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Amy Phipps - Amanda Blakemore 01 - A Bazaar Murder

Page 7

by Amy Phipps

  Slowly she unlocked the door and turned the knob raising the rolling pin up to strike as hard as she could. Taking a deep breath she jerked the door open and there stood Twinkie. “You scared the daylights out of me.” She said reaching down to scratch his ears. He was covered in dirt and looked up at her with his big brown eyes as if saying. “It's about time you open the door.”

  “What are you doing here? ” She asked surprised and relieved at the same time. “I almost took you out.” She laughed shaking the rolling pin in her hand at the dog.

  Tossing it onto the counter she could hear a muffled voice. “Twinkie when I find you I'm going to choke the life out of you.”

  Looking down at the big dog she said “Sounds like you are in big trouble, mister.” Shaking her head she stepped out the door into the cool night air. “Come on, we better get you home.” Twinkie walked obediently beside her down the side of the house and out to the front yard where they found Jonah whistling for his dog.

  “Lose something” Amanda called from behind him.

  He jerked his head around startled that anyone else would be out so late at night. “Yeah, a pain in the butt.” He answered.

  “I think I've found him.” She laughed. “Actually he was scratching at the back door.”

  “I don't know what got into him. He spent most of the evening pacing and when I let him outside he dug a giant hole under the fence and escaped.”

  “He didn't get very far.” She laughed.

  Jonah admitted reaching down to grab hold of Twinkie's collar. “I think he is worried.”

  “Worried about what?” She asked tilting her head to the side.

  “Well.....” He looked a little embarrassed that he even brought it up, “You.”

  He could see realization hit her. “Oh....That....I'm alright now. I've realized that divorce is the best thing. You can't make other people change just because you want them too. And looking back on things now I don't think this is the first time he's cheated on me.” She lifted one shoulder.

  “You could always send your grandmother to take him out.” He released a deep chuckled. “She can be pretty scary.”

  Giggling she admitted. “I will keep that option in mind.”

  Turning to head back to the house she stopped. “Oh I was going to ask you about Twinkie, could I leave him for awhile tomorrow.....I'm going to the funeral.”

  “Sure I'll give you a house key in the morning. You could drop him off beforehand and pick him up when you are finished. Just don't leave him in the back yard until I get that giant hole fixed.” He sighed shaking his head. “I'm going to be there too...but I will have to return to work afterward.”

  “I think I can handle that.” She smiled and turned to leave.

  He called after her, “Be careful on your way back inside you never no who's lurking in the shadows.”

  “I know. I can't believe someone murdered poor Florence.” She glanced around at the shadows surrounding them crossing her arms to ward off the cool night air.

  “You know?” He had a surprised look on his face.

  “Yeah...I have a confession to make about that.......I kind of looked at her file at your house that day.” She was totally embarrassed and ashamed to admit it.

  “I knew it!” He exclaimed running his hand through his dark blonde locks.

  Now it was her turned to be surprised. “You knew!”

  “I knew Henry was up to something when he came to my house that day. What I didn't know was that he had recruited you in on it.” Pointing his finger at her.

  “Sorry, Henry thinks that Sheriff Thomas is in over his head.” She apologized.

  “He is in over his head.” He agreed which surprised her.

  “Forgive me?” Her blue eyes pleading.

  “Well it's public record now.” Jonah shrugged. “I guess I forgive you. Just don't let it happen again.” He said holding one finger up to scold her.

  “I won't” She promised giving him her most innocent solemn expression.

  Chapter 8

  Amanda stood in the Juniper Falls cemetery dressed in a black dress that she received with all her other personal items just yesterday. It took her sometime to iron all the wrinkles out. Daniel must have just tossed everything in haphazardly. It was a warm day for March, warm enough that most of the attendee's wore thin jackets and the sun was shining brightly. Nana and Henry stood beside her as they listened quietly to Pastor Max speak about the life of Florence Hardy, while letting her eyes roam over all the mourners who decided to attend.

  Everyone on the suspect list was here with the exception of Molly. I guess she was true to her word about not coming. Debbie and Connie stood with each other and had very solemn looks on their faces. While Micheal Simpson watched from behind most of the mourners looking completely uncomfortable. Amanda couldn't tell if it was from being here at a funeral or because of his suit. He kept pulling at his clothes.

  Her eyes drifted across the sea of faces until her eyes meet with Jonah's. He gave her a nod of the head and she returned with one of her own. Amanda decided her first impression of him was probably all wrong. He seemed nice and he did forgive her for going through his things after all, besides he was kind of her employer. They could be friends she concluded, and then continued to let her eyes wander.

  The family sat in front of the casket in a small row of chairs that the undertaker had provided. Priscilla was sobbing uncontrollably throughout the entire service. Amanda's heart went out to her. She decided to rule her off the suspect list completely. No one could put on a performance that good, she thought. Now her husband, Carl sitting right next to her was a completely different story. He seemed completely indifferent to the whole affair. Not even attempting to console his wife, that man was a real piece of work.

  Cassie was sitting right next to her sister trying to console her and gently rubbing her back with one hand and holding Adam's hand with her other. Her eyes red and swollen from crying but she was trying to hold her family together now. Adam was sitting as still as a stone looking straight ahead, pale as a ghost his eyes not focused on anything. This was all so sad, she thought shaking her head.

  Pastor Max requested for everyone to bow their heads in prayer. Before he could get more than a few words out came a loud siren making it's way toward them from the entrance of the cemetery. Peoples heads popped up and glared with mouths hanging open as Sheriff Thomas and his deputy climbed out of his police cruiser. Amanda could hear Henry's voice from her right. “That idiot. Not here of all places.”

  The Sheriff made his way through the crowd to the front where the family was sitting. Looking smug he announced. “Cassandra Hardy, you are under arrest for the murder of your mother, Florence Hardy.” The entire crowd gasped.

  “You must be joking!” Demanded Cassie jumping to her feet.

  Adam followed with, “Don't be ridiculous, Cassie couldn't hurt a fly!”

  “He's right Thomas. Maybe you should think this thing through a little more.” Henry interjected trying to calm the situation.

  “The evidence speaks for itself.” Sheriff Thomas announced looking around the crowd still with that smug look on his face.

  “Evidence! What evidence.” Amanda butted in. “She was with me the whole time I told you that before. More than once actually.”

  “I have evidence. Don't you worry your pretty little head about it. You'll all hear it in court.” He answered with a condescending tone. Removing the handcuffs from his belt he placed them on Cassie's wrists and pushed her toward the car.

  “Don't say a word, Cassie. I'll get you the best lawyer money can buy.” Adam called to his sister.

  “This can't be happening.” Priscilla screamed before fainting and falling across her husbands lap. At least he managed to catch her before she fell completely to the ground, Amanda noted.

  Jonah jumped into action to help Priscilla calling for everyone to get back and give her room to breath. Amanda watched from a short distance away along with Mar
garet and Henry. They could see the crowd thin and people were getting into their cars leaving the cemetery. “I can't believe Sheriff Thomas chose now of all times to arrest Cassie.” Margaret said shaking her head.

  “I can't believe he's arresting her at all.” Amanda said. “She's totally not guilty.”

  “I can,” Henry added. “The man's a complete moron. The only reason he's even Sheriff is.... Oh... my look who's having a chat.”

  Margaret and Amanda turned their heads in the same direction as Henry's to see Micheal Simpson and Carl Carson talking. Micheal had a hold of Carl's arm and said a few words. Carl jerked his arm away and blew off Micheal then followed Jonah and Adam who was helping Priscilla to the car. “That didn't look very friendly to me.” Margaret announced looking very surprised at the others. Making their way over to where Pastor Max and Olive were standing, Amanda mentioned. “I think we should finish the prayer.”

  “I agree,” Margaret chimed in. “I think Florence would like that.”

  “I couldn't agree more.” Max beamed and restarted the prayer.

  Amanda and Margaret returned home, changed their clothes, and were sitting down on the couch to watch Margaret's favorite soap opera. Amanda showed her how to record it so she could watch it whenever she wanted. She decided to join her grandmother since Dr. Winters sent her a text to inform her that she didn't need to pick up Twinkie after the funeral. He got the rest of the day off from work. After about ten minutes into the show munching on some chips Amanda asked. “I wonder what that disagreement was about between Micheal Simpson and Carl Carson?”

  “I don't know....But it's been bugging me too.” Margaret agreed taking a drink of her soda. Ten more minutes into the show and Margaret said. “There is a way to find out.”

  Amanda perked up “Really?”

  “Just let me make a phone call.” Margaret jumped up and got the phone.

  The next thing Amanda knew she was once again in the back seat of Olive Simon's car. Her head bobbing to and fro. Olive insisted on driving them to the Hardware store. Thankfully the ride wasn't long enough for nausea to set in, she thought as she climbed out of the car. “I think you should go with purple.” Olive announced upon entering the store. “It's my favorite.”

  “Really, I would of never guessed.” Amanda laughed.

  Margaret told Olive that they needed her help to pick out paint for Amanda's room. “Over here is the painting supplies.” Olive announced pointing to the left side of the building.

  “Is Archie working today?” Margaret asked following Olive down the long aisle of brushes and rollers.

  “How would I know?” Olive answered rolling her eyes with her thick purple glasses that made her look like one of those cat clocks where the eyes were huge and rolled back and forth while it's tail swung, Amanda thought before questioning “Who is Archie?”

  Hearing a loud thump that drew everyone's attention to the end of the aisle was a man about seventy years old. He was bald on the top of his head with a thin band of gray at the bottom. Rushing to pick up paint brushes he had dumped onto the floor. Quickly he tossed them all in a box on a shelf with the plumbing supplies. Wearing a huge smile and plaid pants he made his way toward them. “Hello Ladies,” He beamed. “Is there something... anything... I can help you with?” To Amanda's surprise Olive totally ignored him and it was obvious that he was speaking directly to her.

  “We were looking for some paint.” Margaret informed him. “For Amanda's room.”

  “Oh you decided to stay here in Juniper Falls then?” He beamed at Amanda asking.

  “Yes, I plan on staying for awhile.” She couldn't help but smile back.

  “Excellent, I can mix any of the colors you see here.” He said pointing at the paint chips on the display stand. “What color was you thinking?”

  “I'm not sure exactly.” She admitted looking at the paint chips.

  “Isn't Micheal working today?” Margaret slyly turning the conversation to the real reason for the visit to the hardware store.

  “He's working in the office today.” Archie turned toward Olive looking hopeful. “I heard that the funeral was very eventful.”

  Olive perked up she was never one to turn down the chance to gossip. “It was... the Sheriff show up and arrested Florence's daughter, you know the veterinarian. It was all quite shocking.” She filled him in on all the details. Amanda watched as Archie hung on Olive's every word. The man was besotted with her. How cute, she thought.

  “I didn't know Micheal and Carl were friends.” Margaret tossed the comment into the conversation.

  “Oh, yes been friends for years......they met in college, I think.” Archie looked back toward the office located at the back of the store. “Micheal was very upset when he got back.” He paused to glance at the office again. “He loaned Carl some money and I don't think he's going to get it back.” Margaret gave Amanda a meaningful look.

  “How much money?” Amanda asked chiming into the conversation.

  “Not sure,” He shrugged his shoulders and nodded his head. “But it was enough to put him in a very bad mood. I guess he has been trying for two weeks and Carl's been avoiding him.”

  Hearing the bell ring that hung over the front door Amanda announced. “I think this color will do.”

  Archie smile and said. “I'll mix this right up for you.”

  Making their way to the counter Amanda saw Henry browsing around the front of the store. Nudging her grandmother she whispered. “We weren't the only ones looking for answers.”

  Margaret smiled and agreed. “Apparently not.”

  “Are you looking for something special?” Amanda laughed coming up next to Henry with a smile on her pretty face.

  “Judging by the look on your face you and your grandmother beat me to it.” He commented with an arched eyebrow. “I will go and pick up dinner and meet you ladies back at the house.”

  “Sounds good,” Margaret laughed and waved bye at him.

  “Henry already leave?” Olive asked as they made their way out of the store with their purchased items in hand.

  “Yeah he must have changed his mind.” Amanda remarked coming up to walk beside Olive. “Can I ask you a question? Archie seems like a nice guy, so why were you ignoring him?”

  “A Lady never makes herself look too available.” She announced with a sly smile and a wink through her large glasses making her look even more comical. Olive patted Amanda's shoulder. “Don't worry you stick with me and I'll show you all the tricks.” Amanda's mouth fell open and shaking her head in shock as she climbed into the back seat of the car. Margaret rolled her eyes before getting in the car.

  Amanda sat quietly in the car her head bobbing as she watched the sleepy town of Juniper Falls drift by. When Olive slammed on the brakes and just about tossed her into the front seat and blurted out. “Are you going to tell me the real reason why we went to the Hardware store?” Waiting to make a left turn she continued. “I may seem to be oblivious most of the time, but I know that Henry Walters wouldn't come to a book club meeting without a good reason.”

  Margaret sighed and shifted with guilt. “You're right, we are looking into Florence's death.”

  “I knew it!” She cackled as they pulled into the driveway of Margaret's house. “I want in...I want to help too.”

  “Fine,” Margaret sighed. “It's not like I could stop you.”

  “You know me too well.” Continuing to cackle and shaking her finger at Margaret.

  Olive was filled in on the details as they ate their Chinese food. Amanda was beginning to understand why everyone thought Olive was a handful, but some thought her oblivious. They were wrong. This dainty lady was a wealth of local gossip. “How do you know all of this?” Amanda asked taking a drink of her soda.

  “When you're old people assume you can't hear and your faculties aren't all there.” She tapped her finger to head. “You may be surprised what people will say around you, or at least in close range.”

  “So she's be
en eavesdropping on people.” Henry chimed in. “But it's true. The council thought I was too old to continue to be Sheriff and replaced me with Elmo Thomas.”

  “That's awful.” Amanda said shaking her head.

  “I'll say, Sheriff Thomas is a complete idiot.” Olive announced before taking a bite of her egg roll.

  “They said something about enjoying my twilight years. It was fine when Kate was around but now....” He shrugged. “It's just boring.” His expression so sad that her heart went out to him.

  “Do you think it could be more than one person?” Margaret suggested as she held the pictures in her hands.

  “Why would you think that?” He inquired taking a bite of his pork fried rice.

  “Look at this picture of the crime scene that Amanda took.” She handed the picture to Henry.

  “What about it?” He shrugged handing the picture to Amanda.

  “Look at the door.” Margaret suggested taking a sip of her coffee.

  “The door.... it's leads outside.” Amanda brought the picture closer to her face and squinted her eyes “I think it's unlocked.”

  “That's what I was thinking. What if someone unlocked the door from the inside and the killer came in later.” Margaret announced tapping her finger on the table.

  “That means everyone in town could be a suspect.” Amanda said tossing her hands up in the air. “How are we going to figure it out now.”

  “We could take our list of suspects and compare with who could have gained access to the drug that killed Florence.” Everyone looked at Olive in surprise at her suggestion.

  “Why didn't we think of that before?” Margaret asked.

  “Don't know, even that simpleton Sheriff Thomas knew to do that.” She shrugged taking a bite of her food.

  “He's wrong! Cassie may have had access to the drug but she was with me the whole time.” Amanda interjected. “We need to look at the appointment book for the vet clinic.”


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