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Keep This Promise

Page 106

by Willow Winters

“After being in the business for a year, I was at a party, and that was when I was introduced to Jack Hanson, my manager,” he tells me.

  “Jack asked if I’d ever considered acting. I told him I hadn’t, but I was willing to give it a try. I signed with him and enrolled in some acting lessons. He started getting me auditions for small roles, like ads and that kind of thing. Then, he called me up one day and said he had a role in a movie he thought I’d be perfect for. He sent me the details. Of course I liked the looks of it. I mean, it was a movie. If I got the part, I knew it’d be a huge step in my career. I just didn’t realize how huge. So, a week later, off I went to audition for the part of Talion in All the Pretty Ones.”

  “But you played Zander in the movie.”

  Zander was the lead role. Talion was Zander’s rival in the movie. All the Pretty Ones was a dystopian film based on the novel of the same name. That movie was when the whole world fell in love with Vaughn West.

  “Yeah, but when I went in to audition for the part of Talion, Jeff saw me—Jeff Burke, the director,” he explains. “Took one look at me and said I was exactly what he was looking for, for Zander. He asked me to read for the part. I did, and he offered me the role on the spot. And, as they say, the rest is history.”

  “Wow,” I say.

  “Yeah,” he says, but he doesn’t sound as enthused as he should.

  “You don’t sound happy about it.”

  “I am.” He takes a swig of his beer. “But, sometimes, I just wish…”


  He looks at me again.

  “I wish I had my anonymity back. I wish I could just walk around, unknown.”

  “You can here, in Keno.”

  “I know. But I wish I could just go anywhere without being recognized. Without someone stopping me to ask if I was Vaughn West, if they could take a photo with me, if they could have my autograph. I wish I could go to the fucking grocery store without the press following me there. Without my whereabouts being tweeted and shared among people, and then a crowd turns up, and I have to have a security escort out of there. To meet a pretty girl, take her out on a date, have a relationship without every detail ending up on the nightly fucking news. I just…I don’t know.” He sighs. “I love my job. I love acting. I’m fucking good at it. But, sometimes, I wonder what my life would have been like if I hadn’t made that call.”

  “Sometimes, I wonder what my life would have been like if my dad hadn’t murdered my mom.”

  Jesus, I can’t believe I just said that.

  “Fuck, Charly. Jesus.” He scrubs a hand over his face. “Here I am, whining like a little bitch about my privileged life…and you lost your mom. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I guess…I think everyone’s problems are individual to them. No one else’s problems are bigger or more important than the next person’s, you know. I think we all deal with things differently. We all have different levels of coping abilities.”

  “And you have the dealing ability of a lioness. And, still, I’m a whiny dick who’s not worthy of you. I’m sorry, Pins.”

  “Like I said, don’t be. That’s not why I said it.”

  Why did I?

  “Then, why did you?” His words echo my own thoughts.

  I look down at my hands. “I don’t know. I guess, it kind of just popped out because I feel safe with you. I know I can talk to you. Tell you anything. I trust you, Vaughn.”

  I finally look back up at him, and the warmth in his eyes coats my skin like a blanket.

  “I trust you, too, Pins.”

  He kisses my forehead, and then I lay my head back down on his chest and take a sip of my beer.

  And I realize something in this moment.

  I get to see the real Vaughn West. One not many other people get to see.

  I can’t tell you how incredibly privileged that makes me feel because he’s so very special. He’s so much more than what people see on-screen.

  He’s smart and witty and beautiful, inside and out, and he’s incredibly talented. I’ve never known a man who loved his family more.

  He has such a big heart. A heart that I want to keep all for myself.

  I don’t ever want to let him go.

  I’m just not sure how I can keep him forever.

  Chapter 28


  It’s a warm evening, so Charly and I decide to walk over to my parents’ house, as it’s only a ten-minute walk.

  She’s wearing this sexy strappy, knee-length pink dress that I can’t wait to take off her later. Surprisingly, she doesn’t have heels on her feet; instead, she has on a pair of flip-flops.

  She looks beautiful.

  I catch hold of her hand as we walk.

  She smiles up at me and wraps her other hand over my arm, bringing herself closer to me.

  It’s good to be able to walk outside and hold her hand. Okay, so it’s on my parents’ land, not in the middle of town, but still, it feels good.

  “This is nice,” she murmurs.

  “Yeah, it is.”

  And it really is. Not just the hand-holding. Being here with her. I’m usually here on my own. I don’t bring anyone here. I thought it would be weird, her being here, but it isn’t. Having her in my home feels as natural as breathing.

  We reach my parents’ house and head on inside. As usual, the noise is at an epic level.

  “Uncle Vaughn!”

  A swarm of kids run at me, hugging my legs and stomach.

  “Hey,” I say to my nieces and nephews. “Kids, this is Charly.”

  They all let me go, and four sets of eyes all stare at Charly.

  “Charly, this is George.” I pat his head. “He belongs to Meg and Vic. These three are Parker, Thomas, and Nora. They’re Sasha and Greg’s.”

  “My mama and daddy are getting married,” Nora tells her.

  Nora’s three and beyond cute. I adore her.

  I know you’re not supposed to have favorites, but she’s my favorite.

  “I know,” Charly says, crouching down to Nora’s level. “It’s so exciting. I bet you’re a bridesmaid, right?”

  “Uh-huh,” Nora replies. “My brothers are page boys. I’m three, you know.”

  “She doesn’t care how old you are,” Thomas says to her. “Are you Uncle Vaughn’s girlfriend?” he asks Charly.

  Charly looks up at me and then back at Thomas. “Yeah, I guess I am.”

  “Mama said you were his girlfriend,” Nora says. “She was telling Aunt Meg how pretty you are and that she thinks that Uncle Vaughn is going to marry you.”

  “And that’s enough of this conversation.” I scoop Nora up in my arms, carrying her through to the living room, blowing a raspberry on her stomach.

  “Stop, Uncle Vaughn!” she squeals, grabbing my hair.

  Then, I feel arms grab me from behind, and it’s Parker. I drop to my knees, placing Nora on the floor, and take hold of Parker, bringing him over my shoulder. I go down to the floor with him. The next thing I know, I’m under attack from four kids, who are all on me. Three are tickling me while Nora is blowing raspberries on my stomach.

  “Uncle Vaughn, why is your tummy so hard? Daddy’s tummy isn’t this hard when I blow raspberries on it. It’s all squishy.”

  “Thanks, baby.” I hear Greg’s voice, followed by his laughter.

  “Sounds like you need to get to the gym, man.” I look up at him, grinning.

  He picks Nora up from off me, gives her a kiss, and puts her to her feet while I continue to wrestle with the boys.

  “Grandma wants you all in the kitchen to wash up for dinner.”

  They all groan in unison, and then, one by one, they clamber off me and head into the kitchen.

  Greg offers me a hand, and I get to my feet.

  “Good to see you.” I give him a one-armed hug. “Greg, this is my girl, Charly.”

  Charly’s lingering in the living room doorway with this odd look on her face.

  I raise a brow in question, but she
just returns it with a smile.

  “Hey,” Greg says to her, giving her a polite nod. “Good to meet you.”

  She walks over and stands beside me. I sling my arm over her shoulder.

  “Congratulations on your upcoming wedding,” she says to Greg.

  “How are you feeling about signing away your life to my sister?” I joke with him.

  “I signed it away years ago.” He chuckles, making us all laugh.

  “Where is everyone?” I ask him.

  “Your dad’s out back with Vic, showing him the tent. Sasha, your mom, Gran, and Meg are all in the kitchen.”

  “I guess we should go let Mom know we’re here,” I tell Charly.

  We leave Greg in the living room and head toward the kitchen.

  “You okay?” I quietly ask her.

  “Yeah”—she smiles—“I’m good. Your nephews and niece are adorable.”

  “They get it from me.”

  “Of course they do.” She rolls her eyes, making me laugh.

  I push open the door, seeing the familiar sight of the women in my family in the kitchen. As usual, Meg’s sitting at the breakfast bar, reading a magazine and sipping a glass of wine; she’s not a cooker. Gran, Mom, and Sasha are working in perfect sync.

  “We’re here,” I announce.

  “Vaughn!” Meg hops off her stool and runs at me, throwing her arms around me like she hasn’t seen me for a year. “Missed you, movie star.”

  “Missed you, too, Nutmeg.”

  “And you must be Charly!” She lets go of me and advances on Charly, sweeping her up in a hug.

  I think Charly must be getting used to the hugs, as she doesn’t seem to freeze up this time.

  “I love your hair! Sasha said it was gorgeous, and it really is. Come sit with me.” She grabs Charly’s hand, leading her over to the breakfast bar.

  “Hey, Mom.” I lean over and kiss her cheek.

  “Hey.” She smiles.

  “Sasha, Gran.” I smile at them. “You doing okay?”

  “I would be if your sister didn’t keep trying to give me the easy jobs.” Gran frowns at Sasha.

  “I’m not!” Sasha holds her hands up in innocence.

  “Do you want a glass of wine?” Meg asks Charly.

  “Sure. Thanks.”

  “Movie star, grab us a glass for Charly. So, you’re the girl who finally tamed my baby brother.”

  “Hey! Who says I’m tamed?” I put the wine glass down and pick up the bottle, pouring some into the glass for Charly.

  “Thanks,” she says to me, picking it up and taking a sip.

  I rest my arm around her shoulder.

  Meg is staring at us with a big smile on her face.

  “What?” I say to her.


  “You’re acting weirder than usual, Nutmeg.”

  “You just look so adorable together.” She presses her hands to her chest.

  “And, on that note, we’re going to say hi to Dad and Vic. Come on, Pins.” I reach for her hand, helping her off the stool.

  “Oh my God, you have a nickname for her! That’s so sweet! Did you hear that, Mom? Vaughn has a nickname for Charly. It’s so cute.”

  “Run,” I whisper into Charly’s ear. “Before she starts getting out Sasha’s bridal magazines for us to take a look at.”

  Charly looks at me. There’s a beat of hesitation in her eyes, which she quickly covers with a smile. And, as we make a hasty exit from the kitchen and away from my overly romantic sister, I wonder where the hesitation came from, but before I can think too much about it, the second we step outside, we’re under attack from Jester. Well, Charly is. He practically leaps into her arms. She giggles, cuddling him, while he licks her face.

  I think Jester’s in love. He’s not the only one.



  Chapter 29


  “Megs, do you remember when Vaughn was obsessed with Bugsy Malone?” Sasha says with a smile on her face.

  We’ve just finished dinner—or I should say, a feast of epic proportions—and I’m stuffed to the rafters. I won’t need to eat for another week. Vaughn’s family has been telling me funny stories all night.

  The meal and company have been amazing. I’ve had such fun. Although I do keep catching Vaughn staring at me with this odd look in his eyes. One I’ve never seen before.

  “Oh my God, yeah!” Meg laughs.

  “Oh God, no,” Vaughn groans from beside me.

  I glance at him, but he’s too busy giving his sisters the evil eye across the table.

  “He used to make us watch it with him all the time,” Sasha tells me.

  “It is a great film,” I say. “Maybe being an actor was in your blood all along, not just a happenstance.” I nudge his elbow with mine, and he smiles warmly at me.

  “Yeah, but not only did he used to watch it daily, he also used to get us to watch it with him. We’d have to dress up like the characters and perform the musical routines,” Meg adds.

  “Aw, I bet you made a cute Bugsy,” I say.

  “Not Bugsy!” Sasha laughs.

  “I’ll feed your wedding dress to Jester,” he says to Sasha. “And I’ll make sure it’s not fixable this time.”

  “Ha!” Sasha laughs. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Try me.” He narrows his gaze at her.

  “Children,” his mom chastises.

  “Well, I have nothing to lose,” Meg says quickly. “Vaughn didn’t dress up as Bugsy. No, he insisted on being Tallulah every time! He used to get Mom’s dresses and shoes and put them on! He even wore lipstick!”

  “Oh my God!” I laugh.

  Vaughn picks up a roasted potato off his plate and throws it at Meg. She ducks, and it misses her.

  “You’re such a see you next Tuesday.” He frowns at her, but I can see that he’s also fighting a smile.

  “Mama, why is Uncle Vaughn saying he’s going to see Aunt Meg next Tuesday? He’s seeing her right now,” Nora asks innocently.

  “Yeah, Tallulah, why are you going to see me next Tuesday?” Meg teases him.

  Vaughn scratches his forehead with his middle finger. Meg sticks her tongue out at him.

  I swear, he and his sister act like kids around one another. It’s funny to watch. And it makes me wish that I’d had a sibling growing up. But I have Nick, and that’s all that matters.

  “Uncle Vaughn’s just being silly,” Sasha explains to her daughter, giving Vaughn a dirty look.

  He just smirks at her.

  “We have some photos of Vaughn dressed up as Tallulah,” his mom says.

  “No, we don’t. I burned them,” Vaughn says.

  “Don’t tell lies, Vaughn. You never burned them. I know exactly where they are.” His mom gets up from the table. “I’ll go get them now before we have dessert, so Charly can have a look. I’ll get your baby photos, too.”

  Dessert? Good God, I might die from overfeeding.

  “Jesus Christ,” he complains. “Can’t you stop her, Dad?”

  “I wish I could, son. But this is the first time you’ve brought a girl home. Your mom and sisters have been waiting years for this.”

  He looks at me with a help-me expression on his face. He looks so adorable, I can’t help but smile.

  “Sorry, West. But I really want to see your baby pictures. And, of course, the ones of you dressed as Tallulah.”

  “Traitor,” he grumbles.

  I can see a smile teasing the corner of his lips.

  I tug on his bottom lip, and that smile finally makes an appearance. His eyes soften on me, and he takes hold of my hand and kisses it.

  When I turn back to the table, his sisters are looking at us like we’re magic.

  Honestly, I feel like magic when I’m with him. This whole thing with Vaughn feels like magic. Not real. I keep expecting to wake up at any moment.

  Being here is so wonderful. I did worry that being in a family environment like this would be weird for
me. It’s not something I’m used to, so I wasn’t sure if I would know how to act around his family, but they make it easy. They’re so warm and friendly. I feel lucky to be a part of this even if for a short time.

  “Got them!” Vaughn’s mom comes bustling back into the dining room with a stack of photo albums in her arms. She hands them to Meg, who gives a wicked grin to Vaughn.

  “Oh God,” Vaughn grumbles.

  “Girls, why don’t you take Charly into the living room to look through these? The men and kids can help me clear the table. And we’ll have dessert in there.”

  “Can I go with Mommy, Charly, and Aunt Meg to look at the pictures?” Nora asks.

  “Sure you can, baby.”

  “That’s not fair!” Parker complains.

  “Life ain’t fair sometimes, kiddo.” She ruffles his hair.

  I get up from the table, pressing a kiss to the side of Vaughn’s head.

  He catches my hand. “Whatever you see in that living room stays in that room, Pins. I never want to hear of it again.”

  I grin. “Sure thing, Tallulah.”

  I head off toward the living room with his sisters and Nora, who catches hold of my hand, surprising me.

  Jester jumps up from his spot in the hallway. Vaughn’s mom put him out here, as he wouldn’t leave me alone at dinner. He kept trying to climb onto my lap.

  I felt so bad for him. He’s so cute.

  He comes trotting over to me, tail wagging.

  “Hey, Jester.” I lean down, patting his head.

  “Jester likes you a lot,” Nora says.

  “Yeah. I like him, too.”

  “And I think Uncle Vaughn likes you a lot,” she whispers to me. “I’ve never seen him with a girl before.”

  I smile down at her. “I’m glad ’cause I like him a lot, too.”

  I take a seat on the floor where Sasha and Meg have set up camp with the photo albums. Nora sits down beside me. Jester climbs into my lap. I give his ear a scratch.

  “Okay”—Meg gleefully rubs her hands—“let’s get this show of embarrassing my brother on the road.”

  She opens a photo album, and the first picture is of a glammed up Tallulah-looking Vaughn. Oversized dress, too-big high heels, and bright red lips.


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