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The Four Gifts of the King

Page 42

by R. Scott Rodin

  Alex shook his head. “But I looked for God. I tried so hard to find Him when I needed Him. If He wants me so badly, why did He stay so hidden?”

  How far could he go before getting in over his head?

  “I don’t know, Alex. But I have come to learn that trust doesn’t need to search. It doesn’t expect to find but to be found. How did Barth say it…‘not a freedom we possess, but one that possesses us’? I think you need to find out how to enjoy being found by God rather than thinking you always need to be looking for Him.”

  Just last week, Walter received a letter from Alex. It chronicled a two-year journey from that lunch in a little Harvest restaurant to his graduation day from seminary and through his process of ordination. Alex concluded with this:

  “Walter, in the end I found what I had been searching for all my life. It was there in Dad’s story, in Mom’s unconditional love. It was woven throughout the Bible and etched in the hearts and lives of so many people I had rejected. It was the simple truth that our lives are not meant to be anxious pursuits of God, but the joyous response of having been found by Him. I’ve been found, and I am ready to help others know the same truth. Thank you, dear friend.”

  The organ music stopped and then started again, this time playing a regal march version of “Crown Him with Many Crowns.” The congregation stood as a parade of banners, flags, and a robed entourage walked in solemn procession down the aisle and up to the platform. The last three were the regional church moderator, the president of the Resurrection Christian Church board, and Alex Roberts. As he passed, Alex looked over at Walter and smiled. But his eyes narrowed in wonder at seeing the two empty chairs.

  The entourage was assembled on the platform as the music hit its crescendo. Everyone was invited to sit, and for the next hour dignitaries, church leaders, and friends spoke of Alex’s spiritual journey and welcomed him into the church. There were Scripture readings and more singing. Finally the moment came when Alex Daniel Roberts was installed as the new pastor of the Resurrection Christian Church. Alex repeated the vows of ordination, and then dozens of people laid hands on him while the moderator prayed for him.

  When they were finished, the church president stood before the congregation. “Ladies and gentlemen, it is my sincere honor and pleasure to present to you the sixteenth pastor of the Resurrection Christian Church, the Reverend Alex Daniel Roberts.”

  At that, the whole assembly rose with cheers and applause that went on for several minutes. Walter applauded and looked on. He turned behind him and embraced the Roberts children and Katie and even Jack. He looked back at Alex and listened to the cheers from the pew behind him.

  Dear Lord, how can I ever thank You for what You have done here? Thank You for Your faithfulness and thank You for the story of a young man from Aiden Glenn.

  The congregation ended their applause and returned to their seats. The moderator stepped forward. “And now it is my honor and distinct privilege to invite the new pastor of Resurrection Christian Church to the pulpit to preach his first sermon to his congregation.”

  Alex stood up and walked to the pulpit. He was an impressive figure in his flowing black robe adorned by the white, red, and yellow pastoral stole, which was a gift from Anna at his seminary graduation. He stood and looked around at the assembled congregation, then his gaze moved to the two empty seats next to Walter. When his eyes widened and a smile lifted his lips, Walter knew Alex understood.

  Walter smiled back at him.

  Alex opened the Bible that Walter had laid in his hands that night three long years ago and began to preach.

  As he did, Walter looked to his left. In his mind’s eye, seated next to him was Lori Roberts. She sat up straight in her favorite blue chiffon dress with white embroidered trim. It was Sam’s gift to her on their twentieth anniversary for her to wear “on high and holy days,” he had said with a great burst of laughter. She looked up at her son, and her face reflected the deep sense of joy that lay inexpressible within a mother’s heart. She then turned to Walter and smiled at him with an expression of overwhelming gratitude. And Walter smiled back at her through his tears.

  Sitting next to Lori, Walter could envision Sam Roberts. He was dressed in his finest suit and the tie that Walter gave him to wear when he went asking for donations from wealthy donors. Sam held Lori’s hand, as he had always done in church. They stared up as Alex began to preach from John 15.

  Alex’s voice rang out. “According to the apostle John, Jesus said, ‘You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit.’”

  Walter let his imagination have full rein. Through it, he watched Sam’s face. As it beamed with joy, Sam glanced at Walter, leaned across in front of Lori, and rested his hand on Walter’s forearm. Then, from his deep, throaty voice, Sam Roberts whispered, “Proudest day of my life, Walter…proudest day of my life.”

  ~The End~




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