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Still Her (Turn it Up Book 2)

Page 23

by Natalie Parker

  Oh my God, he’s looking at my body like it’s his own personal playground. If only they’d put a camera on me instead. But, we’re finally getting somewhere with that last comment. Time to pull the reel back a little. I square my shoulders.

  “Somehow, I doubt I can convince you to do anything.”

  “Oh, don’t sell yourself short. You’ve got assets. And if I’m the judge of character I think I am, you know what to do with them.”

  “Doesn’t mean you’ll get to find out,” I try to taunt. His shoulders drop slightly and his expression hardens.

  “Like I pointed out before; you’re here.”

  “To talk,” I clarify.

  He scoffs, but quickly puts an impatient smile on his face. “You need to relax. Let me fix you a drink.” He turns and heads over to the wet bar.


  She’s in. Get up here.

  Those first two words cause a twisting sensation in my gut. I pull the car’s door latch immediately and shove it open before climbing out, making it across the musty garage in long strides, heading straight for the elevator, Matt hot on my heels. I hit the floor number for the presidential suite and we make the long ascent in silence. When the car stops, we step off and turn right, heading to the end of the hall to the suite that I know is directly below the one Mayzie is in.

  When we approach, I give a heavy knock. We’re let in by a cop in uniform, and as we walk inside, I see that the suite has been turned into a command center of sorts. Morris is sitting on a couch with a laptop on the coffee table in front of him, speakers attached to the sides. He’s holding a set of headphones up to his ear, his eyes are fixed to the polished finish of the table. Two other plain clothes detectives are sitting on the couch opposite him, completely mirroring his position.

  “Unplug the headphones,” I order quietly as I approach. Morris glances briefly up at me and then back down at the table top.

  “Morris…” I push. He looks up at me again and pins me with a hard stare before he sets the headphones down but doesn’t unplug them.

  “Keep recording,” he orders the other two that I presume work beneath him. He rises from the couch and walks straight to me, like he’s on a mission.

  “We had a deal, Morris. I’m in here listening with you while this goes down.”

  “Our deal was that you’d be in here,” he tries to correct me, his eyebrows turned downward and his voice low.

  “Listening,” I remind him through clenched teeth.

  “Take a minute and think about why that can’t happen, Krasinski.”

  “I need to know she’s okay. Turn the damn speakers on.” We are literally toe-to-toe and facing off.

  “Not happening.”

  “Then get her out of there,” I growl, as Matt steps closer to my side.

  “That’s her call, and she hasn’t said the safe word yet, which, by the way, means she doesn’t feel she’s in immediate danger. Now let us do our damn job and stand down Krasinski,” he rants at me as if we’re in the military.

  “For all I know Morris, she is in danger but you’re not pulling her until you get what you want out of this, so you’re leaving her hanging.” My voice is slowly rising with each word and I glance over to see the other detectives turning up the volume on their headphones to compensate. If I find out he’s putting my wife in danger because of his own fucking personal investment in this…

  “Alright!” His voice rises above mine and he quickly corrects his tone to a low snarl. “Let’s get a few things straight. One, you’re not listening to anything, and this,” he motions his hand up and down in front of me “is exactly why not. Two, this,” he points over at the computers and detectives that are still listening, “continues until Mayzie calls a stop to it. Three,” he steps closer so that our faces are inches apart, “you disrupt this operation or question my integrity as a cop, as the lead fucking detective on this case even one more time, my uniformed friends by the door over there will physically extract you from this room, and their new assignment will be to make sure you stay in your own damn suite until this is over. Have I made myself crystal fucking clear?” His face is red as he finishes his rant and retreats back to his place on the couch without waiting for a response. But he doesn’t make it all the way there before the other two detectives drop their headphones with a clatter on the coffee table and abruptly stand.

  “Safe word!” One of them announces, with Morris already halfway to the door.

  “Move it!” he yells to all the other officers before disappearing through the door.

  Safe word. Immediate danger. Thank God it only takes a fraction of second for those words to register before my body is automatically moving.

  I’m not even thinking, and I don’t think I even feel my feet touching the floor as I charge after them.


  “What’ll you have?” Eli calls over his shoulder from the wet bar.

  “Nothing.” I say bluntly. I’m not a fan of roofies.

  “You know, of all the women I’ve brought to this suite, you are by far the most stubborn,” he says, pouring himself a hefty shot of something into a tumbler. “Most ladies feel privileged to find themselves in a place like this,” he gestures around the penthouse, “spending an evening with me. Someone who can make their dreams come true.” He tosses back the liquid in one gulp before slamming the glass down and pouring another.

  “Or crush them, if they don’t do what you say,” I challenge him.

  “Oh, either way, they consider themselves lucky,” he says, downing the next shot and setting the glass down.

  I’m shaking. I’m not this person. I’m not the type that can stand firmly in front of a predator and hold my ground. I keep reminding myself that I have to. I try to picture Jack and the guys. I visualize them sending me strength. I steel myself and straighten my spine.

  “You know, I bet you’re right. I bet there are a lot that fall all over themselves just to be in your very presence, maybe hoping you can help them get somewhere in the world. But I’m willing to bet that most of them come here with you because you made them feel like they had no choice. You made them think that you would ruin them or someone they loved if they didn’t go along with what you wanted.”

  “Look at you,” he says, mockingly, “acting like you’re so smart and have it all figured out. Acting like you’ve got a backbone.” Shit, he can see how terrified I am after all. I’m going to keep it up anyway. I can’t let him know he’s right. “You know what?” he continues, “Its fine. I like an occasional break from the norm. I’m up for a challenge. You want me to work for it a little? I’m game, but it won’t take much to break you. And when I do, you’ll love it so much you’ll beg for more.” He is disgustingly arrogant. Who would possibly fall for this?

  “You are way too sure of yourself.”

  “Just stating a fact. You will eventually do what I want you to do tonight, and if I like what happens, you’ll come back as many times as I want you to.”

  “What makes you think I will?”

  “I think you know,” he says, noncommittally. Dammit! Just take the bait and spit it out already so I can get out of this hell hole. I’m completely intimidated. I want to ditch this whole thing and bolt for the door, screaming the safe word. I remind myself of what will happen if I do that. He’ll get away with all of this and continue down his path. I don’t want this asshole to keep yanking us all around like we’re here for his own amusement. I think of every other girl Eli has treated this way and quickly compose myself, transforming my expression into one of annoyance.

  “Alright, I’m bored. I’m out of here.” I say, taking a few steps toward the door. He does not like that at all. He cuts me off and lunges at me, grabbing me around my jaw. He forces me back a few steps and slams me against the wall. Ow. He squeezes my jaw hard as he gets in my face, the smell of gin coming off his breath. Uggghh, I hate gin.

  As he holds me in place, I feel the panic in my chest start to dance with another sen
sation. Red-hot rage is starting to swirl and churn along with it.

  “Let go of me!” I yell, struggling and trying to push him away.

  “I will, as soon as you decide to be a good girl,” he says, squeezing harder and pressing his lower body against mine. I think I’m going to be sick as he reaches for the tie on the side of my dress and gives one of the ends a yank. When it gives, he pulls one side of it open, exposing the left side of my bra.

  “Get off, you’re hurting me!” I yell, still pushing.

  “Oh, I’ll get off. And if you’re lucky, so will you.”


  “You’re disgusting!” I spit at him, and he rolls his eyes.

  “You know, if you would just relax and let things happen…”

  “Then what?!” I demand, still trying to pry his hand off me. The moment this asshole laid a hand on me, I stopped being afraid and started getting seriously pissed.

  “God, I thought you were smart!” His exasperation comes out in mocking tone. “Then, you get to rest easy, knowing I’ll continue to help Turn it Up climb its way to the top.”

  “They can do that without you, you know.”

  “Earth to Mayzie! I’m their fucking agent! You think I can’t make their masters go missing? Or fuck with their schedule so they miss important appearances? Believe me, I can do things to make their face value drop like a rock, Kitten. Now, it’s time to drop the tough girl act and accept the fact that I’m a man who always gets what he wants.”

  That’s it. I know I’ve gotten what the cops need and they can get me the hell out of here now.

  He lets go of my dress and brings his hand up so that both are now on my face, holding me in place as he prepares to bring his mouth down to maul mine; putting him in the perfect position. I decide to go for broke and try what Shane taught me. I bring my arms up on the inside of Eli’s and push my thumbs into his eyes. He lets out a strangled growl in response and releases me to try to pull my hands away.

  “Oh, you think you’re such as shark!” I shout the last word loud and clear, and then, with anger and adrenaline on my side, I throw my knee into his junk. The wind seems to leave Eli’s lungs as he doubles over with the pain I just delivered to his crotch, coughing and sputtering. Just as he lifts his head and pins me with a glare that says he’s about to come at me again, the door is kicked open, and Morris, followed by several uniforms charge in, their guns drawn.

  “Eli Costa! Hands in the air!” They yell, charging towards him, making him step away from me.

  I slink back against the wall, letting it hold me up as I take in the site of police officers circling Eli in the middle of the opulent suite, their feet moving swiftly across the marble floor. My breath is coming out in gasps and pants as I try to come to terms with the idea that they’ve got him now. I pull the top of my dress back around me and close my eyes, trying to escape reality and steady my breathing, but more commotion draws my attention to the door. Two more uniforms come flying through it followed by Jack, who runs straight towards me. He pulls me to him, wrapping an arm around my head and the other around my back as if he’s trying to conceal me and protect me.

  “Get him in cuffs before I break his fucking face!” I hear a loud voice shout. When I feel the booming in Jack’s chest, I realize it’s coming from him. It briefly startles me, but the feeling quickly dissipates and I slump against him. I put my face in his chest, trying to focus on nothing else but the warmth of his body and his comforting scent, blocking out everything else.

  “It’s over, baby. It’s all over. You did amazing,” he says into the top of my hair. I hold on to his voice and grip the back of his shirt as if my sanity depends on it. I let him hold me, and I do my best to tune out all the commotion around us. I try to pretend it’s just him and me, and that we’re somewhere else. His strong arms around me feel like they’re infusing me with strength in the form of warmth spreading through my chest. Just when the sounds of Eli struggling with the cops starts breaking through my protective bubble, I feel my feet leave the floor as Jack scoops me up and carries me out of the room.



  Back in the suite that the cops have taken over, I sit on one of the couches, recounting my version of the events. I’m drained and shaken up at the same time, holding a cold pack to my cheek as Jack sits next to me, massaging my shoulders with his strong hands, making it easier to relive my time in Eli’s penthouse. There are times that I can feel him tense beside me when I go over a difficult part of the story. When I’m finished, I decline to go to the hospital.

  “You’ve been through some trauma. You should get checked out,” The officer tells me.

  “There’s nothing to check out, he just grabbed me,” I say firmly, waving my hand. At that, Jack leans forward with his arms resting on his knees, gripping his hands together. He closes his eyes and I can see his jaw clench and the tendons in his hands going tight. “Seriously, I think the asshole is worse off,” I add.

  “Very well,” the cop concedes. “We’re done for right now. You guys can go back to your room for the night. We’ll be in contact in the morning.” Thank my lucky stars. It’s not even eight, but it’s been the longest night of my life.

  Jack takes my hand, helps me stand, and leads me out the door, down the hall, and to the elevator. We ride down to our floor in silence, Jack holding me with my back against his chest, his chin resting on my head. When the doors open, we make our way down the hall, and Jack lets us into our room. Once we’re in, I immediately kick off my murderous heels and head over towards the bedroom, stopping just at the foot of the bed. The room is dark, save for the city lights casting a fractured hue into our room. Jack follows me and places his hands on my shoulders, searching my face. I can tell he’s afraid to let me out of his sight right now. That, and maybe he needs to focus on something to keep himself from putting his fist through a wall.

  “Do you want a bath or something? Go straight to bed? What do you need?” Now that it’s just him and me in this quiet room, a variety of emotions are suddenly catching up to me, spreading over me like a flood. Jack standing in front of me, desperate to take care of me, rocks my core and stirs a fire in my belly and I know immediately what I need.

  I throw my arms around his neck and smash my lips to his. He stumbles back a little, but his arms come around me as he reciprocates my ravaging kiss. We’re both breathing hard through our noses as our mouths stay locked. I lean my weight into him, making him step back to sit on the bed. I climb in his lap, straddling him, which causes my dress to ride up on my thighs. I take his face in my hands and continue kissing him on his mouth, his face, his neck.

  “Mayzie…” he says between kisses. “Baby… what are you doing?” I don’t say anything, as I continue my assault, hoping he’ll follow my lead. “Mayzie… you’ve just been through hell, we should…” he tries again.

  “I want you,” My voice is full of urgent desire. I just want to get lost in him, and forget about everything else tonight.


  Mayzie is frantically grabbing for my belt as she kisses me.

  “Mayzie, slow down, what are you doing?”

  “I don’t want my memory of tonight to be all about that bastard.” She answers, managing to get my belt unbuckled. “Take me, Jack. Please. Please, right now, make me stop thinking about it.” Her words and her actions are nothing but frenzied and urgent.

  “I will, but Mayzie-”

  “Jack, please. I need you. Right now, please.” Her mouth goes back to my neck.

  “I’m going to Mayzie, but slow down.” She continues to desperately pull at my shirt while kissing the part of my neck she knows makes me wild, making me have to focus extra hard on taking control of this.

  “Mayzie, slow… down.” I say firmly, but my actions are gentler. I wrap an arm securely behind her back and cup the side of her face with my other hand. “Look at me,” I say, lowering my voice to a tender whisper. She stops pulling on my clothes and lets her eyes mee
t mine. Her mascara is slightly smudged and she has a look about her that is a mixture of desperation and defeat. “Let me go slow,” I say, still whispering.

  “Jack,” she whimpers but I gently cut her off.

  “I want this too,” We stare into each other’s eyes, until I see a hint of realization in hers. “But let me go slow,” I continue. Slowly, she nods her head. I let out a sigh of relief and bring my lips to the marks that fucking asshole left on her jaw. I’m beyond livid, but I will put that aside to give her what she needs. I start making a line of slow, gentle kisses along her jawline until my mouth is by her ear. “I’m going to make you feel so good, baby. I promise,” I whisper, while I stroke my thumb back and forth against her opposite cheek. “Just let me make you feel safe.” I pull her hair to the side so that I can kiss down her neck, and come back up to whisper in her ear some more. “I want to take our time, just like the first night we were together. Remember how amazing that was?” I feel her body relax as I say this. I close my lips around her earlobe, and I hear her breath catch. I continue to hold her and kiss down her neck, and when her breathing changes from rapid and shallow to slow and deep, I finally bring my mouth to hers and kiss her, letting my lips overlap with hers for a few strokes before going deeper and letting my tongue caress hers. I let my hands roam up her sides, all across her back, and down to squeeze her thighs that are caging me in. One hand comes up to her shoulder to pull the stretchy material of her dress down her arm, the newly exposed skin of her shoulder drawing the attention of my lips to it. I repeat the same motions with the other side of her dress, worshiping her skin with my mouth. I pull the material down further, leading her to pull her arms out of it and let me push it down around her waist. Her breasts are pushed up in a black lacy bra, and I watch them rise and fall with her breathing. I drop a kiss to the top of one of them and give it a squeeze. I am so fucking hard for her, but I’m still hell-bent on taking my time as I hold onto her and let my mouth work its way all over her chest. What she doesn’t realize, is that I need her, too. I know better than to speak my case right now, but I went through hell tonight too. It gutted me to not be able to protect her, and I feel this inherent need to do that now. To make her feel safe. I need to touch her, be close to her, feel her trust me with her body and her heart; to feel her come apart in my arms as she gives herself over to me. These are all things she has done over and over in our few years together, but I need to feel it now more than ever before.


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