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The Stolen Years

Page 3

by I. Izegbuwa

  Bibi left the blue house feeling confused. Why would Madam Ofilia go as far as writing a false document just to get her out of Noble Hall? It was widespread knowledge that the woman played dirty, but Bibi never imagined she would get caught in her web.

  Aima was preparing lunch when she entered the room. She caught the look in Bibi’s eyes. ‘Is everything alright?’ she asked.

  ‘Would you believe that Madam Ofilia is trying to get me kicked out of this hostel, so I would have no choice but to move to The Hack?’

  Aima paused. ‘I know. It wasn’t just you. Madam Ofilia asked the warden to reassign my space as well.’

  Bibi widened her eyes. ‘How do you know? Did Mrs. Osai send for you too?’

  ‘She didn’t send for me. I asked to see her.’

  Bibi shook her head. ‘I don’t understand.’

  Aima switched off the hot plate and put down the pasta she was about to toss into the boiling water. ‘I was going to tell you. Madam wrote to the warden to have both our bed spaces reassigned, but my request was genuine. I signed it myself.’

  ‘But why?’

  ‘I’m not coming back to this room next semester. I’m going to join Tosan at The Hack.’

  The news came as a shock. Bibi sat down on her bed and tried to recollect her thoughts. ‘Aima, tell me you’re joking.’

  ‘It’s not a joke,’ Aima replied. ‘The day I went with Tosan to the Villa, I met Madam Ofilia and we talked at length. She’s a very nice woman and she likes me a lot.’ She sat down beside Bibi and continued. ‘Let’s face it, life as a student is very tough. Sometimes we have to study on an empty stomach. The girls at The Hack are living large; every weekend there’s a buffet of some sort over there. Not only that, they get to meet the who’s who in the society. Madam Ofilia sponsors their trips to places you and I can only dream about.’

  ‘Those luxuries are not free,’ Bibi argued. ‘You’ll have to pay a price.’

  Aima stood up. ‘Then I’ll pay!’ she exclaimed. ‘My withdrawal notice has been approved and someone else will be moving in here next semester.’

  ‘But how did I get entangled in all this?’ Bibi asked. ‘Why did she send my name in with yours?’

  ‘Apparently, Madam Ofilia has had her eye on you since the sports festival. She’s offered to take us both under her wings. She even said we could share a room at the Villa.’

  ‘So you mean you knew about it all along, and you didn’t tell me? You were the one who forged my signature. She convinced you to do it, didn’t she?’

  Aima shrugged. ‘Bibi I am sorry. Madam wanted it to be a surprise. She was afraid that if she asked you, you would turn her down the way you did her dinner invitation. So she asked me to keep it a secret till she concluded all the arrangements.’ She placed a hand on her friend’s shoulder. ‘Come with me,’ she said. ‘Let’s stay at The Hack together; me, you and Tosan. It will be the perfect life.’

  Bibi stepped away and thought for a minute. She knew she shouldn’t consent to this enticing invitation to decadence. At the same time, this wasn’t the time to get angry. For some reason, she felt a tinge of regret that she had never shared her faith in Christ with her friend. She tried to appeal to her sense of judgment now, but Aima’s mind was already made up.

  She shook her head decisively. ‘I’m not moving to The Hack, Aima. Not now, not ever.’

  Aima sighed resignedly. ‘Fine,’ she replied. ‘I hope we’ll remain close friends. You’re always welcome to visit me, if you like. Oh, by the way, this spaghetti is the last bit of food left in the room, after today we’ll have to go hungry.’

  She stepped out briefly to borrow some salt from the girls next door. From the corner of her bed, where she sat brooding, Ada cleared her throat. ‘Do you realize that we’re the only two original occupants of this room left?’ She stated.

  Bibi considered the verity of her statement. What was it about the girls of A16 and this woman of The Hack Villa? Was their room a special target? First it was Tosan, then Aima, and now it seemed she was next on the hit list. It was a call to vigilance; the adversary was prowling around, looking for whom to devour. Bibi knew with her, it would be different. She would never be Madam Ofilia’s prey.


  It was the first day of the new semester and Aima took up her new residence in the Villa. She could hardly hold back the thrill of finally becoming a bona fide ‘big girl’ of Adenizen. Still, beneath all that exhilaration, she felt a twinge of nervousness in this new environment and hoped that the other residents would like her. As soon as she brought her bags in, she hurried over to see Madam Ofilia, holding the little gift she bought to curry her favor. Her new patron did not share her excitement.

  ‘How come your friend stubbornly refused to move here with you?’ Madam Ofilia asked, eyeing this latest ward sternly.

  Aima shrunk back. ‘Bibi prefers to stay at Noble Hall. The plan to have her evicted backfired and I must say she was quite upset when she heard about it. I tried to convince her but she wouldn’t have it.’

  ‘You didn’t try hard enough,’ Madam Ofilia accused. ‘You should have been more persuasive.’

  ‘I tried my best, ma.’ Aima replied quickly, feeling flustered at Madam’s unfriendly tone. ‘But Bibi is, well you know; different.’

  ‘Different? What do you mean?’

  ‘She’s a believer and has values that she lives by. It’s not like I don’t have mine, but you know the way it with these Christian folks.’ She paused and placed her gift on the table. ‘Ma, this is for you.’ She announced nervously.

  Madam barely looked at the present. She declared that she was feeling tired and needed to be left alone. She asked Aima to let herself out. With a swift motion, she got up and retired indoors, leaving the gift and a very upset Aima in the living room. This wasn’t the warm and friendly Madam Ofilia she had known over the last three months. The Madam of today was angry and irritable. It was obvious her ego was bruised by Bibi’s rebuff, but Aima wished Madam wouldn’t take it out on her. She left the parlor and headed back to her room. Hopefully by tomorrow, Madam Ofilia would be feeling better and everything would be back to normal.

  Ekama, her new roommate, watched her from across the room as she began unpacking. ‘You’re my third roommate since I moved here two years ago,’ she said. ‘The first one graduated last year, and then there was Ireti who stayed here until she moved to the executive suite.’

  Aima raised her eyebrow. ‘There are executive suites?’

  Ekama nodded. ‘That’s what we call them. They are special rooms located on the ground floor. If Madam Ofilia likes you, she upgrades you to one of them so that you can be closer to her. They are bigger and nicer than the ones we have up here. She said I might get an upgrade next year if I keep up the good work. She’s been pleased with me so far.’

  ‘And what must you do to please her?’ Aima asked. She paused from unpacking and turned to look at Ekama. ‘I went to see her this afternoon. She was so unfriendly.’

  ‘Oh, think nothing of it,’ Ekama replied, with a wave of her hand. ‘She has her moods. You’ll learn to understand her.’

  Aima shook her head ‘This is new to me. I’m thinking Bibi was right after all. Maybe I shouldn’t have left Noble Hall in a hurry.’

  ‘Will you relax? You’ll learn to love it here. They say the taste of the pudding is in the eating. In a few days, you’ll be fine.’

  ‘You won’t be fine,’ a voice sounded from the doorway, startling both girls. Tosan had slipped in unnoticed while they were discussing. ‘Aima, grow fat on the good food, wear the fine clothes and enjoy the luxury. But watch out for yourself because now, you’re on your own.’

  ‘You shouldn’t say such things to her,’ Ekama chided. ‘She just arrived.’

  Aima looked from one girl to the other, not liking what she was hearing. Things weren’t as complicated as this at Noble Hall.

  ‘Oh,’ Tosan continued, ignoring Ekama’s warning. ‘And as for Madam Ofilia
’s moods, my only advice is that you avoid her as much as possible.’

  ‘But why?’ Aima asked, feeling more confused than ever. ‘I thought there was so much love in this place, you know the way she takes care of you all and everything.’

  ‘Hmm. Takes care indeed.’ Tosan snickered, but said no more.


  Michael hadn’t seen his sister since she moved into the Villa. She had given him strict instructions not to come looking for her unless he was sent for; an instruction that he took to heart. And since she never sent for him, he never came. She, on her part, couldn’t be bothered to visit him. She couldn’t be bothered about Bibi either. Assuming the position of a backbencher, Aima took a seat at the last row of the class every morning and waved to Bibi from a distance. It was the end of their communication till the next day. Bibi felt hurt by Aima’s public snobbery and confronted her.

  ‘I hardly see you anymore,’ she said, attempting to make small talk.

  Aima shrugged. ‘I know; everyone is so busy these days.’

  She turned to go, but Bibi called her back gently. ‘Don’t you even want to know how my vacation went? Or aren’t we still friends?’

  ‘Of course we are,’ Aima snapped. ‘Are you suggesting otherwise?’

  ‘Aima, I’m not the one who changed seats.’

  There was an awkward silence. The students passed beside them as they tried to figure each other out. Eventually, Bibi shrugged. ‘The warden brought a new replacement into A16. The new girl is wonderful, but the room just isn’t the same without you. I miss my friend.’

  Aima smiled, as the tough exterior she put up began melting away. ‘Actually, I’ve missed you too.’ She linked her arm with Bibi’s. ‘Let’s go, you could walk me back to my place and fill me in on what you did during the break.’

  While Bibi and Aima strolled towards the Villa, trying to patch up what was left of their friendship; Tosan made her way into Noble hall, her face red and tear stained. She looked flustered and bedraggled with a heavy duffel bag slung over her shoulder, which she carried with difficulty. She stood out like a sore thumb among the prim and properly dressed ladies that passed by her. But she hardly noticed their strange stares as she headed straight for Room A16.

  It was Ada who opened the door when she knocked. ‘Tosan,’ she exclaimed. ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘I’m looking for Bibi. Is she here?’

  Ada shook her head. ‘She’s not back from class.’

  ‘Then I’ll wait for her on the corridor,’ she replied, taking a step back.

  ‘I’m not sure when exactly she’ll be back. Why don’t you come in and wait instead?’

  Tosan hesitated. She and Ada had never really gotten along. She blinked wearily, her shoulders sagging from the duffel bag she was carrying.

  ‘It’s okay, I won’t bite.’ Ada reassured her, smiling softly. ‘Besides, this used to be your room too and you look tired enough as it is.’

  She stepped forward and relieved her of the heavy load. Feeling too tired to object, Tosan relented as Ada led her into the room. ‘Should I get you anything?’ she offered.

  ‘Yes please, my throat is parched.’

  Ada brought her some water and she drank thirstily, while her host watched her. ‘Are you sure you’re okay?’

  Tosan’s eyes grew watery again, as she struggled to contain the tears that were gathering rapidly. ‘Madam Ofilia threw me out of the Villa,’ she burst out finally. She hadn’t meant to let it out that way. Her former bunk mate would only gloat at her misfortune. But right now, Tosan was too weak to care what anyone thought. She just needed a place of refuge and A16 seemed like the only welcoming place on campus. Ada, however, didn’t react as she expected. There was no smirk on her face, only concern.

  ‘Why?’ she asked ‘Didn’t you pay your rent?’

  ‘It’s not about the rent.’ Tosan replied. ‘It’s a long story and I’m tired.’

  ‘You look ill,’ Ada remarked, observing Tosan’s pale eyes. ‘Maybe you should see a doctor.’

  ‘Later. Right now, I really need to lie down.’

  Ada walked over to her bunk. She straightened her bedspread and pounded the pillows into shape with her fists. ‘Here’s my bed. Come and get your rest.’


  The two friends stopped when they reached the gate of the Villa. Bibi didn’t attempt to enter and Aima didn’t invite her in. She would have liked to confide in Bibi, but she read a thousand meanings into the simplest things, even the way Bibi looked at her. Aima didn’t want her friend to despise what she had become, so she left out details about Mr. Umar, who hosted her at his residence during the two weeks she stayed behind at school.

  When they finally said goodbye and parted ways at the gate of the Villa, Aima climbed the stairs to her room, unaware that Tosan had just been kicked out and that she too was about to face the brunt of Madam Ofilia’s anger. She had just come out of the shower, when Ekama delivered the message. She quickly slipped on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt and headed downstairs, wondering at the urgency of the summons. Maybe Mr. Umar had requested to see her again this upcoming weekend. She would be happy to oblige him because he had rewarded her generously the last time he came. Ekama had taught her well to be extra nice to her guest. She formed an agreement with him on how much of the cash he gave her she would declare to Madam; a secret they both swore to keep safe between themselves.

  Aima smiled to herself. Madam Ofilia was so clueless. She had always taught her girls to be streetwise, but the old vixen didn’t realize that they were using her principles against her.

  She stepped into Madam’s lavishly furnished living room to find her reclining comfortably in the couch. Madam Ofilia invited Aima to sit down beside her and stated her mission quickly.

  ‘I have a friend coming in this Friday. He’s on his way to a weekend conference and I would like you to accompany him on his trip.’

  ‘Is it Mr. Umar?’

  ‘No. Someone else.’

  Aima frowned. ‘Who?’

  ‘I just told you; a friend.’ Madam Ofilia replied impatiently.

  Aima was taken unawares and shifted uneasily in her seat. ‘I can’t go,’ she said. ‘I have lots of assignments to catch up on.’

  ‘He’s a close friend of mine. I already promised him you would be available. I can’t disappoint him.’

  ‘This weekend is tight Ma. I wish you had spoken with me first.’

  Madam Ofilia raised her eyebrows in surprise. Was Aima really challenging her? Since when did she need the girls’ permission to set them up on ‘dates’? She breathed in deeply and tried to remain calm. There was something else she wanted to address with this audacious young lady.

  ‘I heard your former roommate came with you to our premises this afternoon.’

  ‘You mean Bibi?’ Aima replied. ‘Yes she did’

  ‘I don’t like her.’ Madam Ofilia declared.

  ‘Of course you like her. You said so yourself.’

  ‘Not since she gave me the cold shoulder. I want you to sever all ties with her from today.’

  ‘But she’s my friend and I ...’ Aima began to protest, but was caught off.

  ‘Anyone who shuns my invitations can’t be a friend of The Hack.’ Madam Ofilia snapped. She put her head in her hand and sighed deeply ‘There’s a strange wind blowing in my direction. First Tosan tries to spark a rebellion, then you start keeping the wrong company; all in one day. You girls are spiraling out of control and I must keep my house in order.’

  Aima was too timid to tell Madam Ofilia that she had every right to choose her friends. She folded her hands and kept silent.

  ‘I won’t be defied in my own home,’ Madam Ofilia said, her eyes flashing. ‘You will do as I say!’

  ‘Yes Ma,’ Aima replied meekly ‘I’m sorry Ma.’


  Bibi looked questioningly at the figure sprawled out on the bed as she stepped into A16. Ada signaled to her not t
o wake their guest.

  ‘I don’t quite understand,’ Ada whispered. ‘But she said something about being kicked out of the villa.’

  ‘Did she say why?’ Bibi asked.

  Ada shook her head. ‘No. She was extremely worn out and just wanted to take a nap.’

  It was late in the evening when Tosan woke up. She rubbed her eyes and yawned tiredly. Bibi brought out two small wraps of eba and a bowl of soup with a solitary piece of meat and placed it before her.

  ‘I thought you might be hungry.’

  It was nothing like the lavish cuisines she enjoyed at the Villa, but Tosan was famished and ate it with gratitude, not knowing where her next meal would come from.

  ‘Now, tell me exactly what happened.’ Bibi said, when she was done.

  ‘I challenged her,’ Tosan began, a hint of pride in her voice ‘She had it coming for a long time.’

  ‘Who?’ Bibi asked rather impatiently ‘What are you talking about?’

  ‘Madam Ofilia. I got tired of her taking my hard earned money.’

  ‘Hard earned money?’

  ‘Yeah, you know she gets us to render favors to her male friends and then grows fat on our earnings.’

  Bibi had heard about Madam Ofilia’s levies. Even people who didn’t live in her villa but ran small businesses around that area were sometimes made to pay her a token. Her ‘boys’ were always on hand to make sure they complied.

  ‘So anyway,’ Tosan continued. ‘This morning, she asked for her share of my earnings from last night and I refused to give it to her.’ She let out a slight laugh. ‘You should have seen the look on her face. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.’

  Bibi leaned forward. ‘What did you say to her?’

  ‘I told her that she was a greedy shrew who sells us into the arms of philanderers without any regard for our dignity. She replied that I was very ungrateful and didn’t appreciate all she had done for me. It was a shouting match and all the girls gathered at the door to watch. They didn’t say a word, but they knew I was right. I mean, we’re nothing but call girls. Everyone knows that.’ Tosan paused and looked down at the floor. ‘That was when Madam Ofilia asked me to pack my things and leave The Hack immediately.’

  Bibi took it in. Tosan must have been very bold to stand up to Madam Ofilia, or maybe she had just had enough.


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