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Homecoming Hearts Series Collection

Page 114

by HJ Welch

  Several people gasped. “How have you missed it?” the woman Corey recognized from his interview as Orchid said. “It’s been everywhere!”

  “What, the beach photos?” Corey asked. He was trying not to get defensive. His new coworkers could have no idea how close to home they were hitting.

  “That was ages ago,” someone else piped up.

  “Hicks came out as gay!” Ellie Mae cried. “Right there on the TV! Bless his heart, he cried and everythang.”

  “You have to see it,” said Lucas, typing rapidly on his keyboard, presumably to bring up the video.

  “No!” Corey blurted out before he could think. But the idea of seeing Reyse breaking down was too much for him to bear. “Sorry, um,” he said sheepishly as people looked at him. “I’d rather not.”

  “Sorry, man, my bad,” Lucas said, holding his hands up.

  Corey shook his head. “No worries,” he assured him.

  He felt like his whole world had tilted on its axis. This couldn’t be happening, not after everything they’d been through. Everything they’d lost. It wasn’t fair. Fuck – had Reyse really come out?

  “Wow,” Corey said with a nervous chuckle, trying to play it cool when his whole world was falling apart. “Um, so he’s gay?” he asked, like it was news to him. “What happened? Is he okay?”

  “Kimmy tricked him,” a guy piped up from across the room.

  “No, she didn’t,” replied another dude with a slight speech impediment. Corey spotted he had hearing aids and he half signed as he spoke. “He got confused.”

  “Jack’s right,” said Ellie Mae, also signing her words as she looked at him. Corey guessed he could hear them okay and read their lips, but the signing was an added bonus. “Reyse was talking about those photos and said the guy was a friend, not a stalker like the official statement said. Then the poor dear just lost it when Kimmy asked which was the truth.”

  “I mean, the dude didn’t shave his head or anything,” Hamish agreed, nodding his head. “But it was a pretty significant meltdown.”

  “Oh,” Corey said. “Damn.”

  It felt like little fissures cracked down his heart. He hated to think of Reyse in that situation. He’d obviously got confused, like Jack had said. If he’d been telling his family and maybe other friends that Corey was a friend, he probably forgot the stalker lie he was supposed to spin to match Kevin’s.

  But neither of those were true. Corey was neither a crazed fan nor a casual buddy.

  He was Reyse’s, body and soul.

  What had Reyse gone through, live on air? After almost a decade in hiding, he’d slipped up.

  Because of Corey?

  No, not really. Indirectly. Because of the situation Corey had put him in by sleeping with him. He’d accidentally outed himself and possibly ruined his career. He’d finally told the truth, but at what cost? Corey tried to be happy that Reyse was potentially free after all this time, but worry ate at his guts.

  “Hang on,” Corey said suddenly. “What about Sun City Records? His label?”

  “They sound like real jerks,” Orchid said, crossing her arms and shaking her head.

  “I heard Hicks is already suing them for the rights to his music,” Lucas said, his green eyes wide.

  “It got real nasty, real fast,” Ellie Mae agreed.

  “What about the guy?” Corey asked, his heart in his mouth. “Who is he?”

  “Nobody knows, sugar,” Ellie Mae said.

  “He’s a mystery,” Jack added with a ‘woooh’ sound, like a ghost.

  “It looks like he’s out of the picture now, from what Reyse said,” Lucas added with a shrug.

  Corey’s heart dropped. Any hope he’d had that this had been inspired by him faded away. No. This was the way it should be. He’d done it. He’d actually done it. Reyse had come out. For himself.

  Corey wished it had been with him at his side, but he was happy for him nonetheless.

  Hamish gave a rueful smile and shook his head. “Still, it’s incredible for someone like that to publicly state that they’re gay. Hopefully, when things die down, he’ll be an incredible role model.”

  “Oh, honey, he already is,” Lucas said, pretending to faint and he touched his fingers to the picture of Reyse he had pinned up by his desk.

  The chorus of laughs made a good segue for Hamish to finally lead Corey through the rest of the bullpen and show him to his cube. He began by sitting with him to log on to the relatively new PC that was going to be his and start looking around the system. They were going to start him on some light admin work for the office before they got him doing anything with the promo, but Corey was fine to go slow with some mindless photocopying tasks.

  His head and heart were completely full of Reyse.

  He wasn’t sure he could bring himself to watch Reyse go through that pain. It was probably best if he didn’t go find the interview online. Corey ached to reach out to Reyse, to comfort him in what had to be one of his greatest hours of need.

  But Reyse’s life was complicated enough. He’d accidentally tripped himself up and been caught out in the lie his manager had spun for him. He now had to pick up the pieces and fight those assholes for the rights to his life’s work. Who knew if he’d recover from this?

  He didn’t need Corey confusing things further. The press was probably camped outside his apartment. Corey couldn’t exactly drive over there again and make a grand gesture in case they caught him and uncovered his identity. What if Reyse didn’t want that?

  They’d agreed it would just be a dalliance while Reyse had been home, after all. Now he was out as gay, he could date some other famous person. The blogs were probably already pairing him off with movie and sports stars. It would do nothing for Reyse’s image to date a nobody like Corey.

  No. It was best to leave things as they were. For what his new colleagues had just said, Reyse had a nasty court case on his hands to get the rights back to his entire back catalog, just like he’d feared he would. His whole life was up in the air.

  He didn’t need Corey making any more trouble than he already had.

  Corey swallowed and tried to focus on his computer. His and Reyse’s lives had already been drifting further and further apart. This was like an exit on the interstate. Reyse was gone beyond where Corey could reach him now.

  It was for the best, he told himself firmly. This was what Reyse deserved, to finally be free. True, it hadn’t come without consequences, but it was still the right thing. Corey was happy for him, he was.

  He just wished he could be happy for himself, too.



  Joey: OMFG DUDE R U OK??????????????

  TJ: Who? What?

  Blake: Joey, calm down, don’t scare people like that x But Reyse ARE you okay?

  Raiden: What’s happened to Reyse?

  Joey: How have you not seen the internet??

  Raiden: OMG

  TJ: Dude

  TJ: Congratulations

  Joey: Yeah, it’s totally awesome, FUCK Sun City, it’s about damn time. But that was pretty extra. What’s happening????

  TJ: We’re here for you buddy

  Blake: Absolutely. Anything you need.

  Raiden: I see Sun City are being fuckers as usual. We’ve got your back bro. How are you feeling?


  Raiden: Although I guess you were here first xx

  Joey: Please tell us you’re okay Reyse

  TJ: Wow. Twitter has gone nuts

  Blake: Yeah but a lot of it’s good!

  Joey: Reyse

  Joey: Reyse


  Joey: I can see you’ve seen the chat. ARE YOU OKAY???

  Reyse: I’m okay guys. Thank you xxx My head’s a mess. I’ll talk to you soon. Love you x


  Blake: Stay strong buddy

  TJ: Hugs, my man x

  Raiden: Don’t let the bastards g
rind you down

  Reyse looked over the conversation again in the band group chat, feeling numb. That had been three days ago and he still hadn’t talked to the guys.

  Luckily, hardly anyone had his private number, otherwise he was sure his cell would have been ringing off the hook. But the silence was almost worse, even with the blowout from Sun City still sounding in Reyse’s ears.

  Kevin hadn’t stopped screaming at Reyse the entire drive back to the label’s headquarters where he proceeded to haul him in front of the managing board. Namely, three dusty old suits who still thought of Elvis as ‘too much.’ The rest of Below Zero had always referred to them as ‘see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.’

  Reyse really couldn’t remember much of what they’d said, he’d been so shell-shocked. He did recall the spark of joy he’d felt at finally defying them and the rush of adrenaline at laying his heart on the line for Corey. But that faded as reality came crashing down on him.

  They had been deadly serious in their threats all these years. They were dropping him like a stone and they would contest any claim he made over the music he’d produced with them. Which, aside from a couple of collaborations and any songs recorded for soundtracks, was his entire back catalog.

  It had seemed worth it for a few hours, their livid shouts and condescending sneers washing over him like water off a duck’s back.

  But then he’d been cut off and kicked out, left with nothing much to do but go home to his empty apartment…and wait.

  His agent was the busiest she’d been in years. Sun City had done all the work for a long time in representing him and Kevin had kept a cast-iron grip on all his publicity. But now Martha had her work cut out for her as she’d suddenly become the one and only option for getting in touch with Reyse Hickson.

  Apparently, unlike Reyse, her phone had been going nonstop the past three days with people clamoring to book him for interviews on TV, radio and online. However, so far Reyse had refused everything. Martha was probably cursing his name. But he had no idea what the hell to even tell himself, let alone the world.

  Why had he done it? For himself, to finally be true to who he was?

  Or for Corey?

  In retrospect, it seemed like a pretty dumb thing if it was for someone else. Who the hell wanted to deal with this media frenzy? Who wanted to ruin their life when he and Reyse hadn’t even worked out if they were compatible to date, let alone for a public gay relationship with people dogging them at every step?

  Reyse rubbed his face and looked over to the paintings on his apartment wall from where he was lying on his couch. They had always made him think of a blazing sunset on a beach. Now all he saw was his and Corey’s last night together, making love in the sea.

  He was pathetic. He hadn’t left his home in three days because he was terrified Corey might come to find him like he had last time and he’d miss him. With no other way to contact him, Reyse was being held hostage by the slimmest possibility that Corey might still want him.

  Tragically, the last thing Reyse had asked for – demanded – from Kevin was Corey’s address where he’d sent the restraining order to. Kevin had snarled in triumph that they had never actually filed the order, just threatened it.

  So, there was a distinct possibility Reyse had gambled everything over a ruse that Kevin had used to manipulate him one last time. Now Reyse was hanging around like a lovestruck teenager in an old nineties high school movie, waiting for his crush to throw pebbles at his window.

  He rubbed his face and inhaled slowly. He needed a plan. Life went on without Corey, as much as it pained him, and he needed to work out what the hell he was going to do now. Money wasn’t an issue, but that was beside the point. Reyse may have had a good number in the bank, but he needed something to do. He hadn’t been idle once in his entire life. He wasn’t about to start now. But if he couldn’t perform his songs, what did that leave?

  He might have got some comfort from the fact that Sun City had lost the goose that laid the golden egg. But while they still had control over Reyse’s music, they were still earning all the royalties. And naturally, since the scandal broke, radio plays and Spotify listens had shot through the roof.

  He sighed and wondered if he should eat something. What time was it, anyway? When was the last time he had something to eat? But he wasn’t hungry and he could still see the sun shining brightly in the sky, so the drive to move faded away.

  He checked his phone again. He wanted to message the guys, but he had no idea what to say. Congratulations! You were right all along! I’m gay but was too chicken shit to tell you face-to-face!

  Reyse wondered what his life would have been like if he’d been like Joey and been out from the start. He wouldn’t have had a solo career with Sun City, that was for sure. But what if he’d been able to sign with another label? An LGBT-friendly one. Were there even any labels out there that were openly queer?

  The ping of his private elevator scared the ever-loving crap out of him. People couldn’t get in without his permission, so who the hell was this? Within half a second, he’d jumped to his feet and was looking for something to fend off any deranged reporters or fans that had slipped through security.

  Or what if it was Corey?

  He barely had time to finish the thought when a loud bark snapped his attention back to the opening doors.

  “Aunt Evangeline?” Reyse spluttered.

  Evangeline swept from the elevator and into Reyse’s apartment, her long dress billowing behind her as she whipped her sunglasses from her face. Smoky-painted eyes assessed the main living area from under a large sunhat as her glossy, cherry-red lips pursed.

  “Yes,” she said with an air of surprise. “This is actually very lovely.”

  Foofy squirmed from the crook of her arm, launching herself onto the floor and scrabbling over the wooden boards to sniff at everything that came in her path. Reyse looked between dog and owner, completely lost for words. Then he remembered his manners.

  “I wasn’t expecting you,” he spluttered, rushing to the fridge. He had no idea what he had. He was just grateful at this moment that he had pants on. “Would you like some water or coffee?” Evangeline gave him a long-suffering sigh, rolled her eyes, then locked on him with a piercing glare. “Vodka?” he tried again.

  “Good boy,” she said with half a smile. Then she lowered herself down on the sofa and continued to look around Reyse’s home. “I trust they’re not fleecing you for this?” she asked as Reyse fixed her a cosmopolitan. “As nice as it is.”

  Reyse managed a smile. “No, it’s fine,” he promised. For what it was, it was actually a pretty reasonable price. Besides, his definition of ‘reasonable’ was vastly different from other people’s. “Uh, so…”

  None of his family had called once the news had broken. For a while, Reyse convinced himself that they were just busy looking after his dad and hadn’t seen the story yet. But as one day turned into another, he knew that someone in that busybody neighborhood must have seen something and run over to tell his mom.

  The fact she hadn’t contacted him broke Reyse’s heart all over again.

  “Oh, like this was a conversation that could be had over the phone,” Evangeline scoffed, snapping her fingers for her cocktail. “Um, I’m not drinking alone,” she said, shaking her head as Reyse handed it to her. “Go on, back you go and don’t return until you have something far stronger than a beer in your hand.”

  Reyse’s felt his lips twitch in a reluctant smile. First, he set a dish of water down for Foofy (who sounded like she was exploring the underside of Reyse’s bed). Then he set about making a large jug of cosmos, because Evangeline had already almost finished her first glass and he had a feeling he might need some liquid courage for this conversation.

  “Dear lord, stop moping and come over here to toast with me already,” she demanded as Reyse picked up the pitcher and his own martini glass. She broke into a big smile and beckoned him over to where she had taken over his sofa, lounging l
ike a star of the silver screen. “Come on, come on!”

  She was practically bouncing in excitement, which made Reyse a little confused but also relieved. That was better than a face like thunder. He sat himself down and poured his own glass, offering it up to Evangeline to tap with her own refilled drink.

  “Thank fuck for that!” she cried in utter glee. “Cheers, you big queen. It’s about time.”

  Reyse was too stunned to move. He just froze while she clanged their glasses against one another, almost sloshing the drink over the sides onto his couch. Then she took a long sip, her lip gloss imprinting on the side of the glass.

  “You knew?” he finally spluttered.

  At that, Evangeline did actually spare him a look of sympathy. “Oh, darling,” she said with a sigh. “Of course. I’ve been dying to tell you to fuck the whole miserable lot of them. But it wasn’t my place and you simply had to go at your own speed. But now!” She shimmied her shoulders and batted excitedly at his leg. “Now it’s all out and wonderful and-” She stopped as if something had just occurred to her. “Where’s Corey? Why were you all crestfallen when I came in?” Her expression turned scandalous. “If you tell me he’s not here-”

  “He’s not,” Reyse interrupted before the pain in his chest could get any worse.

  “Well, why the hell not?” Evangeline cried, slamming her drink down and looking around, like that might somehow make Corey materialize. “When you didn’t phone us I assumed it was because the two of you were too busy going at it like rabbits!”

  Reyse carefully placed his glass down. If he was honest, it hadn’t even occurred to him that he should have called his mom first.

  “I haven’t seen him since the day we left the house. Separately,” he added. “I don’t have his number and he’s not online, as much as I’ve tried to find him. I have no idea where he lives. He knows where I live. So…”

  “Oh, you poor dear,” Evangeline said heavily. “You’ve just been sitting here, hoping.” She shook her head. “You know pining is dreadfully unbecoming.”


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