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Homecoming Hearts Series Collection

Page 35

by HJ Welch

  Gabe hummed again and ran his fingers through Joey’s hair. He seemed to have a thing for it, which amused Joey. He’d always hated how cherub-like it made him look, but maybe there was an advantage to curls after all?

  “Morning,” Gabe mumbled as he gave a little gasp. Joey was teasing the hard nub of his nipple and running his hands over Gabe’s glorious abs. “Oh yes, baby,” he said.

  That was a good enough go-signal for Joey. He kissed down Gabe’s belly, licking at his happy trail and nuzzling the coarse hair between his legs. Gabe was trimmed but not overly groomed. Joey preferred it when guys didn’t look like perfectly smooth Ken dolls.

  Gabe was fully hard by the time Joey slipped his lips over his prick. He was too big to swallow whole, but Joey liked using his hands as well when he gave head anyway. He reveled in mouthing Gabe’s succulent tip, stroking the shaft as he worked his tongue and lips.

  Gabe was whimpering and gasping. Joey had pushed the comforter down when he’d moved, so Gabe was watching him fuck him with his mouth, his arm thrown over his head. He looked decadent, like he wasn’t used to having his cock sucked and wasn’t sure he was worthy of it.

  Joey wondered what his nameless ex had been like in bed. Joey would bet money on Gabe being a generous lover, and some people might take advantage of that and not give their fair share back. Well, Joey wasn’t like that, especially not after all Gabe had done for him.

  He may be struggling to say how grateful he was with his words, but he could try and explain the way he felt with his body.

  “Joey, I-” Gabe spluttered. Giving him a warning. “Oh my god, so good, gonna come…”

  Joey sucked harder, working his tongue to pleasure him as best he could. Gabe convulsed, then Joey was swallowing down his warm, salty cum. He waited until Gabe relaxed and his cock began to soften before easing his mouth off and wiping his face. His jaw ached a little, but he didn’t mind. It felt worth it for the goofy grin on Gabe’s face.

  “Come here,” Gabe said, his voice hoarse. He pulled both Joey and the comforter up, snuggling them together. Joey was honestly okay to leave his own erection to wilt, as he was buzzing from giving Gabe his own orgasm. But of course, Gabe was too considerate for that.

  He cuddled Joey to his chest and kissed him, tasting his own intimate flavor on Joey’s lips. He reached down and wrapped his hand around Joey’s cock and began to tug.

  “Gentler,” Joey blurted out before he could stop himself. But if he could trust anyone to ask for how he really liked to be jerked off, Gabe would be the one.

  “Like this?” Gabe asked, immediately changing his technique. Joey had his eyes almost closed and his face pressed up to Gabe’s neck, too afraid to look at Gabe while he asked for what he wanted. But he nodded, and Gabe tried again with the altered style.

  “Oh,” Joey groaned. It felt so good it was almost painful, and he tried not to writhe. He wasn’t going to last long.

  Gabe kissed down his face, along his jaw, encouraging Joey’s lips to meet his own again. Joey obeyed. He felt safe, cradled up to Gabe’s side, his kisses lavishing affection on him and his fingers gently teasing his throbbing, weeping cock.

  “That’s it, come for me,” Gabe whispered.

  Joey didn’t need much more encouragement. It only took a few more strokes for his climax to build before he was shooting his load over Gabe’s hand and their bellies.

  He slumped against Gabe’s side, panting. “Fuck,” he said with a tentative laugh. Gabe chuckled too.

  “Less clean up with a blow job,” he commented as he fished up the same pair of boxers they’d also used as a rag last night. Joey snorted.


  Gabe dropped the underwear and pulled his face in for a kiss. “You apologizing after sex worries me slightly,” he said, raising an eyebrow.

  Joey gave him a sheepish smile. “Um…sorry?” he said. But his smile broadened, showing Gabe he was messing with him. Sort of. “I guess it’s been a long time since I slept with anybody more than once.”

  “How long?” Gabe asked, brushing his hair back. Joey’s initial reaction was not to respond, that it wasn’t any of Gabe’s business. But he realized he didn’t mind discussing his past with Gabe. He trusted he wouldn’t judge.

  “Um, there was a dancer on tour a couple of years ago,” Joey admitted. He was another twinky sort of guy. They’d had fun, but it had always only been drunken fucking, something to entertain them both rather than anything emotional. The guy had been pretty, but dull as hell.

  Then there was Derrick.

  “There was this producer we worked with, on the first record.” Joey didn’t want to look at Gabe, so he focused on his fingers running over the chest hair that ran over his pecs and down his sternum.

  “A producer?” Gabe repeated. Joey could hear the warning note in his voice already, so he continued before he chickened out.

  “Yeah, you know the type. Or maybe you don’t. Married, to a woman, kids. But I was young and star struck and he did kind of look after me. I mean, he didn’t treat me badly. I just think, well, there was quite an age gap, and I was pretty clueless.”

  Gabe didn’t say anything. He didn’t berate Joey for being a fucking idiot. He wasn’t disgusted that he’d engaged in an affair with a married man. He didn’t even pity him. He just hugged him tighter and kissed his temple slowly.

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.”

  Joey shook his head and mustered the courage to look at him. “It’s fine. It’s not something I’m proud of, and yeah, maybe there are issues there I should probably deal with at some point. But it actually feels good to tell someone.”

  “Did no one else know?” Gabe asked. He was very gently running his fingers over Joey’s cheek and neck. It was ticklish but not provocative. No one had touched Joey like that before.

  He shook his head. “No, he told me it had to be a secret.” He’d not even confided in Blake, which still made him feel terrible. He and Blake told each other everything.

  Gabe mumbled something like ‘mother fucker’ and pulled Joey in for a hug so tight he risked leaving bruises on his skin. Joey loved it though. It felt like a huge relief to simply have someone agree that that had been a crappy thing to experience as a teenager, all alone.

  “My ex’s name is Lewis,” said Gabe, without prompting. “We just drifted apart, but we were together for five years. He moved to New York City about six weeks ago with our dog and he’s a lawyer.”

  He let Joey go enough so they could look at each other. “Okay,” said Joey. He’d be lying if he hadn’t secretly hoped that this Lewis was a cheating asshole, but that would have meant Gabe’s heart would have been properly broken. So it was good if it was an okay breakup. “And it’s definitely over?”

  Gabe’s face dropped in concern. “Oh, babe, yes. One hundred percent over.”

  “Um, good,” said Joey. He played with the edge of the comforter. “Because, um, I like you. And I thought, maybe, we could try and see what happens if, uh, we keep seeing each other.”

  He could feel his cheeks burning, but when he peeked up, Gabe’s expression was pure joy. “Like dating?” he asked.

  Joey shrugged. “I mean, I’m broke, and my schedule is wildly unpredictable. You spend all your time rescuing kittens or whatever, but-”

  Gabe interrupted him with a kiss. “Shut up,” he said with a grin. “We can just try, take it one day at a time. And not try with anyone else. Sound doable?”

  It sounded kind of terrifying. But at the same time, sort of wonderful. “Yeah,” he agreed. “I mean, let’s get through Chicago, then see where that takes us.”

  Gabe’s eyes flitted over his face as he carded his fingers through Joey’s hair. “Yeah,” he said, leaning down for another kiss. “Let’s do that.”



  Gabe had never been to a recording studio before. He guessed, in retrospect, he’d seen them in music videos over the years. The kind where they showed footage
of the artist singing into a mic with big headphones over their ears. But when he and Joey walked into the big, glass-fronted building later that day, it felt more like they were entering a fancy hotel.

  “Wow,” said Gabe, looking up and around as they approached the gleaming desk. Joey grinned back over his shoulder at him.

  “Good afternoon,” said the pretty girl at the desk. “How may I help you today?”

  Joey looked a little flustered as he cleared his throat. “Um, yes, Joey Sullivan. I’m here to see Raiden Jones and, uh, Storm Sailor.” He practically whispered the producer’s name, like he was afraid of being caught out.

  But the receptionist smiled. “Of course. Please take a seat and we’ll be with you in just a moment, Mr. Sullivan.”

  Joey gave Gabe a little shrug and they both wheeled their overnight bags to sit on the sofa as instructed. Joey’s knee was bouncing and he kept glancing anxiously around. He had seemed fine on the rest of their drive this morning. Great actually. Gabe couldn’t have been more thrilled with their conversation after spectacularly failing to not have sex, twice. But if they both felt the attraction, there was only so much he wanted to fight it.

  Yes, it was soon after Lewis. But Gabe and Lewis were over for good, of that he had no doubt. Gabe had had a fair amount of time now to consider how he felt about Joey, and although he still remained cautious, he wanted to try and trust his heart again. Joey could be prickly, and he was going through a lot right now. But he was also sweet and fun and ambitious and cute in that mouth-wateringly sexy way Gabe couldn’t resist.

  If they made each other happy, they could work out the rest as they went along.

  He placed his hand on Joey’s knee, stopping it from bouncing. “Hey,” he said with a smile. Joey looked at him. “This is going to be fantastic. You gotta just enjoy it, okay?”

  The tension eased a little from Joey’s shoulders. “Yeah, you’re right,” he said. He took Gabe’s hand and gave it a quick squeeze. “I really am happy you’re here with me.”

  Tingly warmth filled Gabe’s insides. “Thank you for letting me tag along.”

  “Joey?” a voice called from across the lobby.

  Joey leaped to his feet, his head snapping around. “Rai!” he yelled, breaking into a run.

  A tall guy with broad shoulders and a slim waist laughed and threw his arms open to intercept Joey as he catapulted himself into him. This must be Raiden Jones, also formally of Below Zero. Gabe thought he had some Asian heritage in him with his dark, almond-shaped eyes and black hair that swept across his forehead and rested just above his shoulders.

  From the satiny t-shirt he wore Gabe could see an impressive body despite his willowy figure. There was no doubt this guy worked out and probably looked gorgeous naked. But Gabe just smiled to himself. Those thoughts flitted through his mind without any kind of physical reaction. He could acknowledge Raiden was hot, but Gabe only had eyes for the excitable Joey as he hugged his friend tightly.

  Gabe picked up both their bags and wandered over. He didn’t want to intrude on the moment, but Joey looked back for him as soon as he let Raiden go. “Hey, Gabe,” he said a little breathlessly. “This is Raiden. Raiden, this is my friend Gabe. He gave me a lift.”

  Raiden stuck his hand out and gave Gabe’s a shake. “Nice to meet you,” he said with a slight Southern drawl. His movements were careful and smooth, reminding Gabe of a cat. Not his cat, who hissed and hid from everyone. But a regular cat who wasn’t scared of people.

  “Nice to meet you too,” Gabe said.

  Raiden clapped his hands together, looking from Gabe to Joey, a smile spreading across his face. “So are you ready to do this?”

  “Hell yeah,” said Joey.

  Gabe had worried that they should check into their little hotel first, but Joey had wanted to get to work right away. They had only driven for a few hours that morning, but still Gabe worried that Joey would be tired.

  However, Raiden had texted saying the track was progressing well and they wanted to get the vocals down as soon as possible. Joey pointed out that if they messed around trying to find their hotel then trekked it into the city, that would only give them a couple of hours to work with. He explained that if they were lucky, they could get everything they needed from him today.

  Gabe understood that time was money, and when Joey had listed several of the songs that Storm Sailor had been responsible for producing over the past few years, Gabe realized they weren’t fucking around in the minor leagues here. But at the same time, after the progress they’d made at the motel last night and that morning, Gabe really didn’t want to rush this trip.

  He knew he should be thinking that if they could travel early tomorrow morning, even if they had to stop again before reaching Connecticut, he could be back at work by Monday afternoon and not take so much of his annual leave. But on the other hand, he wanted to protect these first few days of him and Joey officially trying to be together. Like a fragile flower desperately doing its best to bloom.

  Gabe followed on after Joey, who had taken his own suitcase back, and Raiden who strode confidently down the hall lined with frame after frame of gold records. It looked like a lot of famous artists had walked these halls before them.

  As they reached a door labeled ‘Studio One,’ Raiden looked over his shoulder and winked at Joey. Then, without a word, he pushed into the room.

  Gabe hung back a second, feeling a bit like an impostor. This was Joey’s world, not his. He was just here to support him. But Joey looked back to make sure Gabe was there and waved him on over the threshold into the recording studio.

  The room was atmospherically lit. Not dark, but kind of moody. There was a huge mixing desk in front of a glass window that stretched the length of the room. Beyond that was a brightly lit room with an enormous drum kit set up, several empty guitar stands, keyboards of varying sizes and a grand piano. In the corner was another small booth that, at a glance, looked to be padded with thick foam. A wide microphone hung down on wire from the ceiling.

  A man in a chair by the desk spun around to face them. He might have been in his late thirties or early forties, but it was hard to tell from the tinted sunglasses he wore. He had long hair down his back, more of a beard than Gabe, and his ears were pierced several times. He was fit looking for his age.

  “Joey Sullivan,” he said in a throaty voice with only a hint of a Swedish accent. He offered out a large hand for Joey to shake. “Welcome.”

  “Thank you for having me here,” said Joey a little breathlessly. “It’s an honor.”

  The guy, who Gabe assumed had to be Storm Sailor, waved him off. “No, not at all. Raiden here has written you a great track. He saved me the hassle of negotiating with several different artists like I usually have to. Your agent, Martha, is lovely by the way.”

  “She’s pretty awesome,” Joey agreed with a nod.

  He looked around like he wished he had more eyes, trying to take it all in. Like a kid in a candy store. Gabe’s heart swelled a little with pride.

  “So, are you ready to jump in or do you need a minute?” the producer asked.

  Joey shook his head. “Ready whenever you are,” he said, grabbing a bottle of water from his bag. “I’d like to do some warmups in the booth, if that’s all right?”

  “Sure,” said Storm Sailor. “I’ll keep the feed muted until you’re ready, then just give us a wave.”

  Joey glanced nervously at Gabe, who wished he could give him a kiss or at the very least a hug for support. But he wasn’t sure they were there yet and he didn’t want to overstep his boundaries. So instead he just smiled and nodded.

  It was amazing. As Gabe settled in one of the comfy spinning chairs he watched as Joey took himself through the two doors and opened his mouth, presumably to warm up his vocal chords. But Gabe couldn’t hear a thing.

  “So where are you boys staying?” Storm Sailor asked as he fiddled with a number of sliders on the desk. Gabe realized he was the one being addressed when Raiden
quirked an eyebrow at him.

  “Oh, um, just this little place downtown,” he said dismissively. “It was whatever we could find at the cheapest rate last minute.”

  He was suddenly gripped with the fear that maybe he should have inferred they had two separate rooms. But he didn’t get the chance.

  Storm Sailor frowned, already dialing a contact on his cell phone. “Well, that won’t do. Sorry, man. I thought my people had that fixed for you.” Gabe wasn’t sure what he meant, but then the call connected. “Yeah, Oscar? Get Joey Sullivan a room at the Four Seasons for tonight. A double okay?” He looked at Gabe, who took a second to nod. “Yeah, a double. Make sure there’s the usual welcoming pack too. We fucked up.” He looked at Gabe again. “You boys need upgraded flights home too?”

  Gabe was stunned. He’d met this man about three minutes ago. “Uh, no, we drove. But thank you.”

  Storm Sailor nodded and rubbed his beard. “Okay, we’ll get you gas money. You okay with that, Oscar? Thanks.” He closed the call and shook his head. “That’s what happens when you book these things in a rush. We dropped the ball. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Oh, of course not,” said Gabe. “That’s incredibly kind of you. Thank you, Joey will be thrilled.”

  Storm Sailor nodded like it was no big deal, then slipped some headphones on and started talking to Joey about some notes he had regarding the song. Or something. Gabe wasn’t really sure.

  Joey acted like it was crazy the way Gabe spent his time volunteering and helping others. Yet, this guy had just thrown several hundred dollars at them without even pausing. Gabe was so touched, he couldn’t wait to share the news with Joey. Hopefully, this might change his mind a little bit. He could understand someone who’d grown up the way Joey had feeling like they always had to rely on themselves, wary of trusting others. But this made Gabe feel like he’d been right all along.


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