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Alex (A Cocky Cage Fighter Novel Book 9)

Page 5

by Lane Hart

  “You drove my car?”

  “Was I supposed to carry you all the way here?” he replies.

  “Did you get blood in it?” I ask with a cringe.

  “Um, did you get blood in your car, you mean? And, yes, I believe there was some leakage on the seats.”

  “Ugh. That shit better come out of the leather!” I tell him.

  “If not, I’ll make my toilet scrub it as retribution,” he responds with his charming grin, the one that’s so adorable it makes me forget what I was upset about. It also reminds me of what I would rather be doing with him. Well, that would be anything other than lying in a hospital bed, but I was thinking more along the lines of picking things up from before I freaked out.

  We could start with kissing. And depending on how that went, there would hopefully be some fondling and skin-to-skin contact…

  “If you didn’t want to sleep with me, all you had to do was say so. Bleeding out and putting yourself in the hospital was a little bit dramatic,” Alex declares intuitively before he lowers himself into the plastic chair next to the bed.

  “Everyone always tells me I’m a drama queen, but the falling was an accident, even if I may have been a little nervous,” I admit while examining a loose thread on the top of my blanket.

  “Maybe I was a little nervous too,” Alex tells me, which is surprising to hear.

  “Oh really?” I look up to ask him, unable to hide my smile.

  “It’s not every day a beautiful woman walks in and offers herself to you. And expecting me to go through a box of condoms in one night was rather…ambitious.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t know. I’ve never actually stayed with a man, you know, overnight,” I confess. I live at home with my parents, and Ryan lived in a dorm. Having sex on a twin bed is a hard limit for me, so we had to make do elsewhere when we could.

  “Don’t worry,” Alex says. “You’ll still get your chance for a sleepover with me tonight.”

  “What?” I ask.

  “The doctor said someone needs to stay with you all night to make sure your head is okay. Is there someone else you would rather stay with to assume that responsibility?” he asks, knowing full well that I would rather not have to explain what happened or how I hurt myself to anyone else.

  “I guess not,” I reply.

  “So, we’ll have a sleepover. No fooling around; just hanging out. It’ll be fun.”

  “Fine,” I agree, hoping he’s kidding about the not fooling around part. Even if we don’t fuck, there’s plenty of other things we could do. “Just keep your toilet away from me.”

  “Deal,” Alex says, followed by a chuckle.

  After the doctor comes back in, he checks my bandages and blinds me with his flashlight one last time before finally telling me I’m ready to be discharged.

  “Come back if you have severe headaches, dizziness, vomiting or confusion,” the doc says.

  “Got it,” I tell him.

  “Oh, and no…strenuous activity for the next twenty-four hours,” he adds.

  “Don’t run any marathons. No problem. Wasn’t planning on it,” I reply with a wave of my hand.

  “And no sexual intercourse.”

  Feeling my cheeks blaze hot in embarrassment, I ask the doctor, “What kind of girl do you take me for?”

  The doctor looks from me to Alex, who's wearing only a hospital gown.

  “That’s right,” Alex replies. “She’s a lady, and I am a gentleman.”

  “What’s her last name?” the doctor asks Alex.

  “Uhhh…” Alex mutters, clearly having no idea.

  “So, you’re saying we should know each other’s last names before we fuck?” I ask the doctor for clarification. “It’s Merchant,” I inform Alex in a loud whisper.

  “Stiles,” he whispers back while pointing a finger at his chest.

  “There. Are you happy now, doc?” I ask, throwing the covers off and climbing out of bed barefoot, wearing only a gown that matches Alex’s and my panties. My Brandon Maxwell dress had blood stains all over it, so they sadly had to trash it; and I don’t know what the hell happened to my poor shoes.

  “Ready?” I ask Alex.

  “Not yet,” he replies before handing me my purse that I put on my shoulder. After that’s taken care of, he suddenly scoops me off my feet and into his arms.

  I start to protest and assure him I can walk, but it’s sort of nice to be cradled against his broad chest and know I’m in his strong arms. And, yes, I do lean back to peek at Alex’s ass that’s hanging out the back of his gown when he carries me to the parking lot.

  Chapter Seven


  “Are you hungry?” I ask Whitney when I carry her back into the apartment. “I don’t have much, but I could make you a sandwich…”

  “Nah, I’m good. Just sleepy,” she says with a fake yawn.

  “Okay. Well, you can have my bed, and I’ll sleep on the sofa,” I tell her as I take her down the hall, kicking my discarded shorts and jockstrap from earlier toward my bedroom as we go.

  Once we’re in my room, I place her gently down on the right side of the mattress.

  “Can you hang out awhile, until I’m ready to fall asleep?” Whitney asks. “Oh, and could I have a t-shirt to sleep in?”

  “Yeah, sure,” I reply before rummaging through the dresser to try and find a clean shirt. I start to pick up a dark gray one but decide on the white one instead. Easier to see through. “Here,” I offer, holding the shirt out to her.

  Whitney climbs out of bed; and without warning or asking me to turn around, she unties the string at the back of her neck and lets the hospital gown pool around her feet, leaving her standing before me in nothing but a pair of panties. Panties I can’t even make out the style or color of because my eyes won’t budge from her full, perfect breasts with beaded nipples as they jiggle with the movement of her pulling on the shirt.

  Awww, and then her tits are gone, but not forgotten, the thin cotton conforming to the mounds. The way the material brushes the tops of her thighs, hinting at the secret places just inches underneath is so damn sexy it makes me want to cry.

  It’s impossible to look away when Whitney lifts a knee onto the mattress and climbs on top of it, mounting it in a way that makes me think of having her on top of me. When she’s settled in under the sheets, she looks over at me or, more specifically, at the tenting of my hospital gown.

  “That looks painful,” she remarks.

  “It is,” I admit, pressing down on my hard cock with my palm. “But we can’t have sex; doctor’s orders.”

  “No, but he didn’t say we couldn’t make out. If you want to touch me, I’ll touch you,” she offers softly. “Unless I’m too much of a hot mess…” Whitney adds while running her fingers over the bandage around her head.

  With a relieved curse, I yank the cotton gown off and crawl on top of Whitney the next second.

  “You’re not a hot mess,” I tell her, holding my weight off of her by bracing my hands on either side of her head. “I’m a fighter, remember? So, it will take more than a little blood to scare me away.”

  Leaning down, I kiss her lips before she changes her mind. When my hard cock unavoidably drags against her thigh through the sheets, she moans, opening her mouth to allow my tongue to slip inside.

  I don’t know if it’s all the anticipation of the last few hours waiting and wanting this moment or what, but it’s the hottest kiss I’ve ever had. No matter how hard I try, I can’t get enough contact with her tongue stroking mine.

  Whitney doesn’t seem to mind. She kisses me back just as desperately while her fingernails dig into both of my ass cheeks. My inner struggle of how to go about getting my hands on the curves underneath her shirt is resolved when Whitney gives me her demands.

  “Touch me. Please, touch me,” she begs through gasps, telling me she’s aching for more, just like me.

  Bracing my weight on one palm without breaking our kiss, I use the other to jerk the covers down an
d off the right side of her body, making room to run my hand up her shirt. The skin of her stomach and breasts is as smooth as silk. So soft and warm. Her tit a perfect fit when I cup it in my hand and graze her nipple with my thumb.

  “Not there,” Whitney mutters against my lips before her hand grabs mine from her breast and shoves it down the front of her panties.

  “Here?” I ask, looking down at her, watching the expression on her face when my fingertips brush her clit for the first time.

  “Yes!” she cries out, now grasping my shoulders tight. While I continue to tease the pleasure from Whitney, her golden eyes drift closed. I keep stealing kisses from the top or bottom of her damp lips every time they part on a new gasp. When her hips lift clear off the mattress, seeking more contact from my hand, I know she’s close.

  Wanting to feel the exact moment she starts to come for me, I ease the tip of my middle finger into her tight, slippery pussy.

  “Mmmm,” Whitney moans.

  “You like that?” I ask.

  Her eyes open; and with a nod of encouragement from her, I start pumping two fingers in and out. Our gazes lock, and then I groan when she takes my cock in her fist and starts stroking it from the root to tip in the same slow but intense rhythm as my fingers fuck her. Both of our hips begin to rock, and our hands bump into each other on each pass, the only barriers between us.

  “I wanna feel you inside me,” Whitney looks up at me and whispers.

  “I wanna be inside you,” I assure her as I get closer and closer to a release.

  “Tomorrow?” she asks, her amber eyes so hopeful and beautiful that I would give her anything she wanted.

  “Tomorrow,” I agree before kissing her forehead below her bandage.

  Chapter Eight


  I wake up with a horrible headache, which is crazy since I didn’t even drink last night.

  Then I feel the heavy body draped on top of me. Looking down, I see big hands cupping my boobs, a messy chocolate head of hair tickling my chest, and I remember why my head hurts so bad.

  Last night with Alex, after the trip to the emergency room was…amazing, until I fell asleep.

  We didn’t have sex. No, we got each other off with only our hands. Alex came all over his shirt I was wearing, and I had a much needed, toe-curling, star-gazing orgasm. After that, I drifted off to sleep.

  Now I’m naked except for panties, vaguely remembering Alex removing the soiled tee, offering me another, which I declined, and then his mouth on my tits nearly giving me a second orgasm before I blacked out. Apparently, he fell asleep soon after, still in the same position, his knees straddling me to thankfully keep most of his weight off of me, hands not only full of boobies but…oh yeah, his mouth is still occasionally sucking on a nipple like it’s an involuntary action.

  My face breaks into a smile, and I have to stifle my giggle because he looks like a gigantic, naked baby, and I almost feel bad about taking his binky away from him. I wish I could rouse him awake and have him work those magic fingers on me again. Ooh, or even better, his mouth. But then I remember that my mom is probably losing her shit right now because I didn’t come home last night and that investor guy is coming to the house in a few hours. A guy I’m expected to woo to help my dad. Even though I’ll bitch about it, I’ll do it for him, not my mother. Dad’s company means everything to him, so I have to try and help save it, if I can. Imagining him sick and in the hospital is a horrible thought.

  While trying to figure out the best way to get out from underneath Alex, I cave, unable to resist running my fingers through his soft hair. That not only gets his mouth going again on my nipple but also causes his dick to twitch against my inner thigh. Jeez, he’s killing me.

  Okay, I need to get moving. I have no idea what time it is because there are no clocks in his bedroom, but the sun is shining through the cracks in his blinds. I try to lift him off of me by pressing my palms against his shoulders, but that does no good at all. So, I can either wake him up or try to wiggle my way out. Since the idea of having the awkward morning after conversation seems about as pleasant as the stitches in my head, I decide to remove his hands from my tits and start squirming backward toward the headboard. Once my hips are free, my legs should be a piece of cake.

  The problem is that, as I use my elbows to crawl out, it causes Alex’s mouth to brush along my sternum and then tickle me when his lips meet my belly button. Okay, so maybe tickle isn’t the right word for it when my eyes drift closed and a gasp escapes my parted lips thanks to his unknowing damp kisses. Taking a deep breath, I heft myself up until my back hits the headboard, leaving Alex’s mouth pressed against my pelvis bone, right above the waistband of my panties. This next part is going to be awkward, but I’m so close to freedom I can taste it.

  I lift my hips to pull them free and can’t prevent the soft moan that slips out when Alex’s warm breath seeps through my panties. With more willpower than I knew I was capable of, I pull my legs out from underneath him and scurry off the bed. Digging through his drawers, I find another t-shirt and some elastic waist shorts that I have to roll over three times to get them to stay on.

  Slinging my purse on my shoulder, I’m finally ready to make my escape. Movement from the bed causes me to freeze. I watch as Alex reaches for the pillow I just occupied and pulls it down underneath his head before stretching out on his stomach. For a few seconds, I just stand there and admire his sexy backside. Realizing we must have kicked all the bedding off during our tussle, I go over and pick it up from the floor to cover Alex to his shoulders. With a heavy sigh of reluctance, I finally tiptoe barefoot out the bedroom and down the hall doing the walk of shame, my sights set on the apartment door.

  “Oh, hey, Whit,” I suddenly hear a masculine voice say into the silence, almost making me crash into the wall. The voice is coming from the kitchen; and since I just left Alex sleeping in his bed, I know it’s not him.

  “Wait a second. What are you doing here?”

  That’s when I finally I recognize the voice and the half-dressed blond man as Luke Campbell, my sister’s best friend. And apparently, Alex’s roommate.

  “Luke! Jeez, you scared the shit out of me,” I tell him, rubbing at my head that’s still aching and remembering the gauze when my fingertips rub over it. I bet my hair looks like a bloody tornado hit it.

  “Sorry, but what the hell are you doing here?” Luke asks, coming over closer and eyeing Alex’s Baltimore Raven tee and black shorts, then my shoeless feet. “Whoa. You and Alex?” he exclaims. “And what the hell happened to your head?”

  “Shhh,” I hush him. “He’s asleep, and I’m trying to get out before the awkward morning conversation.”

  “Oh, right. Sorry,” Luke says, trying to press his lips together to hide his smile and failing.

  “Ugh. Just keep your opinions to yourself,” I tell him with a roll of my eyes.

  “I didn’t say anything,” Luke replies, holding up both of his hands in surrender.

  “Whatever. See you later,” I say as I slip past him and let myself out the door.

  The chilly November air makes me want to turn around and go back inside the warm apartment and curl up next to the cuddly man under the sheets in his comfy bed, but that’s not going to happen. Alex didn’t ask me for my phone number at any point yesterday; and if he really wants it, he could always get it from Luke. I’m not gonna move in with him and set up camp to wait for him to ask me out on an actual date. Especially not when I have an anxious mother waiting for me at home to whore me out.

  It doesn’t matter if last night was fucking incredible or if it felt like Alex’s silvery green eyes were the first ones to actually glimpse into my soul. Most likely I was just trying to find something that wasn’t there while I was in a vulnerable state. And Alex, like any other single guy, was horny and willing to fool around with me.

  Although it was fun while it lasted, now it’s over unless he decides he wants to see me again.

  Chapter Nin


  I pretended to sleep when I felt the bed shift with Whitney’s movement. And I didn’t make it easy for her when she tried to escape without at least a goodbye, not even bothering to tell me whether or not I’ll see her again tonight. Other than a heavy sigh, Whitney left without a sound. Well, after she rubbed her pussy in my face. Not that I minded.

  Honestly, I wish she would’ve stayed so we could fool around more, but her intentions were clear. She wanted to disappear without a word. It was sweet how she covered me with sheets before she snuck out. I just hate not knowing where we stand now. And, fuck, I don’t even have her phone number. Not that I have many minutes on the pre-paid I bought a few months ago, but I could still use it to call her and set up a date.

  Which reminds me.

  I only have six bucks in my wallet that’s still at Havoc. It’s time to suck it up, quit waiting and get a damn job already. Whitney is the perfect incentive too. More than paying rent, or having food. I want to see her again, and I doubt she would agree to many more dates where my bed is the only destination. Sure, she was looking to just hook up last night, but she’s obviously never done that sort of thing before. After breaking up with who I imagine is some douchebag, she wanted to get her rocks off. I’m more than happy to help with that, but I wouldn’t mind getting to know her too.

  Decision made, I decide to run the three miles to Havoc carrying a change of clothes, workout, shower, and then try to find somewhere to earn some money.


  “Yo, Alex!” Senn calls out to me while I catch my breath at the front desk a half an hour later.

  “Hey, what’s up?” I ask him between gasps of breath, although now that I know Whitney is related to Abby I can guess.

  “I figured I should go ahead and give you the standard brother-in-law warning about seeing Whitney,” he starts, a stern expression on his face as he reaches up to smooth back his man bun. Then he barks out a laugh and says, “But you know what? Never mind. She’s totally gonna fuck you over.”


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