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Page 18

by Bianca Sommerland

  That’s not how her relationship with Patrick had worked, but Zach was right. He wasn’t Patrick. Not even close. Patrick had never talked to her after she got pissed off. He’d either walked away or yelled back. They’d never had heated discussions or tried to work things out. She’d usually just given up because she knew he didn’t care.

  It’s a little soon for Zach to care, don’t you think?

  She studied his face, nibbling thoughtfully at her bottom lip. “Did I scare you?”

  “More than I care to admit.” He grinned, latching one arm around the back of her neck and pulling her against his chest. “Don’t do it again.”

  Sinking into his arms, she let herself forget how independent she was supposed to be. Having him to lean on, especially since she didn’t really need it, felt nice. And best of all, he’d come here in a faded grey T-shirt, and ripped up jeans, ready to work. Even though she hadn’t asked.

  Hadn’t even given him the address, actually.

  “How did you find me?” She considered moving away from him to look into his eyes for a split second, then stayed put. She really, really liked him holding her. Much better than yelling at him.

  “I gave your brother a call.” Zach kissed her forehead, his hand sliding down her back as he shifted over a bit to take in the small room. “He gave me directions while thanking me a dozen times. Then had me speak to your mother. She told me Patrick used to make you do things like this on your own. That having him take out the garbage was a big deal. According to her, being with him was like having another child.”

  Very true. An ungrateful, miserable child who’s sweet only when they want something. She shrugged. “Most men are like that.”

  “None of the men I’ve been with.”

  Strange that he could say that so matter-of-factly. Then again, some said all the good ones were gay. But she didn’t believe that. Being bisexual did give Zach a unique perspective though. “I guess you’ve got better taste in men than I do.” She gave him a sly smile. “Maybe you could hook me up with one?”

  “Perhaps.” The edges of his lips quirked and his eyes filled with humor. “What exactly are you looking for?”

  She tapped her chin with a finger, considering. “It may seem a little mid-life crisis, but I’d like a bad boy. Not a real bad boy, of course.”

  He smirked. “Of course.”

  “I’m thinking a sexy, motorcycle driving, smooth-talking man who plays hard and fast, comes off as rough and dangerous, but is a big, snuggly teddy bear inside.” She snickered as his brow rose a little with each word. They both knew she was talking about him, right? “Know of anyone?”

  He shook his head with mock sadness. “Afraid not. I know someone with a motorcycle—pretty sexy, but as for the rest . . .”

  “You don’t consider yourself a smooth-talker?”

  “Hmm.” He hooked his finger to the front of her T-shirt, lust blazing in his eyes as he drew her toward him. “No. Talking isn’t what I want to do with my mouth when I’m around you.”

  “Oh, nice line.”

  “I’ve never been one for lines, Becky.” He moved forward, forcing her back, past the ladder, until the wall stopped her from going any further. Her pulse pounded in her ears as he framed her jaw with his hand, fingertips digging in just enough to hold her in place when she gasped and tried to claim his lips. His teeth grazed her bottom lip. “I’m straightforward. I don’t play games when I want someone. And I want you.”

  “Yes,” she whispered, letting her eyes drift shut. They’d taken things slow enough. She needed to feel his body, hard, heavy, and so goddamn hot, over hers as he slid into her. She needed to feel him lose control. “The answer is yes.”

  He chuckled, then gave her a chaste kiss before stepping away. “It wasn’t a question. I will have you, but not yet.”

  “What?” She stared at him, her palm itching to slap him for teasing her. Her voice rose, but she didn’t give a damn that she was yelling at him again. He was too fucking much! “You get me all hot and bothered, then say ‘not yet’?”

  “Put some music on.” He went to the ladder, grabbing the tape off a rung on his way up. “We should get started.”

  “Just . . . wow. You’re incredible.” She huffed as she stormed out of the room to grab the stereo she’d left on the landing earlier. The heated pulsing between her thighs, the moisture, had her mad enough to scream. She stomped back into the room, muttering under her breath. “I could murder you right now.”

  “Temper, temper.” Zach taped a length of the ceiling, not looking at her as he spoke. “You might be pissed at me now, but you’d be pissed at yourself if we didn’t get this done before the furniture is delivered.” He was quiet for a while as he finished taping the ceiling. Then he came down the ladder to watch her attack the paint cans with the back end of a hammer. He stood with his hands on his hips until she glared at him. “Damn it, Becky, don’t you understand what I’m trying to do? I want us to last.”

  She dropped the hammer, barely missing her foot. “You think we won’t last if you fuck me?”

  He hissed in a sharp breath. “You tell me. I could take you on the floor. Against the wall. I could fuck you until neither of us could stand. We could both ignore our phones and our lives and just get lost in one another.”

  That sounds good to me.

  “And then something would happen to bring us back to reality. You’ll go back to work, spend time with your daughter, and realize the wild fun you have with me doesn’t fit with your life.” His brow furrowed. “If that’s what you want, let me know. Because I’m invested in this. Probably more invested than I should be.”

  Her lips parted. Sex sounded good, but what he offered sounded perfect. She hadn’t had a real relationship since Patrick and had no idea how to go about it. Her biggest concern had always been keeping things as stable as possible for Casey. Which meant going to the club—maybe every other weekend. Preferably with the same man, but still keeping it all separate. She didn’t want a one-night stand, but was she ready for more? She’d let Zach in without even considering how it would work out between them. Her feelings for him had grown so fast, she’d been afraid of losing herself with him.

  But he’d told her he would let her. And he’d meant it.

  So what now? He’d laid it all out there. The ball was in her court—or, a little more accurately, the puck was in her zone. Zach wasn’t the opposition; he was on her team in every way. She only had to trust him enough to reach a common goal.

  Which was a future together. She looked around the empty room, biting at her bottom lip as she pictured it, all set up, with Casey in her princess bed, drifting off to sleep as Zach read her a bedtime story. That couldn’t happen for a while. No matter how she felt about him, she wouldn’t let him until her daughter’s life until she was absolutely certain he’d stick around.

  Everything else, though . . . She smiled as she thought of all the things they could do together. Before Casey came home. Before he left for the week-long cruise with the Ice Girls. It would be wonderful to have him here, helping her fix up the house. Maybe kidnap him for a few nights, wake up with him in her bed. Knowing he wanted this to last made everything just that much easier. He didn’t expect her to put her life on hold for him. He wanted to find a way to be part of it.

  “This is . . . this seems . . .” She laughed as she placed her hands on his chest, shaking her head when the words wouldn’t come out. “It seems too good to be true. I need time to absorb it, but . . . I want to see if we can have it all.”

  “We can.” He tipped her chin up with the back of his fist and kissed her. “There’s no rush.”

  “I disagree.” She ducked her head, squeezing her thighs together, wishing she could show half his restraint. “You’re giving me everything I could have ever asked for. But I still want to jump you.”

  He barked out a laugh, pressing her head against his chest. “This isn’t easy for me either, Becky. Since you’d fully intended to do it
all on your own, how far had you planned to get before you’d let yourself take a break?”

  His hard length pressed against her belly made it almost impossible to think straight, but she forced herself to recall her plans for the day. She had to get Casey’s room finished before work started eating into her free time. The paint would need time to dry, and by then, the truck would be here. She’d bought good paint, but wasn’t sure if one coat would be good enough, despite the product’s claims.

  “This room has to be done,” she said, finally.

  He nodded. “Okay. So is it safe to say I can have my way with you once it is?”

  Her pulse raced. He could have his way with her this very moment, but she finally understood why he was holding back. Once the task was done, there would be no regrets to taint whatever they shared. And that would be important to them both in the long run. Eventually, their time would be limited. He was right. She’d have her job and her daughter. He’d be on the road. Every moment they had would be precious.

  She exhaled, skirting away from him to grab a roller. “Sir, once this is done . . . I’m all yours.”

  He came up behind her as she straightened, curving his hands around her waist. His lips slid up her throat, and he nibbled lightly, making her shiver with anticipation. “You’re already mine, little doe. And I will prove it soon enough.”

  Hours went by, but none of it in silence. Zach let her talk about her brother, about Silver, never interrupting, but showing so much interest in everything she said, she didn’t feel like she was using him as a sounding board. His brow creased when she let him know that the doctor had wanted Silver to stay at the hospital, and he set down his roller as he asked how Silver was doing since Silver had returned home. Becky gave him the same, scripted answer she’d given her brother when he’d asked the same thing—certain Silver would open up to her. Unlike her brother, who was desperate to believe Silver would be fine, Zach saw right through her.

  “The medication won’t be enough, will it?” He climbed off the ladder after covering the last bit of white on the walls. “How is she with the baby?”

  “Better than I thought she’d be. Amia cries and she’s there, but . . .” Becky clenched her fists around the rag she was using to clean her hands. “Not really. Please don’t repeat this, but it feels like she’s holding back. The way Landon, and even Dean, has connected with the baby is tangible. Silver seems to be going through the motions. It’s like she’s afraid to let Amia get attached. Like she’s expecting the worst.”

  “I appreciate you being open with me about this, Becky . . .” Zach frowned. “But why haven’t you told your brother? Or at least your mother? They can help her through this.”

  He was right, but still, she shook her head. “She’s only been home a day. I don’t want to make an issue where there is none. Everyone’s already nervous about what the cardiologist will say when she sees him at the end of the week. Once things aren’t so up in the air—I mean, the doctor might tell Silver she’ll be fine, at which point, she’ll be able to relax and enjoy being a mother. If not . . . I’ll talk to my brother. He’s worried about Silver, but he’s doing a lot better. You should see him with his daughter.” A smile tugged at her lips as she recalled Landon, sitting with Amia in his arms in the middle of the night, singing “Au Clair de la Lune.” As their mother had done when they were little. As she still did for Casey almost every night.

  Or had until she’d gone away with her father.

  “You’re missing Casey right now, aren’t you?” Zach came over, pulled the rag from her hands, then laced their fingers together. “Just one more week, sweetie, and she’ll be home.”

  Not soon enough. But she didn’t want to think about that—didn’t want to be sad. She had her house, had a great job, had so much to be happy about. She lifted her gaze, meeting Zach’s eyes.

  I have you.

  All the heat that had dwindled while they worked flared up like a torch at the lips of a fire-breather. She latched on to Zach’s shirt, rising up on her tiptoes to press her lips to his. He groaned into her mouth, raking his hands into her hair as his tongue thrust deep, tangling with her own. He sucked on her bottom lip as he tugged her T-shirt up, breaking their kiss just long enough to pull the shirt up over her head. His lips found hers as he unlatched her bra, the bruising pressure driving her wild. She whimpered as he lowered his lips to her throat. Her back hit the ladder, and he gave her a lazy grin as he unzipped her jeans.

  “I believe we have some time to play, little doe.” He rolled her jeans down her thighs with her panties, a low growl rumbling from his chest as he grazed his teeth up her inner thigh. He picked her up as he rose, sitting her on a ladder rung. “Hands up.”

  The metal of the ladder warmed under her bare bottom, and she licked her lips as he retrieved the tape from the floor, lifting her hands without question. Her whole body shook as he wrapped the tape around her wrists, and she watched him wrap the long length at the end around the ladder. The tape was thin enough to break if she tugged hard enough, but she wouldn’t. She would stay where he put her because there was nothing she wanted more than to let him have his way with her. He tapped her ankles, parted her thighs, then restrained them to either side of the ladder rungs a few steps down from where she sat.

  A rung dug into her back, and she shifted to ease the pressure. He observed her for a few seconds, slid a hand between her back and the rung, helping her arch away from it. Then he took a knee, sliding his scruffy cheek along her inner thigh, eyes on her face as he turned slightly to kiss her feverish flesh.

  “I couldn’t go another day without tasting you, little doe. Every time you clenched your thighs, I knew your pussy was hot and wet and throbbing. It made my mouth water.” He let out a low, humming sound as he moved closer to her, inhaling deeply. “You smell so fucking sweet.” He used his fingers to part her pussy lips. His tongue slid from just below her slit, straight up to her clit. “Fuck, you’re delicious.”

  She knocked her head against a rung, gasping as he licked along either side of her folds, trembling as he gently closed his teeth around her swollen nub. His tongue flicked over it once, then circled around it before sliding back down. As his tongue plunged into her, she cried out, fisting her hands above her head to keep from tugging at the restraints. Liquid fire spilled from her core, slicking his face as he thrust deeper. He used his fingers to stimulate her clit as he eased his tongue in and out. Her lips parted as the sensations coiled up within. Release was a breath away. All she had to do was let herself go.

  “Not yet, pet,” Zach whispered, straightening just before she could surrender to the blinding rush of pleasure. He covered her lips with his, swallowing her cries of protest as he jerked his jeans down over his hips. The head of his bare cock pushed against her, and her brain snapped back into place. As much as she wanted him, she wouldn’t take any risks. He hushed her as she opened her mouth to tell him. “I have protection. I just wanted you to feel me, flesh on flesh, before something came between us.”

  Groaning, she nodded, closing her eyes to absorb the incredible feeling of his dick sliding in her juices. She held her breath, slitting her eyes open as he stepped back and pulled out his wallet. He tossed it aside once he’d retrieved the condom. The sound of his tearing it open with his teeth had her quivering with anticipation. When he was covered, he positioned one hand behind her again. She hadn’t even noticed the ladder rung digging into her back until his hand cushioned her, his fingers smoothing away the slight dent the metal had made in her skin. All her focus was on his dick, slowing pressing into her.

  “Becky.” Zach rested his forehead between her breasts, his breath coming out in a hot rush against her flesh. “You’re so fucking hot. So tight.”

  She felt tight. Her hips shifted, the sweat dripping down her back mixing with the spill of her arousal, making the ladder rung under her ass wet. She hadn’t been with a man in so long. And the last time she’d been with one, she hadn’t had time to wonder
how it would feel to be penetrated. Lost in a submissive haze, she’d relaxed into her restraints and just let it happen. Reveled in the pleasure she was giving. But Zach wouldn’t be satisfied with taking the pleasure she could give him. As he worked the head of his cock into her with slow, shallow thrusts, she knew it wouldn’t be enough for him unless she experienced the same level of pleasure as he did. Everything with him was give and take. And he would accept no less.

  “I need you, Zach . . . I mean. I mean, Sir.” She rasped in air as he filled her, stretching her around him as he settled his hips between her thighs. “Oh, God! Don’t stop!”

  He smiled against her lips as he kissed her. “I couldn’t if I wanted to. Brace yourself, pet.”

  His free hand lifted her ass off the rung as he drove into her. The ladder creaked as he slammed in, shifting as he slid almost all the way out. Her lips trembled against his open mouth as she felt every inch of him stroking her deep with every hard thrust. Usually, she needed her clit stimulated to come, but she was already so close, all it took was the unrestrained plunge of his dick against her core to set her off. She threw her head back, her eyes tearing as she cried out, the sound scoring her throat, her whole body shuddering with the intensity of her release. It was like frozen glass dropped in boiling water and shattering within, splinters of pleasure exploding as Zach tightened his grip on her back and thrust in one last time, coming apart with her. He let out a feral sound, cursing as he tore at her restraints, then dragged her to the floor to lay over him.

  For what seemed like forever, she couldn’t move. All she could do was cling to him, gasping as her core convulsed around him. She never lasted long after she came, which made Doms trying to force her to orgasm again and again almost painful, but Zach holding her, simply letting her come down, was pure bliss. And the way he ground against her, dragging out her pleasure, brought her over the edge again so slowly and unexpectedly she slid into another climax with nothing more than a shudder. The undulating sensation came on so subtly it was like letting the last bite of a chocolate cake that had burst in her mouth with the first bite, melt on her tongue. She sighed as she rested on him, smiling sleepily as he kissed her forehead.


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