Heart of Steele

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Heart of Steele Page 16

by Alysha Huddleston

  "Void that. Making love a very close second."

  His voice was low, a hum across her lips, his tongue sliding like liquid fire over sensitive skin.

  Stroking her back, he cupped her bare bottom, bringing her firmly against his growing erection. "And coffee..." His mouth brushed her cheek. His lips pressed along her jawline. "...a distant third." He licked her ear lobe.

  "You win." Her breath whispered through his hair as his lips caressed her ear.

  "We both win." His determined lips crushed hers, his tongue slipping into her mouth.

  Autumn gave in to him, sliding her arms around his neck, on tiptoe molding herself to his body.

  She protested when he pulled back but swallowed her words as he turned and switched off the stove, leaving their breakfast. She fully agreed with his priorities.

  Magnus cupped her butt and lifted her, so her legs circled his waist. He reclaimed her lips and carried her to the bedroom. His cool, taut abs pressed hard against the soft flesh of her belly. God, she loved every beautiful, irresistible male part of him.

  Autumn slid her hands in his hair, pulling him closer, her tongue sliding between his lips, caressing the warm recesses of his mouth. A moan reverberated in his throat, his arms tightening around her.

  He rolled with her onto the bed, tugging her robe open in one move, pressing his bare body to hers.

  Autumn loved him there. She could run her fingers down the cords of muscles over his back and kiss her way across his rough, stubbled jaw. She could feel his erection, lusting and throbbing, at the juncture of her bare thighs. Every masculine ridge, every manly ripple, every rapid breath and rumble of his desire.

  Pulling him close, she kissed down his neck and grazed his shoulder as his hand drifted through her hair.

  Then his hips were up and she was sliding his sweats over his cock and off his hips, down his hard ass, her fingers slipping across warm skin. Slipping beside her, his hand trailed over her belly, around one breast.

  "Your skin is so soft, like silk or rose petals." He murmured before leaning over and taking a nipple in his mouth.

  Autumn caught her breath at the hot, wet sensation. "Rose petals? So poetic." She whispered, dragging her nails across his upper back, goose bumps rising along her arms.

  "I call it like I see it." He kissed his way to her other breast, letting his tongue lazily circle the hardened bud before sliding directly over it.

  Clenching her hands at his shoulders, she arched into him, the ache between her thighs becoming a desperate need for his touch.

  He was up and over her in a split second, his shaft pushing into her, his arms enveloping her entire upper body, her legs hugging his lower, her arms gripping his shoulders.

  He rode her, his breathing quick and shallow, his kisses hungrily meeting her lips, brushing her jaw, consuming her mouth.

  Her own panting ruffled his hair, her fingers caressed his back and her nipples rubbed against his chest, creating a blissful heat that shot erotically through every part of her body.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  For two weeks she was in pure bliss.

  She spent all of her spare time with Magnus. They had one glitch, or at least he thought it might be a glitch when he told her about the strip clubs, or the gentlemen's clubs, as he had called them, watching for her reaction.

  She hadn't been surprised, and when she told him she'd preferred he didn't, but it didn't change anything between them, he had looked so relieved, she wished he'd told her sooner. He'd been worried about how she would take it. The thought made her smile.

  She missed him when she was in school, hardly able to wait for the evening when he or his driver would pick her up and take her to his apartment.

  And every day, every day, he came home with a gift for her, clothes, jewels, books, tickets to events, anything that caught his eye.

  After protesting the number of gifts, he'd looked so hurt, pretending not to be of course, that she never objected again. She did love everything he bought her, and she especially loved his laughing smiles when she threw her arms around him in appreciation. They were her aphrodisiac.

  They made love every night, but she still couldn't get enough of him.

  Closing her eyes, she thought of him lying against her, his mouth pressing hot kisses on her cool skin. Her fingers itched to touch him, to stroke the corded muscles of his shoulders and arms, to press her mouth to his hard, warm chest and slide her tongue over the ripples of his abs, down to wrap her mouth over his thick jutting erection.

  Her heart clamored against her ribs, her face flushing and she took a breath, forcing her eyes to the front of the room, her teacher gesturing as he gave his lecture on international business law.

  Autumn glanced down at her notes and realized she'd lost the thread of discussion. She glanced at her watch. In fact, she'd barely been paying attention at all for the past 45 minutes. Great. She'd have to ask Dylan what she'd missed.

  Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she slipped it out. Magnus. She bit her lip, feeling her cheeks warm. She laughed softly. He wasn't even there and she was blushing.

  Miss you, baby. Can't focus on my meeting, thinking about you.?? Where do you want to go tonight?

  She didn't care where they went as long as she was with him, but she'd think of somewhere. He encouraged her to be more demanding, more decisive, even to argue if she didn't agree with him. Well, about most things anyway. They didn't bring up the past and were determined to start again.

  She wasn't demanding. She wasn't sure why. Maybe it was her nature or being the youngest in a family of seven. She wanted things, but they weren't demands. In fact, she was more used to being told how things would be.

  Her family loved her, but their way had usually been the only way. She loved and respected Clay who had given everything to his younger siblings, and she could never imagine going against what he thought was best for her. But that was changing, and Magnus was a part of that change.

  Not that she would be rebellious, she still valued her family's opinion, but maybe it was time for her to start questioning the way things had always been. Maybe she didn't want a man who could throw a football like Joe Montana and maybe she wanted someone to actually listen to her opinion as an equal and not a little sister.

  She hadn't realized how much Matt treated her like a child either, but that had all come to a head recently when someone had been following her and Magnus.

  They'd both thought it was Matt, but when she confronted her brother, he'd been upset that someone was following her, but said it wasn't him. She'd believed him. He had never lied to her before and had no reason to lie now.

  Matt had said he would find out who it was, but she'd told him no. That it was probably just her imagination and that she'd let him know if it happened again. She of course hadn't wanted him to know she was seeing Magnus. If he wasn't the one having her followed, there was no reason he would know.

  She glanced at Magnus's message. She wanted to kiss the screen. She loved him so much, but the middle of a school lecture probably wasn't the ideal time. She smiled, texting back.

  How about sushi?

  They'd been everywhere, eaten at both the best restaurants and the popular dives. She'd loved all of the places they'd been, because they were all with him, and he had been happy, relaxed.

  She hadn't told him she loved him, hadn't wanted to spoil things. What if he didn't see her as long term? What if this was just a temporary infatuation? He had been around, seen so much more than she had.

  The phone buzzed again, and her pulse quickened.

  Good choice. Miss me?

  She bit back a grin as she texted a reply.

  So much I ache

  I can help you with that??

  I was hoping you could ??

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Magnus went to see Taylor in the rehab center during the 15-day detox period. Whenever he wasn't working or with Autumn, he spent with his cousin.

  When Taylor cou
ld go out, Magnus brought Brewster to meet him. They'd take the puppy on walks, spending time outside and in the fresh air.

  Taylor's sallow skin had regained most of its healthy color, he no longer shivered and he was more focused, losing that wild, paranoid look he had when he'd been brought to Magnus's office weeks before.

  "What do you think about staying for the full ninety-days?" Magnus asked him one day after they had played football with some of the other patients.

  Taylor stared over the clinic grounds. "They say I have a better chance of not relapsing the longer I stay. So I think it's a good idea." He said quietly.

  "We'll take it one day at a time, and I'll be there when you need me." If only his uncle had said those words to Magnus's family, things would have been so different, but now he could say them. Now he could make things better for all of them.

  Taylor looked up, and Magnus was hit by the emotion there. "Thanks, Magnus."

  He clapped Taylor gently on the back. "Hey, we're family, man." He kept his arm around his shoulders as they walked back to the center, Brewster trotting beside them.

  Magnus wasn't sure he'd ever be able to tell his cousin how much he had hated his family, how he had almost helped kill him. That had to be saved for later or better yet, never.

  Chapter Thirty

  "Protein shake or beer?" Magnus tossed his gym towel into the hall as he and Jamie sauntered to the kitchen.

  "What's in the shake?" Jamie sat on one of the tall stools facing the counter watching warily as Magnus went to the fridge.

  "Any good thing I can find. Kale, seaweed, wheat germ..."

  "I'll take the beer." Jamie interrupted quickly.

  Magnus grinned. "Pussy."

  Jamie chuckled and took the can from Magnus, popping the tab open, the sound echoing through the massive kitchen.

  "Change the work-out routine any?" He took a large swallow of pale ale.

  "You know, I haven't all that much. I just vary what we used to do. Why change a good thing?" Magnus scooped protein into the blender.

  "A good thing?" Jamie scoffed. "I had to drag you to the gym."

  "The gym wasn't the problem. It was you trying to tell me what to do. I was young and dumb." Magnus shook his head.

  He tossed frozen blueberries in the blender.

  "Remember that punching bag slamming me in the face the first day? I took all my anger out on the thing and it knocked me on my ass. Exactly what I needed."

  "You were a good kid, who did some wrong things for the right reason. You got back on track soon enough."

  Magnus punched the power button and the whirring filled the room.

  He stared at the blender. He needed to tell Jamie.

  He poured the smoothie into a tall glass.

  "You sure?" He asked, gesturing with the blender jar.


  "Speaking of wrong turns." Magnus began, taking a swallow from the mug. "I'm selling the clubs." He said without preamble.

  Jamie frowned and nodded. "Ok. Why?"

  "It's a part of my life I'm done with. I gave up selling drugs, getting clients for the girls because you convinced me both were dangerous for everyone involved, but sometimes legal businesses are just as dangerous and just as fucked up. The clubs, that kind of life, I'm done with it."

  He turned away and walked to the windows overlooking Madison Park. He wanted Autumn. He wanted the sunshine and laughter she brought to him. And he wanted a family with her. He loved her and now he couldn't imagine a life without her.

  Jamie was silent, so he went on.

  "I've already started talks with Sinclair. He's interested in buying the whole package. I sent him the numbers this morning."

  "Ok." Jamie said slowly. "Does this have to do with Autumn?"

  "Yeah, it does." Magnus said quietly. "It has everything to do with Autumn. I love her, Jamie. I'm not too proud to admit it. She's everything I want."

  "I understand." He said.


  They were both silent, each in his own thoughts.

  "Another thing. Someone's been following me for the past week." He turned and saw Jamie's concerned expression.

  "Do you know who?" Jamie asked.

  "No. It's usually when I'm with Autumn, so I thought it might have been Moretti, but she asked him and he said it wasn't him or any of his agents."

  Jamie frowned. "Do you believe him?"

  "Autumn does." He put his palms up and shrugged. "But I need to know who it is."

  Magnus had stopped hiding his relationship with Autumn from Jamie, but she'd insisted no one else at the office know, at least through her internship. She didn't want them to be fodder for office gossip.

  He didn't agree and didn't care who knew. It was his fucking company and he'd do whatever the fuck he wanted, but if she was uncomfortable, he'd go along...for now.

  "Has anyone threatened you or Autumn?"

  He knew where Jamie was going with this. He'd been followed before, lots of times, but usually with some corresponding call or demand or something from one of his competitors or assholes who thought they owned New York, but there had been nothing like that this time, and he didn't like it.

  If someone made a demand or threat, he could work with that. When there was nothing, all they could do was wait for the person to slip up.

  "No. It's bugging me. I don't want Autumn mixed up in anything dangerous."

  If something happened to her because of him...he just couldn't let anything happen. They had to find the bastard.

  "I'll look into it. I've been concerned about the lack of security when you're with her. Will you carry a gun now?"

  "Yeah. You're right. I should've had one all along."

  "Do you want security too?"

  "No. I'll handle anything that comes up."

  "Be on your guard till I get more information."


  Chapter Thirty-One

  Autumn's phone buzzed and she grabbed it, expecting the call to be from Magnus, but Matt's name lit the screen. She bit her lip. Should she answer? He wouldn't ask her where she was, would he?

  "Hey Matt." She answered, infusing a carelessness into her voice.

  "Hey where are you? I stopped by your apartment."


  "Yeah...I'm not there." She answered lamely, palming her forehead.

  "Yeah, I got that." There was a sigh from the other end. "Autumn, you wouldn't happen to be at Steele's, would you?"

  Matt had found out she was interning for Magnus. When he said he'd get her reassigned, she'd told him 'no' because she didn't want any issues with school.

  Besides, she and Magnus had started seeing each other at the same time, something she hadn't wanted Matt to know just yet, but apparently he had a suspicion, or maybe he just wasn't dumb.

  She wanted to lie. She really, really wanted to lie, but Matt would know. He always knew. She was the worst liar.

  "No." She wasn't with him technically.

  "What does that mean, Autumn? No, you're not in his house? Or no, he's not there right now?"

  "You're good at this." She replied weakly.

  "Are you leaving then?" Matt demanded, ignoring her comment.

  If she told him yes, he wouldn't pressure her anymore about it.

  "Yes, I'll be leaving soon."

  "Ok." He seemed to be deciding whether to say more. "Hey, I've got some time tonight if you want to grab dinner."

  Magnus had wanted her to stay all weekend, but she didn't want Matt to constantly worry about her and keep calling.

  "Sure. Ok. Call you later?"

  Autumn stood in the middle of the room. Agitation roiled in her belly.

  Matt hated Magnus for the whole blackmailing thing, but there seemed to be more that was bothering him. If it was strictly FBI stuff, and it probably was, he wouldn't tell her, but she needed to know. She couldn't keep this up. She couldn't defend one man she loved against another man she loved. She had to know Magnus's story. She might be ab
le to find something on Magnus both she and Matt could agree would absolve him of any wrongdoing.

  Magnus said he'd be back in a few hours. She glanced at her phone. That was an hour ago. She had time if she hurried.

  Autumn quickly searched the house for his home office. He had to have one. Passing the bedroom, she came to one end of the hall, then turned to retrace her steps, continuing in the opposite direction, until she found the masculine retreat with its black leather and dark wood. Obviously his office.

  She hesitated in the doorway. She shouldn't be doing this. He trusted her; she wanted him to trust her. She didn't want to give him a reason not to trust her, especially while their relationship was so fragile.

  She knew Magnus. He wasn't a bad guy. She needed to trust her instincts. She did trust her instincts. Matt was the one who needed convincing. She needed to find something that would do just that. Or she would find something that changed her mind, crushing as it might be.

  Autumn stepped inside the room. It was neat and organized, everything had a place, not a speck of dust or a careless scar marred the smooth surfaces of desk and shelves. Efficiently designed for the industrious man.

  A stack of folders sat at one corner of his desk. She drew closer and realized the paperweight on top was from the Chanler hotel where they had spent a weekend together, where he had made love to her as "Mike."

  The paperweight had the logo of the hotel. Autumn traced it, letting her fingers run along the cool metal.

  There were a few pictures displayed on the desk, one of Magnus with his arm around the shoulders of a shorter version of himself.

  She picked up the frame to look closer. He must be a brother or cousin. He had the same blue gaze and black hair, younger, more innocent with a trusting smile and laughing eyes.

  She replaced the picture and her heart thudded. There was a picture of her and Magnus at the ice rink in an ornate frame, with tiny interlocking links of gold and a delicate leaf pattern in the corners.

  She smiled at how happy they both looked. He was tugging her against him, grinning, his hair windblown.


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