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Illicit Mate: Abducted Series - Book 4

Page 9

by Opal Carew

  “Fakkreh, I could never live with myself if I hurt you like that.”

  He wrapped one arm around Jenna and pulled her to him, capturing her lips, gliding his tongue between them. The taste of her was intoxicating. His other arm curled around Casey as he hugged her close, too. He released Jenna’s mouth to find Casey’s. Jenna nuzzled his neck while he and Casey kissed passionately.

  Then he felt Casey’s hand glide over his stomach. Downward. His cock hardened instantly when her fingers slid over it. Jenna’s fingers joined Casey’s and they stroked him together.

  Heat coiled in his gut and he thought he would die from the gut-wrenching need pulsing through him.

  And that was the problem.

  “No.” He grasped their wrists and drew them away from his aching member. “We can’t do this,” he said, easing away from them.

  “Are you saying you won’t stay with us?” Jenna asked, her eyes wide.

  “I need time to think. Without my raging hormones getting in the way.

  His heart pounding, he turned and strode to the door, not looking back for fear he’d change his mind.

  Darrick marched down the corridor, then got on the elevator. His pulse pounded in his ears as he sucked in deep breaths, trying to calm down.

  His comm unit bleeped and he checked the text message. The commander had invited him for a drink. Good timing. He could use a drink.

  He contacted the commander and arranged where to meet. Darrick changed the destination of the elevator and when he walked into the lounge, the commander was already there. A glass of Darrick’s favorite brew was sitting on the table waiting for him.

  He sat down and took a deep sip.

  Larson watched him, one eyebrow raised. “Your conversation with Casey and the Earth woman not go so well?”

  Darrick stared at him over the tall glass.

  Of course he’d know that the captain insisted Darrick talk to them before signing off on his transfer.

  “It’s not that it didn’t go well. They’re totally onboard with the whole…” He glanced around, still not comfortable saying it out loud. “With this kind of unusual relationship.”

  “You know, it’s not that unusual anymore. And some people on this ship—”

  “Yes, I know about Baryn and his tanash’ea. But that is different.”

  “The point is he’s willing to do whatever it takes to find happiness for him and his mate.” Larson leaned in. “I know you promised yourself that you would never get involved in a threesome. But Casey and Jenna are both strong women. And, as I said, times have change. The challenge is not as big as when you were growing up. Don’t you think that if they’re willing to take on this challenge that you should be, too?”

  Darrick picked up his drink and downed half of it.

  “I want to. I almost told them I would. But when I’m near them I just can’t think straight.”

  Larson’s lips turned up in a smile. “Yeah, I can imagine. I could barely stay sane waiting for my Eva to come around. I can’t imagine trying to resist being with two sinfully sexy tanash’aei like yours.” He chuckled. “You’re a very lucky man.”

  Darrick stared at Larson, then pursed his lips. Of course, his friend was right. Darrick had been truly blessed.

  “So you’re away from them now. How do you feel when you think about stepping aboard the Yansome knowing you’ll never see them again?”

  His chest clenched and his heart started pounding loudly. The thought of Jenna’s blue eyes, filled with pain at his abandonment made him ache inside. He couldn’t hurt her like that. Or Casey.

  And, damn it, he couldn’t hurt himself like that, either.

  He drained his glass and locked gazes with Larson. “I respectively withdraw my request for transfer, sir.”

  Laron smiled broadly. “Noted. I’ll let the captain know.”

  Darrick shot to his feet and strode out the door.

  Darrick opened the door and at the sound of labored breathing, his gaze jerked to the right. Jenna was pressed against the wall moaning, her legs wrapped around a man’s waist. Both of them completely naked.

  “Oh, yeah, baby. Come for me,” the guy said in a gruff, oddly familiar voice.

  Jealousy surged through him and he strode across the room.

  “Get your fakkreh hands off my woman,” he roared and grabbed the guy’s shoulder.

  Jenna’s gaze jerked to Darrick, her eyes wide. Her legs disentangled from the guy’s waist as Darrick pulled him back. But as soon as the guy turned and Darrick saw the violet eyes, his anger drained away.

  Fakkreh, it was Casey.

  Her face was more angular and her full breasts had transformed to a solid, broad chest. Darrick’s gaze slid downward and…gattra, there was a rigid cock projecting forward.


  Jenna’s heart pounded as she watched Darrick look Casey over with a shocked expression. God, things were shaky enough as it was. She was worried seeing Casey as a man might push Darrick away from them again.

  “Darrick, we weren’t sure when you were going to come back,” Jenna said.

  “And touching your big cock,” Casey continued, “made us both crave a man.”

  “So Casey did this to satisfy me.”

  He stared at Casey with a fierce expression, his hands clamped into tight fists. His body was trembling in anger.

  His gaze dropped to Casey’s cock again.

  “The sight of that… of you looking this way…”

  Jenna’s stomach knotted.

  Then Darrick tugged Casey against him and took her lips in an explosive kiss. When he eased back, his electric gaze bored into her.

  “Heghat, my cock is so fakkrehan hard right now at the thought of fucking you like this. Dahran, of being fucked by you like this.”

  The worry drained from Casey’s eyes and her lips turned up in a wicked smile. She slid from his arms and glided her hand over Jenna’s naked ass, reigniting the rippling need inside her.

  “Well, you’ll have to wait your turn. I was busy driving my cock into Jenna when I was so rudely interrupted.”

  Darrick adjusted the bulge threatening to rip a hole in his uniform pants.

  “That’s all right, laiya. I’m happy to be a spectator for few minutes.” His gaze turned to Jenna, his eyes blazing with heat. “After I do this.”

  He pulled Jenna into a passionate kiss, his tongue driving deep, claiming her. She melted against him, her nipples swelling harder as they pressed into the fabric of his uniform jacket. Then he scooped her up and carried her to the couch, where he sat down and pulled her onto his lap facing away from him. He hooked her legs over his knees, then opened his thighs, exposing her slick pussy to Casey, who now stood facing them.

  Casey knelt in front of them and pressed her rigid cock to Jenna’s opening, then drove inside. Immediately, Jenna’s muscles tightened around it. Darrick’s hands cupped her breasts, sending tremors through her. She leaned back against him and opened her legs wider to Casey.

  Casey leaned in and brushed her lips over Jenna’s in a sweet kiss. Then she lifted her head and kissed Darrick.

  Darrick cupped Casey’s head, deepening the kiss. The feel of Jenna’s naked body on his lap, the knowledge that Casey’s cock was deeply imbedded in her pussy had his heart pounding and his cock twitching.

  He released her lips.

  “I want to see you fuck her now.” His voice rumbled from his chest, coarse with need.

  Casey smiled and eased back. Darrick’s gaze dropped to watch her cock gliding out of Jenna’s pussy, then slide back inside in a smooth, even stroke.

  “Do you like Casey’s hard cock inside you, love?” Darrick whispered against Jenna’s ear.

  She nodded. Casey glided in and out again.

  “I can’t hear you,” Darrick said.

  “Oh, yes…” Jenna cooed, then sucked in air as Casey drove in deep again. “I love it.”

  Casey pumped into Jenna now and from her moans and the tensing of h
er body, Darrick knew she was close. She arched and wailed her release as Casey pounded harder. Darrick’s gaze turned to Casey’s face in time to see her expression tighten, then a look of rapture as she groaned.

  Fakkreh, she was coming inside Jenna right now. Darrick almost lost it on the spot.

  Casey shuddered, then collapsed on Jenna. Darrick slid his arms around Casey, holding the two of them close to him.

  Once Casey had caught her breath, she stood up. Her cock was still semi erect and Darrick couldn’t help himself. He reached out and grasped it in his hand. Jenna slid sideways from his lap to sit beside him, watching in fascination as he took Casey’s cock in his mouth.

  Fakkreh, the feel of Casey’s hard member in his mouth, covered with Jenna’s slickness, drove him wild. He sucked and Casey groaned.

  Jenna stood up and slid behind Casey, gliding her hands over Casey’s chest and tweaking her hard nipples. The sight turned him on even more. He wanted to lick those hard nubs.

  Darrick cupped her ass and glided up and down her cock, then squeezed tight around the tip and sucked.

  “”I’m going to come again,” Casey groaned.

  He pulled her deep into his mouth and squeezed. She arched forward and hot liquid erupted into his mouth. Tension coiled deep in his groin as he longed for the same release.

  Casey fell forward onto his lap. Darrick swallowed.

  “Dahran, what is that delightful taste? It’s sweet and exotic.”

  Casey laughed. “That is vanilla milkshake. Jenna requested it.”

  “You can change the flavor?” Darrick chuckled. “Leave it to you, Casey, to pay attention to every detail to please your tanash’ae.”

  Casey’s lips turned up in a beaming smile.

  He became aware of Jenna nestling close, then her lips brushing his ear.

  “Delightful, isn’t it?” Jenna murmured, her breath sending tremors down his neck. “I hope that means you’ll want to do that again, because it got me so hot I desperately need to be fucked again.” She smiled, setting her beautiful blue eyes alight. “By both of you.”

  Darrick’s cock lurched.

  Jenna turned her gaze to Casey.

  “Is that okay, Casey? I know we agreed that—”

  “Get your ass on his lap right now,” Casey said, her violet eyes gleaming, “I want to see your pussy swallow his monster cock right now. Then I want to drive into your tight little asshole.”

  Darrick stripped off his clothes and sat on the couch again. Jenna climbed onto his lap, pressing her breasts tight against his hard, muscular chest. His hand glided down her back and over her ass. He squeezed it, then slid his fingers between her legs. At the first feel of his fingertips dipping into her wet opening, she groaned.

  “Oh, God, I want your enormous cock inside me.”

  His fingers slid deeper and she clamped around them. He chuckled and when he slid his fingers out, she felt a cock glide over her slippery flesh, but from behind. Darrick hiked up her ass and Casey stroked Jenna’s pussy with her hard erection. Forward and back, coating her member in slickness.

  Then Darrick’s huge cockhead brushed against her and she groaned. She pushed herself up on her knees and he positioned himself at her opening, then he slowly eased her down.

  “God, you are so big.”

  His thick shaft stretched her impossibly wide.

  He chuckled. “And you love it.”

  “Damn right.” Her voice quivered as his giant member filled her all the way. She sat staring at him in a daze, trembling with desire.

  He brushed her lips with his, then his eyes glowed with heat as he cupped her ass and lifted. Casey’s slick cockhead pressed against her ass, sliding into place against her back opening. Easing forward slowly, her cock pressed into Jenna.

  “Ohhhh…” Jenna moaned.

  “Fakkreh, that feels so good,” Casey murmured.

  Deeper and deeper. Jenna’s internal muscles tightened making both Darrick and Casey moan. Once Casey was all the way inside, she glided her hands over Jenna’s breasts and squeezed.

  “Please… fuck… me…,” Jenna pleaded, sure she would die from the desperate need.

  Casey’s hands curled around Jenna’s waist and she started to move, her cock gliding inside Jenna’s ass. Once she had a slow, steady rhythm, Darrick began rocking his hips.

  Jenna gasped at the intense pleasure of the two hard cocks moving inside her. They practically stroked each other inside her.

  Her whole body tingled as her nerve endings sparked to life. Darrick’s cock drove in deep. Casey’s cock stroked her back passage. Pleasure swelled inside her, stealing her breath.

  “Ohhhh, God. I’m soooo close.” Jenna sucked in air as they sped up.

  “Are you going to come, baby?” Darrick murmured in her ear, sending tingles dancing down her neck. “With both of us fucking you hard?”

  She could barely catch her breath as her whole body vibrated with delight.

  “Oh, yes, oh, God…”

  A wave of bliss surged through her as the world shattered around her. She moaned, clinging to Darrick’s shoulders as she catapulted into ecstasy.

  Casey surged deep, then moaned as she erupted inside her.

  Finally, they all collapsed together. But Jenna raised her head and gazed at Darrick.

  “You didn’t come.”


  Darrick smiled. “And believe me, it’s killing me. But I wanted to save it for one minute.”

  “Why?” Casey asked, sitting on the floor resting her chin on his knee.

  “Because I want to come inside both my women… right after I tell you something.”

  “What’s that?” Jenna asked, her wide blue eyes filled with hope.

  “Let’s do this right.”

  He shifted Jenna onto the couch beside him, then stood up and gestured for Casey to sit beside her. Casey stood up and he watched as she morphed back into her female form again, then sat down beside Jenna, snuggling up close.

  When they were both sitting, he knelt in front of them and took Casey’s hand. He kissed it tenderly.

  “Casey, I known you almost my whole life and have always loved you.”

  In her violet eyes, he saw the same deep emotion glowing back at him.

  He took Jenna’s hand, too.

  “Jenna, I only met you days ago, but I know that I love you as deeply as I love Casey. I know that you and Casey are my tanash’aei. My soul-mates.”

  He could feel Jenna’s hand trembling in his and he smiled.

  “I know that on your world,” he continued, “there is a tradition where a man kneels down in front of the woman he loves to propose marriage.”

  Jenna nodded, tears shimmering in her eyes.

  He smiled tenderly.

  “Casey and Jenna…”

  He hesitated, watching their faces while he prolonged the moment.

  Jenna’s face glowed with happiness and excitement glittered in Casey’s violet eyes.

  “Will you marry me? And each other?”

  They both threw themselves against him and he hugged them close.

  “Yes,” they both cried, then kissed his cheeks.

  Joy surged through him, knowing his life would always be filled with happiness with these two wonderful, sexy women.

  Jenna grabbed his hand and stood up. Casey did the same and they tugged him into the bedroom.

  They both lay down on the bed, their sexy bodies stretched out in all their naked glory.

  “That cock of yours must be ready to burst,” Casey said. “For gattra sake, drive it into Jenna before I decide to suck it dry.”

  He grinned. “We could do that first.”

  “No way. I want you to still be hard enough to fuck me, too,” Casey said. “I haven’t had a cock inside me for far too long.”

  He knelt on the end of the bed and prowled over Jenna, his cock aching painfully. He grasped it and stroked her slick folds, groaning at the delightful sensation. Then he found her ope
ning and eased into it.

  “Oh, God, yes. Drive it in,” Jenna pleaded.

  He thrust forward, filling her in one long stroke. She gasped.

  “Ohhh… yeah…”

  Her throaty groan nearly ended him.

  “I’m glad you like that, baby.” He’d researched to find an endearment from her planet that she might like, and she seemed to like this one. He nuzzled her neck, holding her pinned to the bed, doing the best to regain his control.

  Then she squeezed around him and it was his turn to groan.

  He drew back and thrust deep again. Her silky passage, so tightly encased around him, drove his need higher. He began to pump into her, filling her deeply with each thrust. She gasped, then moaned and he knew she was close.

  “Come for me, Jenna. I want to see your face glow.”

  “Yes, I—” She sucked in a breath, then wailed loudly, her hands clamped around his shoulders as he rode her hard.

  He couldn’t hold back any longer. His groin tightened then the coil released and he erupted inside her. She moaned again, blasting into another orgasm.

  He kept pumping, his cock still hard as rock, taking her to another orgasm. Then one more.

  Dahran, it was so fakkreh hot being able to make her come again and again.

  Finally, he drew his cock from her warm, delightful body. Casey’s hand immediately gripped his shaft and she sat up and took him in her warm mouth. She sucked, then licked the tip. When she pulled it from her mouth, her lips turned up in a devilish smile.

  “I can taste Jenna and you.” She lay down again, pulling him forward by the cock. “Now show me how much you want me, too.”

  He smiled and pressed his cock to her slickness, then drove deep into her.

  “Gattra, yes. I need you so badly.” Casey wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close then cupped his ass.

  He swirled in a circle like he knew she loved, spiraling his cock inside her. She squeezed him as he drew back, then he surged forward again.

  “It’s so good having you inside me again.” Her voice was tight and filled with need. “Make me come.”


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