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Alex (A Cocky Cage Fighter Novel Book 9)

Page 10

by Lane Hart

  “I’m sorry,” I tell Whitney, covering the top of her hand with mine. “Guys are assholes, and you’re worth so much more than they could ever deserve.”

  “Thanks,” she replies with a small smile.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Dinner with Alex is going great. I can’t believe I’ve told him so much, more than I’ve ever shared with anyone about the first few guys I dated. One thing you quickly realize in private school is that those people are not your friends. The girls may pretend to be, but they’re all two-faced bitches, and the guys are just trying to get laid.

  “So, what about you? What was your last relationship like?” I ask Alex while we wait for our food.

  Pulling his hand away from mine and clearing his throat, he says, “I’m not sure you want to hear about that.”

  “Tell me,” I encourage, simultaneously curious and already hating any woman he’s slept with previously.

  “Fine,” Alex mutters, blowing out a breath. “But you have to promise not to be judgmental.”

  “I promise,” I agree.

  “Savannah was a dancer.”

  “Wow, a dancer?” I repeat, trying to picture him with a tall, leggy slut.

  “An exotic dancer,” he clarifies, his silvery-green eyes intent on my face, waiting for a reaction.

  “You dated a…a stripper?” I ask slowly.

  Pointing his index finger at me, he says, “You’re judging.”

  “Sorry,” I grumble since that’s true.

  “Savannah was paying her way through school the fastest way she could. At the time, I thought the two of us were dating; but after thinking about it these past few months, I’m pretty sure I was just a customer. A very well-paying customer.”

  “Wait. Wouldn’t that make her a…”

  Alex slaps his palm over my mouth while flashing me a smile. “Don’t say it. My ego is bruised enough as it is.”

  With my nod of agreement feeling sorry for him, he removes his hand.

  “How long were you two…dating?” I ask.

  “About three months,” he answers. “After my father kicked me out, well, that was the end of it.”

  “I’m sorry. She sounds like a complete bitch,” I tell him, making him chuckle.

  “Maybe, but it’s not like I was a saint or anything. I guess I was just naïve, thinking that she actually cared about me for more than the cash,” he says with a shrug.

  “That’s not naïve; that’s perfectly reasonable,” I assure him. “What about before her?”

  Shaking his head, Alex tells me, “I’ve never actually had any serious relationships, probably because a part of me always wondered if the girl I was seeing had ulterior motives.”

  “At least now you don’t have to wonder,” I point out.

  “So does that mean that you want to keep seeing me and my broke ass?” he teases with a grin.

  “It does,” I tell him with my own smile.

  “Good, because I want to spend more time with you,” he says, just as the waiter appears with a big tray balanced on his shoulder.

  “The filet mignon?” the college-aged guy asks.

  “That’s me,” I say, and he sets the plate of steaming food down in front of me.

  “And the salmon must be yours, Alex,” he tells him before placing it before him. “Either of you need anything else?”

  Alex checks with me, and I shake my head. “Nope, thanks, Marshall,” Alex tells the waiter, who then disappears.

  “This looks delicious,” I remark, picking up my knife and fork to start cutting up my steak.

  “Yeah, it does,” he agrees. “And I’m starving.”

  As soon as I stick the first hunk of steak into my mouth and start chewing it up, Alex asks, “How is it?”

  I start to respond with a moan of delight, but the steak is suddenly sucked down my throat like it’s being vacuumed into my stomach. Unfortunately, the piece is too large and gets lodged in my windpipe. I try to cough or speak, but no sound comes out of my mouth. Panicking, I can feel my face heating up and my eyes bulging as I look to Alex for help.

  “Not good?” he asks in concern, wrongly interpreting my expression.

  I try again to speak, but it’s no use. The utensils in my hands clatter onto the table so I can start clawing at my throat.

  “Oh, my God. You’re choking?” Alex asks, causing me to nod vigorously.

  Pulling me onto his lap in one swift move, my back to this chest, he wraps his arms tightly around my waist. Clenching one fist with the other, he starts doing abdominal thrusts that I vaguely recognize as the Heimlich.

  Fuck, do they hurt, but on the third one, the piece of half-chewed steak thankfully goes flying in an arch over the table, landing on the floor.

  Normally I would be embarrassed about spitting out my food in such a nice restaurant, but I’m too relieved to care. I slump back against Alex’s chest as I gasp in much-needed breaths of fresh air.

  “Jesus, are you okay?” he asks, reaching for my face to turn it towards his.

  “That was scary,” I reply softly, tears welling up in my eyes. “Not getting any air…”

  “I bet,” Alex says. “I think my heart stopped for a few seconds.”

  Still pressed against him, I can feel his heartbeat racing against my cheek.

  Sweeping my now shorter hair back from my face, Alex asks, “Do you have life and death emergencies like this all the time, or is it just around me?”

  Unable to help my small peep of a laugh, I tell him, “I swear it’s just you.”

  “Do you want to go?”

  “No,” I answer. “But I think I’ll stick to the soft vegetables for now,” I tell him with a smile.

  “That might be best,” he agrees before I reluctantly slide down off of his lap and retake my seat.

  When I pick up my fork, I notice that my hand is noticeably trembling. Well, I did almost die. If Alex hadn’t figured out what was going on, who knows, right? Maybe I’m being overdramatic, but I’m still freaking out.

  “You know, I’m not hungry anymore,” Alex says, making me cringe for ruining what was such a great date.

  “I’m sorry,” I tell him.

  “No, it’s not your fault. What do you say we pack this all up to go?” he asks. “We could head back to my place, if you want to, for a little while and eat it later?”

  His silvery-green eyes are hesitant as if he’s worried I’ll turn him down like after our last date. But tonight, despite the fact that I haven’t been honest with Alex about having to date Kenneth, I still want to spend some time in his bed.

  “That sounds like a great idea,” I answer.

  While I feel guilty, at the same time I know that I need this, something good in my life that’s just for me. It’s not like I’m attracted to Kenneth or have even kissed him. That’s more of a business relationship, in my opinion. A necessary one. Alex is just for me, and being with him makes me happy.

  Now, though, my mind is swirling with a million different worries. The two most prominent ones are, what exactly are his expectations tonight? And can I live up to them?

  “I’m going to, um, head to the ladies’ room while you get the check,” I tell him. “Let me know how much I owe you for my part.”

  “Don’t even think about it,” Alex says with a shake of his head. “Go. I’ll take care of it.”

  He seems confident, so I give him a quick kiss on his cheek before I slide out of the booth and find the restroom to try and calm my nerves.



  I order a slice of cheesecake for Whitney when I ask Marshall for the bill, hoping she likes it, and then pack up both of our plates into styrofoam containers.

  After what happened, there’s no way I can eat right now. I was starving before, but my hunger disappeared and was replaced with concern as soon as Whitney stopped breathing.

  She’s gone for so long I start to get worried. I’ve already paid, and everything’s re
ady to go when she returns to the table.

  “You okay?” I ask, getting to my feet to examine her. Her beautiful face is slightly paler than usual, but otherwise, she looks okay.

  “Yeah,” she replies quickly.

  Picking up the plastic bag full of food in one hand, I take Whitney’s in the other and lead her out the front.

  She’s quiet on the way back to the apartment, which I expect is unusual for her. I’m not surprised that she’s withdrawn. If I were her, I would probably be reconsidering whether or not to keep seeing someone when your life is always at risk being around them.

  Although, I had nothing at all to do with the toilet, the stove was a complete accident, but I suppose Anton’s was my poor restaurant choice.

  Back at the apartment, I put our food in the fridge and tell Whitney, “I DVRed some episodes of I Love Lucy if you want to watch them?”

  “Nice!” she replies with a smile before flopping down on the sofa.

  Truth be told, I didn’t have DVR capabilities until Luke moved in and wanted to upgrade our cable package. Since I now have a job and it was only a few dollars more a month, I figured what the heck. Those dollars are well spent to make Whitney happy.

  Turning on the television and getting the show started with the remote, I take a seat next to her and have zero hesitation about slipping my arm around her waist and pulling her closer. Whitney willingly comes, resting her head on my chest and draping her arm across my stomach.

  The first five minutes of her fingernails trailing over my abs through my shirt makes me want to squirm. The next ten becomes excruciating, and the fifteen after that are just plain torture.

  So when Whitney asks, “Do you want to go to your room?” I practically jump up with her in my arms.

  Then I belatedly remember my promise to myself about not sleeping with her just yet. That doesn’t mean we can’t do other things…

  “Yeah, let’s go,” I tell her, getting to my feet and pulling her up to hers.

  As soon as I shut the bedroom door, I turn around just in time to watch Whitney pull her dress over her head, leaving her in nothing but her tall brown boots and white bra and panties.

  “Whoa, you don’t waste any time, do you?” I ask in amusement.

  “Nope,” she answers before reaching behind her back to unhook her bra. Once it’s undone, she lets the delicate material shimmy down her arms and to the floor.

  There’s not even time for me to enjoy her beautiful breasts before she bends over and hooks her thumbs in the string waistband of her panties to ease them down her thighs, over her boots and off.

  Taking a seat on the edge of my bed, Whitney crosses one leg over the other and says, “Your turn.”

  That’s the point at which I realize I need to take back control of the situation or despite my earlier decree, I’ll be fucking her in the next thirty seconds.

  “Get naked,” she instructs me as I approach her.

  “Nuh-uh,” I reply. “I was naked while you stayed fully clothed the other day. Now it’s my turn to admire you. Uncross your legs,” I instruct since her boots are hot, but they’re hiding her sweet spot that’s even hotter.

  Only hesitating for a split second, Whitney slowly lifts her right leg from the left and places it on the floor. Likely doing it on purpose, she keeps her thighs together, not allowing me the view I want.

  “Spread them,” I tell her while staying a few feet back to keep from touching her. Once I do, all of my will-power is gonna go down the toilet, and I need to remember that regardless of how much I’m dying to be inside of her tonight, I have to resist. It’s important that Whitney knows I’m not just using her for sex. Besides, it’s finally time I see what all the hype about delayed gratification is anyway.

  With her hands on top of her thighs, Whitney opens her legs to reveal a tiny sliver of bare pussy.

  “Wider,” I order, going down on my knees before her for a better look. “As wide as you can possibly go if you want to feel my tongue inside you.”

  That command does it. Whitney’s legs spread into a wide V offering plenty of room for me to fit between them.

  Unable to resist for another moment, I crawl forward, my eyes focused on my prize before me. Without giving her any warning, I grab her hips to pull her to the very edge of the mattress and flatten my tongue to lick her from the bottom all the way up to the top.

  “Ahh!” Whitney cries out from above me. One of her hands slaps down on the bed beside her while her fingers on the other hand spear through the front of my hair to yank my face toward her body again.

  This time I slowly swirl the tip of my tongue over her clit.

  “Yes! God, yes! Right there!” she moans in encouragement and surprise like it’s the first time anyone’s mouth has ever found that little guaranteed sweet spot. I lap at and tease her clit while she lifts her hips off the mattress to give me better access. By the time she screams and her body shudders with her orgasm, both of her feet are planted on the floor, and she’s practically riding my mouth like it’s the saddle and she’s the cowgirl. She grasps my hair tightly in her fist to hold on, even though with my grip on both of her thighs she’s not in danger of falling.

  After her body finishes convulsing and she comes back down, her bottom lands on the bed with a bounce. She lies back on her elbows to keep her upright as she catches her breath, her chest heaving, causing her breasts to bounce enticingly.

  “How was that?” I ask while placing gentle kisses on her inner thigh.

  “If I suck your dick, will you do that again?” she asks, making me bark out a laugh.

  “While that’s a tempting offer, you’ve already choked once tonight. Don’t you think that’s enough?” I tease, making her giggle. “Lay back, relax, and let me just take care of you for a while,” I suggest.

  I don’t have to tell Whitney twice. She collapses onto the mattress with her legs splayed open, allowing me to get back to work making her squirm and moan. My cock is hard and aching behind my zipper, but I refuse to give in to its demands tonight.

  Chapter Twenty


  Ah, the things this man can do with his tongue are unbelievable. He made me see so many stars that I lost count of them all.

  In fact, there was a point at which I think I dozed off from the exhaustion of so many explosions of bliss.

  “You…are a keeper,” I tell Alex, feeling around for him since my heavy eyelids still refuse to open and the rest of my exhausted body lacks the energy to move.

  Should’ve known. My fingers plow through his thick hair that’s at my chest level because his talented mouth is now doing a number on my breasts.

  “I wouldn’t mind keeping you either, right here in my bed,” he says before his lips latch onto my nipple, making me squirm.

  “Oh really?” I ask.

  “Uh-huh,” he answers around his mouthful.

  “And what would you do with me if I were always in your bed?”

  Cupping both of my breasts and pushing them together, he says, “I could go without food or water, but I would have to spend a few hours a day sucking on these beautiful titties and eating your pussy.”

  “Hours?” I repeat with a giggle when he buries his face between my cleavage.

  “They deserve nothing less,” he tells my boobs.

  “What else?” I ask as my strength returns, right along with the building pressure of arousal down below.

  “Well,” he starts and pauses. When I blink open my eyes, I see Alex moving up my body, his hair all cute and disheveled. He lowers his face to my neck, brushing his damp lips over my sensitive skin and taking my breath away. “I would spend the rest of the time searching for every single erogenous zone on your body.”

  “I…I think you found one,” I admit, spreading my thighs and wrapping my boots over Alex’s legs to align his hard length through his pants against my empty, wet and clenching pussy.

  Since he’s unfortunately still dressed, I reach between us and start un
doing the buttons on his dress shirt while he continues to kiss my neck.

  “How…about…here?” he whispers into my ear before nipping at my earlobe.

  “Yes,” I moan at the same time I’m finally able to push the shirt from Alex’s broad shoulders and down his muscular arms to get my hands on his sexy chest and abs.

  Unable to take any more of his tickling lips, I grab the sides of his face and bring his mouth down to mine. Our tongues plunge in and out of each other’s mouths in a hot, urgent kiss that makes me desperate for more friction between my legs. That won’t happen until Alex’s pants come off, so I pop the top button and unzip them. Giving a shove to the material, I’m finally able to jerk the elastic waistband of what feels like boxer briefs down to free his cock. It’s nice and thick and ready, so I press the blunt head right against my opening…

  “Whoa!” Alex exclaims as he scrambles off of me to stand at the foot of his bed. “What…what are you doing?” he asks, his sculpted chest heaving while he tucks his impressive cock back into his undies.

  “Trying to fuck you,” I reply. “So why are you putting Alex Junior away?” I ask with an exaggerated pout.

  “Well, first of all, I would need to put on a condom before you just shove it inside…”

  “I’m on birth control if you’re good to go,” I tell him.

  “Goddamn it,” he groans while stabbing his fingers through the front of his thick, messy hair. “I’m trying my best not to fuck you, and you’re not exactly helping.”

  That causes me to sit up and take notice. “What?” I ask for clarification. “You don’t want to fuck me?”

  Pacing back and forth at the foot of the bed, Alex shakes his head and says, “No, I didn’t say that I don’t want to fuck you, because I do. I really, really do. I said I’m trying not to.”

  “You’re not making any sense,” I tell him. “Try again or get naked.”

  Finally facing me, he blows out a breath that fans the front of his hair and says, “So you know how you’re going out with me even though I’m broke?”


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