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Amy Phipps - Amanda Blakemore 01 - A Bazaar Murder

Page 5

by Amy Phipps

  “Deputy Clifford radioed the Sheriff when he got a fax from Dr Winters about the toxicology report. Shaking his head he continued. “Florence Hardy was murdered.....That's all I know.”

  “That was an injection sight on her neck that we saw.” Margaret looked at Amanda.

  “That poor woman.” Amanda said covering her mouth in shock.

  “I'm concerned because, I don't think Sheriff Thomas is quite up to handling a murder case.” Margaret admitted taking a drink from her cup.

  “What do you mean not quite up to it?” Amanda asked confused.

  “He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer.” Henry answered.

  “Oh,” Shaking her head in acknowledgment her blue eyes grew wider. “What are we going to do then? There's a murderer running loose in Juniper Falls.”

  Margaret thumped her fist on the kitchen table and announced. “We are going to have to solve this murder ourselves.”

  Amanda choked on a piece of cake before asking in disbelief. “How are we going to do that?”

  “Freckles, I think Margaret is right.” Henry voice sounded grave. “We are going to have to investigate ourselves.”

  Looking at the determination on their faces Amanda added. “God help us.”

  Chapter 5

  After spending most of the day going over the facts about Florence's death it was decided that they needed to get a copy of the toxicology report. It was also decided that Amanda was the one with the best opportunity to do this little task. Worried, Amanda stood with leash in hand asking. “Are you sure this is going to work?”

  “It will work just... remain calm and act normal” Margaret reassured her.

  “We don't want you to steal it just read the results and report them back to us.” Henry informed.

  Heaving a deep sigh she agreed and headed to Dr. Winters house with Twinkie in tow. Her heart was pounding and her palms were sweating. She wasn't cut out for this type of thing. Taking another deep breath she raised her hand and knocked on the door.

  The door opened and Dr Winters motioned for her to enter while he was talking on the phone. “Yes, Sheriff that's right.” He pulled a folder out of his briefcase opened it and flipped though the pages. “I am aware that you are not happy with the results.” He glanced over at Amanda not wanting to say too much in front of someone else. She was looking around his living room as if she wasn't listening to his conversation. When she had run out of things to look at she crouched down and scratched Twinkie behind the ears. “Listen, I'm not happy with them either, but I have to go we can discuss this tomorrow, come by my office in the morning.”

  Hanging up the phone and closing the folder he laid it on the coffee table smiling pleasantly he asked. “How did your first day go?”

  “We had a few bumps along the way, but I think we found some common ground.” Amanda patted Twinkie on the head and smiled. She wasn't about to tell him about the dog dragging her through the muddy slush and snow. He would just laugh in her face and she still had her dignity to think of.

  So are you going to continue walking Twinkie?” He sounded almost desperate giving her a hopeful expression. Making her almost feel sorry for him.

  Before she could answer there was a knock at the door. Henry, she thought, he's right on time. “Excuse me,” Dr Winters made his way to the door.

  Dropping the leash she made her way to the coffee table and flipped open the folder marked Florence Hardy. Quickly pulling her phone out of her pocket she snapped some pictures of the autopsy and toxicology reports and shoved the phone back in her pocket. Glancing up she saw Twinkie watching her. “Don't judge... You Twinkie eating monster.” She whispered. He huffed and licked his lips at the mention of his favorite treat. Flipping the folder closed she rushed back to the dogs side and jerked up the leash.

  “I'm sorry.” Dr Winters called from behind her.

  “That's okay” She gave him a weak smile. She had to get out of there before he noticed that she was sweating like crazy and shaking. What if he figures out that she went though some of his medical files. “I should really be going.” She stammered.

  “Oh yes,” He sounded a little disappointed. “About what I asked you earlier.”

  She looked a little confused “Uh...What?”

  “Are you going to continue walking Twinkie?” He repeated hopefully.

  “Oh that! Sure thing.” She waved her hand in the air nervously making her way to the door.

  “Excellent! I will drop him off in the morning same time as today.” Jonah called after her.

  She couldn't get out of that house fast enough. She rushed out the front door and practically ran over to Nana's house. Bursting through the front door she slammed it shut leaning against it her breath coming in big gulps.

  Margaret jumped off the couch and rushed to her side. “Well did you get it? You didn't get caught did you?”

  Amanda was still trying to catch her breath when Henry rushed into the living room. “Did you get it?”

  Holding her hand up she said in big gulps. “Where did you come from?”

  “Margaret left the back door unlocked for me to come in undetected.” Henry answered and then pressed. “Did you get it or not?”

  “I got it.” Her breath finally regulating. “But I don't think my nerves were made for all this cloak and dagger stuff.”

  “Don't worry, Freckles, a good detective always gets nervous.” Henry reassured her slapping her on the shoulder.

  “If you say so.” She didn't sound convinced.

  “Tell me what it said.” Margaret interrupted grabbing Amanda by the arm and pulling her to the couch.

  “I didn't get to read it.” She announced stumbling over the coffee table on her way to the couch.

  “What!” They said in unison.

  “I took pictures of both the autopsy and the toxicology report with my cell.” She pulled out her phone and searched for the pictures. “I have the crime scene photos on here to, so all I need is a printer.”

  “I don't have one of those.” Margaret sounded disappointed.

  “I do,” Henry chimed in. “I have a laptop and printer in my den. We can go over to my house and print everything off. I can order pizza and we can have dinner while we go over all the evidence.”

  “Perfect,” Margaret agreed practically jumping off the couch. “Let me get my coat.”

  Henry's home was neat and clean with comfortable furniture and a cozy feel to it. The den smelled of old leather and books. He had a large oak desk placed near the window and shelves build into the walls. Hanging on the wall was a picture of Henry in full Sheriff uniform, it must have been taken when he was in his forties. Amanda smiled, this room suited Henry. “You can up load your pictures now.” Henry called from behind the desk interrupting her thoughts.

  “Sure thing.” She took a seat and started to work.

  “I'm going to see if Margaret needs any help in the kitchen.” He said before leaving the room.

  She transported all the pictures that she needed to the laptop from her phone and started the printer when her phone rang. She recognized the number, it was Ethan with all that has happened today she totally forgot about the divorce papers. How did that completely slip her mind. “Hello,” She answered just as the printer started it's job.

  “Amanda, I was just calling to see if you had a chance to review those documents that I sent you?”

  “No... Ethan, I haven't got around to it yet.” She answered feeling rather annoyed that Daniel hadn't even given her 24 hours to look them over.

  “Oh...Well if you need any help....Or if you need something don't hesitated to call.” Ethan sounded a little uncomfortable with having to perform this whole task.

  “Actually there is something you can do for me if I text you a list of personal belonging would you overnight them to me.” It was a lot to ask but she was getting tired of wearing the same blue sweatshirt and jeans every other day. If the events of today are any indication of how life with Twinkie are g
oing to be like she definitely needed more clothes.

  “I guess, Daniel wouldn't mind if I sent you a few of your personal items.” He didn't sound very convincing.

  “If he complains just tell him that I refused to sign anything until I get my belongings.”Amanda smiled she would pay money to see the look on his face when Ethan imparted that piece of information to Daniel.

  “Sure thing just text me the list.” Amanda thought she heard a small chuckle coming from the other end of the phone.

  She turned off her phone and noticed that the printer had finished spitting out the photos. She walked over and picked them up and saw the horrible scene from that day at the church. “Poor Florence.” She whispered to herself. “I hope we find who did this to you.”

  “Amanda,” Margaret called from the doorway making Amanda jump and drop the photos onto the floor.

  “Nana! You scared the living daylights out of me.” She laughed and bent down to retrieve the photos.

  “I'm sorry, the pizza is here.” Looking down at the photos her pale blue eyes turned sad as she asked. “Is that them?”

  “Yeah,” They were silent for a long moment before Amanda said. “How about we eat before we look at these.”

  “Sounds like a good plan.” Margaret agreed.

  While they ate Amanda informed them about her conversation with Ethan. “I guess I'm going to have to take a look at those divorce papers.”

  “I'm sorry.” Margaret reached across the table and patted her hand.

  Amanda shrugged. “It is, what it is.”

  “It's his loss.” Henry chimed in. “Some men don't know a good thing when it's right in front of their face.”

  “We should take a look at those pictures.” Amanda announced grabbing the pictures from the counter behind her. She passed the pictures out so everyone had a few to examine. Amanda watched with curiosity as Henry got up from the table and walked over to a drawer and pulled out a magnifying glass.

  “Freckles, you will understand when you get older,” was his only explanation. Shaking her head she returned her attention to the pictures. “Look at the position of the body.” Henry commented pointing at the picture with the magnifying glass. “I think that the murderer came from behind.”

  “Why do you say that.” Amanda asked looking over Henry's shoulder as she examined the photo.

  “She's facing the doorway and she doesn't have any defensive wounds on her body.” He answered but he could still see the confused look on Amanda's face.

  Standing from the table he motioned for Amanda to follow. “If I was coming at you with a needle full of poison like this.” He came at Amanda like he was going to attack her and she raised her arms up to protect herself. “See it's instinct, you raised your arms to ward me off.”

  “If that's so then the murderer would have to be someone that Florence trusted enough to turn her back on.” Amanda suggested.

  “I think the murderer waited for her to turn her back to go upstairs then grabbed her from behind and injected her with the poison and gently laid her on the floor.” He demonstrated on Amanda.

  “Henry's right.” Margaret interrupted. “According to the photo you printed off of the toxicology report she was poisoned with something called phenobarbital.”

  “What exactly is that?” He asked and Margaret shrugged.

  “I'll look it up on the internet.” Amanda pulled her phone out of her pocket and in a few seconds answered. “It's used for putting animals to sleep.”

  “Well now we have our first suspect then, Cassandra Hardy.” Henry announced triumphantly.

  “It can't be her. She was with me the whole time until I went downstairs with Nana. She never left my side the whole evening.” Amanda was shaking her head at his deduction.

  “Not even to go to the bathroom?” He questioned.

  Thinking back to that night she answered. “No, she worked with me and we even ate sandwiches together.”

  “I guess.... we don't have our first suspect after all.” He sighed running his hand through his silver locks.

  “Maybe we should make a list of everyone that was there that night.” Margaret suggested grabbing a pen and paper from the counter.

  They sat back down at the table and Margaret wrote at the top of the page “Suspects. “

  “Let me think.....there was..” Tapping her pen to her mouth. “Cassie, of course and Olive, Pastor Max, Connie Marks.”

  “I was with Adam.... and Priscilla was there.” Amanda helped. “And there was that really hairy guy but I don't know his name.”

  “Micheal Simpson,” Margaret interjected. “Debbie from the dinner, and Molly Mason the hair dresser. I think that's it.”

  “And us,” Amanda smiled. “But I think we can rule us out as suspects.”

  “We can also rule out Olive and Pastor Max because they were with me up until we went downstairs.” Margaret informed.

  “And Cassie,” Amanda interjected. “She was with me.”

  “We need to interview all the suspects and find out if any of them would have a motive to kill Florence.” Henry said.

  Amanda could tell that Henry was previously in law enforcement just by his choice of words. If she wasn't mistaken he looked like he was enjoying himself.

  “We need to get as much information as we can without anyone realizing it.” Margaret commented more to herself then to Henry and Amanda. She was tapping her fingertips against her lips in deep thought. Then suddenly she snapped her fingers together and said excitedly. “The book club meeting. It's tonight.....and it's going to be at Olive's house.” She smiled triumphantly.

  Henry and Amanda looked at each other with confused looks on the faces. He asked in an unsure voice. “Margaret what's that got to do with anything.”

  “Don't you see....” She continued breathlessly. “Almost everyone on that list goes to my book club meeting.”

  “This is great, you can interview all of them at once.” He agreed.

  “Excuse me,” Amanda interrupted with a hint of panic in her voice. “Isn't anyone else a little nervous about spending the evening with a murderer.”

  “Don't worry we'll be fine.” Margaret patted her on the shoulder.

  “I'll be there to keep both of you safe.” Henry said.

  Margaret gave him a strange look. “You're not a member of my book club.”

  “I can join.... Can't I” His face was a little red with embarrassment.

  “Sure can.....But let me warn you the choice of reading materials isn't going to be your cup of tea.” Margaret laughed. “Amanda are you going to join?”

  “I wouldn't miss it.” She answered smiling at Henry's uncomfortable expression. “Don't worry one or two romance novels won't hurt.”

  His face scrunched up in distaste. “I wouldn't bet on that.” They all laughed.

  Chapter 6

  Amanda ran her hand through her hair as she, Margaret and Henry waited on Olive's front porch. She lived in a pale blue ranch style home with white trim. Margaret knocked on the large white front door for a second time. “Maybe her hearing aid isn't working.” Henry suggested with a chuckle giving Amanda a wink.

  “Don't be mean, besides she doesn't wear a hearing aid.” Margaret whispered.

  The door opened and Olive complained. “Your late.....” Stopping in mid-sentence she blinked her large owl like eyes a couple of times. “Henry Walters... looking for a little romance?” She asked waving the romance novel she was holding in her hand. His face turned three shades of red as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

  “Stop teasing, Olive and let us in.” Margaret pushed past her and made her way into the living room.

  To Amanda's surprise all of the female suspects that Margaret mentioned were already here and lounging around Olive's house as if everything was perfectly normal. “Have a seat.” Olive announced. “And we will get started.”

  Setting in a wing back chair that was strategically placed for conversational purposes. Amanda observed th
e three ladies none of them looked capable of murder but looks could be deceiving. Take Debbie for instance she was a rotund woman in her mid to late forties with graying hair and a kind plump face. She looked more like someones Aunt than a vicious murder. I guess if murder's all wore signs on there foreheads it would make it a lot easier.

  Letting her eyes roam to Molly, she was a tall thin woman with big hair and fake nails. She was probably older than she appeared and dressed, she was maybe in her early forties. Amanda supposed that came with the trade of being a hairdresser.

  Glancing over to Connie, she looked about fifty with gray hair and quite frankly didn't look strong enough to overtake Florence if a struggle ensued with her small frame and frail spaghetti arms. This was verging on the ridiculous she thought. She wasn't a detective. It took her walking in on her husband with another woman for her to figure out he was cheating on her.

  Now she was trying to solve this crime. But she was determined. For some reason there was some deep emotional need to do this to prove to herself that she could, but not just for Florence. It gave her a purpose amongst all the recent chaos of her life.

  Hearing Olive's voice she tuned back into the conversation. “Let's get a bite to eat and then we can finish the discussion.”

  Everyone agreed. Amanda started to make her way to the dining room with all the others when Margaret grabbed her arm pulling her over to the side and whispered. “You work on Debbie and I'll take Molly.” She waved her hand toward Henry. “He can distract Olive.”

  After getting her food Amanda noticed that Debbie and Connie was sitting over by the window chatting. Making her way over to them she thought she could kill two birds with one stone. So she plastered a smile on her face and asked “Can I join you?”

  “Of course”Connie answered taking a small bite of her sandwich.

  “ How do you like our little town?” Debbie asked taking a drink from her teacup.

  “I've been enjoying myself. I haven't been here since I was thirteen.” Amanda answered, thinking this was her opportunity to steer the conversation. “Well, all but that horrible business with Florence Hardy.”


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