Keep This Promise
Page 31
“Valid point,” Gabe says, like we’re having some sort of scientific discussion in class. “When I saw them together a couple nights ago, she was putting out some pretty hateful vibes.”
“That’s because you interrupted us.” I almost had her that night at the party. Hell, I could’ve had her last night, but she was drunk. Behaving strangely. I meant every word I said to her. I didn’t want her to forget, or full of regret afterward. I wanted her into me. Into us.
“And so you pushed her off last night, why?” Tristan asks, turning to look at me. His gaze is razor sharp as he waits for my answer. “Because you were trying to be a gentleman or some such bullshit?”
I push my plate away, smiling up at the waitress when she stops by and pours me another cup of coffee before she darts off. “She was too drunk.”
Gabe snorts. “There is no such thing as a girl who is too drunk to fuck.”
“Are you even listening to yourself right now? You sound like a complete asshole.” He sounds like me approximately four days ago, before I met Jade.
Has it really only been four days? Unbelievable.
“And so do you,” Tristan quickly adds, jabbing a finger in my direction. “All panties look the same once they hit the floor, bro. Or when they get lost in a tangle of sheets in your bed. There is nothing special about this girl’s panties. Trust me. They’re all the same.”
“Damn, simmer down, T. Who burned you to make you so bitter?” Gabe asked, making me crack up.
Tristan shrugs then leans over and snatches a piece of toast off my plate, taking a bite. “My motto is to keep my heart out of it.”
“Right, making you a heartless bastard,” Gabe says with a slight sneer. “It’s all about fun while we’re in college. Nothing serious. If you’re upfront with a girl, they get it right away.”
“Oh yeah? And how’s Meadow?” I ask Gabe, making him frown in confusion.
“Meadow. The girl you were with Saturday night when you so rudely interrupted me and Jade,” I remind him. I knew he’d answer like that. They’re giving me a bunch of shit? Gabe is the epitome of the love ‘em and leave ‘em guy.
“Oh, yeah. Meadow.” Gabe smiles fondly. “She has a great rack. Decent kisser.”
“Right,” I say sarcastically. “Surprised you can remember. You didn’t even know who I was talking about until I reminded you.”
“Hey, at least I closed the deal with her, unlike you and your redheaded babe,” Gabe throws back at me accusingly. “I’m not here to find my future wife or anything like that. Real life’s barreling down on all of us and we’ll have to face it sooner or later. May as well enjoy our time here while we can, right?”
“I’m not looking for my future wife,” I say, ignoring the panic rising within me at the word wife. Fuck no, that is the last thing I want. Gabe is seriously reminding me of my mother right now. And that’s not a compliment. “I barely know this girl.”
“You’ve never, ever wanted to spend more than one night with a girl,” Tristan points out. “And you always close the deal, as Gabe so aptly described. You’re all about closing the deal. I’ve always admired your abilities in being able to close the deal with every single girl you encounter.”
“Maybe I’m not ready to close the deal with Jade yet,” I mumble, feeling under attack. What does it matter? Since when did these two care so much about my sex life?
“And there’s where it gets strange,” Tristan says, Gabe nodding enthusiastically in agreement. “One and done. Isn’t that something you’ve said countless times? Hasn’t that been your philosophy when it comes to girls?”
One and done. Yeah, it definitely was.
“Them’s the rules man,” Gabe says, his expression serious. “Three little words. One. And. Done.”
I throw my napkin across the table and it hits Gabe in the chest. “We don’t have rules or any of that bullshit. So fuck you both. I don’t want anything serious with Jade. Trust me. She’d probably wrench my balls off and hand them to me with a smile if I tried to make a move on her.”
Lies. I’m lying through my teeth. After the way she acted last night, the things we said to each other, I don’t think she’d mind me making a move on her. I should text her. Find out what she’s doing today. See if we can get together soon, maybe tonight…
“You’re thinking about her right now,” Gabe says, pointing at me. “You want her. Holy hell, I think you actually like her.”
I slide out of the booth as they laugh at me, sending them both a dirty look. Reaching for my wallet, I peel out a ten and throw it on the table, then shove my wallet back in my jeans. “Have a nice day, pussies.”
Their laughter follows me out of the restaurant but I don’t look back, though I’m tempted to give them the finger and tell them to fuck off only because they’re getting too close to the truth.
I like this girl. I was thinking about her. I want to see her again. I don’t care if I’m breaking the so called rules or whatever. I don’t want anything serious.
I’m thinking spending time with Jade beyond the one and done variety could be worth it.
Pausing at the streetlight, I wait for it to turn green so I can cross and get to my car. I pull my phone out and send her a quick text, shoving my phone back in my front pocket and not waiting for her to reply. She could be in class or still asleep. It could be hours until she responds. She might play hard to get. Worse, she might hate me. I never know with Jade. She keeps me on my toes.
I think that might be my favorite thing about her. Oh, that and her fucking incredible mouth.
My phone dings and I check it, surprised and pleased to see her answer.
Tonight? Are you serious?
Shaking my head, I answer.
Yeah. Are you busy?
I have class.
The light changes and I start crossing, typing as I do, earning a few dirty looks for my effort.
What time are you out?
I wonder if she’s lying to me. Maybe she doesn’t want to see me.
I can pick you up after.
She makes me wait and in turn, makes me sweat. Just a little bit. Not much. And it pisses me off. Girls don’t make me sweat. Nothing makes me sweat beyond my old man.
Finally, my phone dings with a text alert.
Chapter 10
* * *
The second I walk out of the building I see him in the near distance, leaning against the front of his car. I’m walking with a friend from class, listening distractedly as she rambles on about the assignment for next week, my gaze never leaving him though he doesn't notice me, not yet. She catches me staring though and stops short when she spots Shep.
“Ooh, he’s pretty,” Nicole breathes. “Looks like he’s waiting for someone too.”
I pretend for a moment he’s not waiting for me and I try my best to observe him objectively. It’s tough because I’m totally hot for him and I can’t blame it on alcohol, not tonight. He’s wearing a black T-shirt that molds to his chest and shoulders, the sleeves tight around his biceps. Dark rinse jeans, a baseball cap on backwards, his face lit in shadows from the lamppost just to the right of him. He looks…amazing, bent over his phone, the glow of the screen highlighting that gorgeous face.
My phone buzzes and I check it.
You’re staring.
I laugh and he lifts his head at the sound, the upward tilt of his lips just for me. Even from such a long distance, I feel the impact of his smile all the way down to my bones.
“Wait a minute.” Nicole touches my arm, stopping me. “Is he waiting for you?”
She sounds surprised. I guess I can’t blame her. “Yeah, he is,” I say proudly, hitching the strap of my backpack higher on my shoulder.
“Wow.” She squints, studying him as we draw closer to the parking lot and Shep. “Is that Shep Prescott?”
“Uh huh,”
I tell her, bracing for some what a player, he’s a total man whore remark from her.
But she remains blissfully silent. I can only assume she’s so stunned Shep would be waiting for me she doesn’t know what to say.
“Hey.” He lifts his chin when I draw closer, his gaze going to Nicole by my side. She’s gawking at him unabashedly and I’m almost embarrassed for her. Almost.
Really, I can’t blame her. I would totally gawk at him myself. Which I am.
“Hi,” I say as I nudge Nicole in the side. This helps stop the gawking. “Shep, this is Nicole.”
“Hello,” he says with a nod, his gaze immediately returning to me. “You look good.”
Those three simple words spoken in that low, seductive voice just about melt the bones in my legs. “Um, thanks.” I’m wearing my tightest jeans as per Kelli’s instructions and a blue and white plaid button up shirt over a white camisole with a built in bra, though that went against my better judgment, Kelli insisted. I’m definitely dressed up compared to my usual yoga pants and a sweatshirt outfit I normally wear for this Monday night class.
“You need a ride?” he asks Nicole and for some strange reason, my heart warms because he’s considerate enough to think of her and make the offer.
“No, I drove.” She shakes her head and flashes me a knowing smile, one that says you lucky bitch. “Nice meeting you, Shep. See you around, Jade.”
She walks over to her car, I can see one of the security guards that watch the parking lot nearby and I know she’s safe. We always walk in pairs or groups out here at night because you never know. Too many campus rape horror stories across the country and we don’t want to risk it.
“Are you two close?” he asks once Nicole is out of earshot.
I shake my head, and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. “She’s more like a class friend. Not like we hang out, but we always talk before class, walk out together. Most of the time she gives me a ride.”
“You don’t have a car?”
“No, I can’t afford one. When school’s out I’ll go back home and get a job for the summer. I’m trying to save up for a cheap used car.” My mom can’t afford to just buy me a car. She drives an ’01 Jetta that’s a European heap of crap she’s constantly taking to the shop. What I make at Light My Fire pays for the extras but I couldn't manage a car payment on my part time wages. I have no idea what it’s like to be outlandishly wealthy like the Prescotts.
Worry knots my stomach and I try to push it away. Just thinking about the wealth, the legacy Shep comes from makes me nervous. What is he doing with me? Half the time I wonder if he’s just trying to torment me.
The other half wonders if he really could be in to me.
“You won’t stick around here for the summer?” he asks, knocking me from my thoughts.
“There’s no point. The dorms close and I can’t afford rent anywhere, not even if I had a bunch of roommates.” A breeze washes over me and I shiver, wishing I brought a sweater. I forgot my cardigan last night at the casino or whatever they call it. I should ask for Shep to look for it. I hate losing clothes, more so because I don’t want to have to replace them.
“That’s too bad,” he says, his voice soft, his expression pensive. He pushes away from his car and approaches, stopping directly in front of me. “You ready to go?”
“Yeah.” I tilt my head back so I can look into his eyes. He’s so tall. And broad. He looks cute with the backward baseball hat on. I wonder if he used to play sports. If he works out constantly or maybe his body is naturally that amazing. “Where are we going?”
He smiles and the sight of it sends a zing of electricity through my veins. “It’s a surprise.”
“Your house?” I ask incredulously as he pulls into the driveway and waits for the garage to open. “If you think you can get me into your bed that easy, you’re sadly mistaken.” My voice comes out shaky and I clear my throat. What if that’s his real intent? Would I refuse him? I should.
I should, I should, I should.
He gives me a look. “Do you think I have a one track mind or what?”
“Well, you are a guy.” And all they think about is sex.
But here’s the problem. The more time I spend with Shep, the more I think about sex. With Shep. Only him. No one else.
What’s he like in bed? Fast and intense? Slow and methodical? Does he joke as much naked as he does clothed? Just imagining him stripping off my clothes, his mouth blazing a path along my skin, makes me uneasy. In a great but nerve wracking way. What if I don’t measure up? I don’t have any secret sexual tricks. When it comes to sex, most of the time I feel like an utter failure.
Yep, off I go. My performance anxiety is at it again.
“Right,” he practically snorts as he pulls into the garage and shuts off the engine. He turns to look at me, his hands loosely gripping the steering wheel. “And only guys think about sex.”
“Most of the time,” I agree quietly.
“And girls never think about sex.” He starts to chuckle and it’s this deep, rich sound that makes me warm inside. “I should be offended by your generalizations.”
I’m a hypocrite is what I am. I was the one who threw myself at him last night. Who agreed to see him again. Who can’t help but think about him. Naked.
“And you do realize you can have sex in places other than a bed, right? I mean, why limit yourself? You can do it against a wall. On the floor. In the back seat of my car.” He flicks his gaze to the back seat while he says that.
And instantly fuels my imagination, especially with the way he said my car.
As if he’s thinking of the two of us together. In the backseat. Right now…
“Don’t you think a bed is more…comfortable?” I can’t believe we’re having this conversation and that I’m actually encouraging it.
He stares at me quietly, his gaze dropping to my mouth, lingering there. My heart starts thumping extra hard and I lick my suddenly dry lips.
I swear he just groaned.
“Sometimes, it’s not about the comfort,” he finally says, his voice scratchy. Husky. Sexy. “Sometimes…you’re so overcome, you can’t wait to get your hands on her.”
I look at his hands, see the way they flex and shift as they still cling to the steering wheel. His palms are wide, his fingers long. They’ve touched me before and I wish they were touching me right freaking now. “Overcome?” No guy has ever acted like he’s had to have me, no matter what the cost. I wonder what that’s like.
More than anything, I wonder what that’s like with Shep.
“Well, yeah.” His fingers curl around the steering wheel tightly and he turns his head, his smoldering gaze meeting mine. “Don’t tell me you’ve never felt like that.”
I’m feeling like that right about now. Not that I can say so. “Not really,” I confess, my voice barely a whisper.
He’s quiet for so long I want to squirm in my seat I’m that uncomfortable. I look away from him, staring at my hands as I clutch them in my lap. I should’ve never said that. He must think I’m hopeless. He’ll probably start the car and drive me back to my dorm hall, drop me off and hit me with a casual, “Nice knowing you,” before he speeds off.
I know I would if I were him. I don’t measure up in more ways than I can count.
He makes a strangled sound in the back of his throat and I lift my head, my gaze going to his hands as they drop from the steering wheel and he starts to move.
Toward me.
I lean back, my shoulders bumping against the passenger door, my breath catching in my throat. I look at his face, taking in his determined expression, the spark in his gaze. He looks…intense.
“Prescott! What the fuck man? Are you jacking off in your car or what?”
“Who’s that?” I practically scream, fear sending my heart into my throat. Shep falls back into his seat, muttering curse words under his breath as he reaches for the door handle and opens it, climbing
out of the car.
“Fuck off, Tristan. Jesus.” Shep slams the door, leaving me alone in the car.
Taking a deep, shaky breath, I smooth my hand over my hair, then rest it on my chest, my heart throbbing against my palm. I think Tristan is his cousin. Kelli gave me a run down of the people Shep’s known to hang out with and I already met Gabe.
A sharp knock sounds directly behind me and I shift away from the passenger door with a squeal, turning to find an extremely good looking guy peering at me through the window. He knocks again on the glass, flashing me a friendly smile and I try to smile back but it feels wobbly.
Shep appears by Tristan’s side, glowering at him so Tristan has no choice but to back away from the door. Shep opens it for me and I climb out of the vehicle, casting a nervous glance in Shep’s direction before I turn to Tristan. “Hi.”
Tristan smiles lazily, his perfectly straight, perfectly white teeth flashing. “What’s your name, gorgeous?”
“Jade.” I feel my cheeks flush as Shep sends Tristan a deathly glare.
“Tristan.” His deep voice is a warning.
“I’m just being polite.” Tristan extends his hand, his expression neutral though his eyes are sparkling with mischief. “Nice to meet you, Jade. You must be the redhead Shep and Gabe keep going on and on about.”
I gape at the both of them, too stunned to say a word. They’ve been going on and on about me? What in the world? Why?
I’m dying to know why.
* * *
* * *
My cousin has the biggest mouth on the planet. I hate that guy. And I especially hate the way he keeps staring at Jade like he wants to gobble her up.
Only I get that privilege damn it.
“Where’s your restroom?” Jade asks, glancing around the giant kitchen that is perfectly clean because we never use it. Granite countertops gleam beneath the lights and the stainless steel appliances are spotless. It helps that we have a housekeeper.