze on her. Looking discreetly around her, she finally turned to the table beside her, and met a pair of dark blue eyes.

  Magnus. Her heart fluttered making her breathless.

  He smiled, his eyes warmly caressing her. Autumn shivered under his appreciation and returned his smile, shaking her head imperceptibly, for only him to notice. His smile widened into a grin and he winked.

  The host returned and guided them to their table.

  Autumn's heart was thundering, pulsing in her throat and lips and stomach and thighs.

  What was wrong with her? She acted like she hadn't seen Magnus just that morning.

  Somehow it was different, seeing him here away from the office, in all his gorgeousness, smiling at her as if they shared a secret and then throwing her off with that sweet look that had started her body thrumming with yearning.

  Dylan grabbed his menu. "I've got yours Autumn." He interrupted her thoughts without looking up.

  "That's sweet, Dylan, but..."

  "I owe you." He said, cutting her off.

  "You do?"

  "Yeah, for coffee last week."

  "Dylan, there's a huge difference between coffee and dinner at Nina's. Just get me coffee tomorrow."

  "Autumn, I'm buying you dinner. Just say Thank You and throw me some sexy texts tonight." He deadpanned and gave her one of his seductive smiles.

  Autumn gaped at him. "Dylan." She chided but she couldn't keep her stern expression. He was outrageous.

  Before she could drag him over the coals for his crass behavior, the host appeared at their table.

  "Miss Moretti?" He looked at her with a polite smile.

  "Yes?" She asked, wondering how he knew her name.

  "The owner of Nina's would like you and your friends to enjoy dinner on the house." He bowed slightly.

  Autumn frowned and glanced around the table, but when she only got shrugs, she looked back at the host. Maybe they were the millionth customer or something.

  "There's very nice of...him?" When the host nodded, Autumn went on. "Would you tell him thank you, please."

  When the host left, everyone talked at once.

  "How do you know the owner of Nina's?"

  "This is awesome."

  "Now I'm having the filet mignon."

  But she watched the host approach the table where she'd seen Magnus. Then it all made sense. Magnus owned the restaurant. Of course.

  "So how do you know the owner?" Dylan repeated with a lift of his eyebrow.

  She shrugged. "He knows my brother." She answered truthfully, avoiding looking in Magnus's direction. She didn't need Dylan noticing and commenting all night.

  "Has he asked you out?"

  Had he asked her out? That had to be the understatement of the year. Had Mike asked her out? Yes. Had Magnus asked her out? No. So she wasn't lying when she answered in the negative.

  After they ordered, Autumn went to the ladies' room.

  On her way out, she stepped into the narrow hall, turning to go back to the dining area, when a hand on her arm stopped her.

  "Autumn." Said a familiar voice.

  She turned and felt the familiar rush of sensation when she met his eyes.

  He took her hand without a word, and she went with him to the back of the hall where the light was dim and let him back her against the wall, his arms framing her, his heat and scent enveloping her, the hint of scotch on his breath.

  His eyes roamed her face with a scorching tenderness. His gaze dropped to her lips and he took a deep breath. Excitement skittered through the air, like a spicy perfume.

  "What are you waiting for, baby?" Autumn asked softly, repeating his question from weeks before.

  His lips lifted and she saw relief in his eyes.

  "Maybe I was waiting for an invitation." He said softly.

  "Consider yourself invited." She let her gaze drop to his lips.

  Magnus sucked in a breath and touched her cheek, running his finger along the line of her jaw before lifting her chin. He bent and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her slowly, belying the hunger she had seen in his eyes.

  Autumn slid her hands up his silk shirt, winding her arms around his neck, arching and pressing her body flush with his, feeling muscled heat through the thin fabric. Magnus tugged her quick and hard against him, deepening the kiss, sucking her tongue as his hands slid down her hips.

  "Can I see you tonight?" He asked in a hoarse whisper.

  Autumn didn’t open her eyes. She wanted to savor him and the moment. She wanted only him. She wanted to block out everything else, forget everything else. For one night, just the two of them.

  "Yes." She spoke while kissing his lips, letting him take control when she felt him push against her, devouring her mouth and she could only surrender.

  "Autumn." He rasped against her lips, her neck, sliding her shirt off her shoulder and kissing her there, trailing kisses to her breasts and pressing his lips to her cleavage while brushing his thumb over her silk covered nipple. "After dinner, I'll meet you out front."

  His hands framed her face, his thumb brushing her lips as if he'd never see her again.

  She took a deep breath and placed her hands over his. She didn't want to wait until after dinner, but she only nodded before Magnus kissed each corner of her lips then stepped back to disappear into the dining area.

  A few minutes later, she followed, slipping back into her chair. Dylan raised an eyebrow.

  "Thought you'd defected." He whispered loudly.

  "And miss my shrimp linguine?" She asked in mock horror. "Never."

  "I'll give you something better than linguine, sweetheart." Dylan channeled Humphrey Bogart, waggling his eyebrows.

  As everyone erupted in laughter, Dylan growled and tore into his bread, his eyes holding hers.

  "Let's go to my place." Dylan offered, hands in his pockets as he skipped casually down the few steps to the parking area.

  "Sounds great." Amber said, looking around at everyone else.

  Autumn made a regretful face. "Can't. I have an appointment."

  "An appointment at 8:oo on a Friday night?" Dylan frowned. "What kind of appointment is that?"

  Autumn smiled wide. "The best kind."

  Dylan grumbled. "So, you're going to reject my invitation over some limp linguine?"

  "Oh, I'm pretty sure limp isn't on the menu." She gave him a sly smile then turned to say good-bye to everyone and waited for them to drive away before turning to head back into the restaurant.

  She didn't have to go far. Magnus was just inside the front door and he guided her out, then took her hand, entwining their fingers as they walked to his car. She slid into the passenger seat and just before he shifted the car into drive, he turned and looked at her.

  Without waiting, she placed her hands on either side of his handsome face and brought him down to her.

  His mouth was warm and firm and he caught her lips between his, pushing past to stroke along her tongue. His arms wrapped completely around her, and she nestled into him.

  Tonight she would finally give herself to him without all the pretenses.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  As soon as Magnus closed the door and took her coat, he was backing her into the room, his mouth on hers, his arm wrapped around her waist as she moved with his steps.

  He had her against the floor-to-ceiling window, generating heat with his mouth which had left her still hungry lips to mark her neck with kisses.

  He slowed, the heat of his mouth lingering and stopping just above her breasts, while his eyes continued. She could feel the glide of his burning gaze over her nipples, making them harden and ache.

p; He brought his eyes up to lock onto hers and his lips lifted in a knowing smile. He leaned in to kiss her with a self-control belied by the hard bulge against her belly and the heat that raged between them.

  He pulled back to look at her, shaking his head.

  Autumn let out a hush of quiet amusement. "What?"

  "I can't believe you're here." His voice was low and husky and it traveled down her belly, pooling into a swirling force of desire. He ducked his head and kissed her softly and slowly as if savoring her.

  "And I can't believe you haven't offered me a drink." She teased, breathless against his lips.

  Magnus grinned and kissed her hard and fast before pulling her away from the window. "What'll it be, sweetheart?"

  He strode to the sideboard where several snifters of liquor sat on silver trays. "Rum?" He stole a look at her. Was he remembering the masquerade? "Or cognac?"

  "Cognac...please." She answered. She'd had enough rum. Thank you very much. She turned toward the baby grand piano at the other end of the window.

  "Do you play?" She asked, making her way to the corner of the keyboard and running her fingers over the smooth pieces.

  Magnus glanced over his shoulder. "No, part of the décor." He held her gaze and smiled.

  "Do you mind if I try it?"

  His brows furrowed. "You play?"

  "A little." She shrugged.

  "Go for it." His gaze caressed her before turning back to finish the drinks.

  Autumn sat on the piano bench, pushing up the key lid. Her hands hovered over the keys, moving her fingers over them with light strokes, remembering all those lessons and all those recitals.

  She plunked a key, then another, then she started playing and singing Cole Porter's Night and Day.

  She felt Magnus behind her and she leaned against him while she continued playing. He cocked an eyebrow and lowered to kiss her neck. She tilted her head, singing softly.

  "Night and day you are the one.

  Only you beneath the moon and under the sun.

  Whether near to me or far, it's no matter darling where you are, I think of you night and day.

  Day and night. "

  Magnus captured her mouth, trailing a path of warm cognac across her lips. He offered her a glass, and Autumn turned, sliding on the smooth surface of the bench, clasping the stem of the glass from between his fingers.

  He threaded his fingers through hers, lifting her to her feet.

  "So, a 'little,' huh?"

  She smiled sheepishly.

  "Thirteen years of lessons, give or take."

  She swirled the dark liquid and sipped, enjoying the gentle burn down her throat.

  "I could get used to you playing for me, singing to me." He led her back to the window.

  "You wouldn't get bored?" She asked, trying to sound off-handed, but wanting to know where he saw their relationship going.

  "I'm your biggest fan. Nothing about you bores me." His hooded eyes burned with electricity, while his fingers caressed her lower back.

  She shivered, dropping her gaze, heart pounding. She hid behind the rim of her glass, taking another sip.

  She had been bold at the restaurant, helped along by the fact that she and Magnus had been on neutral ground. Now they were back in his territory and she felt a ripple of uncertainty.

  Magnus made her feel sexy, excited, but he also made her nervous. She wasn't sure she could give him what he wanted or needed, not sure she could compete with the skilled women he was probably used to.

  He was an accomplished lover himself, and he had been the one in charge during their first encounters because of the extraordinary circumstances. With Mike, she had been bolder, and he'd surprised her with his intensity, but then he had really been Magnus.

  He took her glass and set it next to his on a side table. Autumn stood beside him, unsure. She fiddled with the button of her blouse, staring at the drinks then out the window into the night glowing with artificial light.

  She closed her eyes when she felt his hands, warm and possessive, at her hips, then he was turning her and she laid her hands on his chest, his heat and strength an aphrodisiac that filled every part of her, her entire body tingling, wanting his touch.

  He stepped closer until their bodies were aligned, parts of her fitting with parts of him.

  Autumn looked into his eyes, dark, serious, full of heat and wanting, and something else, possessive, urgent, that made her breathless.

  Then his warm mouth covered hers and she surrendered to him, letting him mold and shape her as he willed. His hand left her hip, wrapping around her waist to tug her closer as his erection swelled against her.

  His lips trailed her neck, searing a path of pleasure to her breasts. This time he didn't stop, but slowly circled one nipple with his skillful tongue, wetting the thin material of her blouse.

  Then his mouth covered the hard peak, sucking it further into an aching bud.

  "Oh god, Magnus." She moaned, swallowing and clutching his hair, pushing him against her.

  He moved to the other breast, its nipple now as hard as the other and licked it slowly, the pressure of wet heat through the material tearing another soft cry from her.

  He groaned and dropped to his knees, his hands on her thighs, sliding up her skirt. Autumn began to shiver as it bunched around her hips and his mouth pressed against her sex. He inhaled then flicked with his tongue. Her sex tightened with pleasure.

  Her trembling hands held him, his thick hair clutched between her fingers. He pushed her legs apart until she was straddling his face, and he deepened the wet strokes along the lips of her sex hidden beneath red lace. His hands gripped her hips, holding her steady.

  Her lips parted, sounds of ragged breathing filled the space. She dug her fingers into him and arched, pressing her sex against his lips and tongue sliding, stroking, sucking. She was close. So close.

  He pushed her panties to the side and the sliding heat touched her directly, relentless pressure bringing her to the edge, directly over the throbbing point aching for release.

  "Magnus. Oh, my god. Magnus. I’m going to..." A cry tore through her, bursting pleasure shooting, sparking. Her sex convulsing in waves of bliss as he caressed her.

  She realized she was leaning against him, her body weak and satiated, but he only held her to him as he finished his attentions through her last shudder, kissing her softly before rising and sweeping her into his arms.

  He buried his face in her hair, his lips grazing her cheek.

  "Stay with me?" He whispered.

  She nodded weakly, trying to smile at him, but feeling like it didn't come out at all the way she intended.

  He peppered her with kisses and swung her around, striding out of the room and down a wide hall as she hooked her arms around his neck.

  She barely registered the bold colors of the bedroom before he laid her down on the bed and she had a moment of déjà vu, when he had done this as the masked Mr. Steele, fantasy lover. Now he was unmasked and he was still her fantasy, her lover, her Mr. Steele, but this time she wouldn't wake up alone in a cabin; she would be with him.

  Everything slowed and there was a sense of timelessness as they undressed. He knelt on the bed, his eyes locked on hers. They had waited a long time for this moment. Through all the pain, they'd both still wanted this, but neither would go to the other...until now.

  He reached for her and she opened to him, feeling the warmth of his hands sliding beneath her, gripping her bottom as he positioned himself at her entrance. She could feel his tip, hot and hard, and she looked up meeting his hooded gaze.

  She let the love and desire she felt show in her eyes, letting her lips curve into a smile that belonged only to him. She lifted her hands to stroke his chest. His skin was warm and smooth.

  A breath rushed past his lips and his lids dropped further as if he were about to close his eyes, but he continued to hold her gaze as he slid into her.

  Her fingers stumbled in their exploration as she was carri
ed away with pleasure, her moans tangling with his, meeting and mingling and filling the air.

  She pushed her hips forward and spread her legs welcoming, needing more of him, and he pushed in more until she could feel him touching the core of her.

  He leaned forward, enfolding her in his arms until he was flush against her, his chest crushing her breasts, his mouth plundering hers, her legs wrapping around his waist as he stroked her with long, driving thrusts. She sucked his tongue and moved her hips with his and held him to her as their cries echoed in the dark.


  Autumn stretched in the soft morning light, her slow smile transforming into a full grin. She turned to where Magnus had slept beside her, running her fingers slowly over his pillow, memories of the night before vivid in her mind.

  He had made no promises and she hadn't asked for any, but they were drawn to each other, despite the blackmail, despite Matt's part in the probe. Despite so much.

  She slipped on a terrycloth robe and sifted her fingers through her tangled hair before padding into the hall. Following the aroma of coffee to the kitchen, she found Magnus standing at the stove, his broad shirtless back to her.

  She let her appreciative gaze roam across his shoulders and back bunched with hard muscle. Gray sweatpants hung low on his hips, clinging to his hard butt, the one she hadn't been able to take her eyes off of at the cabin, the one she'd run her fingernails over last night when he'd slowly and sweetly moved in her.

  She wanted to lay her cheek against the hard warmth of his body and wrap her arms around his waist.

  She bit back a sigh.

  "Good morning." Her voice was husky from sleep and she blushed at how sultry she sounded.

  He looked over his shoulder, a sexy half smile lighting his face.

  "Morning beautiful." His voice matched hers, husky, low, intimate. "Ready for breakfast?"

  "Yeah" She answered, drawing out the word. "Can I get a cup of coffee first?"

  "How about a kiss first." He came toward her, his strides purposeful. "Coffee second?"

  He slipped his arms under her robe and pulled her against him. He caressed her bare skin. She shivered, heat simmering just under the surface.


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