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Unspoken Vows (The Unspoken Love Series)

Page 1

by H. P. Davenport

  Table of Contents


  Editorial Reviews





  About the Author

  Also by H.P. Davenport

  Unspoken Vows

  H.P. Davenport



  Editorial Reviews














  About the Author

  Also by H.P. Davenport

  Copyright © 2017 by H.P. Davenport


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, businesses, and events portrayed in this book are fictitious in every regard. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used.

  Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Editor: Elaine York, Allusion Graphics, LLC/Publishing & Book Formatting (

  Cover Design: T.E. Black Designs (

  Cover photo: ©

  Due to strong sexual content and language, readers 18 and older, please.

  Once upon a time, a boy met a girl.

  The boy liked the girl.

  Years later, the boy fell in love with the girl.

  Lucky for him, the girl fell in love with the boy, too.

  Soon after, the boy asked the girl to marry him.

  Seconds later, the girl said yes.

  Now Camryn and Jamie are set to walk down the aisle, but first, all the traditions must play out. They’re not alone for the ride. The entire gang is there to wish them well.

  They vow to love each other now and forever. To live happily ever after because vows are never meant to be broken... even Unspoken Vows.

  Editorial Reviews

  Praise For Unspoken Vows

  “Pure perfection! Jamie and Camryn’s novella is beyond words. I fell in love with them even more! You will not want to see this end!” ~ Karrie, Panty Dropping Book Blog

  “The timeless and unwavering love Camryn and Jamie share with each other is absolutely magical. Bravo, Ms. Davenport. You have given us an absolutely fantastic ending to this enchanting and captivating love story.” – Tami Talbert, The Book Enthusiast

  “This book is everything I wanted Jamie and Camryn’s wedding day to be. It’s the ultimate culmination to a forever love written beautifully by H.P. Davenport.” – Franci Neill, My Girlfriend’s Couch

  “Davenport seals Jamie and Camryn’s story with an extended happily ever after that will keep your heart warm and a smile on your face on every page.” - Michelle Lynn, USA Today bestselling Author

  “This beautiful love story will pull at all of your emotions. It will make you laugh and it will make you cry! HP Davenport made me feel like I was apart of Camryn and Jaime's big day!” ~ Samantha Schafer

  Praise For Unspoken Promises

  “Simply beautiful. Sensual, heart-tugging, and real.” – Katy Evans, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author

  “Once again, H.P. Davenport has written a beautiful story replete with loving and heartfelt romance as well as intrigue with heartbreaking and touching moments that gripped my core.” – Tami Talbert, The Book Enthusiast

  “H.P. Davenport has written a beautiful and emotional book that will tear your heart up in pieces but by the end, not only are you whole again, you believe that true love really does conquer all.” – Franci Neill, My Girlfriend’s Couch

  “I really, really love this story. Morgan and Lincoln really take you on a roller coaster ride. My emotions were all over the place with this book.” – Karrie Mellott Puskas, Panty Dropping Book Blog

  Praise For Unspoken Words

  "Beautifully written, emotional, and so realistic. I loved it." ~ Katy Evans, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author

  "A touching debut novel from H.P. Davenport of friendship turned love and devotion that runs deep. Jamie is the kind of best friend and lover every girl dreams of." ~ AL Jackson, New York Times bestselling author

  “H.P. Davenport delivers a beautiful, heart-warming, friends to lovers story in her debut novel, Unspoken Words, with a touch of suspense that causes you to tear through the pages.” ~ Michelle Lynn, USA Today bestselling Author

  "Camryn and Jamieson's story will take up a part of my heart forever. H.P. Davenport weaves her words into gallant emotion that literally pours off every page and straight into your soul. I laughed out loud, winced and cried and grew to love not only these two characters, but the whole cast, within moments of opening this book. This love story will raise the bar for every one you read after it. Stunning." ~ Michelle Kemper Brownlow, Author

  “This is the debut book of H.P. Davenport. And I have to say she really knows how to pull out the emotional roller coaster for her first book! This book has it all. Swoon worthy moments, hot mess moments, and moments where you can not put the book down because you need to know what is going to happen next.” ~ Karrie, Panty Dropping Book Blog

  “H.P. Davenport has taken my heart on a rollercoaster ride of emotions.” ~ Tami, The Book Enthusiast

  “Love is a promise; love is a souvenir. Once given never forgotten, never let it disappear.” — John Lennon


  “Surprise!” The room erupts when I walk in the front door of my parents’ house. A soft gasp escapes me when my breath catches in my lungs. Jamie’s arm wraps around my waist pulling me closely to his side.

  He leans down and whispers in my ear, “Surprise, baby.”

  I bury my face against the corded muscles of his chest. The shock of the surprise hits me full force. My cheeks burn in embarrassment.

  “Babe.” I’m startled by Jamie’s voice. He tips my chin up to meet his gaze with tenderness in his expression.

  “You can let go, Tink. The party is for you.”

  His eyes fill with fierce, sparkling love. “Today is all about you.”

  On tiptoes I lean in, “You knew about this, Mr. Banks?”

  Jamie’s breath is hot against my ear, “Of course, I did. It was my job to get you here.” He brushes a gentle kiss on my forehead.

  My mom appears in the foyer and laughs when she sees me clinging to Jamie's shirt.

  "Come on, sweetheart," she says and takes my hand pulling me away from Jamie.

  Morgan stands, straightens her shoulders and clears her throat. “Do you plan on standing there all day? You have gifts to be opened.”

  I nod and chuckle at her. “I’ll be right there.” Morgan spins and walks away.

  Jamie laughs. "Go have fun, I'll be in the den with the guys."

  "You're staying?" I ask.

  He nods. "Yeah, our moms decided to make it co-ed. We'll be scarce though, so don't worry about me. We're just going to watch the Mets."

  My mom pulls me int
o the living room filled with people and presents. The room is decorated elegantly in silver and black. Linens on her tables and balloons lining the ceiling with a few streamers.

  The table is decorated beautifully with black and silver linens and sparkly ribbons are woven intricately throughout the jars and vases. An assortment of jars line the table on the far wall forming a candy buffet. Each one is filled with different bulk candies. Jelly beans, M&M’s, Swedish fish, sugar peach rings, just to name a few. All of my favorites fill the jars.

  White chocolate taffies and chocolate-covered fruits are on black serving trays. My mouth waters seeing the assortment of delicacies I get to choose from. Guests get to fill a box that resembles a Chinese take-out carton that has a C&J in black and silver calligraphy lettering on the side panels. It’s almost like I’m looking at my very own Pinterest board that has come to life with all of the details that have been put into this party and I’m in love with everything.

  The details are really perfect since I am addicted to candy. While traveling for work, candy is my lifesaver. Jamie usually hides a snack bag in my luggage when I have to travel. Every time, the candy is different. He claims it’s a way for me to think of him while I am away. As if I wouldn’t. The man is always on my mind.

  My eyes bounce around the room seeing all of our family and friends and I pause, lost in thought.

  Seeing everyone gathered in one place, talking, laughing, my heart hurts knowing that two people are missing. My grandmother would have loved to be here to see me marry Jamie. God took her too soon from us. She died when I was young after losing her battle to breast cancer. Shortly after that, my grandfather passed from a heart attack. My mom always told Christian and me that he died from a broken heart. I think she was right.

  “What are you thinking about, sweetheart?” My mom asks when she appears at my side.

  I turn to look at her with unshed tears in my eyes. “I was just wish Nana and Papa were here today. They would have loved to be part of this. To see the life Jamie and I are building together.”

  “They are here, honey.” My mom reaches out and takes my hand in hers and flattens it over my heart. “They’re with you every day. You may not see them, you may not hear them. But they’re right here,” she says and pats her hand over my heart.

  I squeeze my mom closer to me, “I love you.” I step back to look at her face. “Thank you for all of this, it’s beautiful.”

  “Your father and I have dreamt of the day that we would be able to give you the shower of your dreams. Michelle, was thrilled that I asked her to be part of it, rather than just throwing it by myself. You’re marrying her son, I had to include her in the planning.”

  “Thank you. The two of you did an amazing job.”

  I stroll through the room, making my rounds to greet my guests. Our neighbor, Mrs. Rupert, talks excitedly about her granddaughter’s upcoming wedding this fall, and we are both engaged in a comparison of the flowers, cake flavors, and venues chosen for each of the respective weddings. I don’t realize how much time has passed, so I politely excuse myself from my conversation with Mrs. Rupert and I walk over to where my mom is standing with Michelle.

  “Are you ready to open your gifts?” my mom asks.

  I nod and approach the chair designated for the bride and sit down.

  Morgan sits next to me on the floor. "Make sure you give me the ribbons and bows from the gifts."

  "Are you really going to make me wear one of those ridiculous hats?"

  She scoffs. "As if. Do you not know your best friend at all?"

  I laugh. “I know you too well.”

  "I would never make you pose for a picture with a preposterous hat on your head.”

  I rise a brow. “Really?”

  “I'm making a bouquet for you to carry at the wedding rehearsal. You can keep it as a keepsake when you're done."

  My eyes fill with tears. "Morgan."

  "Don't you start crying. Do you hear me?" She points her manicured finger at me.

  A little over two hours later, I’m finally finished with gifts.

  My legs are stiff and beginning to cramp from sitting so long. I go to stand up to stretch my legs when Morgan speaks. “Where are you going? We’re not done yet.”

  I stretch my arms above my head and bend over to touch my toes. My back is killing me from sitting.

  “Yes, we are. I just handed you the last of the gifts.”

  “Oh, no. Us girls got you a few more special gifts.”

  “Special gifts?” I ask curiously.

  “Yup, sit back down,” Morgan dictates with a huge smirk on her face.

  Slowly, I lower myself back into the chair. It’s hot in here all of a sudden. My hands are clammy, almost in anticipation of what I know is coming. Morgan thrusts a gift at me.

  “Open it. What are you waiting for?”

  “I swear. I will strangle you with my bare hands.” I grumble under my breath, so only she can hear.

  She shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly. “As if they don’t know what you two do when you are behind closed doors,” she says, raising a dark brow. “Let’s see what’s in the box?” Morgan says loudly so everyone can hear.

  “Make sure to hold it up so we can all see,” Lindsey adds from across the room.

  I glare at Lindsey, my eyes speaking a million and one things.

  I will kill all of you.

  Shut your mouths.

  This is so embarrassing.

  Why are we friends?

  I pull the strand of ribbon and tear the paper off the beautifully wrapped box. “Ribbon, please.” Morgan smiles and sticks her hand out, wiggling her fingers. I grab the ribbon and toss it at her. She snickers.

  “I am going to kill you. Why are you my maid of honor?” I murmur under my breath.

  She puffs out her chest. “Because you love me,” she says as she stretches the word love out.

  “I’m going to have to rethink this whole friendship thing.”

  “Whatever, just open it.” She points at the box on my lap.

  I place the lid by my feet and shift the neatly folded tissue paper aside. A gasp leaves my throat. The garment that sits inside is beautiful. I meet Morgan’s eyes that are filled with unshed tears.

  Morgan lowers her voice, being purposefully mysterious. “That’s for your wedding day to wear under your dress. Or the wedding night.”

  Inside the box lays a white corset with a beautiful floral tapestry design topped off with a pretty frill and white bow. It’s absolutely beautiful, elegant yet oh-so-sexy.

  “I hope you love it,” Morgan says.

  “It’s stunning.” I stand up and pull her in for a hug. “I love it. Thank you.”

  Morgan squeezes me and whispers. “Jamie can thank me later.” She pulls back and wiggles her brows at me and smiles.

  “Let me see, sweetie. Pass it over here.” I recognize the raspy voice before I even look up. Jamie’s Aunt Cyndi says something to Michelle causing her to laugh.

  “That boy isn’t going to know what to do with himself,” Aunt Cyndi says.

  Michelle nudges her, “You are talking about my son, I bet he knows exactly what to do with himself…and with her wearing that, too.”

  I’m dying inside. My future mother-in-law and Jamie’s Aunt are talking about us having sex.

  Morgan takes the box and hands it to my mom, so the corset can be passed around for everyone to see.

  I sit back down and Morgan hands me another box that is wrapped in silver paper with a big black frilly bow on it.

  “That’s from me.” Lindsey raises her hand in the air.

  A few of my aunts turn around to see who the gift is from.

  I untie the ribbon and tear the paper off quickly. When I lift the lid, my eyes go wide. Oh, my God. I can’t show everyone this. My eyes seek a laughing Lindsey out.

  “That is for your honeymoon,” Lindsey declares, rubbing her hands together.

  I put the lid back on and go to shift the box off
of my lap when Morgan stops me. “Oh, no you don’t. Hold it up and show everyone.”

  “I can’t. Just give me the next package.”

  “You are not getting off that easy,” Karsen chimes in.

  Lindsey lifts an eyebrow and her features become more animated. Satisfaction purses her mouth. “I’m not sure who will love this present more. You or Jamie.”

  “We’re all adults here. We know what happens on honeymoons,” Morgan says.

  “I understand that, but my aunts, my mother, and my future mother-in-law do not need to know what I will be wearing on my honeymoon.” I growl at Morgan, my voice almost unrecognizable.

  “Lighten up, sweetheart. Most of us have had our own bridal showers. We know what types of gifts you get besides the household appliances, silverware, and flatware. Humor us old folks, will ya,” my mom says.

  “This is so embarrassing,” I mutter and lift the lid off the box again. Inside sits a lingerie set which includes a gartered skirt, G-string, and lacy bra. The set is a gorgeous pink with contrasting black trim, lace print, and bow accents. Lindsey also included a sheer black pair of thigh highs.

  “That’s what I’m talking about. Jamie is going to love that on you!” Lindsey hollers.

  Laughter erupts in the room. You would think I was at my bachelorette party with how much fun everyone is having. Their laughter is at my expense, but at least they are having a good time.

  “Jamie’s always liked you in pink,” Michelle says with a hint of laughter in her voice.

  All eyes land on me after my future mother-in-law’s comment. My face heats under everyone’s scrutiny. “Can the ground just open up and swallow me now,” I mutter under my breath.


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