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Forbidden Love (South Coast Brothers Book 4)

Page 12

by Kacey Hamford

  “You like it?”

  “Yeah, do you have a cook?”

  “Na, we’ve never used the oven before.”

  “Maybe I can cook for you then?” I ran my hand over his forearm.

  “You’d cook for me?” he asked in surprise. I needed to gain his trust and, slowly by slowly, I’d get it.

  “Of course, we’re together now, right?”

  “We sure are.” He pulled me against him as his lips slammed down onto mine. I didn’t respond and he growled as his fingers dug into my hips.

  “Sorry, baby. I need water.”

  “Shit, sorry, I forgot.” He stepped away from me and grabbed a glass off the draining board and filled it up with water from the tap. I used that moment to take a good look around, there was two doors that led in and out of the kitchen. I needed to remember that.

  “Do you have any ice?” I smiled. He huffed and stomped over to the freezer, I heard the clinking of ice going into the glass.

  “Here.” He shoved the glass at me and I took a couple of small sips.

  “Do you think I could get some clothes?”

  “You ain’t going to need any for a couple of days, not until I get my fix.” He grabbed my hand and dragged me through the house and up a set of stairs. When my eyes landed onto a familiar pair, I mouthed the word ‘help’ and he nodded.

  Switch pushed me through a door and we were in a different bedroom than before, this one had a large bed covered in a black and white duvet, black bedside tables and matching wardrobe and the window was large, covering almost the entire wall. I gazed out of it, trying to pick up any landmarks that might have been familiar to me. I couldn’t recognise anything. I jumped when a pair of lips landed on my bare shoulder.

  “I just need to use the bathroom, baby. Why don’t you start getting out of those boots?”

  “You know I don’t like to fuck naked.”

  “Oh, I thought it would be different now?” I tried to look sweet and innocent and even tried biting my bottom lip and fluttering my eyelashes.

  “Just hurry up.” He smirked as he pulled out his pocket knife and flicked the blade open.

  I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, my eyes had dark circles under them, my hair was knotty and untidy. How the hell did he find me attractive? I looked around, what was I looking for? A weapon? An escape route? The bathroom was empty except for the shower cubicle, toilet and sink, there wasn’t a bin, a medicine cabinet, nothing. I flushed the toilet so it looked like I actually needed to go. I stripped out of the sheet and left it in the bathroom, I had to at least make it look like I wanted to be with him. I just hoped I was saved in time before he got too far.

  “Get over here,” he demanded as I opened the bathroom door. “Look at my marks on your body, pretty as a picture.” He studied them, tracing his fingers over each one. “We need to get you shaved, I can’t see my favourite one.”

  “I’ll do it, in the shower, after. Ready for next time.” He pushed me to sit on the bed in front of him; in his right hand was his knife.

  “Undo me, pull me out and suck.” I reached up to his belt with shaking hands. Please someone come and interrupt us. I pleaded in my head. “Just remember what I’ve always said. You hurt me with those teeth of yours and I’ll fuck you with my blade.” I nodded, I remembered that threat all too well. Just as he was free and I was about to cover him with my mouth a banging at the door came. I sighed in relief.

  “Yeah!” he shouted out. “Don’t fucking stop,” he growled at me. The door pushed open just as he surged inside my mouth in one long thrust causing me to gag.

  “Shit, sorry, Prez. Spike said he heard bikes, intruders.”

  “Fuck!” he roared. “Stay here,” he told me as he tucked himself away. I grabbed the edge of the duvet to cover my body. He stormed out of the room and left me with my saviour.

  “Stone!” Switch called out.

  “Coming!” he yelled back. “I’ll try and keep him busy, can you try and get out?”

  “No, I need to take those women downstairs with me too.”

  “Fuck!” he swore. “You always were the one that wanted to save everyone.”

  “Yep, I am little brother. Please tell me you haven’t joined this club?”

  “No, it was all to find you. I’ll explain later.” He rushed out of the room and I heard Switch shouting at someone.

  “What the fuck were you doing?”

  “Your little whore in there was offering to suck my cock if I helped get those women out.” He laughed.

  “She’s got guts, I’ll tell you that and a sweet little pussy.” I chuckled, I’m sure my brother loved hearing that.

  Chapter 21


  I hated the fact that I was still away from Cammie and Harley, it had been two days since I’d seen them last. I was at the hospital everyday waiting for Drake to wake up; he was still unconscious. The crash had broken his right arm and he had internal bleeding which resulted in his spleen needing to be removed, the doctors assured us there wouldn’t be any lasting damage and he could survive well enough without it. The doctors needed to monitor him to see if he had any brain damage, the scans he had were clear of blood on the brain but we wouldn’t know for sure until he woke up.

  “How’s he doing?” Pipe asked as he walked in through the door. Once Drake was in a stable condition, we were going to have him transferred back to Cornwall. But the doctors here advised us against it until he woke up.

  “The same. The stubborn bastard won’t wake up.” I chuckled.

  “We’ve got it handled if you need to get back. Toes and Solar will stay,” he said, squeezing my shoulder as we looked over Drake who looked like he was fast asleep.

  “Yeah, I do need to get back but I hate leaving him.”

  “Go home,” Drake croaked. “Cam needs you.”

  “Fuck, man. I thought you’d never wake up.” I laughed as I stood over him.

  “Ok, let me have a look at the patient.” The doctor said as he rushed in the room and started checking the machines that Drake was attached too. He shined a light in his eyes and asked him questions. “It’s all looking good, you’re probably going to be in some pain but we can monitor that.”

  “Thanks, Doc,” I said shaking his hand. “When can we get him moved?”

  “Moved?” Drake asked.

  “Yeah, to get you back to Cornwall.”

  “Where’s Ashlyn?” I ignored his question for the minute, I didn’t know how I was going to explain to him that we hadn’t been able to find her yet.

  “We’ll see how he is in the morning and go from there on when to move him,” the doctor explained before leaving. “The nurse will be in soon with some pain meds for you.”

  “Where’s Ashlyn?” he asked again. I looked at Pipe and he nodded his head. I sat down in the chair beside his bed.

  “We haven’t been able to find her yet.”

  He frowned. “What do you mean, find her? Was she hurt in the crash? That truck came out of nowhere.”

  “It was the Satan’s who crashed into you,” Pipe added.

  “What?” he shouted and winced at the pain in his side.

  “Now, you have to calm down or I’ll have them sedate you,” Pipe threatened.

  “I need to find her, she’ll be scared. He’ll hurt her, kill her.”

  “We’ll find her,” I said to him. “I promise.”



  I had been stuck with Switch for two days and had managed to avoid any sexual activity at all. My little brother Owen had managed to keep Switch busy, much to his annoyance. Owen wanted to kill him.

  “Hey, big sis,” Owen said as he walked into the kitchen where I was making a meal for me and Switch.

  “Hi.” I smiled sadly at him. I tried putting on a front for everyone else to see but he knew I was dying inside.

  “I got you this.” He passed me a little bag with some herbs in it.

  “What is it?” I asked as I sho
ved it into my pocket and pulled the chicken out of the oven to check on it.

  “Fuck, that smells good.”

  “Do mum and dad know where you are?”

  “All they know is that I’m out looking for you. Anyway, in that bag is a sedative. Pour it in his whiskey and he’ll pass out. I’m taking the boys out to the local strip club. Once he passes out, grab his keys for the room downstairs and get the girls out. I’ll leave keys in a couple of the cars.”

  “What about the club? I can’t have him always looking for me.”

  “You won’t have to. I promise.”

  “What’s going on? You after my woman?” Switch shouted as he marched into the kitchen. His large, broad frame was intimidating and he always had a stern scowl on his face. His dark hair and dark eyes just added to his fierce look.

  “Just admiring her cooking boss, it smells so fucking good.”

  “Go and get yourself fucking laid, leave me and my woman to it for the night.”

  “No worries, I’m sure it’ll be a late one for us.” Owen high fived Switch as he left the room.

  Once the room was quiet, Switch pressed his body up against mine and his hands travelled to my breasts. I had to stop the need to shove him away from me, it was difficult because having his hands on me repulsed me.

  “How about a quickie before we eat?”

  “It’s ready.” I wiggled my bum against him, trying to show him I wanted it too. “Go and sit down.” Once he released me I grabbed the plates full of food and placed one in front of him and one across from him, where I was sitting. “I’ll just go to the bar and grab you a drink. Whiskey?”

  “Sit down, I’ll go and get it.” He kissed me on the lips before he stalked out of the room. I wiped his slob off my lips. Shit, how was I going to get this in his system now? It would have to be when he had another drink. I’d make sure to make the next one, I wasn’t missing my opportunity to escape and get the girls out too.


  “Why don’t you go on upstairs and I’ll grab you another drink?” I offered as I finished loading the dishwasher.

  “Don’t be too long.” He winked at me. I tried to smile seductively at him, it was difficult when I hated the man with everything I had in me.

  I walked quickly to the bar, it was a bit creepy when there was no one else here. I grabbed his favourite bottle of whiskey and poured a generous shot, I just poured in the herbs when he came up behind me. I froze. Shit, did he see what I was doing?

  “I think we’ll make the most out of the empty clubhouse tonight.”

  “Oh yeah?” I asked, handing him his drink. He gulped it down in one and I prayed to God that it worked fast.

  “Yeah, strip and lay flat on that table.” I looked to where he was pointing and began removing my clothes slowly. He pulled out his knife and the blade shone against the light of the moon that was shining through the only window in the room. “You’re taking too long!” he barked.

  Once I was naked, I sat on the edge of the table. Why hadn’t this stuff started to work yet?

  “Lie back.” I did as I was told and I heard the recognisable sound of his belt being loosened and his zipper being pulled down. “Feet on the edge of the table, show me that glorious pussy of yours.” I covered my face with my arm, trying to hide the tears that began rolling down my cheeks. I hissed when I felt the first cut of my skin over my hipbone and cried out when he pushed into me in one long thrust. How the hell did I get here again? How was this happening to me? He started pounding into me as he cut me more and I let my mind drift off, remembering happier times. I let mine and Drake’s wedding come to mind.

  Drake and I danced at the Cheshire Crusaders clubhouse as they decided to throw us a leaving party after staying with them for over a month. Usually, they were a strictly religious club but tonight all the rules were out the window and everyone was let loose. Drake and I didn’t get told off for kissing or dancing together and it was nice to pretend that we were a proper couple without a care in the world.

  “You know, I can see the love between you two,” Priest said as he joined us at the bar.

  “That’s because we do love each other.” I giggled.

  “You know, I can marry you, right? I’m not just in this get up for the fashion,” he said pointing at his robes that he wore.

  “Really?” I asked.

  “Is that what you want?” Drake asked me.

  “Yeah, more than anything.” I smiled.

  “Let’s do this then. Ashlyn, will you marry me?”

  “Yes!” I screamed.

  “Come on, love birds, follow me.” We stood up and Priest whistled to get everyone’s attention. “Everyone to church, I have a wedding to perform.”

  I frowned, we were going to get married in the room they held their meetings in? I thought it would just be done out here, in the clubhouse. I didn’t want anything fancy, I just wanted to be joined forever to the man I loved.

  “Good job you decided to wear white this evening.” Drake chuckled in my ear, sending pleasure across my body.

  We followed the Prez down the long hallway and down some steps, we were met with two large, carved wooden doors, he pushed them open to reveal a small church, pews on both side of a small aisle, hymn books and a font that would normally be used for christenings.

  “This is so beautiful,” I gushed.

  “Drake and I will head down to the front. We don’t have any music so start walking when you are ready.”

  “Thank you.” The club brothers filed past me and claimed some of the seats. I took a deep breath and reached for the flowers that were in a nearby vase. I looked up and into the eyes of the man I loved and began walking down the aisle towards him.

  I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt like I was being crushed, I looked up to see that Switch had fallen on top of me. I used all the strength I had to push him off of me and he slumped to the floor. Why couldn’t the bloody sedative have worked fifteen minutes before? I grabbed my clothes and quickly dressed. Owen had told me that he stashed some chains behind the bar and padlocks so I grabbed them and tied Switch up to the bar. I didn’t want him waking up while me and the girls were trying to escape. I searched his pockets for the keys and almost screamed with joy when I found them. I hated the fact that this guy had managed to hurt me in so many ways. One thing for sure was that he’d never have his cock in anyone ever again. I ran into the kitchen, grabbed the largest knife I could find and slowly walked over to him, I didn’t hesitate, I cut his cock clean off. I jumped in fear when his eyes popped open and he roared in pain. Fuck, thank God I tied him up when I did.

  “Ashlyn!” he roared as I ran away, down the hall and down the flight of stairs. I searched for the right key and struggled to unlock the door as my hands were trembling. I was scared that he was going to get out of the chains.

  I flung the door open and turned on the light.

  “Quick, hurry. Let’s go!” I shouted. I threw t-shirts at all of the girls that were neatly stacked by the door. Owen thought of everything.

  “Where are we going?” Rayna asked.

  “Away from here. Somewhere safe, I promise. Let’s go.” I started up the stairs and looked behind me to see all the girls had frozen. “What is it?”

  “He sounds angry,” one of the blonde girls said.

  “He’s chained up, oh and I sliced off his cock.” I shrugged my shoulders and started running up the stairs again, this time I was pleased to hear footsteps behind me. We all flew through the clubhouse and out the front door.

  “Ok, half in this car and half in that car. Someone needs to drive.”

  “I can drive,” Rayna volunteered.

  “Great, follow me.” I jumped into the car with five other girls squeezed in and we took off out of the compound. “Can you check in the glove box to see if there’s a phone in there?” I asked the blonde who was sitting next to me. With trembling hands, she did as I asked. Once she had it in her hands, I reeled off a phone number and a
sked her to dial it and put it on loud speaker.



  “Ashlyn? Oh my God, you’re alright. It’s Ashlyn,” she said to someone else.


  “Blade, I need help. Can we can come to the club?”

  “Yes, of course. Who’s we?”

  “There are eleven girls, including me. Please, can no other members be there?”

  “Sure, how far away are you?”

  “About twenty minutes or so. We’re in two cars.”

  “I’ll make sure the prospect lets you straight in.”

  “Thank you.” I hung up the phone and concentrated on driving.

  “Who was that?” the blonde next to me asked. “Oh, I’m Naomi, that’s Becky, Sara, Tia and May.”

  “That was my best friend’s brother. He’ll help us.”


  Twenty minutes later, we pulled into the DD clubhouse and Blade, Heather and Cammie came flying out the door. Heather and Cammie engulfed me into a huge hug and we all cried.

  “Come on ladies, come on in,” Blade said. None of them moved. I pulled out of Cammie’s arms and looked at them all stood huddled together.

  “I promise, you’re safe here. This is Blade, he’s the Prez and this is his wife Heather and our friend, well more like sister, Cammie. Please, trust me.”

  “I’m getting out of the cold,” Rayna announced as she confidently walked past Blade and into the clubhouse.

  I explained everything that happened at the clubhouse with Switch and what I had done.

  “My brother is going to come here too. Should be later on tonight,” I told Blade.

  “No problem.”

  “I’ll sort some rooms out for the girls,” Heather announced as she climbed to her feet. “I’m so glad that you’re ok.” She pulled me in for another hug. “You’re ok, right?” she asked quietly.

  “I will be.”

  “I need to call Mason, he’s at the hospital with Drake,” Cammie said.

  “Is Drake ok?” I asked, eager for information.


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