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Homecoming Hearts Series Collection

Page 122

by HJ Welch

  Corey looked down at the T-shirt in his hands. It was pretty unremarkable, but Corey recognized the size and brand. “This is mine?” he said. Reyse nodded. Then Corey remembered the T-shirt Foofy had found that Reyse had picked up.

  “I’ve been sleeping in it,” Reyse said softly. “But I’d like it to smell like you again, please.”

  Corey dropped the shirt and hugged Reyse to him, burying his face in his neck. “You can borrow my shirts and my hoodies anytime you like, baby,” he said thickly. “That’s what boyfriends do, right?”

  Reyse chuckled and rubbed Corey’s back. “That’s what boyfriends do,” he repeated. “I want to do everything boyfriends do.”

  “We will,” Corey promised.

  He’d never really been a proper boyfriend before. But he couldn’t think of anyone else in the world he’d rather work it out with than Reyse.


  Corey – Two Months Later

  “Do you want anything while I’m up?” Corey called from the kitchen.

  Reyse looked at him from the sofa, then down at the stack of pizza boxes on the coffee table in front of him. He’d been so engrossed in the movie, he blinked and took a second to realize what Corey had asked. “Oh, no, I’m good, thanks,” he said with a smile back at Corey. He turned back to the widescreen, snuggling into the cushions with Peppa in his lap, who was chewing on the hem of his pajama top.

  Corey leaned against the closed fridge door, warmth filling his chest as he took in the domestic scene. As Reyse was recording his new album in LA, he’d been home at a reasonable time most nights. Their home, because it seemed ludicrous for Corey to keep renting out a room when Reyse had this enormous apartment all to himself. As scared as Corey had been to commit that quickly, he’d decided they’d wasted enough time already and to just try it. So far, it had been pretty much perfect.

  His job was going well and Reyse’s lawsuit had been settled out of court when Sun City realized pretty much the whole world was against them keeping Reyse’s music hostage. He had also made good progress in setting up his new label and was done with his loser manager, Kevin, once and for all.

  But it wasn’t these things that had Corey smiling, not really. It was the two dachshund puppies – Pepperoni and Pineapple – that they’d adopted to start their little family. It was the old piano Reyse had moved out of storage that sat in the corner of the apartment, being played regularly like Reyse used to when he was a kid. It was the haphazard way their clothes were all mixed together and Reyse’s Netflix suggestions now included Corey’s crime dramas and cooking shows. It was the dozens of photos already mounted on several different walls, with the promise of many more to come now that Reyse didn’t have to hide who he was anymore.

  It had seemed so difficult when they had first met. Corey had felt like there was no way their lives were compatible, not when they were worlds apart. But as it turned out, it was pretty damn easy. He and Reyse just slotted together. Everything with him came naturally.

  They were still working on making their communication better to avoid hurt feelings and the occasional argument. But they’d watched several self-help YouTube videos and Reyse had suggested they try a bit of therapy. They both had a lot of trust issues to work through and he thought some guidance might not be a bad idea. Corey had rejected the idea initially, but having seen how hurt that made Reyse, he agreed to give it a try. It turned out, sorting through his abandonment shit was making him less cranky about things he wouldn’t have even realized bothered him before. He was glad he’d listened to Reyse on that.

  Tonight was an example of just how easy things could be, though. It was hard to believe Reyse was known by millions around the globe when he was just…Corey’s boyfriend. They were in their jammies on Halloween night, skipping any trick-or-treating this year in favor of their own stash of candy and some old favorite films. Reyse had spoiled Corey completely, bringing him candy from Japan and the UK and all the other exotic places he’d told him about.

  Reyse had already booked several vacations for them and invited Corey on a couple of upcoming international engagements. Corey finally had a reason to get a passport and leave the state. But for now, Corey was just content to spend time in their own home while they were still nesting. Especially when Peppa and Pinny had only been with them a couple of weeks.

  Corey was totally in love. He’d never thought he’d want a dog (or dogs, as it turned out). They always seemed like they needed so much time and effort. But Reyse’s story about wanting a dog his whole life had been all it took to change Corey’s mind. Now, he probably spoiled the pups more than Reyse did.

  He settled himself back on the couch with his can of soda and rearranged the blanket so humans and puppies alike were comfortable. Reyse automatically leaned into Corey, resting his head on his chest and looping their hands together so he could kiss Corey’s fingers.

  Corey watched him rather than the movie. He’d seen The Nightmare Before Christmas a million times, but it seemed like Reyse might love it even more than he did. He’d always felt like the odd, kooky kid growing up, never knowing where he belonged, like Jack Skellington. But watching Reyse be completely enthralled by the film, quietly singing along to every single lyric, gave Corey a new appreciation of one of his old favorites.

  It occurred to him that being with Reyse was going to make every experience new, and hopefully better. He had changed Corey’s life so much it was almost unrecognizable from where it had been a few months ago.

  And he couldn’t be happier.

  Reyse looked up at him with those big blue eyes Corey knew he’d never get tired of. “What?” he asked as Jack and Sally embraced on top of the hill, together at last.

  Corey wasn’t sure what made him say it. But it was as if the words just appeared in his mouth without him even having to think them.

  “Will you marry me?”

  It was no flash mob. There were no doves or grand declarations. He didn’t even have a ring. It just suddenly occurred to Corey that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with this perfect man he loved so much, and he didn’t see any reason to wait around.

  Reyse looked at him, not moving. Then a small smile tugged at his lips.

  “Yes,” he said simply, snuggling back against Corey and watching the TV as the credits began to roll.

  Corey grinned and kissed his hair. Apparently, he wasn’t the only one who didn’t want to waste any more time. Not when it felt so right.

  He was sure Reyse would want to tell his boys soon enough, not to mention his family. Aunt Evangeline was going to lose her mind. Corey would be surprised if they didn’t end up with Foofy as a flower girl. And of course, Corey wanted to tell his new friends at work, who had been simultaneous ecstatic and surprisingly chill about the fact Corey was dating their hero. He’d also make sure Maria and the other ladies from Speedy Pete’s knew. He figured if he had anything close to his own aunts, they were them.

  But just like that, he and Reyse promised their lives to one another. The earth didn’t shift and Corey wasn’t immediately thinking about wedding cakes. He simply hugged his fiancé and their fur babies close to him, secure in the knowledge that at some point down the line, he would stand up and tell the world that this was his man, forever.

  For the longest time, the future had seemed like such a blank void for Corey. Now it was a blazing spectrum of color, like a sunset, every possibility open.

  Because they would face it together.


  There are so many people who I have to thank in helping me complete my first series in MM romance. Heck, my first ever book series! It’s been a fair old journey and whether you’ve been here since the start or have only just discovered Below Zero and Homecoming Hearts, I couldn’t have done this without you.

  Thank you to the people who have been here all the way, behind the scenes, keeping me going and bringing these books to life with me: Ed Davies, Amelia Faulkner, John Brannelly, Meg Cooper, Aria Tan, Tanja O
ngkiehong, Leslie Copeland and LesCourt Author Services, and of course, Mommy.

  Thank you to my incredible husband, whose support I simply couldn’t have done without. You believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself and cheered on every milestone and accomplishment. Thank you for giving me my own happy ever after.

  Thank you to my friends who make me feel like an international pop star!

  Thank you to my fur babies for keeping Mummy company in her writing cave.

  And finally, thank you to every single one of you who has enjoyed Blake, Joey, Raiden, Trent and Reyse’s stories. Thank you for all the loving reviews, for the encouragement in our Facebook Group, Helen’s Jewels, the emails you’ve sent saying how moved you were by a book, the excitement for each new release, everything. Without you this series wouldn’t have come to life. You’re the best and I have so much love for each and every one of you.

  About the Author

  HJ Welch is a contemporary MM romance author living in London with her husband and two balls of fluff that occasionally pretend to be cats. She began writing at an early age, later honing her craft online in the world of fanfiction on sites like Wattpad. Fifteen years and over a million words later, she sought out original MM novels to read. By the end of 2016 she had written her first book of her own, and in 2017 she fulfilled her lifelong dream of becoming a fulltime author.

  She also writes contemporary British MM romance as Helen Juliet.

  You can contact HJ Welch via social media:

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  Also Available from HJ Welch

  Pine Cove

  Robin Coal wonders if asking his straight housemate Dair to be his fake boyfriend for his high school reunion will be the worst thing he’s ever done…or the best. But there’s no way he’s going home to face his abusive ex alone, and former Marine Dair is just the protection he needs. So long as he doesn’t find out about Robin’s secret crush, everything will be fine.

  Mechanic Dair Epping never expected to spend a week sharing a bed with his adorkable friend, however pretending to be bi is easier than he imagined. He knows he’ll do anything to keep Robin safe from his ex-boyfriend, but as the chemistry between them grows, the line between fake and reality begins to blur.

  Could Dair actually be bi? Even if he was, would an ex-Marine really be interested in a computer geek like Robin? When his ex’s intentions turn dangerous, how far will Dair go to protect the man he’s falling for?

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  Click here to get the Safe Harbor audio

  Scout Duffy doesn’t know what’s worse. The fact that his scorching one-night-stand is his bratty new client, or the fact that he doesn’t even remember Scout. But beneath all the bravado, Scout can see Emery is terrified, and he’ll do anything to protect him from his attacker. If only he would lower his walls and let Scout into his heart as easily as he lets him dominate in the bedroom.

  Being out and proud his whole life means Emery Klein has never been safe. But now his charity work and social media fame have put a target on his back from bigots, and his friends force him to hire a private bodyguard. Emery doesn’t need to be judged by some straight former-boxer, but his attraction to the gorgeous hunk is insatiable. When Emery finally recognizes Scout, they can’t keep their damn hands off one another, if only for as long as Scout’s in town.

  There’s a reason Emery never looks too closely at the men he sleeps with, just like there’s a reason Scout lives out of a suitcase in motel rooms. Will two men hiding from hurt realize the love that could heal them both is right in front of them? Or will Emery’s attacker take everything before they have the chance?

  Click here to get the Troubled Waters eBook

  Click here to get the Troubled Waters audio

  After Micha Perkins finds himself wrongly implicated in a crime, the last person he wants coming to his rescue is his secret crush Swift; his older brother’s best friend. But when Micha returns to the town that never felt like home, he discovers Swift’s young daughter is in trouble as well. If Micha can help them both in any way, he knows he will.

  Self-defense coach Swift Coal never realized he was a father until he gets custody of five-year-old Imogen and her cranky cat. His neat and tidy life is about to come crashing down, but to his surprise, Micha Perkins is there to save the day. He’s so damn good with kids, and just as cute as Swift remembers. When Micha moves in to help look after Imogen, Swift struggles to repress the feelings he’s kept hidden.

  Micha’s always been a misfit and Swift’s life was always orderly. Micha may have taken the fall to protect those more vulnerable than him, but who will save him when his past comes back to haunt him? Was Swift a fool to risk the safety of his daughter around a bad element like Micha? When their chaotic worlds collide, perhaps love and family are the middle ground they both need to become stronger together.

  Click here to get the Homeward Bound eBook

  Click here to get the Homeward Bound audio

  Ben Turner is besotted with the handsome older man who’s always in his bakery. They have nothing in common…until one day Ben discovers he’s an overnight millionaire, and his customer could become his protector. But they hardly know each other. He’d be crazy to accept his help, right?

  Lawyer Elias Solomon knows his crush on the beautiful young baker is ridiculous, but when he suspects Ben is being taken advantage of, he can’t help but step in. Elias’s upcoming fortieth birthday has made him adventurous, but he never imagined he’d accompany Ben all the way to England.

  Ben has never even heard of his great-grandmother Nancy, his corrupt and bitter English family, their enormous home and orchard grounds, or the business they run from it. All of which he now apparently owns. It’s up to Ben to save the estate with Elias’s help, but does he want the responsibility? All he really wants is to fall into Elias’s bed and never leave, and soon the chemistry is too much to ignore. Elias can’t see how they’ll make it work when they’re from different generations. But when old rivalries take a dangerous turn, he soon realizes he’ll do anything to keep Ben safe from harm…and in his arms.

  Click here to get the Homeward Bound eBook

  Coming to audio by April 2020!

  Also Available from HJ Welch

  Men of Hidden Creek

  Welcome to Hidden Creek, Texas, where the heart knows what it wants, and where true love lives happily ever after. Every Men of Hidden Creek novel can be read on its own, but keep an eye out for familiar faces around town!

  “I can’t do this without you.”

  Chase Williamson was never meant to be a dad. Like it or not, though, he’s now the sole guardian of five-year-old Lyla and terrified of messing it up. He needs help, but who wants to rescue a high school dropout? Certainly not the gorgeous newcomer in town, even if he is an ex-Marine.

  Hunter Duke is looking forward to a small-town life to drive away his demons. Maybe meet a nice girl? Adopting a puppy begins to fill the hole in his heart, but it’s an unlikely friendship with Chase and his daughter that really starts to make Hidden Creek feel like home.

  When social services threaten to take Lyla away, Hunter knows he’ll do anything to prove that this town is wrong about Chase. Could it be that this is the family he was searching for all along?

  This book contains a three-legged puppy with attitude, a long-awaited comeuppance, and enough kisses to mend any broken heart.

  Click here to get the Storm eBook

  “It’s always been you.”

  Kris Novak pours his heart and soul into his job at Hidden Creek’s only gay bar. When an arsonist burns the place to the ground, his whole life goes up
in smoke and only his long-time crush can save him.

  Firefighter Remi Washington never told anyone he’s bi, let alone acted on it. But when he temporarily offers his spare room to his best friend’s younger brother, he’s drawn to the twinky, beautiful Kris in a way he can’t ignore. How long before he gives in to this temptation?

  Soon Kris stands accused of having started the fire and he has to fight with all his strength to clear his own name. Will Remi risk outing himself to stand by Kris’s side, or will that closet door remain closed forever?

  This book contains a daring rescue, a meddling mommy matchmaker, and enough sparks to start a wildfire.

  Click here to get the Ashes eBook

  “I want to trust you.”

  Koby Duvall always knew his place at school. Art nerds like him were just target practice for guys on the football team. NFL star Vince Russo may never have bullied him, but the two men are still nothing alike. Except when Koby is asked to create a sculpture of Russo, they find themselves stuck together.

  Vince is only home for a few weeks over the holidays while he recovers from a head injury. Face to face with his former classmate, he finally has a chance to prove to Koby that he’s more than just a dumb jock.

  However, sparks fly and Vince realizes he and Koby may have more in common than they thought. But all Vince knows is football, and coming out in the NFL is career suicide. When a violent grudge comes back to terrorize Koby, though, Vince knows he’ll do anything to protect the man he loves.


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