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Illicit Mate: Abducted Series - Book 4

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by Opal Carew




  Jenna is eager to meet her soul-mate and start a happy life with him, but her dream is crushed when she discovers something has gone terribly wrong!

  Jenna has always believed that there is one special man she’s meant to spend her life with. When she and her friends are abducted by sexy aliens saying that the women are to be united with their soul-mates, Jenna is thrilled. Until she meets…

  Casey has always been attracted to men. In fact, one man in particular. But the pull she feels to Jenna is undeniable albeit confusing as hell. She knows it’s true love and travels across the universe to find her. The problem is going to be convincing Jenna that they’re meant to be together. As insurmountable as that problem seems, the bigger problem is…

  Darrick has always been in love with Casey. They grew up together. She’s always been there for him, helping him through his difficult past. They knew from an early age that they were soul-mates and have been happy together. Until his whole world was shattered when Casey revealed that she feels the irresistible draw to a new soul-mate. An Earth woman named Jenna.

  When Jenna meets Darrick, she knows this is the man she’s meant to be with. And, try as he might, Darrick can’t deny the feelings Jenna stirs in him. Casey knows what the solution is, but given his painful past, she knows Darrick will never even consider it.

  * * *

  In Illicit Mate, the fourth book of the Abducted series, get ready for a relationship that will rock the lives of three wounded souls and take you on a journey that will open your mind to the depth of true and everlasting love.

  Abducted Series

  (sci-fi alien abduction erotic romance novellas)

  Forbidden Mate

  Unwilling Mate

  Rebel Mate

  Illicit Mate

  Captive Mate

  Thanks to all my wonderful Patrons!

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  Tiffany Tyson

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  Rosemary Krejsa

  Ebook - New Releases

  Jodi Schmedje

  Lori Olmstead Cipot

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  Cheryl Byers

  Darlene Good

  Doug Williamson

  Hilary Beckford

  Jamie Graves

  Jane Barlow

  Jane Davis

  Josee McOrmond

  Julia Murdock

  Kathy Sanford

  Laura Redmon

  Lisa Diamond

  Lori Hoffman

  Sarah Kiefer

  Sharon Manning-Lew

  Teresa-Lynne Zelych

  Victoria Troemel

  William L. Suttles

  Hot Stuff!

  Mandy Rosko

  Orla McCormack

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  Becky Nelson




  Illicit Mate

  Copyright 2018 Opal Carew

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  Ebook Design by

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  All Rights Are Reserved.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this story are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  First edition: December 2018



  the philosopher


  Jenna glanced around the glittering ballroom at the beautiful women in gorgeous gowns and the men in classy tuxedos, still amazed she was sitting here.

  She could never afford to stay at a luxury resort like this on her teacher’s salary and never would have come here on her own even if she could, but she’d won this all-inclusive vacation to the Bonavista Resort and it was for one person only. It couldn’t be sold or transferred in any way.

  Not that she wanted to give it up. She’d never won anything before and this was a dream vacation. When Jenna had told the person who’d called to tell her she was one of the lucky winners, the woman had reassured Jenna that the resort had events and activities set up to help her meet others. So traveling alone wouldn’t be a problem.

  And the truth was she didn’t have anyone to travel with. Well, not a man. And she so desperately wanted to be in a serious relationship. To find her soul-mate. Most of the women she knew didn’t believe in soul-mates, but Jenna was a hopeless romantic and thoroughly believed there was one special person out there just for her.

  As it turned out, the resort had arranged to seat her at a table with four other women this evening. Jenna had arrived first, then Eva, followed by Crystal and Kate. They were all friendly and welcoming, and Jenna was becoming more comfortable with the idea of being here on her own.

  “I wonder if those two come as a pair.” Crystal smiled at the two gorgeous men sitting at the next table, glancing her way. “I’d definitely be up for that.”

  Kate, the young woman next to Crystal, giggled. Jenna laughed, too. She loved how comfortable Crystal was with her sexuality. The woman wore her shimmering red dress with a graceful confidence and every man in the room seemed to notice her.

  Jenna had bought a special dress for this occasion, hoping she might attract the attention of a nice man with romance on his mind. As she stared at the two handsome men, Jenna imagined one of them asking her to dance, then taking her hand and leading her to the dance floor. He would hold her close to his big, strong body and guide her around the floor to the sensual beat of the music.

  In her fantasy, he would become totally captivated by her and at the end of the evening, he would take her in his arms and kiss her passionately. Then unlike the Cinderella story she so often dreamed about, she would take his hand and drag him to her room, then once inside, he would unzip her dress, then slowly peel it away.

  Her pulse raced as the images became more erotic. Her breasts ached as the nipples peaked, as she imagined his mouth covering one hard bud and suckling.

  She sucked in a deep breath. She had no idea what had gotten into her lately. She’d never invite a strange man into her room. That’s not how she behaved. Her daydreams were of happily-ever-after, not jumping the first man she saw.

  But for the past several weeks, all she could think about was sex. Every night, she’d dreamed about big masculine hands caressing her naked body. A man’s hot mouth pressing against her intimate flesh, then his tongue pushing inside her. His thick, hard cock driving into her, taking her to the heights of ecstasy.

  A woman with golden-blonde hair, wearing a black business suit, followed the hostess to their table.x

  “This is where you’ll be sitting this evening,” the hostess said as they approached the table. “Please help yourself to drinks and appetizers, and someone will come and get you for the orientation in about twenty minutes.”

  The woman nodded her thanks and settled in the empty chair between Eva and Crystal. Eva smiled at her.

  “Hi. My name’s Eva.”

  Eva offered her hand, and the other woman shook it.

  “Hi. I’m Aria,” the newcomer said.

  “This is Jenna, Kate and Crystal.” Eva introduced the women clockwise around the table.

  Jenna smiled and nodded along with the others.

  “I f
eel a little out of place.” Aria fiddled with the clip holding her hair in a twist at the back of her head. “I should have worn something else.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Eva said. “You look great.”


  “This is so exciting!” Kate pushed her long, auburn hair behind her ear. Her green eyes glittered with enthusiasm. “I wonder what they have planned for us.”

  “I don’t know, but I hope there are men involved.” Crystal’s gaze lingered on the hard, muscular butts of three gorgeous guys in their early twenties as they passed by.

  Jenna watched, too, excitement blazing through her. When she finally shifted her gaze away, she found herself staring at a pair of blonde women in low-cut gowns as they walked past the table. Their generous, round breasts practically bounced out of their dresses.

  God, even the sight of those heaving bosoms pushed Jenna’s arousal up a notch.

  “There certainly are a lot of good-looking men here,” said Kate.

  “And women,” Jenna said.

  “Don’t worry about those two, honey. They’ve got lots out here…” Crystal indicated her chest, then waved her hand by her head. “But not much up here. Not like you.”

  Crystal laid her hand on Jenna’s. A surge of electricity jolted through her, leaving her breathless.

  “You’ve got brains and looks,” Crystal continued. “In fact, you’re way better looking than most of the women here.”

  Jenna smiled at her, but tucked her hand under the table as soon as Crystal drew hers away. Her reaction to the feel of Crystal’s hand on hers—sending her hormones into a spiral—had totally shocked her. This wasn’t like her at all.

  Crystal locked gazes with a man two tables over and sent him a seductive smile.

  “With all these sexy hunks to choose from, I plan to get laid every night by a different man.” Crystal winked. “Or two.”

  God, Jenna would happily settle for just one.

  A waitress stopped beside the table. “More drinks, ladies?”

  Jenna nodded and the waitress placed a new glass in front of her. She took a deep sip.

  “And here comes contestant number one,” Crystal purred.

  The man Crystal had been flirting with approached the table. He leaned in and murmured something in Crystal’s ear. She chuckled, a deep throaty sound, and her lips curled up in a wicked smile. He took her hand and led her to the dance floor where he drew her into a close embrace. Her red strapless dress, with a light sprinkling of sequins, glittered in the low light. Jenna quickly lost sight of them among the crowd of dancers.

  Kate giggled. “Do you think she really means it? I mean, that she’d go to bed with two guys?”

  “I’m sure it was just talk.” Eva said.

  Jenna caught sight of them on the dance floor as they wove past several couples, then disappeared into the crowd again.

  “I don’t know. I think she’s up for anything,” Jenna said. “And more power to her.”

  The song changed and, a moment later, Crystal returned to the table.

  “He was nice, but not exactly what I’m looking for.”

  “And what are you looking for?” Kate asked.

  “I don’t know, but I’m sure I’ll know it when I find it.” Crystal poked the cherry in her glass with her swizzle stick and brought it to her lips. She gently tugged it off with her teeth, then drew it into her mouth, closing her lips around it.

  Jenna watched her with fascination, then nervously glanced at her hands when she realized Aria had noticed.

  “You know, I won this vacation in a contest.” Jenna swirled the tip of her finger around the rim of her glass

  “Really? I did too,” Eva responded.

  Kate’s eyes widened. “Me too.”

  Crystal pointed a finger with a long, well-manicured red fingernail at Aria. “And you?”

  Aria nodded.

  “Same here.” Crystal sipped her drink.

  “Omigod.” Kate giggled. “What a coincidence.”

  “Not a coincidence, sweetie. They probably want to get a photo of all of us. You know, for marketing, yada yada yada.” Crystal rested her chin on her hands. “And we’ll probably have to sit through some long, boring pitch to buy a timeshare.”

  “I don’t think so,” Aria chimed in. “We’re not exactly the demographic they’re looking for and—”

  “Ladies, my name is Baryn. It’s time for the orientation.”

  Jenna glanced up to see a stunningly handsome man with vivid blue eyes and dazzling white teeth smiling at them. Heat surged through her.

  He was tall and broad-shouldered, his arms bulging with muscles under his tailored suit jacket.

  “Would you all come with me, please?” He drew back Kate’s chair and offered his hand.

  Kate sent him a glowing smile as she took it and stood up. Her green eyes glowed as she gazed at him. She seemed totally captivated by the man. But who could blame her?

  “Lead on,” Kate said.

  Crystal leaned toward Aria and murmured, “I would absolutely come with him. Anywhere. Anytime.”

  Aria giggled. Jenna and the others stood and Baryn led them across the ballroom, his hand resting on the small of Kate’s back.

  When they stepped into the atrium, another man joined them. He was every bit as muscular and handsome as Baryn.

  “This is my associate, Terrien,” Baryn said.

  Terrien’s suit stretched across his broad shoulders and narrowed to his waist. His dark brown hair was combed back off his face in thick waves, shimmering with bronze highlights in the soft light.

  Crystal gazed at him with blatant interest, her eyes glittering.

  “Good evening, ladies,” Terrien said with a beaming smile that seemed to be directed mostly at Crystal. “This way.” He gestured toward a corridor on the left.

  “Aren’t the elevators the other way?” Jenna asked.

  “The normal ones, yes,” Terrien answered, “but we’re taking the VIP elevator.”

  “Mmm, VIP. That’s my kind of action,” Crystal purred to Aria and Jenna.

  Kate walked beside Baryn, Eva walked a couple feet behind them, and Jenna, Crystal and Aria followed. Terrien fell in behind as Baryn led them down a narrow corridor, then opened a door labeled “Authorized Personnel Only”. At the end of another narrow corridor, they came to an elevator. Terrien pushed a key into a lock on the control panel and the doors opened. They crowded into the small space and the doors closed.

  “This doesn’t look very VIP to me,” Crystal grumbled.

  The elevator seemed to speed up. It jostled a little from side to side. Aria swayed sideways and grabbed onto Crystal’s arm. Crystal placed her hand over Aria’s.

  “You okay, honey? You look a little green.”

  In fact, her face had gone completely pale.

  Eva clasped Aria’s other hand. “You don’t look well.”

  “I’m sure she’ll be fine in a minute,” Baryn said.

  The doors opened and Kate, Baryn and Jenna stepped out. Jenna glanced over her shoulder to see Aria take a step then stumble. Eva grabbed one of Aria’s arms and Crystal the other. They steadied her as they helped her from the elevator.

  They entered a moderate-sized room with upholstered armchairs facing one wall. The décor had changed dramatically from the coral and green they’d seen everywhere else in the hotel. Also missing were the warm wooden details. This room was cool blue with very minimalist, clean lines.

  Eva led Aria to a chair.

  “I don’t know what came over me.” Aria’s cheeks flushed red.

  “The transporter has that effect on some people.”

  “The what?” Aria’s eyes widened and Jenna glanced toward the unfamiliar female voice.

  Her breath caught at the sight of the stunning beauty standing beside Baryn. Time stood still as Jenna stared, wide-eyed at this goddess.

  She was tall with an air of confidence and authority. The uniform she wore accentuated her le
an, muscular body with curves in all the right places. Her long, straight hair was pulled back tight from her face and fastened into a ponytail on top of her head. The color was so light it was almost white, but it shimmered with soft lavender highlights when she moved.

  She handed Baryn a dark green uniform jacket just like the one she wore. Terrien had already donned a similar jacket.

  “The transporter,” the woman repeated.

  She pushed a button on a small console on the wall beside her, triggering a loud humming. The wall started to slide upward, revealing windows beyond. Aria gasped, echoed by several of the others, as a stunning vista of stars was revealed.

  “It transported you to our starship.”

  “That’s ridiculous.” Crystal walked to the glass and peered outside.

  “I don’t know, Crystal.” Kate’s voice sounded on the edge of panic. “Look!” She pointed upward.

  Jenna glanced up to see the wall panels continuing to retreat over the ceiling, revealing a beautiful, but quite disturbing, view of Earth.

  “Oh, my God.” Eva sank into a chair. “We’ve just been abducted by aliens.”


  “You.” The goddess strode toward Aria. “Come with me.”

  Jenna had barely had time to process what was going on. Only five minutes or so had passed since she and the other women realized their true predicament and they were all still reeling.

  “We stay together,” Eva insisted as she stepped toward Aria protectively.

  “No, actually you don’t,” the woman responded in a commanding tone.

  Aria glanced at the stranger’s uncompromising expression and when she extended her hand, Aria took it and stood up. The woman gripped Aria’s arm as they started to walk. Terrien stepped in front of Eva, preventing her from rushing to Aria’s side. The uniformed woman led Aria to a door, which slid open as they approached.


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