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The Wicked Truth

Page 2

by Pru Schuyler

  “Wait!” I hear him yell behind me.

  But I’m too quick. I catch up to Brooke in no time. She starts heading up the staircase, and I follow.

  “Where are we going?” I ask her again. I need to know.

  “Someplace much better than this party,” she replies without facing me, but I can hear the smile on her lips.

  I shouldn’t be doing this. I don’t know her. What if there is a guy in the hallway? Or what if someone follows us up here? The pianist and violinist are fairly loud; they might not hear me scream for help.

  I slow my pace, and she turns her head, her brows furrowing.

  As if reading my mind, she stops mid-step and asks, “What’s wrong?”

  You got this. You gave yourself one friend. Track your steps. Know your potential escape routes. You’re fine. Mom’s here, and if anything were to happen, she would get to you.

  “Nothing. Sorry. Where are we going?” My fake smile instinctively kicks in, and I trail behind her, up to the next floor.

  She searches my face. I hope my mask isn’t starting to crack.

  “My room.” Her grin tilts into a full smile, showing off her glowing white teeth.

  We walk the rest of the way in silence. My throat is itching to speak by the time we walk through her bedroom door. I don’t do well with silence. Left to my own thoughts, I tend to spiral.

  “This is it.” She pushes open the door, and nothing is what I expected.

  Downstairs, every single thing is in perfect placement. Every surface dust-free, gold and white covering every room. But this is so much different—polar opposites. I think she and I will get along just fine. I stifle a laugh.

  My eyes first dart to the marbled purple bedding, a stark contrast to the rest of the house. My gaze gets drawn to an All Time Low shirt on the floor, my favorite band.

  “No way,” slips from my mouth.

  Brooke turns to see the smile stretched across my face. Hers grows to match mine once she spots what caught my eye. “You’re a fan?” she asks, her voice giddy.

  “Um, yeah! Are you kidding me? They have got to be the most underrated band I know. I went to every single concert they had back in Pittsburgh.” I try to tame down my excitement.

  “Hmm.” She can’t hold back her smile. “I haven’t met anyone here who likes them or any of the bands I listen to. My mom says it’s just a phase.” She does a spot-on impersonation of her mother.

  I can’t help the laugh that escapes.

  She turns and heads past me, straight to what I assume is a closet—one of two closet doors in her room. Throwing the door open, she yanks two T-shirts off of metal hangers. Again, not what I expected from the daughter of Mrs. Flawless Appearance. She turns and grabs two pairs of sweatpants—one gray, one black. She tosses the gray sweats and one of the black shirts my way.

  Catching them, I sit still, unsure of exactly what she wants me to do.

  She throws her hands up when she notices the confusion on my face. “Get comfy. Movie night!”

  Okay, I could seriously get used to this girl.

  She tells me the bathroom is the first door to my left from her room and that I can change in there. This time, I don’t have to force my smile; it just comes naturally.

  Honestly, this night so far has been absolutely nothing like I expected it to be. It’s actually been pretty amazing.

  After getting changed, I make my way back to her room, taking my seat on the love seat next to her. I immediately reach for the M&M’s lying on the glass coffee table. “What movie are we watching?” I ask between mouthfuls of chocolate.

  She turns with a cautious look on her face. “I hope you like action movies because John Wick is my favorite, and I could use a little action after that mess downstairs.” She immediately laughs, realizing she just said she “could use a little action.”

  I join in the laughter. An odd sensation. I can’t remember the last time I really laughed. It feels good.

  “Okay, you think he’s crazy sexy, right?” I ask her after checking out Keanu Reeves for the entire opening scene.

  “Obviously. I’m not blind. I mean, if he’s that sexy in a full suit, can you imagine how sexy he is without the suit on?” She turns, smiling.

  “Okay, Brooke, you know what? I think we might be great friends after all.” A smile spreads across my lips; I can’t even hide my liking of this girl. I lift myself off her couch. “I’ll be right back. I have to pee.”

  I check my phone on my way into the hallway and—smack. A hard wall appears out of thin air. It apparently breathes and also wears a suit. As thick as the suit is, I can feel the curves and lines of hard muscle underneath, and my cheeks flush.

  Ignoring that at all costs.

  In such close proximity, I can smell woods and warm spice, kind of like fall. Cozy and comfortable but with cold air that bites. I drag my eyes up to see the face that matches the wall and—shit. Deep green eyes peer down at me through thick lashes.

  The guy from downstairs.

  “Um, hi,” I manage to get out, sounding relatively normal.

  Real smooth, Stella.

  He takes my appearance in, noticing the obvious wardrobe change. “I like the new look.”

  He lifts his lips into that damn smirk, which I’m sure has broken thousands of hearts. I know one he’ll never get the chance to break—mine.

  I step to his right, deciding this is enough conversation since I already have my one friend. There is no room for two. Especially one who has eyes that are so deep green that I get trapped in them.

  Like a Venus flytrap, snapping me in its grasp and killing me slowly.

  Before I can get past him, he steps sideways to block my path. My heart rate immediately skyrockets. I do not do good with feeling cornered. I panic. I run. I hit.

  Brooke is less than ten feet away. You. Are. Safe. Breathe, Stella.

  Yeah, I don’t give a shit. I don’t do well in traps.

  “Move. Now,” I bite the words out. I look up, locking eyes with him.

  Amusement quickly fades once he meets the fury and probably fear in my eyes. He stumbles back, giving me my chance to flee. I don’t waste a second, flying past him. I take a glimpse at his face, and I see how confused he looks. I don’t blame him; he was just flirting. But frankly, I don’t care. I don’t care if his feelings are hurt or if we never see each other ever again.

  I turn into the bathroom and slam the door behind me, sliding down the back side of the door. After a few breathing exercises, I use the restroom and unlock the door.

  I check the hallway before heading back into Brooke’s room. All clear. I turn and make the short walk back, the hardwood floor cool beneath my bare feet. Approaching her room, I reach out and push the door open.

  I can’t catch a break.

  Mr. I Can’t Seem to Get Away From is sitting on the love seat next to Brooke. They break their conversation off to turn to me, and their faces drop. Brooke looks concerned. I really need to get better at hiding my emotions. Or I could just say screw everyone else. I haven’t decided yet.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Brooke breaks the silence.

  I try to shake off my hate for this boy who’s only been nice.

  Don’t let your guard down. You know what happened last time.

  I force a smile that I know doesn’t go close to my eyes. “Yeah, sorry!” My voice comes out a little too high-pitched. “Um, is he staying for our movie?”

  I do my best to hide my resentment for this poor boy. So far, he doesn’t deserve my rudeness.

  “Absolutely not! Cade, get out of my room. I’m sure you have a thousand girls downstairs, missing your presence.”

  She rolls her eyes and tries to shove him off of the seat. He doesn’t budge, and his eyes lock with mine. Those mesmerizing, deep green—

  Stop that. Stop that right now.

  He winks at her and stands, walking toward me, curious eyes holding my stare. I will not back down. I will not cower. He steps right in front o
f me, so close that our toes almost touch. I have to look practically straight up to keep his stare. He lifts his lips into that damn smirk, and I can’t stop my body’s reaction quick enough. My cheeks heat up. The other half of his lips rise to complete the smile, like he’s won this round. He clears his throat, and a raw, almost-primal sound escapes. I should one hundred percent not find that as sexy as I do.

  His eyes soften, showing me what lies behind his own mask. His voice is quiet, meant for just the two of us. “I’m sorry if I scared you earlier. I really didn’t mean to. I just haven’t seen you around here before, and I mean …”

  He coughs as his eyes briefly flash away. My heart races, and tingles spread through my cheeks and neck.

  “You can’t blame me for wanting to get to know the most beautiful girl at this party.”

  Beautiful? He called me beautiful. Those tingles flame to full-on goose bumps. I can’t believe he just called me beautiful. No one’s done that. No one since …


  Just like that, Austin steals yet another moment from me.

  I decide to say nothing. Better to let Mr. Perfect go live his life than focus on me. After what feels like minutes, he breaks the stare and shakes his head as he walks toward the door, a laugh escaping his throat, deep and husky, causing my lower stomach to come alive.

  Before exiting, he turns to Brooke. “Hey, try not to fuck this one up, huh?” He smirks and closes the door.


  Once he finally leaves, I turn my gaze to Brooke, whose jaw is clenched. I wait for her to speak.

  “My ex–best friend and I kind of had a bad fallout last year before she moved.” Her eyes drop to her hands as she recalls the painful memories for just a second before shaking it away.

  She hesitates for another moment, searching for the right words. “But, hey, what’s going on between you and Cade? I’ve never seen him look so … so caring.” She seems genuinely shocked and not at all jealous, like I was expecting.

  Composing myself, I reclaim my seat. “Absolutely nothing. He’s just some guy I met tonight, who, might I add, keeps magically popping up everywhere.” All of that comes out way too rushed. My cheeks heat back up, totally not helping to prove my point.

  She grabs the remote and resumes the movie, but five seconds later, she pauses it again, turning to me. “You guys just met tonight? Are you sure? Because he normally doesn’t give anyone the time of day. On top of that, you guys were basically eye-humping each other.” Her words spill out of her mouth. “And he said the words I’m sorry to you. I have never—and I’m being serious—heard those words come out of his mouth.” She pauses, and I think she’s waiting for me to speak, but she starts back up. “The only reason I wasn’t completely grossed out was because you’re a hell of a lot cooler than Becca Chambers, his psycho—well, whatever she was. I am soooo over her bitchy ass hanging on my twin brother all the time.” She finishes her little rant with a fake gag.

  I swear, the room literally starts spinning.

  I’m sorry, what?!

  Of course I meet a girl who I actually might have a good friendship with, and her brother has to be the only guy who I feel relatively comfortable around. Even when he was ogling me, I felt like I was on fire. But like every cell came alive, not like every cell in my body wanted to combust and die.

  Come on, universe!

  I mean, obviously, even before I knew they were siblings, there was absolutely no way I was going to even consider a relationship or anything with anyone, especially Mr. Perfect over there. At least, not for a very, very long time. I can’t even be in the same room with a random guy without me breaking down.

  It’s like every guy I get near just becomes Austin. Their hands become his. Their words become his. Their touch becomes his, burning me black to my core. But Cade—thanks, Brooke, for the name—is the first one since Austin who hasn’t made me want to puke on first contact. He stayed himself; he didn’t shift.

  That terrifies me. What if he’s different?

  Austin was different.

  And his—oh God—twin sister said he never acts this way. I should find that appalling—that he is apparently too good to apologize to anyone—but I don’t. I feel special, and I feel the dead butterflies try to come to life. Because he did say it to me. Just to me.

  Stop yourself. He will hurt you. They always do. You know better.

  Brooke clears her throat, pulling me from my thoughts. “Earth to Stella. Earth to Stella.” She waves her fingers in my face.

  Remembering her questions and being way over this conversation, I respond, “Yeah, we met tonight. He stopped me in the ballroom, and I ran into him again in the hall. We haven’t even really talked. I didn’t know his name until you used it.” I’m feeling so drained from tonight already. I just want my bed. “I don’t want to talk about him anymore. Sorry, I’m kind of tired right now. I think I’m going to head home.” I gently rub my eyes to sell my lie. I even manage to push out a yawn.

  “Oh, okay.” Her voice sounds sad, like she never wanted this to end.

  Hell, I really do like this girl. I shouldn’t be a complete jerk just because her brother riled me up.

  My automatic smile flashes. I ask, “Do you want to do something tomorrow? We could go out or just stay in and finish this movie. I don’t care. Whatever you want to do.”

  Her face lights up instantly. I can’t believe the effect I already have on her. I like that though. She could obviously use the friendship too.

  She claps her hands together like a kid on Christmas. “Really? Yes! I would love to hang out tomorrow!”

  She pulls out her cell and hands it to me to put my number in. I do the same, giving her my phone.

  “Whatever you do, don’t give it to your brother.” I laugh lightly, but I’m definitely not kidding.

  “What is it with you two anyway? No hate from me here, but why don’t you want him to have it?” Her curiosity gets the best of her.

  I tell the truth—well, partially—“I’m not looking for anything right now. I just got out of a terrible relationship, and I’m not going to be ready for anything anytime soon. He seems nice, and I don’t want to get his hopes up.” Technically, none of that is a lie. There are just a lot of details left out.

  “Well, I think his hopes are already up.” She laughs. “I haven’t seen him like that, well, ever. And you have got to be the first girl to ever turn him down. Just for the record, he is not nice. He is an asshole—to everyone. I don’t know why he is suddenly acting all sweet, but you’re the only one he’s been nice to.”

  I wait for the laugh, but it doesn’t come. I honestly can’t picture him being an asshole.

  You thought the same thing about Austin.

  Once again, the devil welcomes himself back into my mind.

  “All right, I’ll text you when I wake up, and we can figure out what to do.” I head to the door but stop, realizing I’m wearing her clothes. “Wait, Brooke.”

  I pull on the shirt, and she reads my mind, responding, “Just bring them with you tomorrow. Have a good night.” She smiles, and her eyes gleam with it.

  “You too. Tonight was really fun, honestly. Thank you.” I walk out the door and feel my lips go back into a line.

  I didn’t even realize I was smiling.



  I started down the hallway and descended the staircase to the front door, where everyone was waiting. As I turned the corner on the stairs, I locked eyes with Austin. A blush crept onto his cheeks, which only deepened the red burned into mine.

  The corners of his lips tugged up. His tall, muscular build filled every inch of the all-black tux. Although his hair glistened from a little too much hair gel. He flashed a perfect white smile at me and crossed the room, offering his hand.

  “You look”—he hesitated, blowing out a fast breath, taking me in head to toe—“perfect.”

  I placed my hand in his and took the last step. Even as I stood in these five-i
nch heels, my forehead barely reached his nose. He took the corsage bracelet from its box, stretching it for me to put on. Two full red roses with some greenery covered the top. It was actually very stunning.

  Okay, point for Austin.

  “May I?” he asked, his voice so low that I almost missed it.

  I nodded, answering his question by sliding my wrist through the bracelet.

  Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all. Honestly, it felt different, being with him this time. His vibes were calm and kind, nothing like the day we’d last fought. I had probably just been my overly judgy self.

  With my hand in his, Austin led me to his Corvette. I’d admit, the car was sexy as hell. I wasn’t huge into cars, but I’ve always had a soft spot for Vettes.

  He walked me around to the passenger door, opening it for me. I slid onto the warm black leather seat, closing the door behind me. I watched Austin saunter around the front of the car. He opened the door and paused.

  Brad, Jess’s boyfriend, shouted from their car, but I couldn’t make out any of the words. He finally swung the door open and settled in. We took off to the Marriott, where prom was being hosted in the ballroom.

  The engine roared to life so loud that I covered my ears. I glanced over, and Austin was laughing, a pure no-holds-barred laugh. It was so contagious that a giggle slipped from me.

  We didn’t speak the whole ride, just listened to the radio. The parking lot of the Marriott hotel was packed. I couldn’t even see the entrance from the back of the valet line.

  I could feel him sneaking glances my way every so often. As we made our way to the front of the line, Austin reached out and turned the music down. “I know this probably isn’t how you imagined tonight, Stels, but I’m glad you’re giving me another chance. You really do look incredible.” He flashed his perfect white smile, but there was an edge to it, and it never really reached his eyes.

  “I don’t know what to say. Thank you. I know things are weird right now, but I think tonight will be fun. You look great, by the way.” I wasn’t lying.


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