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On the Lookout

Page 18

by Christy Barritt


  “Moriah, it’s time.”

  Moriah Roberts stood from the stiff bed nestled on the side of her assigned RV and straightened the tunic she wore. A slight tremble raked through her limbs as she tried to comprehend the scope of what was about to happen.

  “Thank you, Ruth,” Moriah murmured to the woman standing in the doorway.

  “There’s no need to be nervous.” The permanent frown on Ruth’s face deepened, and her self-righteous pallor nearly glowed with piousness. “This should be an honor.”

  Moriah lowered her head as the reprimand echoed in her mind. The woman could chide the wind for being cold, and Moriah was certain the wind would feel guilted into changing directions.

  “It is an honor.” Moriah kept her voice soft and nonconfrontational. “But I just don’t know what to expect. Everyone has been so secretive.”

  “They’re secretive because this is special. If people spoke openly about our ceremony, then it would lessen its importance.” Ruth grabbed a towel from a drawer and wiped some mud from the side of the doorway. The woman was always the mother hen.

  Even though the two were officially roommates, the arrangement had never felt equal. Ruth was obviously more strong-willed and, therefore, the boss. She’d also been part of Gilead’s Cove longer. Ruth was the one with robust opinions, unwavering confidence, and a knack for remembering every rule that needed to be followed.

  Moriah took a step toward the door. She still felt nervous, but she wouldn’t tell Ruth that—not unless she wanted another lecture. Besides, Ruth would probably report her shortcomings to the Council and then they wouldn’t think she was worthy.

  The Council wouldn’t tell Moriah that. No, but they’d demote her to cleaning the bathrooms again. At least, that was what she feared. She hated cleaning bathrooms almost as much as she’d hated her now-deceased ex-husband Vince.

  “Come on now. The Council is waiting for you.” Ruth extended her hand to hasten Moriah outside.

  As soon as Moriah stepped from the RV and into the dark evening, a cold wind hit her. It was April now, but she’d thought the temperatures would warm up here on Lantern Beach. It had, Moriah supposed. For a couple days. But now it was cold again. The warm weather wouldn’t be here to stay until the end of May. That’s what Gilead had told her.

  A smile tugged at her lips at the thought of Gilead. Moriah had never met anyone like him before. He was smart and charismatic and . . . a gift from God.

  Not just to her. To everyone. To the world.

  The world just didn’t realize it yet.

  He was the reason Moriah had turned her life around, though. She owed him everything. And, one day, she would give him everything.

  Her sandals hit the rocky sand beneath her as she walked toward the water. Though the ocean pounded the other side of the island, Gilead’s Cove was located on the shore of the Pamlico Sound. The waters were much more peaceful here, but she’d heard the bugs and snakes could be bad. She’d find out about that when the weather got warmer.

  “The Council is waiting,” Ruth reminded her, motioning that Moriah should hurry her steps.

  She wasn’t sure why Ruth had been assigned as her roommate. The woman, tolerable at first, had quickly become overbearing. Moriah couldn’t wait until they no longer had to live together.

  Love your neighbors because love changes the world.

  She remembered the verse from Makir—a book of the Bible Gilead had discovered himself.

  It was so hard to put those commands into practice sometimes, though. But she would try, for the sake of the cause. But she felt certain Ruth had been placed in her life as a trial, as a way to cultivate joy in hard times just as the book of James in the Bible talked about.

  In the distance, Moriah spotted a fire burning. Six silhouettes stood around it, most likely silent, with their bodies stiff.

  The Council.

  The sight reminded Moriah of an archaic ritual full of sacred beauty.

  “Go, girl,” Ruth whispered. “Don’t be scared. You’ll be fine.”

  If Moriah would be fine, then why was there a slight quiver to Ruth’s voice?

  A new fear invaded her.

  Just what did this initiation entail?

  Moriah sucked in a deep breath of courage and stepped forward. One of the members of the Council—Enoch—reached out his hand for her, and she stepped inside the circle.

  This was it. This was when she’d officially become a Makirite.

  Her gaze quickly scanned the group of men, and her heart thudded with a new realization. Gilead wasn’t here. Moriah had thought he would be, and disappointment bit deep that he was absent.

  No, that’s okay, Moriah. He trusts his Council to do this, and he doesn’t have to be here. It’s the sign of a great leader.

  Moriah’s eyes flickered to another one of the council members. Dietrich. He held something in his hand—it almost looked like a poker.

  A poker?

  Her heart rate quickened.

  What in the world would they use a poker for?

  “Thou shall suffer for the cause.” Dietrich’s voice sounded solemn with ceremony and decorum. “The Dedicated all bear the markings of Makir. In this way, we can be set apart. Do you agree, Moriah? Do you want to be set apart?”

  “I do.” Her voice trembled at the uncertainties of what she was about to get into, and her eyes didn’t leave the glowing, orange metal in Dietrich’s hands.

  “And do you believe in suffering for the cause?”

  “I do.” Consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds . . .

  “Then reveal your shoulder,” Dietrich said.

  Reveal her shoulder? Were they . . . ?

  Everyone waited.

  Hardly able to breathe, Moriah pulled the tunic down from her left shoulder, exposing her skin to the frigid air.

  Dietrich lifted the glowing poker and turned toward her.

  “On your knees,” he directed.

  Her knees? Another tremble rolled through Moriah as all blood left her face.

  You can trust these people, Moriah. They’re your friends. Your community. Your people.

  With one more breath of hesitation, Moriah lowered herself to the ground.

  But when she saw the burning hot metal headed toward her, all of her strength and resolve vanished.

  What was she doing here? Was this all one big, bad mistake—just like most of the decisions in her life had been?

  As the metal hit her skin, a groan emerged from a part of her soul so deep she hadn’t even realized it existed. The world around her spun as pain captured her in its entirety and tears spilled down her cheeks.

  And, then, as the realization about what was happening reached her brain, she screamed. And screamed. And screamed some more.

  Also by Christy Barritt:

  The Lantern Beach Mystery Series

  Hidden Currents

  You can take the detective out of the investigation, but you can't take the investigator out of the detective. A notorious gang puts a bounty on Detective Cady Matthews’s head after she takes down their leader, leaving her no choice but to hide until she can testify at trial. But her temporary home across the country on a remote North Carolina island isn’t as peaceful as she initially thinks. Living under the new identity of Cassidy Livingston, she struggles to keep her investigative skills tucked away, especially after a body washes ashore. When local police bungle the murder investigation, she can’t resist stepping in. But Cassidy is supposed to be keeping a low profile. One wrong move could lead to both her discovery and her demise. Can she bring justice to the island . . . or will the hidden currents surrounding her pull her under for good?

  Flood Watch

  The tide is high, and so is the danger on Lantern Beach. Still in hiding after infiltrating a dangerous gang, Cassidy Livingston just has to make it a few more months before she can testify at trial and resume her old life. But trouble keeps finding her, and Cassidy is pulled into a local investigati
on after a man mysteriously disappears from the island she now calls home. A recurring nightmare from her time undercover only muddies things, as does a visit from the parents of her handsome ex-Navy SEAL neighbor. When a friend's life is threatened, Cassidy must make choices that put her on the verge of blowing her cover. With a flood watch on her emotions and her life in a tangle, will Cassidy find the truth? Or will her past finally drown her?

  Storm Surge

  A storm is brewing hundreds of miles away, but its effects are devastating even from afar. Laid-back, loose, and light: that’s Cassidy Livingston’s new motto. But when a makeshift boat with a bloody cloth inside washes ashore near her oceanfront home, her detective instincts shift into gear . . . again. Seeking clues isn’t the only thing on her mind—romance is heating up with next-door neighbor and former Navy SEAL Ty Chambers as well. Her heart wants the love and stability she’s longed for her entire life. But her hidden identity only leads to a tidal wave of turbulence. As more answers emerge about the boat, the danger around her rises, creating a treacherous swell that threatens to reveal her past. Can Cassidy mind her own business, or will the storm surge of violence and corruption that has washed ashore on Lantern Beach leave her life in wreckage?

  Dangerous Waters

  Danger lurks on the horizon, leaving only two choices: find shelter or flee. Cassidy Livingston’s new identity has begun to feel as comfortable as her favorite sweater. She’s been tucked away on Lantern Beach for weeks, waiting to testify against a deadly gang, and is settling in to a new life she wants to last forever. When she thinks she spots someone malevolent from her past, panic swells inside her. If an enemy has found her, Cassidy won’t be the only one who’s a target. Everyone she’s come to love will also be at risk. Dangerous waters threaten to pull her into an overpowering chasm she may never escape. Can Cassidy survive what lies ahead? Or has the tide fatally turned against her?

  Perilous Riptide

  Just when the current seems safer, an unseen danger emerges and threatens to destroy everything. When Cassidy Livingston finds a journal hidden deep in the recesses of her ice cream truck, her curiosity kicks into high gear. Islanders suspect that Elsa, the journal’s owner, didn’t die accidentally. Her final entry indicates their suspicions might be correct and that what Elsa observed on her final night may have led to her demise. Against the advice of Ty Chambers, her former Navy SEAL boyfriend, Cassidy taps into her detective skills and hunts for answers. But her search only leads to a skeletal body and trouble for both of them. As helplessness threatens to drown her, Cassidy is desperate to turn back time. Can Cassidy find what she needs to navigate the perilous situation? Or will the riptide surrounding her threaten everyone and everything Cassidy loves?

  Deadly Undertow

  The current’s fatal pull is powerful, but so is one detective’s will to live. When someone from Cassidy Livingston’s past shows up on Lantern Beach and warns her of impending peril, opposing currents collide, threatening to drag her under. Running would be easy. But leaving would break her heart. Cassidy must decipher between the truth and lies, between reality and deception. Even more importantly, she must decide whom to trust and whom to fear. Her life depends on it. As danger rises and answers surface, everything Cassidy thought she knew is tested. In order to survive, Cassidy must take drastic measures and end the battle against the ruthless gang DH-7 once and for all. But if her final mission fails, the consequences will be as deadly as the raging undertow.

  Lantern Beach Romantic Suspense

  Tides of Deception

  Change has come to Lantern Beach: a new police chief, a new season, and . . . a new romance? Austin Brooks has loved Skye Lavinia from the moment they met, but the walls she keeps around her seem impenetrable. Skye knows Austin is the best thing to ever happen to her. Yet she also knows that if he learns the truth about her past, he’d be a fool not to run. A chance encounter brings secrets bubbling to the surface, and danger soon follows. Are the life-threatening events plaguing them really accidents . . . or is someone trying to send a deadly message? With the tides on Lantern Beach come deception and lies. One question remains—who will be swept away as the water shifts? And will it bring the end for Austin and Skye, or merely the beginning?

  Shadow of Intrigue

  For her entire life, Lisa Garth has felt like a supporting character in the drama of life. The designation never bothered her—until now. Lantern Beach, where she’s settled and runs a popular restaurant, has boarded up for the season. The slower pace leaves her with too much time alone. Braden Dillinger came to Lantern Beach to try to heal. The former Special Forces officer returned from battle with invisible scars and diminished hope. But his recovery is hampered by the fact that an unknown enemy is trying to kill him. From the moment Lisa and Braden meet, danger ignites around them, and both are drawn into a web of intrigue that turns their lives upside down. As shadows creep in, will Lisa and Braden be able to shine a light on the peril around them? Or will the encroaching darkness turn their worst nightmares into reality?

  Storm of Doubt

  A pastor who’s lost faith in God. A romance writer who’s lost faith in love. A faceless man with a deadly obsession. Nothing has felt right in Pastor Jack Wilson’s world since his wife died two years ago. He hoped coming to Lantern Beach might help soothe the ragged edges of his soul. Instead, he feels more alone than ever. Novelist Juliette Grace came to the island to hide away. Though her professional life has never been better, her personal life has imploded. Her husband left her and a stalker’s threats have grown more and more dangerous. When Jack saves Juliette from an attack, he sees the terror in her gaze and knows he must protect her. But when danger strikes again, will Jack be able to keep her safe? Or will the approaching storm prove too strong to withstand?

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  About the Author

  USA Today has called Christy Barritt's books “scary, funny, passionate, and quirky.”

  Christy writes both mystery and romantic suspense novels that are clean with underlying messages of faith. Her books have won the Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Suspense and Mystery, have been twice nominated for the Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award, and have finaled for both a Carol Award and Foreword Magazine’s Book of the Year.

  She is married to her Prince Charming, a man who thinks she’s hilarious—but only when she's not trying to be. Christy is a self-proclaimed klutz, an avid music lover who’s known for spontaneously bursting into song, and a road trip aficionado.

  When she's not working or spending time with her family, she enjoys singing, playing the guitar, and exploring small, unsuspecting towns where people have no idea how accident-prone she is.

  Find Christy online at:


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