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Excuse Me, First Love (College Daze #1)

Page 29

by Danielle Burton

  “They checked her and confirmed she’d had a stroke. Told me I had to make a choice. Since she couldn’t keep pushing, they’d have to perform an emergency C-section which would delay her care. I did what I knew she would’ve wanted. Imani wanted you so bad. From the moment we married, starting a family was all she talked about. I’d never seen her smile as big as the day she found out she was pregnant with you.

  By the time they got you out she was already gone. I found out later that she’d suffered from a ruptured brain aneurysm. That’s what caused the stroke.” His words were cut off with a sob, and he covered his face.

  I went over and sat beside him then pulled him into a hug.

  He held onto me for a few minutes before composing himself. “I lost the love of my life and gained a new one all at once.” He cupped my face with both his hands and kissed my forehead. “I’m so sorry I kept it from you, Sweet Pea. I never wanted you to think you were the reason for her not being here. I didn’t want you to grow up blaming yourself. With Roz in the picture it made things that much easier. Especially when you started calling her mom.”

  I looked past him and at the woman who I’d referred to as mom for as long as I could remember. She patted daintily at her eyes and sniffled a bit. I was confused as to why she was crying at Dad’s story. She’d never been the overly sensitive type. In fact, I don’t think I could recall a time when she’d shown the slightest inkling of sympathy. “Did you know her?”

  She nodded. “We were good friends for a long time before she met, or rather stole, your father.”

  My dad rolled his eyes. “Roz.”

  She cast him a side long glance but didn’t say anything.

  I looked at my dad and frowned. “You married my mom’s best friend two years after she died?”

  He sighed and ran a palm over his face. “It’s not how it sounds. We were all friends in college.”

  “Until she stole you right from under my nose,” my...other mom cut in.

  Dad sighed again. “Roz, you know that’s not what happened. We weren’t even dating.”

  “But she knew I liked you. And what did she do? What she always did, anything she could to get what she wanted, damn anyone she stepped on to get it. Because God forbid Imani Hill not get her way.”

  I’m pretty sure my eyes probably bulged from my head as I stared at my mom. “You two sound more like enemies than friends.”

  She sighed and shook her head. “I loved Imani. She was the spoiled rotten little sister I never had.” She looked over at me, her gaze softening. “You always wondered why I was so hard on you, that’s why. As much as I loved her, that brattiness was not a good quality. If your father had it his way you’d have been just as rotten.”

  I stared down at the floor and bit my lip. “I guess I can sort of understand that, but it still doesn’t excuse the way you treated me. It was always like you didn’t approve of anything I did. I was never good enough.”

  Reaching over my dad, she took my hand into hers. “I’m sorry for every making you feel that way, Gabi. I guess I was only doing what I was taught. As much as I detest her and am ashamed to say, I became my own mother.” She squeezed my hand and met my gaze. “In all honestly there were times I was envious of your strength. The same with Imani. You’re just like her. You go after what you want and damn anyone who tells you that you can’t have it.” She chuckled, and I allowed myself a small smile. “I don’t want you to ever think that I’m not proud of what you’ve accomplished. I know I’m not the best at showing it, but I promise I’ll try harder. Just do me a favor and don’t give up on me just yet. I haven’t spoken to my mother in almost two decades. I realize now that I don’t want that for us.”

  I nodded and leaned over to hug her. After releasing her I wiped at my eyes and looked at both my parents. “So how did you two end up together?”

  Dad took mom’s hand in his and turned to me. “After the funeral, Roz offered to help out with you. I was a widowed father what no clue what to do with a baby. A year passed before I even started looking at Roz as anything more than a friend. I spent the next few months falling in love again and hating myself for betraying Imani.” He brought mom’s hand to his lips and pressed a soft kiss to it. “But I could only deny my feelings for so long. As guilty as I felt, I knew Imani would want me to be happy. She was good that way.”

  He looked at me again, a sad smile on his face. “I blame myself for a lot of the things you and your mom went through. I can only imagine how she felt, knowing Imani would always be in my heart. Not only that, but having to look at a product of that love every day. I’m not saying it was right or that your mom didn’t love you. Just that...I didn’t make it easy. Even after we married, I still had those moments when I felt like what I’d done was a betrayal to Imani. It took me a long time to accept that there was room in my heart for both of them and that I didn’t have to choose one over the other.”

  I gave a small smile and looked over at the sofa, both Jay and Kas were gone. When they’d left was a mystery.

  My dad tapped my leg to get my attention. “Would you like to see her?”

  Butterflies fluttered in my stomach and I nodded.

  He took the album from the floor and placed it so it was half on my lap and half on his, then opened it up and flipped through the pages until he found an 8x10 photograph of a smiling woman.

  Tears sprang to my eyes and I covered my mouth to stifle a sob.

  Dad rubbed my back. “What’s the matter sweetie?”

  I cried some more and wiped at my eyes. “I have her hair.”

  Imani Tanner, my mom, was a medium brown complexion. Her light brown eyes matched mine as well as the texture of her sandy brown hair.

  My dad took the picture and a few others from the album and gave them to me.

  We sat and talked for a while longer before I hunted down Kas and they all left, headed back to Chicago.

  Later in my dorm I sat on my bed staring at the photo of my mom that was now in a beautiful glass frame with hearts and flowers painted around the edges.

  Jay pulled me up and then sat me in his lap. “How are you feeling, pretty girl?”

  I smiled at him then hugged his neck. “I’m a girl with three moms. Couldn’t be better.”

  Thirty - Four


  One Month Later

  I stared up at the huge column then looked over at Jay. “What exactly are we doing here again?”

  “Making a memory. Have you ever paid attention to this thing?”

  “Not really.” I’d glanced at the large column at Angelo’s from time to time but had never gotten a close look. Standing in front of it now I saw that the engravings I’d noticed all those months ago were actually names.

  Jay draped his arm over my shoulder and looked up at it with a smile. “According to the stories, this thing didn’t stay blank for a whole day after Angelo’s opened.” He pointed to two names near the middle: Ava & James. “This was the first couple to carve their names into it. Everyone thought Angelo would be mad and have it removed. Instead he made a tradition so to speak. Since then couples far and wide have come here just to leave their names on Angelo’s column.”

  I narrowed my eye at him and he laughed. “Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating, but still, couples carve their names here and here they stay, for years to come. So, what we’re doing here is…making a memory.” He handed me a small engraving tool then lifted me so that I could reach an empty space.

  I drew a heart and inside I carved the initials JJ & LR.

  Jay sat me down then pulled me close and we kissed below our memory.

  ~ ♥ ~

  A while later I laced my fingers through Jay’s as we walked down the beach, enjoying the afternoon breeze. It wasn’t quite summer yet so the sun didn’t burn our skin and the sand was cool between my bare toes.

  Jay stopped and turned to face the lake. He pulled me next to him and held me around the waist. “The last few months have been one hell of a

  “Yeah, it’s amazing we’re both still standing.”

  “I wouldn’t have made it through without out you, baby. Thanks for being my rock.”

  I looked up at him and smiled. “Always.”

  “I meant to tell you. I decided on a specialty.”

  “Yeah? What is it?”

  “Well, first I’m going to become an Oncologist and then get into cancer research. I’m going to find a cure if it kills me.”

  I stared up at this amazing man, my chest swelling with pride. I couldn’t have wished for a better person to have in my life and by my side.

  Since arriving in River Crest my life had been an emotional roller coaster, but I didn’t regret a moment of the ride. I’d gained more knowledge on myself, grown as a person, and found my first love again, who was now truly the love of my life. I looked forward to all the many twists, turns, and obstacles headed or way because I knew as long as we crossed that finish line together, we’d be more than okay.

  Jay snuggled me closer, running his hand up and down my shoulder. “Do you remember this spot?”

  I leaned into him and smiled. He’d stopped us in the spot we’d met all those years ago. Who knew the boy I’d punched in the face for calling me Clifford the Big Red Dog would be the one I’d fall in love with? “Yes.”

  He grinned big, showing all his teeth and sinking in those dimples. “I like that word.”

  I cast him a sideways glance. “Okay goofball. You’ve been being weird all day.”

  “Me weird? Nah, I’m just enjoying the company of the most beautiful girl in River Crest and probably the world.”

  “Aww.” I leaned up and pecked his lips.

  We stood there for a while before he nudged me. “I think you dropped something.”

  “What?” I looked down in the sand even though I knew I hadn’t been holding anything. Something small glinted off the sun. I went to bend down but Jay stopped me.

  “I’ll get it.” He stooped down and picked up the shiny object. Holding it in front of him, he bent one leg while leaving one knee on the ground. “Little Red...”

  I clasped my hands over my mouth when I realized what he held was a ring. In an instant tears sprang to my eyes and my chest burned with sobs. I dropped to my knees in front of him and hugged his neck.

  “Gabi, what are you doing? You aren’t supposed to be down here.”

  I squeezed him tighter. “Yes.”

  He tried to pry me away but I wasn’t budging. “You can’t say yes. I haven’t asked you the question yet.”

  My waterfall of tears soaked his t-shirt. I’d waited so long for this moment. For a while I’d given up hope it would ever happen. “I don’t care...yes. Yes, a million times.” I pulled back enough to sprinkle kisses all over his face. “I love you.”

  He smiled then pecked my lips. “I love you, too. Now can you please stand up so I can do this properly? You’re kinda ruining my moment here.”

  ~ Fin ~

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you! I cannot express how truly thankful I am that you, a lovely stranger, took time out of your life to step into my fictional world. Breathing life into characters brings me a joy that I can’t begin to describe. Each time I create one is like meeting a new person and I am pleased to introduce them all to you.

  I hoped you enjoyed Gabi and Jay’s story as much I loved writing it. Currently I am working on the next installment of the College Daze series which features a character I’m pretty sure you’ll all be excited to hear from, Benji. So many things to say about him but I’ll save that until next time.

  If you enjoyed this story, please consider leaving a review on Amazon. I’d love to know your thoughts!

  For news, updates on new releases, and sneak peeks, head over to my website. There you can read poetry and excerpts from future books, see what’s up next, and sign up for my mailing list for exclusive updates!

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  About the Author

  Danielle Burton is a native Detroiter and multi-genre novelist with deep appreciation for Black love. She’s penned several novels, a few available online, but Excuse Me, First Love is the first on her publishing journey. She has a knack for creating complex characters and then getting them into plenty of trouble. From sweet and heartwarming, sexy and scandalous, to dark and twisty, Danielle’s stories have a way of reaching down into your soul and evoking each and every emotion you have stored there.

  Aside from her writing, Danielle is a self-taught graphic design artist and African culture enthusiast. She resides in Michigan with her beautiful, but troublesome toddler and her loving husband, though she has plans which involve world travel.


  The musical inspiration for Excuse Me, First Love is available on Spotify!

  Click Here!




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