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Running from Monsters: A High School Bully Romance: (Blackwood Academy Book 2)

Page 10

by K. J. Thomas

  I feel like a child, like I’m about to get a lecture. Whatever he has to tell me, at least he’s not doing in front of everybody else, so they don’t know. If Mac has brought us away from prying eyes and prying ears, this can’t be good.

  Shutting the door behind him he turns and faces me. “Do you realize what would’ve happened last night if Vito would’ve walked in?” He towers over me. My eyes lower down to the floor.

  “I do, I know,” I answer, shocked at first that he knows, but it’s true. I’ve already gone over this with myself how much shit could’ve happened.

  “That’s fine if you want to have a guy over. But this is a Mancini in the enemy’s house.” Mac shakes his head looking all around the bathroom, except for me.

  “I can see the way he looks at you,” he turns to face me, there’s warmth in his eyes. I bet he has an awesome relationship with his wife.

  “You guys need to keep that on lockdown, two guards almost spotted Asher, and one heard a noise coming from your room. He will end up getting killed. In all honesty, do you know for sure that Asher was here for you and not a setup? Maybe he wanted to end the Romano’s? I camped outside your door last night.”

  Magnificent, this is humiliating, and he is right. I could’ve let another monster in, but I know deep down Asher is on team Avery. I just hope that Mac is, also.

  Mac exits the bathroom door as my phone goes off.

  Tate: Please come hang out with me today. The guys are here but we don’t need to be around them at all.

  I immediately start to type. I feel like I’m on a different level with Asher, maybe because of the moment we shared, and I saw a side of him I’ve never seen before.

  Me: I’ll head over once I’m ready, I need a shower.

  Well, it’s not the day I had planned, but it does sound fun.

  WHEN I GET TO TATE’S, everybody is lounging and hanging out in the living room. Tate is with them, looking very relaxed and comfortable. Weird.

  She rushes over to me when she spots me come in the door. Nobody knocks here so I’m not gonna start. Besides, every time I do knock thinking that this is not my house, I should be nice, I get yelled at for it.

  “I am so glad you came over.” Take wraps her arm through mine and slowly moves us towards the living room where everyone’s at.

  “Are you being forced to participate?” I ask on a whisper. I’m joking but I’m also serious, who knows with these guys.

  She starts to laugh. “No, Asher and I talked for a long-time last night. He does really like you; he doesn’t know how to handle it.”

  Great, the mafia boss has a crush. I do think it’s funny, but I can’t help the butterflies as they flutter around my stomach letting me know that no matter what I think or try to tell myself, I am excited about this.

  Asher gives me a wink and the other guys just look at me. I sit down next to Tate on the edge of the sofa. I’m grateful that Asher is not making me sit by his feet or on his lap, maybe he has changed.

  I chuckle to myself, there’s no way someone can change that fast. He must have a huge and extremely heavy mask to hide behind throughout the day. I never actually met a good man, besides family, so I don’t trust anybody, especially Asher right now.

  We watch some comedy shows on MTV for a while when Asher stands up and yanks me up to my feet. I scream and laugh wondering what the fuck he’s doing.

  “Avery and I are going to make drinks.” He smiles at me, speaking to me. He doesn’t give a shit what the others think.

  “Yeah,” Walker fist bumps. Clearly, we know who the alcoholic is in the group.

  Asher drags me into the kitchen making me stay right on his heels. We’re not more than an inch apart.

  As soon as we make it into the kitchen, he leans me against the counter. It bites into my hip, bending my back at a weird angle.

  He doesn’t even care or ask if I’m okay. His mouth instantly covers mine and I lose all rational thinking, he feels so damn good.

  He’s being a gentleman. He doesn’t sit there and pinch my nipples or grope me all over, he just kisses me strongly and passionately like a woman should be.

  As soon as I moan, he backs up and smiles, he knows exactly what he was doing, the bastard.

  When we return to the living room with a bunch of mimosas, Asher plants me down next to him on the oversized recliner.

  So far today is going fabulously, we’re all laughing, and getting along. We do this at least for the next hour or two. All of us slowly getting drunk, taking our time since it’s still so early in the afternoon.

  Asher’s phone rings. All the guys look over at him and Tate and then look at each other. I guess his phone doesn’t ring very much and when it does, it’s probably not good.

  I try to see who’s calling but Asher’s hand is blocking it. “Fuck,” he says and stands up, walking out of the room.

  We all continue to watch the show but it’s kind of hard when Asher’s in the other room cursing and swearing, fighting with the person on the other end of the line. He’s far enough away that I can’t hear every word, but enough to get the gist of it.

  When he does come back in, when he’s finally done with the call, he doesn’t stroll in like a man with confidence, like he normally does. He stomps with a very red and angry face, like a mad toddler.

  Tate must be thinking the same thing because she giggles. I quickly clap my mouth shut not wanting to piss him off. He may look innocent and cute right now, but I know he’s not. She realizes it at the same time. She’s seen more of his crazy mad side than I have. I’ve only heard about it.

  Asher looks at me, doesn’t pay any attention to anybody else in the room, even Liam, his right-hand man.

  “I have to leave for at least two weeks, for work.” My face turns into a slight frown, one mixed with sadness. He sits on the edge of the chair still looking at me.

  Asher snags my phone out of my hand, sending himself a text message. At least we’ll be able to talk, I think.

  He gives me a lingering kiss in front of everyone, not caring. I melt right into him.

  He moves away fast, standing up and leaving the room. I feel cold and alone.

  “Dammit!” Liam snaps out as he gets up and jogs to catch up with Asher.

  Tate has a slight smile on her face, and I know why. I’m not gonna ruin her moment, that means the house is going to be empty for at least two weeks and she’ll have it to herself.

  I want to be excited and happy for my friend, but I’m not. Asher and I made a connection, and I don’t wanna lose that. I’m afraid if he goes away, so will what we might have. Even though it’s only for two weeks, who knows how he’s going to come back. He could come back as the same asshole as before. Where does that leave us?

  Nowhere, because we haven’t even started.

  Tate and I continue to watch TV as all the guys get up. After about ten minutes we can hear them all coming down the stairs. Not one of them look in the living room, they all just head out the front door with Asher.

  I guess the kiss earlier was a goodbye.

  I know it’s time for me to go. “I’m going to head home,” I tell Tate and she nods. She knows I’m a little bummed, and she can’t really help me right now because she’s happy with the situation.

  Instead of driving the truck home like I normally do, I sit in the passenger seat and let Mac drive. I peer out the window and think, I’m glad I’m not driving, I don’t want to concentrate on the road. Plus, I’ve been drinking.

  Everything started changing for the better. Now it just seems like things are going back to shit.



  I swear, I just blinked my eyes and Monday morning has arrived. The weekend shot by, it usually does.

  Tate and I were supposed to talk this past weekend, and finally come clean with each other. I wanted to get this over with, but I’m avoiding everything as usual. Don’t fix it, if it’s not broken, right? She has to know who I am by now, unless she actively
doesn’t care. She doesn’t concern herself by knowing the names and faces of important mafia members. That girl never wants anything to do with the families.

  Tate’s been acting off, so she hasn’t been hanging out as much. I imagine she likes it that way. It’s noticeably quiet for her right now. She’s gotta love it, it’s been almost a freaking month.

  Scratch that, it’s been two days over a month since Asher and Liam left for work. I feel so bad for him that he has to stay longer.

  I’ve sent him three text messages and he’s only answered one. ‘No,’ is all that I’ve heard from him in the last month.

  I’m bummed I have to admit. I’m slightly depressed, just beat down. We didn’t even start it up in the first place, so I shouldn’t let this bother me so much. It’s not like we broke up or anything. That makes me feel a little better.

  How can I really miss somebody that I don’t know or hung out with more than once? We haven’t even had a chance to form a relationship or get to know each other better. The only things that we know are the bad things, and I’m not gonna hold onto those.

  Tate called me last night and told me that Asher was able to come home. But right after he got there he had to leave right away.

  It hurts and makes me aggravated that he couldn’t call and tell me this himself. I don’t want to feel like this. I’m probably just doing the clingy girl thing.

  Yesterday Tate stated that she was going to drive this week. I’m a little shocked by that, I’ve been the one that’s always driving. Now I’m not as scared and worried that if I must escape, I can’t. Now I have Mac and the guards with me, so I’m okay with Tate driving.

  This morning I got ready faster than I normally do. I just wanted to hang out a little bit more with my grandfather and the Stones for breakfast. Who honestly knows how long we’re gonna be together and have this time?

  As soon as things start to calm down, I imagine Vito Romano will have to go take care of family business elsewhere, that’s not here.

  Arya and Garrett will have no reason to stay, either, even if they asked me if I want them to. I don’t want them to get stuck here with me all the time. I know they really want to go back to work and back to their own lives.

  This has already cost them over a month, but it’s been wonderful.

  I haven’t felt like this since my parents were alive, having family in the house all the time. Most people don’t realize how much they’re missing out until it happens to them.

  Teenagers thinking having the house to themselves all the time is awesome, but it’s not, it’s depressing, and it sucks. All you have is yourself to rely on, to take care of everything.

  To make sure you keep living, keep the house standing, and keep your grades up. Basically, now you’re a mini adult.

  I can understand those teenagers that have multiple brothers and sisters, the mom and dad, maybe even some grandparents or aunts and uncles around all the time. They want, no they need, a freaking break. Not me, though, I just want to be around the warmth and love of a huge house, like I had before. I was really close with my parents.

  I start to pace in the foyer of the house, constantly glancing out the front door or the side window to see if Tate is here yet. She’s only a few minutes late, but that girl sleeps and leaves at the last minute. She does not want to spend more time at school than she must.

  Most days when she drives, we’re barely arriving on time, and that explains why I have two tardy slips at school already. If I get one more, I go to detention for two weeks. Tate was able to talk us out of a few that she was responsible for, but I still don’t want to sit in detention for two weeks. That would drive me crazy.

  They take all your electronics, you can work on homework, but I think it’s just the fact that I have to sit somewhere I don’t want to. Being forced even though it’s not my fault.

  I know I should just admit that I’m a good girl, and I don’t even have a mark against me at all, except for these damn tardies.

  Mac can see me pacing, he knows that something is bothering me. He slightly chuckles and shakes his head, knowing exactly why I’m stressing. I really don’t want to wait for her, I don’t wanna be late, and this is the latest she’s ever been. She’s never taken this long before, and that makes me a little nervous.

  I put my phone to my ear and call her for the third time in the past five minutes. I’ve texted twice but she hasn’t answered those, either. After it rang several times, it goes directly to voicemail, again.

  There’s no reason to leave another message. I’m getting aggravated waiting for her to get back to me if she’s even checked them.

  “Fuck..., Mac!” I whisper the first part and call out the second. He doesn’t need me to tell him as he grabs the keys, and we make our way out the door.

  I wish I would’ve left a few minutes ago, then I could’ve just drove to Tate’s damn house, maybe even had time to run up to the door and knock. Damn thing is never locked, I could’ve just run in. Shit, I should’ve left earlier.

  Maybe she’s at school already. I know she listens to me most of the time, but sometimes she doesn’t. Maybe she misunderstood and thought we were driving ourselves today. Yeah, that’s it, I think and smile. That’s gotta be the reason, she’s already waiting for me in class.

  If Mac senses my change in mood, he doesn’t say anything, the damn guy never does. I jump out of the passenger side door when we get to the school. I have less than thirty seconds to make it to my first class.

  Thankfully, everything I need is in my bag with a few other items. I can go to my locker after first period.

  It doesn’t take long till I notice that Tate is not in school. I manage to text Tate five more times and I even sent one to Asher.

  My friend isn’t at school today, somethings going on.

  Asher never even responds. It’s been almost an hour since I texted him and Tate the first time. I know he might be busy; he’s been busy for so long now. This is important, I just need him to figure out where his niece is at for me. He probably has tracking software on her or some shit.

  I just watch the clock, thankfully the teacher just assigned us reading today. I haven’t been able to focus at all, and I definitely don’t want to try to answer problems.

  With less than five minutes to go on the slowest school clock I have ever seen, I jump up and grab my shit. I can’t wait anymore, I need to know what’s going on with Tate.

  Maybe because I can feel it in my bones that something’s wrong. Maybe because I can’t relax and there’s a nagging sensation everywhere. I know once I find Tate, I’ll be able to relax.

  I mouth, ‘sorry,’ to the teacher as I run out of the room, and head straight for my truck. I know Mac will be right behind me, he probably saw me packing up my shit up in the classroom.

  I’m right, I manage to get in and just shut the passenger door right as Mac opens the driver’s door. Nobody locks their shit here, who’s gonna try to steal something around a bunch of armed guards? They’re not supposed to be armed on Academy grounds, but I’ve seen proof of it. I know they are.

  When Mac gets in the truck his head looks in my direction, wondering where we’re going.

  “I can’t wait any longer. Something doesn’t feel right, and I know there’s something going on with Tate,” I say to him.

  He gives me a tight nod, creases his brows and replies, “you should always trust your instincts.”

  He puts the truck in gear as we drive away. We drive in peaceful, nerve-wracking silence.

  Tate could just be sleeping; she could’ve just forgot to set her alarm and been so dead tired that she’s in her room snoring like a freaking freight train right now.

  Maybe she’s on the rag. Regular Tate is already bitchy, but PMS Tate is a nightmare.

  One thought above all the rest is she just doesn’t give a shit and doesn’t want to go to school today. I don’t blame her, we’ve all felt that way before at least once. School can suck ass, especially since our live
s are a lot more different than everyone else’s.

  I decide just to be on the safe side since I am feeling a little off. Well, I do have Mac and all the guards sitting outside waiting for me, but I don’t know what’s going on with Tate, so I don’t want them to go in with me. I text Asher just as an added level of security. Maybe he knows what’s going on, and if not, at least he can fucking answer me.

  Me: I can’t get ahold of you or Tate. I am freaking out right now. I’m here and going in the house.

  I open the door and walk inside. I concentrate and listen as hard as I can.

  I don’t need to concentrate that hard because voices are rumbling up from the basement. It sounds like Tate’s in the middle of a movie marathon with a lot of male voices arguing and yelling.

  I quietly make my way down there; I know I shouldn’t be too quiet. What if she’s got a dude over or something? Maybe she’s watching a scary movie and in a panic she happens to grab the gun that’s hidden in the center console of the couch.

  I still walk down quietly. I don’t know what’s going on down there and I don’t want to announce my arrival. Call it a feeling.

  When I cautiously walk into the door, I notice a coppery smell mixed with bleach, and it’s strong coming from the basement.

  I start to look around. “No,” I whisper when I spot what appears to be Tate’s three brothers. I’m not one-hundred percent sure because I’ve never met them, but they all have the same eyes. Or at least a shade of it.

  They all have very dark hair and crystallized, mesmerizing blue eyes.

  The door slams quickly behind me as I turn back and look at the guy that’s growling. He stands there letting me know that I’m not gonna leave. I am not gonna leave yet. I’m gonna find my fucking friend.

  I start to get aggravated where I can feel it in my blood. My jaw is painfully clenching. If those guys even fucking touched her, I swear to God I’ll kill them.

  Two of them both give me a look of disgust and one moves to where they’re standing next to each other in front of me, conveniently blocking my way out the door with my back against the rest of the room. This must be Armani and Rocco.


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