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Page 26

by Jade Chandler

  He flopped back on the bed and glanced over at me, lips twitching. “Yup. I did.”

  “Oh, so...” I tried to figure out what should come next. “I got nothing.”

  He laughed and reached out for my hand, still looking at the ceiling. “Toys with sex, good. A bite, a scratch, a squeeze, yeah. The paddle, which I still don’t know how you learned, that is normally separate.”

  “I can do that, except when you’re naked and I’m naked...”

  “Sex,” he agreed. “So then I’m afraid, what if I require the paddle, the rod, the cane for sex? That would be less control than I have now.”

  Bleak eyes met mine.

  “Shit. This is complicated.”

  He nodded.

  “How about toys and sex tonight. We’ll figure out the rest another damn night.” I was horny and happy and I was tired of heavy shit getting in the way of what I wanted—an orgasm.

  He rolled over atop me and kissed me. “Knew I claimed you for a reason, you’re damn clever.”

  “That’s me, the clever smart ass.” I leaned over and drew the black bag out, searching for the wheel and wand. Once I found them, I set everything on the table next to us. “These are a go?”

  “Yeah babe, for both of us.”

  I gulped. “I like the wand best. Just sayin’.”

  He laughed and rolled me atop him. “You get to start the night as boss, I will end the night as your master.”

  Just hearing him say master twisted my insides and sent a spiral of lust shooting through me.

  We spent the night learning each other in new ways, playing and exploring for so long that when he pushed into me I came apart in seconds, only to wind up doing it again later. When the sun peeked through the window as it rose for the day, I was so worn out I worried I’d just close my eyes, even mid-orgasm, and fall asleep. Rock rolled me to my side, tugged me back into him with his cock sliding between my legs and into me again. “Stud, I’m about asleep.”

  “I know, almita. Come for me just one more time, we’ll pass out together, yeah.”

  I’d never say no to him. His sexy voice and hard chest already had my hips moving.

  “That’s my girl, take what you want, fuck me till you come.”

  I panted, rocking my hips. “Grab my hips tight, drive into me like you own me.”

  “Fuck.” Leaning up on one elbow he drove into me with hard fast strokes. I felt it build, my muscles clenched.

  “You fuck me like you were made for me.” I pulled his head to my neck. “Come with me stud. I’m there, just bring me home.”

  “I love you,” he whispered before nibbling on my ear.

  “I love you.” But mine were chants quickly moving to yells as he hit the spot that sent me flying high and into sleep seconds later.

  * * *

  I did everything but shower and sleep in my cut because I liked being Rock’s property, part of the Brotherhood. I’d always been the spunky feminist which should make me resent the club, but the cut gave me power, and that’s what counted.

  We had been back three weeks and our routine hadn’t changed much, except I helped Lila on Sundays. My shop had seen a definite uptick in business—biker business. But my friends and family didn’t even answer my calls. Like always, gossip spread through Barden—I was excommunicated just like Mark and Rebel.

  For days I was on edge and so was Rock. He and Mark dropped by a few times every day but nothing happened. Nobody was going to hurt me, especially not my father. He’d have done that long ago, if he’d had the balls to do it.

  We fell back into our routine as another week passed. While I didn’t have anyone from town shopping in my store, I had lots more of the women from Bound and other old ladies buying from me.

  Lila and I worked together to improve my website, adding more stock, and I hired this kid from the high school to do some ads for me online. The only two dim spots in my new life—I missed my mom and Chet. I’d managed to see Chet once in Ardmore since I’d been back and we texted, but it wasn’t the same.

  I sorted through a new shipment of lingerie in my back room when the bell jingled on the front door. I stepped through the red curtain and froze. My dad stood inside the door surveying my store with his lip curled in a sneer.

  Shit. I’m in trouble. I reached down for my phone but my back pocket was empty. I’d left it sitting by the box in back. I moved toward the register and the panic button Glory had made me install when I’d opened the shop. I thought it ridiculous and had never used it, today, I hoped it still worked.

  “You ungrateful little bitch. My money opened this trash store.” He stepped forward. “And you march around town wearing that disgusting vest.”

  “Grandma left me the money for this shop, and it’s a successful business. Why are you here?” My voice didn’t crack, thankfully.

  “You had to go and choose trash, my blood does not choose biker trash over their family.” He shouted the words and I started to step back, but held firm, and pressed the button over and over.

  “Why do you hate them?” The question popped out.

  Hate transformed his face into this cruel person I didn’t recognize. Beyond him I saw a flash of someone and then noticed my sign flipped to closed.

  “You mean no one has told you how your daddy was stood up at the altar?” He sounded manic. “Mary Jane Sheridan had agreed to marry me and it was only two weeks away when Eric Jericho rode into town. The faithless bitch fell into his bed the week before we were to be married, but I forgave her, even knowing she might be carrying a bastard. She agreed never to see him again, and then on the wedding day with the whole town there, she runs away with that damn biker.”

  I pressed the alarm button praying it worked. The menacing way he moved toward me scared me, and I wasn’t sure he knew if I was MJ or his daughter.

  “No smart words now?” He learned forward on my counter. “Eventually I had to settle for your mama, she was from out of town, no one would have me here, not after the way she embarrassed me. Then my own blood goes and picks those bastards over her family.”

  I press the button again and again but backed up when his hand snaked out for me.

  “That piece of filth you wear is a betrayal. Turns out I got teach you the same lesson I taught MJ, years ago.” He shouted with a red face and cold, dangerous eyes.

  Unable to stay put a second longer, I turned and ran through the red curtain, it caught in my face, panicked I flailed through it. My phone was feet away and I saw it ringing. Thank God. Hopefully that meant the panic button worked. I stepped forward but instead I flew back through the curtain as my daddy hauled me back to him.

  Holding me with one hand, he steadied me. I tried to step back but he stepped forward with his fist rushing toward me. Pain exploded in my cheek as I flew back and hit the edge of the counter.

  Chapter Thirty


  I tried to text her, but nothing. Six texts and two calls later, panic made my head pound and hands shake. Two hours from town, I couldn’t handle radio silence from Avery.

  I called the shop and Weasel answered. “Go to Black Label, take your fuckin’ cell phone and put Pixie on the damn phone.”

  “Not your fuckin’ bi—”

  “Go now,” I growled.

  “Fuck, sirens coming, shit there’s a police and ambulance coming down the street,” Weasel said. “They’re stopping at your girl’s place. Holy hell, not getting close to that, they’ll arrest me.”

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. “Get your sorry ass over there or I swear you’ll be in the hospital.”

  “Better there than the jail.” He shut up again. “Fuck bro, they’re bringing your girl out on a stretcher—eyes closed—loading her up. Man, this shit is too real.”

  The cowardly motherfucker hung up
on me and no one answered when I called back.

  I hit the button for Dare, he’d stayed at the club. No fucking answer. Next I hit Mama.

  “Yeah, you need something?”

  God love that woman for getting to the point. “My girl is headed to the hospital. Weasel saw it, but wouldn’t go find out what’s happening. I’m on my way there, be at least an hour.”

  “Got it. I’ll get Dare and call as soon as we get there.”

  “Thanks.” I sucked in a breath and sent up a silent prayer she’d be okay. Hanging up, I stalked into the old barn where Jericho was meeting with some guys about his Renegade problem.

  “Jericho. Avery’s hurt, in the hospital.”

  He jerked his head my way. “Thanks, brothers, we gotta jet, you got your orders.”

  Rebel, Zero and Jericho were on bikes and following me down the highway in seconds. I spent every mile praying that bitch luck wouldn’t take my almita from me.

  Unconscious and in an ambulance.

  Police called.

  All bad news.

  My phone buzzed and I put it to my ear. “On my bike.” I slowed and pulled over to the side of the road before lifting it back to my ear. “Go.”

  “Won’t let us in, seems the gossip is someone smacked her and she hit her head, no idea how serious or anything else. Nothing stolen at the shop, not even messed up.” Dare laid it out. “Red’s in there with that family of hers.”

  “They haven’t talked to her in weeks. Send someone to Mal at Blue’s Tavern, he’ll know what’s happening.” I scraped my foot in the gravel.

  “Done, bro. I had to walk out or punch her old man. He had the fucking nerve to shout we were responsible for her being there.”

  “We’re thirty minutes out, call if there’s a change.” I hung up and told the guys the little I knew then we rode hard for the hospital. We zoomed down Main Street, as we got to the far end two cop cars blocked the street and another moved out of a side street blocking the back. I could make it around but we all couldn’t so I slowed, needing to get there meant dealing with the dumb shit sheriff.

  “Rock Miguel Juarez.” Sheriff Gray stepped forward. “Got a warrant for your arrest for the assault of Avery Townsend.”

  Fuck me, I should’ve run this road block. No way to get out of this shit now. I turned to Jericho. “Get to her. Protect her.”

  He nodded and backed out even as the sheriff shouted, “I got questions.”

  Zero pulled off his helmet. “Ask me.”

  “Me too, motherfucker.” Rebel stared daggers into Gray, who’d been a deputy for his father.

  The fools cuffed me, arrested me and then made me cool my heels in a fucking holding cell. I wanted to shout, to scream, to be able to bend steel. About ninety minutes later, Rebel strode through the door and was pushed in with me.

  “What the fuck?” I frowned at him.

  “Punched Gray.” He growled. “Only way to get to you and he deserved it.”

  Beyond pissed off, I’d already taken my frustration out on the cell wall, but it didn’t change a single damn thing.

  “They got a story, and I smell Avery’s dad all over it. And no matter what Zero and I say, no one is listening. They say you hit her, knocked her out and left. Say they know it. Based on whatever shit is going on, they got the judge to give them a warrant to arrest you. It’s Friday and they won’t even do bail—not that you’ll get it—until Monday.”

  I just stared at him, rage ignited deep inside me, and I decided I might kill that fucking stupid sheriff after all. I’d fucked up in stopping, believing in my innocence was such bullshit. No Hispanic man, let alone biker, was innocent in the South.

  “Cool it. No going all hulk on us.” Rebel grinned.

  I longed to punch him, but he didn’t deserve that shit.

  “Zero left, calling our lawyer who they have to let us see. They will use him to keep us in the loop.”

  “Motherfucking town, when I get out I may burn it down. I need to be with my woman, not here locked down for shit I’d never do. She didn’t believe me, but I told her there would be retribution.”

  Chapter Thirty-One


  My eyes fluttered open and my stomach rolled. I cracked open one eye and pain flared in my head. What the hell had happened? I saw my mom’s face lined and streaked with tears. Chet stood beside her and there was my father.

  Like a lightning bolt to my brain it all came back with a painful jolt—he’d done this. My freaking father had put me in the hospital. I tried to move, but it hurt.

  “Girl, no need to move, that biker can’t—”

  “Chet, Dad did this. Get him the fuck outta here,” I screeched hurting my head more.

  My brother’s jaw hung slack then he glanced back at me for a second, his face mottled with a fury I didn’t know he even had in him. He grabbed my dad and strong-armed him out of the room. I heard commotion from outside the room and a police officer wearing an Ardmore uniform came inside. “Miss, did you ask your brother to remove your father?”

  I nodded. “He came to my shop and hit me.”

  The officer’s mouth flattened. “They say your biker did it and have him jailed. You sure you’re not protecting your man?”

  “I’m not protecting anyone but myself. Believe me or don’t but don’t let that man near me.”

  The officer considered and then nodded. “I can do that.” He left the room.

  I drove down the pain reaching for my center as I searched for the remote control. Finally I found the nurse call button. I pressed it over and over until finally a nurse and doctor came in my room followed by Lila. Thank God, my real family is here.

  I glanced at my mom. “Go on, follow him. I sure don’t need you here.”

  She couldn’t meet my eyes.

  “You should leave him,” I said as she hurried out the door.

  I swung my legs over the bed and sat until my head cleared.

  “You need to lie back.” The gray-haired doctor hurried over and put a hand on my shoulder.

  “Isn’t it a thing—I can sign myself out.” I stood up and swayed, for the first time realizing I was connected to an IV. I flinched when I tore off the tape, but the needle didn’t hurt coming out.

  “Your father warned—” The doctor fluffed himself up like a bird ready to attack.

  “I’m not a minor and not staying.” I spoke between clenched teeth walking toward the storage unit that had to hold my clothes.

  “Dare.” I heard Lila call from the door.

  Before I’d made it to the cabinet for my clothes both Jericho and Dare stood in the small room staring down at the doctor.

  “I will not be...” He trailed off. “Fine.” He turned to the nurse. “Draw up the paperwork for these...people.” Dare and Jericho parted for him to leave, the nurse followed quickly behind.

  “Some help here.” I waved to Lila and dropped my gown to the floor.

  Those two bikers had seen more asses than I could count, mine wasn’t special. “My dad did it,” I told them as Lila helped me into my shorts. When the shirt hit my head I almost screamed but instead I sucked in air and tugged down. Who knew Marr’s lessons would be good for something besides pleasing my man. The man locked in jail right now.

  “How long have I been out?” I glanced at Lila.

  “Today’s Sunday. The ambulance took you away Friday around noon, I’d guess.” Lila held on to me as I turned to face the two scariest men I’d ever seen.

  “So how do we get him out of jail?” I closed my eyes as nausea washed over me.

  “Pixie, you need rest, let’s get you home, to the club.” Jericho’s soft voice didn’t match his fierce expression. “Not much we can do until bail on Monday. Your dad stacked the cards while you were ou

  I moved forward. “Let’s get out of here.” Dare held the door and I walked out.

  We met the nurse about halfway down the hall. She blinked and then held out the paperwork. I scrawled my name and shoved it back.

  “Here.” She gave Lila paperwork and a bag. “This is the immediate prescription and the doctor wrote another one and it’s here.” She showed Lila. “You be careful because your father is a nasty man.”

  I nodded and this time didn’t even sway. We made our way to the front where Mark waited in his car. I got in the front and Jericho and Lila squeezed in back. Dare strode to his bike.

  “Shouldn’t you be on a bike?” I asked Jericho.

  “Rock said to protect you, and I said I would.” His gruff words hit me hard.

  Even as they arrested Rock for something he didn’t do, he worried about me.

  “So, baby doll.” Mark patted my thigh. “Your mama says your daddy was home all day, and someone, the sheriff and deputies are keeping mum about who, said they saw a bike burning rubber away from your place. So unless you got something big, this ain’t going away soon.”

  “Fucking coward.” I cursed my father. “Probably beat my mom until she agreed.”

  My head ached but something tickled my senses, like I should remember.

  “How’d the cops come?” Jericho asked.

  “Security system, when I first opened. I had the option to install a panic button and Glory made me do it. And...holy fuck...two video cameras. Mark, head to the shop, the fucking video records over itself every two or three days.”

  “Are you shitting me?” Jericho growled. “Fuck. We should’ve searched your place yesterday.” He was quiet a few miles. “That’s a lot of security. Expensive.”

  I heard his implied question. “The installer had a thing for Glory, and she said a woman alone could never have too much security, so he installed it all for next to free and gave us a deal on the plan, and no one ever raised my rates.” I shrugged. “Lucky, I guess.”

  Ten minutes later we parked in front of my shop. I pushed myself out.

  “Stay here.” Lila laid a hand on my shoulder.


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